Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 274: Russians who recognize reality

Just like the God of Guns, the poor cockroach finally hung up under the siege of our guild players for only ten minutes. It ’s a long time for ordinary creatures to be killed by dozens of creatures, but it ’s horrible for ten minutes under the siege of so many people and almost no defense ability, which is terrifying. . It can be said that if I did n’t hit this guy seriously at that moment, it would not be so easy even if I wanted to consume him.

Looking at the huge body that was almost blasted away, the God of Guns felt like he was a little lost. Although he also knows that if we do n’t call for help, the United States will suffer greater losses, but now that everyone who has been so huā and so big has invited me but has no advantage, it feels a little aggrieved.

Regardless of the mood of the gun **** now, I am in a good mood anyway.

Although I'm still weak, I feel weak for a while, but I'm very happy. Nothing else, just my rank.

Although I did n’t kill that cricket, it was me who hit him before. The experience value calculation in "Zero" is calculated according to the proportion of damage caused by each person participating in the battle, with reference to the battle contribution. This calculation method is much more complicated than relying solely on the last hit, and it also involves a certain probability calculation. That is to say, even if you can completely reproduce the same combat style, the experience value assigned to the combatants by the system is unlikely to be exactly the same. There is a certain random xìng among them.

The damage I caused to this big cricket in the previous battle was about one third of the total life value of this guy. This value can be said to be not too high. The damage that the Gun God caused to this guy was about one-eighth of the total health of this guy, and it was even less than me.

The remaining health is basically worn away by the players in our guild.

However, when calculating the experience value distribution of this guy, the experience value I got was not one third, but two thirds.

Although the damage value I caused during the whole battle was only one-third, but I had the most influence on the battle situation, so the system added an extra allocation ratio when calculating the experience value, so that I actually got The percentage of experience is much greater than the damage I generate.

The damage value of the gun **** is one-eighth of the total life of that cricket, but his attack made the cricket lose the chance of self-healing before the person in our guild arrived, so his contribution value must exceed the damage. Output, so the actual experience value he finally got was about one-seventh of the total experience value. As for the rest, it was naturally divided by the players in our guild. Although their damage output was the most, at that time the puppet was half dead, and their attack had no technical content at all, so their experience value was lower than the damage ratio.

Before the bug had died, I guessed that the experience value of this guy would be quite exaggerated, but when it really died, I knew that I still underestimated the experience value of this thing.

According to Gun God, this guy had eaten several Protoss before and slaughtered two cities. According to the system's experience conversion method, this guy can destroy more than a dozen protoss, then his own experience value should be at least equal to 80% of the sum of the protoss experience. This is a mandatory setting of the system, and only for wild creatures. Effective, players and players

Do not use this setting.

According to this setting, the actual experience value of this bug should be equal to the sum of the experience values ​​of more than a dozen Protoss, plus the sum of experience values ​​of all creatures in the two cities, and then multiplied by 0.8. The final value That's the total experience of this guy. Of course, this is the lowest limit of the system, and the actual experience value of that may be higher than this value, this is only its lower experience limit.

For the experience of more than a dozen Protoss, let's leave it alone. How many experience points can all creatures in the two cities produce? I have n’t slaughtered the city, so I do n’t know, but I know that this value is definitely an astronomical number. You need to know that in this calculation formula, the experience value of the creatures in the two cities is calculated according to the standard experience, rather than the experience I personally slaughtered these people. Each creature in the "zero" experience system has its own standard experience, such as the lowest-level dry bone skeleton, and one experience value is one. However, the first-level player in Xinshou Village can get five experience points for hacking a dead bone skeleton, because the dead bone skeleton is a level 20 monster, and the first level player kills it as a leapfrog, so it has experience bonus . However, if I hacked a dead skeleton of this kind, the system will only give me a minimum experience value, because the level of this thing is too low for me.

Because the system has such a bonus setting for experience values, people with different levels playing the same strange experience value will be completely different. However, the empirical value of all creatures in those two cities used in this tadpole's experience value is not calculated according to this method, but according to the standard experience value of those creatures. Even the chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle, and sheep raised in the city all need to be considered experience. After all, these things each have more than ten or twenty points of experience value in Xinshou Village. For ordinary players, there is no experience in killing these poultry and livestock. However, when calculating the experience of that cricket, those experiences must be counted up.

