Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 37: Don't mess with the dragon

It turns out that hitting other children in front of their parents can turn out to be very bad, especially if you have a tense relationship with the other parent.

"Roar!" Compared to fathers, mothers often feel more distressed when their children are hurt. On the other hand, if it is for the children to enter the violent state, mothers are often more scary than fathers.

After seeing Xiao Budian being blown up by a missile, Silver uttered an unprecedented roar at the armored vehicle that launched the missile. The huge sound itself was comparable to a bō weapon, and everyone in the vicinity of the earthquake Released the weapon in his hand and quickly covered his ears.

This is not the end. After the roar was over, Silver immediately rushed towards the armored vehicle, and the people on the armored vehicle immediately responded to the hastily reversing attempt to escape, and the machine gun on the top of the armored vehicle immediately opened fire. Block each other from approaching.

But all this is futile. Even a human girl can become a female tyrannosaurus in a state of anger, not to mention a dragon? The angry silver eyes flashed red light straight towards the armored vehicle. Several armored vehicles along the way tried to intercept it, but they were lifted up by silver claws. Then, just after the armored vehicle exited more than ten meters away. She had rushed to the front of the armored vehicle.

Almost all the machine guns of armored vehicles hit silver's body at such a short distance, but compared to the small points in their infancy, an adult dragon such as silver would be too powerful in defense. Those painful machine gun bullets that can't hit the dots do not have any effect on silver, except for leaving Mars when they hit, not even a scratch.

Looking at the impenetrable dragon in front, the loader on the armored vehicle quickly shoved an anti-tank missile into the loader, and immediately launched it. However, that thing is the same as a machine gun shell, except that it made the silver step back a half step at the moment of the explosion and left nothing. When the flames disappeared, everyone found that the dragon in front of him had a scratch on it. Can't see it.

Provoked again and again by this little thing in front of him, Silver had already exploded. Angrily she immediately patted her with her claws down. The driver on the armored vehicle quickly responded by pulling the joystick backwards into a big tree to avoid the claw, but this only delayed their death time slightly.

A silvery paw snapped at the big tree blocking the road in front of him, and then pulled the whole spring out of the ground like a spring onion and threw it a few hundred meters away. Then she quickly moved her head again. Twisting back and facing the armored vehicle was a bite.

Unlike the small biting force before, the biting force of silver is simply destroying xìng. She bit her on both sides of the armored car's body, then lifted her head and slammed it around, desperately tossing left and right. All the people in the car except the driver and correspondent wearing seat belts were all left. When a seat was bumped into the car, at least half of the people died in a split second, and most of the remaining people were slightly or seriously injured. However, this is not the end.

After shaking her head desperately, Silver immediately began to close the mouth forcefully, and the armored car that she had pinched in her mouth began to deform quickly as if it were a scrap car that had been stuffed with a metal compressor. The first is that the glass observation window on the car is squeezed and burst, and the entrance and exit valves on the car body begin to bend, and finally the main body structure of the entire car body begins to deform and shrink rapidly. With the explosion, I didn't know what was being exploded. Anyway, all the gaps in the entire armored vehicle spewed out a lot of thick smoke and flames. With the explosion, the body finally came again. Unable to withstand such devastation completely turned into an irregular solid iron block.

When he threw the pile of scrap iron to the ground, Silver immediately turned and ran towards him. After killing the enemy who bullied his son, it is natural to look at his son's situation. But compared to silver's concern, it is more chaotic, and luck is more calm. Feeling that the small data connection is very clear, obviously there is no danger, so he calmly began to destroy the armored vehicles one by one.

Or for the little ones, these armored vehicles are still a bit troublesome. After all, the steel casing is not really paper. Even if it can be torn apart and smashed, it is very strenuous. It takes a short time to get one, because he must not Do not avoid the firepower of other armored vehicles. As a young dragon, the small scales are far inferior to his parents in terms of hardness and thickness. Therefore, being hit by heavy machine guns or anti-tank weapons will still be very painful. It feels like a stone thrown by someone else Smashed to the same, the difference is that human skin defense is relatively low, when smashed to bleed, although small scales will hurt, but will not bleed. But the pain is definitely the same.