Don't underestimate these ten or twenty o'clock experiences. One of the two cities destroyed by the cricket was a very large one. I am afraid that the number of poultry and livestock used for food alone is over 10,000. Even if all of them are calculated at 20 points per minimum, the total experience value of 20,000 to 30,000 will exceed 40 million. This is only poultry and livestock, guards in the city, advanced Warcraft, and players. Which one's experience value is not over 10,000? Besides, there are those "from" reasons in the city. Although these human figures have no fighting power, they are not poultry or livestock, after all, if they are killed by ordinary players, the negative effects will be very serious. For players, it is absolutely worthless. But the bug doesn't care about these. At that time, he ate up all the "self" in the city.

Calculated according to the normal ratio, the number of Freedoms in a very large city is usually not less than 500,000. Even if we calculate according to the minimum standards, the experience value of one Freedom is at least 2,000 or more, then 500,000 Multiply two thousand, and the final result is one billion.

From the above data, it can be seen that the experience value that a city can generate is definitely a terrible astronomical figure. If you only calculate the total experience value to the minimum according to the minimum standard, I am afraid that it will exceed 100 million. After all, the city has the most experience value. Or the players and battles in the city.

In addition, the city's defense facilities are actually experience, and these must be added to that maggot.

The horror experience value of the two cities, plus the experience value of the dozen or so Protoss, finally calculate the system to increase the proportion based on the combat effectiveness of the puppet, and then multiply it by two-thirds. The final result is my current The total amount of experience gained.

I do n’t know how much this value is, because I did n’t see the experience value before getting experience, so even if I see the current experience, I ca n’t figure out how much it actually increased. However, although I don't know how much experience I have gained, one thing I know very well is that I upgraded and jumped N levels at a time.

"His grandfather's, it's reached. I killed a puppet and went up to the level of 2,130. How many levels did I have before? By the way, this level has been upgraded dozens of levels? How many puppets are there? "Experience?" I just sighed, and suddenly felt like something was wrong.

"No! I have more than 2,000 levels now. How easy is it to upgrade? No matter how high the experience value is, it is impossible to upgrade me by dozens of levels at once?" I was wondering why I suddenly upgraded so many levels. The crystal communicator in the ear suddenly sounded.

"Chairman, the Russians have withdrawn." "Oh. I see. Ah? Wait, what are you talking about? The Russians have withdrawn?" I haven't responded just after I heard the warlord ’s notice, but I soon The response came.

The Russians had invaded our country while we and Japan were fighting, but we were driven out of the border. However, the Russians did not give up at that time, and their troops were always piled on the Sino-Russian border and refused to leave in an attempt to attack again. At that time, our guild also held a meeting to study why the Russians did not withdraw their troops. The final conclusion was that they were like gamblers who lost red eyes. As long as they did not go down to the gambling table, it could be said that they did not lose, after all, gambling This kind of thing can depend on luck without anyone cheating. Anyone can suddenly make a comeback at any time. But if you leave the gaming table while losing money, you are really losing. Because this time the gambling game is over for you, what you lose is really lost.

This was the case for the Russians. They invaded 〖China〗 The country was planning to get a vote, but we did not expect that our tactics of changing space for time had to be dragged to the end of the war against Japan. As a result, they were eventually driven back to China and they did not make a lot of money and lost a lot of money in the war. cost. Because they were unwilling, the Russians have been blocked on the border in anticipation of an opportunity to come back, but after a long wait, they finally realized that this is impossible. The success of the previous invasion was due to the fact that our two-line operations have now ended the war against Japan. Our troops have been withdrawn from the country, and because they are at the border, we have also stacked our forces on the border.

This will make them even less likely.

Finally, it became clear that the Russians did not want to lose money anymore. After all, it was also very expensive to concentrate large troops on the border. In the end, the Russians who had recognized the form wisely chose to withdraw their troops, and because they withdrew their troops, this war of Russian aggression against China was over. According to the system settings, when a battle ends, the battle reward experience will be awarded. There are three types of people who receive this reward experience. One is guild leaders, the other is campaign commanders, and the third is outstanding campaign contributors.

The guild leader can obtain the percentage of the sum of the experience gained by all the fighters in the guild during the entire battle according to their own positions in the guild. The exact percentage depends on your position. I ’m the president of the guild, so I can get three and a half thousand, but if Hongyue and Ying are vice presidents, they can only get one thousandth. As for Rose, Shura Ziyi, Awei, Gold Coin, and Chris Dina, they have a lower percentage of leadership. However, although this ratio may not seem to be too high, you have to think that this is the percentage of the total experience gained by the entire bank during the battle, including the bank ’s

The resulting experience. Our guild itself is the leading guild. It can be said that almost half of the experience generated in the entire battle is strictly produced by our guild. I can get an additional 3.5%. This actual value is definitely higher than that of the uncle. More experience.