Because it is completely free from the threat of weapons on the armored vehicles, and the destructive power is n levels, so fortunate to deal with these armored vehicles is like an adult gnawing ants. I was fortunate to be constantly running between armored vehicles, as soon as I got close to the armored vehicles, I grabbed them and threw them into the sky. Throwing an armored vehicle at a height of tens of meters with lucky power is almost the same as ordinary people wanting to throw a watch up a meter or two, without any effort. But for the people in the car and the armored car itself, this is a disaster.

The armored vehicle is a mechanical product no matter how strong it is. It can be thrown to a place more than ten meters high without the aid of any equipment. As for the people in the car, it was even worse. The armored vehicles are all steel plates, and the stuff is good for blocking bullets. It is a dream to rely on them to absorb the impact. Therefore, landing with the armored vehicle is not as good as jumping off the sixth floor alone and surviving.

Just after lucky enough to chop melon and vegetables to get an armored car, a loud noise suddenly came from the distance, and a shiny white object hit the side of Lucky's head instantly. The exploding flame instantly swallowed Lucky's entire head, but when the other party was ready to cheer, he found that Lucky seemed to have been punched, but his head was only a bit off. When the flame disappeared, his head returned Quickly turned back and stared straight at the tank ahead.

There are tanks in the American team, and there is more than one tank, but the tank was not in the front of the team before, so all the armored vehicles came over at the beginning, but there are already a few armored vehicles that can move. So the tank naturally came up.

In ordinary warfare, the combat effectiveness of tanks cannot be proportioned by armored vehicles, not because of their firepower, but because the tanks are too defensive. Armored vehicles and tanks are not at all a level of defense, so the combat effectiveness is naturally much worse. But is defense useful in the face of lucky attacks? Obviously useless. So fortunately, there was almost no change. I rushed over to grab the tank and threw it into the sky. However, compared to armored vehicles, the tank did weigh a lot, but compared to the strength of luck, this weight is really not enough, so the tanks also It was still soaring into the sky, and then fell and fell.

"Damn, can't anyone stop the two monsters?"

On the American command car, an upperman yelled anxiously. Compared to his subordinates, he knows a little bit more about the inside of the operation. Although the Americans did not play cards according to the rules this time, they sent regular troops to the special battlefield, but they still didn't want the ordinary people to know too much, so they didn't tell the soldiers what they were facing. personnel.

The major knew that the enemy he was facing was a secret force of each country, and he was reminded in advance that there might be supernatural forces such as biochemical monster forces. But his men knew less. The only thing these American soldiers can be sure of is that the enemy this time is not the troops of small countries in the past, but the elite troops of world-class countries such as China, Germany, Britain, and France. Apart from knowing the country to which these troops belong, these soldiers knew essentially nothing else. They don't know the number of enemies or what they constitute, they only know that the opponent is strong.

For the introduction of such enemies, the American soldiers who are accustomed to occupying the initiative of information are really a bit uncomfortable at the beginning, and they have also received a hint that they may not get air **** in this battle, so the battle will be very difficult . However, despite receiving such a prompt, they did not expect that the battle would become the situation at hand. The appearance of giant monsters such as dragons is already amazing. What's more terrible is that the opponent is still invincible. All of his own weapons can't be broken. Those American soldiers now feel like the primitive people who rushed to the tank cluster with stone swords and spears. The only difference is that the primitive people are not afraid because they do n’t know how big the tank is, but they understand their own side and the two in front of them. There is only a gap between giant creatures, at least they don't feel that they have the hope to kill these two creatures.

The colonel stood on the top of his commander's car and held a telescope to look at the luck of the Quartet who was killing the Quartet on the battlefield. Almost all creatures on the battlefield except lucky had stopped fighting, because as long as there was luck, this one would be enough They are all staffed. However, the colonel did not give up on it. His order was to destroy these strange troops, so they also brought some unusual weapons.

"Gauss," the colonel shouted, pulling the communicator out of the car beneath him.

"Yes, Colonel." A quick response came from the communicator.

"Notify the troops to drive into the woods on both sides first, and let the following sound bō tank go up to try."

"Good colonel."

With the command of the colonel, the entire team began to spread to both sides, and then two weird things in the middle of the team drove up. The chassis of these two weird things is exactly the same as the chassis of the main battle tank of the US military, except that this vehicle is not equipped with a turret in the standard configuration, but bears a strange double barrel that seems to be enlarged many times. Something like a telescope.

This weird device is also mounted on a rotating chassis like a turret. The difference is that its main part is two short and thick cylindrical objects installed side by side, and the front end of the cylinder is not a large hole, but Méng has a layer of black stuff, it looks like the layer of méng skin outside the speaker sound unit. Of course, this is definitely not a natural material such as sheepskin, it should be some kind of artificial polymer. In the middle of the two juxtaposed cylindrical objects is a erected support structure, and the cylinder can be adjusted on this structure for up and down angles. There is also a small radar antenna at the top of this support structure, which is probably used to lock the target.

With the concession of the team, the two oddly shaped tanks quickly drove in front of the team and got into lucky sight. However, before being lucky to list it as a strike target, the two tanks launched the attack first. I saw the device on top of them suddenly stretched forward and backward, and then only heard a buzz, the two things shot forward at the same time in a circle of white waves, and luck was in Instantly shrouded in that circle of things.

"Okay, hit!"

When lucky was in the circle of things, the Americans around them shouted in excitement, but just before their cheers fell down, luck seemed to be completely unaffected and turned their eyes I got the two tanks, and then I opened a yell at the two tanks. The impact of a white sè bō instantly reversed the impact of the sound bō tank, bō rolled back and blasted out both tanks, The sound bō transmitter on the roof even burst into a pile of debris.

Seeing their own sound bō tank completely useless, the expression on the faces of the Americans immediately stepped down. However, as soon as they lost their preparations to find a way to resist the creatures in front of them, two tanks suddenly opened up behind the team. This time the tank is a bit similar to the previous sound bō tank, and its chassis is also a standard tank chassis, except that the turret on the top has also undergone huge changes.

The turret of this tank is very small. At the top of a flat rotating disk, there are a pair of triangular protrusions about 80 cm high, and a gun is sandwiched between the two triangular protrusions.

The shape of this gun is very strange. Its length is close to two meters, but its diameter is only a dozen centimeters. It looks thin and long. Of course, this gun is not as thick as it is from beginning to end. Some parts in the middle are significantly thicker than others, but the whole thing still looks relatively slender.

Except for the extension tube, the gun did not see anything like the gun's tail, nor was it connected to any side of the bomb chain, except for the thin gun rack. The only connection to the car body was a thick wire coiled like a spring in the middle of the gun body.

In fact, as everyone guessed, this thing is not a cannon in the traditional sense at all, but a light cannon. That wire is its ammunition supply system, because its ammunition is electricity.

As soon as the two jī light tanks appeared lucky, they noticed the difference sharply, because compared to the bō tank, the energy response of the jī light tank was more obvious, and the biggest characteristic of our dragons was their extreme indifference to energy.

Almost immediately after seeing the emergence of the two tanks, luck turned directly to the past, and then the jī light cannon of one of the tanks suddenly began to make a buzzing sound, apparently gathering energy, and The crystal in the center of the lucky forehead lighted up at the same time.

As Americans who grew up watching Hollywood movies, their ability to accept all kinds of magical things is much stronger than that of the Chinese, and they are different from those who like more real Chinese. It is not necessary to pay attention to the facts. To put it plainly, Americans are more arbitrary than Chinese. However, you have to admit that sometimes the judgment made by instinct is often more useful than the judgment made after a rational analysis, especially on the rapidly changing battlefield.

The thing on the forehead just started to shine, the personnel in the tank over there noticed this phenomenon, and the captain immediately called out, "No, that thing can also emit light. Quickly, don't wait for the energy to be full, Transmit with half power now. "

"Ah?" The gunner froze clearly.

The captain shouted when he saw that the other party hadn't responded yet: "Have you seen these monsters in the movie? As long as the crystal on the forehead of that thing shines, it is definitely going to be enlarged. You don't want to die, you can shoot me. "

The gunner apparently saw a similar movie, so he immediately reacted, and started firing directly no matter how much energy he had gathered.