In addition to guild leaders, campaign commanders can also receive additional experience rewards. This is similar to the calculation method of guild leaders, which is to obtain a certain percentage of experience value according to your position in the battle. In this self-defense counterattack against Russia, I appeared as the commander-in-chief of China, so I will receive one thousandth of the sum of the experience gained by all combatants in China during the entire battle. All of these personnel include players from all over China who are involved in resisting the Russian invasion, as well as field forces. Similarly, this value is definitely a terrible number, after all, it is the sum of the country's experience values.

At the end of the battle, the outstanding contributors will also receive a certain percentage of additional experience rewards. The so-called outstanding contributors include: the planner of a great victory, the person who destroyed the enemy's special personnel in a large battle, the person who successfully destroyed the enemy's logistics or command system, and the spirit of the battlefield, morale, A series of personnel, such as the enemy or the enemy suppressor and so on.

The scope of this last category of personnel is more complex. In short, as long as your behavior has a significant impact on the direction of the battle, they are basically considered outstanding contributors. However, this experience reward is much less than the first two, and this experience is not calculated by multiplying the battle experience by a certain percentage, but based on the difficulty of your contribution. But to be sure, this reward is not a huge bonus to my experience like the first two. Of course, this is just for me. After all, I am the president of the Frost Rose Alliance and the commander-in-chief of the battle, so the percentage of experience I get is relatively high. Therefore, my previous company's experience value is much more than the outstanding contributions later. For example, the value of the latter experience gained by Kristina may be greater than the previous one. After all, her position in the guild is not high, and she is not included in the battle commander, so she only has an outstanding contribution award.

Anyway, the Russians retreated collectively to get a large ratio of experience value, so that I huffed and reached the level of 2,130. To be honest, judging by my current level, it is basically unrealistic to want to rely on playing monsters. In addition to killing the Protoss for me, there is still experience to be gained. It is useless to deal with ordinary mobs. Unless it is a high-level SS in the super monster zone, I will fight for nothing.

For people like me, the main way to upgrade in the future is probably to rely on guild wars or national wars. Relying on guild wars or battle rewards in the national war is my real way to upgrade.

Speaking of this "zero" upgrade method is a bit like the history of human exhibitions. At first, when everyone was not high, the upgrade was based on fighting. At that time, the boss was the one who could fight. It was like the primitive society of human beings. But over time, the experience value of advanced players needs to be higher and higher, if you still rely on your own leveling, the upgrade speed will inevitably become slower and slower. At this time, it depends on the head. You have the ability to run a large guild and go out for guild or national warfare in the future, so that you can easily gain a lot of experience, and the upgrade speed is definitely faster than those who do it alone.

"Husband, how many levels are you now?"

I was thinking there that my experience suddenly heard the voice of a rose in the communicator.

"Class 2130 and 30. It seems that the experience value of fighting against Russia has given me a lot of rewards." Rose also said happily: "Yeah. This time I am the general logistics of the battle against Russia. With my billions of experience points, I was shocked by being promoted by more than one level in a split second. "" Haha, it seems you are fiercer than me. I don't have as much as you. " . "

"Husband, you have more than two thousand levels. How can you compare with me? By the way, say business." "Um. What's wrong?"

"You are now over two thousand levels ~ ~ I have a task here, you better do it as soon as possible." "Task?"

"Yes, the task scroll received by the auction house in the previous meeting was sold by a British player. The task requires more than two thousand levels to complete, but the higher the level, the more difficult this task is, so the most difficult Fortunately, I will do it again in the first grade. I thought that it would take you some time to get to the second grade. I didn't expect to hurry up and go up. I knew it should be given to you in advance.

"I did this because the battle reward suddenly came up. Even if you gave me no use before, you still have to wait until now. Okay, tell me where you are now, I used to be the scroll."

"I just use the ring of love to pull you over." "That will do." Although the function of the ring of love is relatively simple, it has to be said that sometimes it is really easy to use. Step directly into the heart-shaped portal in front of me, and in the next second I will go directly to Rose.

"So, at this time your scroll. And this thing is a mission item, you must keep it safe. Also, drink this thing before you go." Rose said, handing over a bottle of green sè liquid, it was still inside Bubbling.

"I rely, what the hell?, ...!

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