Anyone outside the car is invisible to the quarrel in the car. All they could see was that the jī light cannon in the front of the two jī light tanks suddenly made a whistle, and then the latter tank exploded directly. Unlike the red or blue light beams emitted by the light weapons in the movie, most of the light weapons used in reality are not visible light. Even if the diffuse reflection occurs due to dust in the air, the human eye cannot directly see Beams outside these visible light bō segments. Besides, the speed of light is far faster than the reaction speed of human beings, so even if the jī beam is visible, people will not see the beam flying in the sky, but it should be a headless light suddenly appearing and disappearing suddenly. You can see the launcher and the target you hit. Even if you have a light beam in front of you, you ca n’t see whether it is fired from left to right or from right to left. In short, it seems to you that it is The road is straight, and there is no way to tell which is the beginning or the end.

However, although the beam of jī cannot be separated, everyone knows that it should be a straight line. It's just ... why the front tank fired, but the rear tank exploded?

In fact, this imagination is not strange, because light can turn. Yes, light does travel along a straight line, but it can turn in certain circumstances. For example, the most common mirrors can make light turn, and our dragons can just create electromagnetic force fields to make the space around them to some extent. Crystallization reaction. As long as you control this crystallization reaction, you can adjust the spatial refraction ability of the crystallization reaction by controlling the strength and direction of the force field, and make any rays incident on it reflect back along the route you want.

That's right, it reflects any rays. Instead of simply reflecting light, we can reflect and reflect energy rays. Of course, this refers to any ray whose energy intensity does not exceed the upper limit of our control. This is like a mirror can reflect light, but if you collect the light emitted by the entire sun in a moment into a thick straight line of the arm, and then emit it, no matter what kind of mirror you hold there, this beam of light will be nothing. Obstruction passes through instead of being reflected, because its energy has exceeded the upper limit of energy carried by the material molecules that make up the mirror. Such a concentrated release of energy will completely destroy the molecules that make up the mirror, not to mention the reflective surface.

The same is true for our crystallization reaction. As long as the energy intensity does not exceed the upper limit we can control, then we can achieve absolute reflection, and during this period, we hardly consume our own energy. However, once the energy exceeds our upper limit of control, then we are completely okay. Of course, our upper limit of control is not so easy to surpass. At least there is nothing in the mobile machinery except the aircraft carrier that can carry a large enough energy source to generate the amount of radiation that destroys our energy force field.

The jī beam emitted by the tank just now obviously belongs to the energy radiation below our control range, so fortunately, the jī light was reflected back, and he also adjusted the control angle specifically, and the jī light reflected back The latter was in the middle of the most concentrated position on the second tank, and then the second tank instantly turned into a large fireball.

The second jī light tank was blown away. Fortunately, after the opponent ’s j 炮 light gun was fired, the crystal above his head suddenly lighted up, and his mouth was sharp, and a very bright drop-shaped blue sè The light ball flew out of the lucky big mouth in an instant, in the middle of the jī light tank, and then the jī light tank that had just fired the gun suddenly burst into a sky full of metal fragments without warning.

As a member of the US military who often participates in the war, the nearby American soldiers have not seen the tank destroyed, but even if it is destroyed, the tank itself is mostly just blown out of a hole, and some external parts such as the gun barrel appear. Deformation is distorted. It is absolutely abnormal for the entire tank to explode into a pile of debris like this. You know that removing the internal structure doesn't count, the shell of the tank can almost be regarded as a pile of solid steel ingots. Even these things can be blasted into pieces. What level of destructive power can this achieve? Even the tanks used in Lao Mei's own nuclear tests were only melted a bit at high temperature, far from being so scary as fragments.

In fact, they were so surprised because they didn't understand. In fact, the energy bomb just fortunately launched was not an ordinary energy weapon, but an atomic weapon. The principle of this weapon is very special. Its basic launching state is somewhat similar to plasma, so it will not hit the target in an instant like jī light when it is launched, because plasma is also an entity and it requires flight time. Of course, the magic of this weapon is that when it hits the target, it will transfer its own energy to the molecular bonds of the target object.

We know that water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. When two hydrogen atoms are combined with one oxygen atom, energy will be released, and the three remaining atoms after losing energy will be combined together by chemical bonds to form water molecules. If we reverse this chemical reaction and inject some energy into the water molecules, such as electrical energy, then it will become the most common electrolyzed water experiment, and the result is that the water is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen. For the same reason, the plasma emitted by lucky injection injects energy into the molecules of the target object, forcing it to break down the elementary or lower-level compound state, and as a result, the original material structure collapses directly from the molecular level. In this state, whether you are a special alloy steel or a super hardened ceramic, you have to obediently turn me into a pile of atomic dust.

Of course, this energy conversion is not 100%. Fortunately, the energy emitted will not be completely converted into chemical energy for decomposing molecules, but only about one third will become decomposing energy, decomposing the material structure of the hit object, and the rest will be scattered around in the form of an arc. , And finally turned into thermal energy and light energy.

The entire tank carried gasoline and other explosive things. When the plasma bomb hit it, part of the energy quickly decomposed the metal on the tank into a pile of loose iron atoms and other elements, and then the gasoline on the car and other The explosive was detonated by an electric arc, and as a result, the entire car instantly became a pile of debris.

In fact, it seems to me that being smashed has covered a lot of its power. If you think about it, if a tank is suddenly blasted into a pile of debris or suddenly turned into a pile of ash during a battle, which one do you think is more scary?

The two tanks ended in an instant, and the remaining Americans only felt that their psychological defenses were about to collapse. Even many Americans are considering whether they should surrender immediately. The surrender of troops in the United States is actually encouraged, not because the American forces are weak. On the contrary, this is a powerful manifestation of Americans. They encouraged surrender because they knew that their side would inevitably win the final victory, and then they could rescue the captives through exchange of hostages, redemption of purchases, or rescue by force. This could not only improve domestic morale, but also a kind of morale. Good way to reduce casualties. After all, in terms of the death benefits of American soldiers, the US government feels that it is more economical to spend money to redeem captives from the enemy or to rescue them directly by force.

Because of this idea, the American military generally does not encourage soldiers to resist to the end. Asian countries are generally used to not killing people on the positions and absolutely not lose positions. Americans only need to look at the form. No, Lima began to consider retreating. If he could not withdraw, then he would surrender immediately, anyway, desperately resisting such a thing was incomprehensible to them. Of course, this is also related to the fact that Americans generally fight overseas. After all, they are not native. Behind the troops of other countries are their own people. The army is retreatable. The Americans are behind other people. They do not need to go at all. Take care of the people of other countries.

Seeing that the four latest sharp tanks carried in the team did not work, the remaining US soldiers immediately began to struggle. Seeing this situation left is equivalent to delivering food, after all, the gap in combat effectiveness is too obvious. The two dragons are monsters at all, and they didn't even have a wound for a long time. How can they resist? However, if you do not stay, but immediately turn the gun, this is a bit unreasonable. Although the army encouraged surrender, it only encouraged the soldiers not to sacrifice themselves blindly. The army did not encourage them to be deserters. Now that they have so many tanks and armored vehicles, and there are thousands of infantry behind them, if they were run away by two monsters, their companions would not be laughed to death this time? Besides, the criticism and punishment of superiors can not run away. This made the soldiers quite depressed.

Although this situation is confusing at present, in the face of life and death, anyone will exert 120% of their intelligence and quickly make a correct judgment. So the entire U.S. military convoy suddenly turned around in a collective turn and started running back, just ... Can their tracks run over the lucky wings?

Seeing the tanks and armored vehicles turned around desperately, luckily chased without hesitation immediately, and even Silver was re-entering the chase after confirming that it was all right.

Just now, Xiao Budian was hit by an anti-tank missile in the middle of the body during the attack on the armored vehicle, and was blown out. Fortunately, Silver and Lucky arrived in time to release his siege. However, at that time, Xiao Buzhen was fainted by the shock, and he really couldn't get up for a moment. Later, Silver checked for a small injury, and it was confirmed that only the scales in the hit area had been penetrated into the meat, causing the muscles in some areas to tear and large areas of bleeding, but the injuries were not very serious. If it is compared with human injury, it is equivalent to the ancient cane, bleeding the buttocks. Looking at tǐng horror, in fact, raising is just fine. Especially for the resilience of our dragons, which is more abnormal, this kind of damage can be fully recovered in about half an hour.

Because Silver and Lucky joined the pursuit at the same time, the armored vehicles and tanks were considered to be bad molds. Any chased tanks or armored vehicles were caught by both of them when the stone hit the front armored vehicle or tank. As long as they were hit, It wouldn't even explode immediately, and paralysis there wouldn't run away. Although some armored vehicles have already pushed the speed to the limit, with the volume of luck and silver, even if they don't fly, they can easily catch up with them by running with tu.

Seeing that the armored forces had no power to fight back, the colonel commanding the forces over there naturally called for air support. At this moment, the new fighter jets on the aircraft carrier overseas were urgently lifted off, just waiting for them to arrive for a few minutes.

Although it ’s a bit like a year for American officers and men in front of them, after a few minutes, it ’s not a long time. After losing nearly two-thirds of their armored vehicles, their long-awaited plane finally arrived over the battlefield, just these The vengeful angels of the past, but today are letting the eyes fall.

The following U.S. forces watched their planes have not arrived and cheered excitedly, and suddenly saw the neat turn of the two leading planes crashed into a big fireball in the air, and then the planes behind began to perform a collective diving show, but they were not Jumping into the water from a high platform, but hitting the ground from the air. Just listening to the explosion of booming booming, the six planes flying were all finished in less than ten seconds, and almost did nothing except a few huge bonfires rising around.

The U.S. military that has not yet come to cheer at this time is even crying. If they thought about escaping before, now they just think about how to live. Some people climbed out of the tank or armored vehicle to surrender their hands to indicate surrender without receiving orders at all. Although they do not know whether the creatures in front of them have intelligence, but since these guys are biochemical weapons rather than naturally formed monsters, how much Always have a little control. Those soldiers felt that these things could still be communicated.

Although they guessed the beginning correctly, they did not guess the end. Fortunately, silver and silver can communicate, but they are not actually fighting now, they are retaliating. Instead of treating these US troops as enemies at this time, they treated them as bad men who bullied their sons. If it is the enemy during the war between the two countries, the surrender of the other party is naturally acceptable, but if the other party is a bad guy who bullies his son, it is impossible to get justice. Human thought is still like this, not to mention that luck and silver are originally dragons, and their thoughts do not treat humans as homogeneous.

They are better, like Ling and me. At least our subject is humanoid, and our life experience also includes some things of human society, so we have no obstacles to the human race itself, we just treat the humans who threaten us as The enemy, and we ourselves do not dislike humans. But luckily they are different. He and Silver are dragons, and in their cognition, human beings are not regarded as an equal existence. I even think that if there were no humanoid dragons like me and Ling, lucky and silver might even add humans to their recipes. Under this perception, how could luck and silver accept surrender? then……

"Ah ..." The first person who climbed out of the armored vehicle was caught by the armored vehicle and thrown into the sky. The next few people who left the vehicle some distance were deliberately stepped on by paws with silver paws, and some people in the back saw the situation wrong I was planning to run, but as soon as I swept my tail, all the trapeze people didn't know where to fly.

Seeing that these two monsters did not accept surrender, these US soldiers immediately split into three completely different camps. The first camp was frightened. This group of people desperately wanted to run, and no matter what cross-screening and peer safety, as long as they can run faster, they don't care. One of the armored vehicles even fired in order to run quickly and bombarded another armored vehicle that was blocking the road in front.

Although there are some scared people, not all of them are in the US military. One of the remaining people is the exact opposite of these people. They don't think they can run away anyway, just fight. So these people began to burst out of superman-like spirit, voluntarily sent to death and rushed towards the lucky.

In addition to the first two groups of opposite people, the last part is the reason, since they follow the commander's orders. They were ordered to retreat quickly, but to maintain combat formation and cross fire cover. Previous battles have confirmed that although machine guns are useless to these monsters, anti-tank missiles and tank main guns can still slightly hinder their forward speed. For them who are fleeing, this obstacle effect is obviously very useful.

Fortunately, the U.S. military's camp was divided and silver was completely ignored. Anyway, they recognized that those who bullied their son must kill them all, so they first met the sudden death squad.

These people drove tanks or armored vehicles, regardless of saving ammunition. While firing all the weapons that could be fired at the maximum speed, they drove into the two dragons quickly. However, in the face of a huge power gap, the will to fight does not actually have much effect. Yes, the tenacious will to fight in general combat can indeed strengthen the combat effectiveness of the army, but this reinforcement is limited. Even if you train the soldiers as Spartans, you can't shoot the tanks and shoot the planes with a large sword and spear.

Looking at the many tanks and armored vehicles that rushed over, fortunately I was not afraid, but happy. He was glad that these people were stupid. He took the initiative to rush to death, which saved him the effort to chase one by one.

Facing the rushing enemy, a sharp electric arc suddenly appeared between the two dragon horns above his head, followed by a light ball that slowly appeared in the center of the arc. When the light sphere expanded to more than one meter in diameter, it suddenly burst into silence. However, although there was no sound of the explosion, the electronic systems in all the surrounding armored vehicles flashed a dazzling electric arc at the same time, and then these things called a collective strike. No matter how much the operators beat and fiddled with, there was no trace. reaction.

What can tanks and armored vehicles without electronic systems do? If it was a tank during World War II, what could it do basically now, and what can it do now? Anyway, there were few things besides radios and lights at the time that the tank could touch the electricity. However, today's tanks and armored vehicles do not work. A lot of things inside these iron guys are electronically controlled, sometimes shooting and aiming systems and automatic loading systems, all of which are electronic systems. As soon as these electronic systems collapsed, these tanks and armored vehicles could do only two things. One is that it can continue to move, and the other is that it can shoot the last ammunition that has been loaded. Of course, it is completely blind, because the targeting system is all electronically controlled.

Although military vehicles have electromagnetic protection devices, in the face of high-energy emp attacks at close range, no vehicle can be blocked. As if the spear and the shield were not absolutely strong, the winner and the loser refused to be stronger, not to say that with the shield, they would not be pierced, or that with a spear, they would be pierced. Electromagnetic protection devices can only withstand electromagnetic attacks of a certain intensity, and the equipment protected by them exceeds the standard. After all, even if the current is strong enough, even plastics and rubbers can easily penetrate it. No matter how strong the protection is, it will be completely useless.

Looking at all the dumb cars for a moment, luckily nodded with satisfaction, and then walked over and picked up these little things similar to toys and throw them into the sky one by one. The heroic members were all finished in less than a minute. Already.

Nebula and Silver didn't stop after this group of people were settled, they continued to pursue. Although the front of the cross-screening personnel ran ahead, they were unable to run far. No matter how fast the armored vehicle was, it couldn't go far in one minute.

Seeing the two dragons chasing before them, the missiles and machine guns on those vehicles immediately rang, but this time Silver again learned to be lucky and gave them an emp baptism, and then all firepower except the machine gun Stopped together. Missiles need electronic systems to guide launches, and artillery shells need electronic systems to aim and load. Except for machine guns, which are completely mechanical and do not need electronic systems, they also fire. This is the biggest advantage of the biochemical combat forces when fighting against conventional forces. Because we are not afraid of electromagnetic attacks at all, we can wash the ground with emp bombs, and then all the opponents degenerate back to the steam age, and we can fight in all states. Of course, because our bodies also have electronic chips and electromagnetic joints, we do n’t really not eat emp at all, just because we have the ability to control the electric field itself, and our mechanical skeletons have also been dealt with accordingly, so our The resistance is much higher than purely mechanical electronic equipment. Even if dozens of emp bombs explode around us at the same time, as long as we have electromagnetic protection, nothing will happen.

Because the machine gun could not affect the actions of the two dragons at all, those armored vehicles lost their protection ability and were immediately smashed by the approaching two dragons. Within two minutes, the entire group was reimbursed in this one. On a short road, only those deserters who were furiously running away are still running wild. However, their good days are at an end.

They haven't attacked these people just because they ran ahead. Lucky and Silver didn't let go of them. Now that all the enemies around us have been resolved ~ ~, then we can consider distant targets.

Because they ran away ahead of time and did not need to maintain the formation, as long as they moved forward at full speed, these deserters ran farther than those who stayed to resist and orderly retreat. And because they were lucky to delay the attack on the two groups, the deserter ran farther away.

By the time Lucky and Silver overtook these people, they had ran out of the forest into a small city.

In terms of small cities, this should actually be regarded as a large local city. After all, even in Africa, it is a particularly chaotic country, so cities of this level can already be said to be very famous large cities here. Of course, in our opinion, he is similar to some of the less developed secondary cities in China. Not even as good as some developed tertiary cities.

The American forces in flight immediately got excited when they saw the city, not because they thought the city was safe, but because the city was opposite the port, where they had landed before, and their carrier battle group stopped at the port. Not far outside.

However, just when the group thought they could finally escape from the sky, I received a notification, and this notification completely ended their escape fantasy in the next few minutes. !! .

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