Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 242: The guide is not good!

"Is this what you say?"

"Well, although I don't have the final say, I have to talk about first come first come, right?"

"Why didn't we arrive first? We at Lakan Service Association obviously arrived first. What's wrong with our first job?"

"But three of you arrived first, even if you stood still, and then we all arrived after all of you, and then one after another arrived. Is this still the first arrival? According to your statement, if we leave a person here Twenty-four hours on duty, don't you never go? "

"I don't care. We are here first. You can take orders and wait until we are all done."

"What the **** do you think of everyone?"

"Who are you afraid of hitting?"

"We have dozens of brothers. Are you trying to die?"

"Fuck, there are so many people?"

The noise is obviously getting stronger and stronger, and there is a tendency to develop in the direction of martial arts, but I am too lazy to care about these people, just glanced and moved my eyes to other places in the cave.

This hole uxué on this side is obviously much larger than the hole 圌 xué on the entrance side. In addition to a lake of approximately the same size, there is a lot of space in front of it. In the center of that space is a huge coffin-like building. The entire building is about ten meters high and about fifty meters wide. As for the depth behind, it is unknown because the back of the building is connected to the wall of the cave. Judging from the appearance of the connection, the building must have penetrated into the wall, but it is impossible to know how deep it is.

The surface of the building is completely composed of a kind of blue-black rock, almost no brick seams can be found on the wall, and it is obviously treated by a special method. The whole building is square, there are no windows or anything on the surface, it is a sealed space except for a door on the front. To be honest, I have only seen one type of building before, and that is Suzuki.

Three groups of people are standing in front of the building in the square in front of the building. There is a circle of monster sculptures on the edge of the square. It looks like t 看起来 ng majestic, but the solemn feeling is destroyed by these three groups of people. Already.

Speaking of these three groups of people should be understood as two groups plus a group of people. There were more than a dozen people in each of the two groups. At this time, they were arguing with each other, and it turned into a scuffle. The rest of the group is clearly tourists and passing players, because these people are watching the lively, and they are wearing a variety of clothes, some are casual clothes and some are combat equipment.

I and Su Lun took the dragon girl back after they went ashore, and then completed the transaction with those tourists. Then I took Su Lun to the building over there.

However, just as Su Lun and I walked around the crowd to the door of the building, one of the two parties who were arguing suddenly shouted. "Stop." I didn't care about the shout, because I thought it wasn't the shout. Who knows the other person soon shouted again: "The two on the steps over there, yes you, don't go inside."

I suspect that Huò turned around and looked at the guy who was talking over there and asked, "Are you doing anything?"

I do n’t know if the reason for the quarrel is relatively angry or this guy is born with mental retardation. In short, this white idiot actually stood there like the dog called and pulled two hands to his side: "Come here, we have n’t discussed it yet OK, what are you rushing in? "

If the other party only talked to me, of course, I would n’t react too much. After all, I ’m not the type of person who has more strength than others, and I do n’t look down on people. I will naturally be kind to others when they talk to me. This is not a matter of high or low status, but a basic etiquette. Relying on my own strength or status, if you have money or power, you will feel like you ’re embarrassed. It ’s as if you talk to others and look at others. In addition to showing your brain damage and low quality, I really don't know what else to show. The true nobles do not speak to others in an emphatic manner to show their extraordinary status, because the status of the nobles does not need to be manifested. People who really like to shake the prestige actually borrow the prestige of others. This is why Various second generations often appear to be more bullish than their old sister-in-law, because their prestige is not their own. If they are not often taken out and shaken, no one will look at them squarely.

There is a saying in the saying, "A dog that can bite can't bark." This sentence is used to describe people, although it is not appropriate, but it is very vivid. Really powerful people are the kind of dogs that can bite people. They don't bark not because they don't have strength, but because they are too lazy to bark. When did they really feel that they were blocking their way, and they would be done with a bite, and there was a fart beside them? On the contrary, they are always barking small dogs that are usually incapable, because they have no strength to bite others, they can only call out to brave themselves.

I am the first in the world combat rankings, the boss of the Frost Rose Dream, the master of Longyuan in reality, and the only finished product of the artificial **** plan. No matter what identity I take out, I do not belong to those who need to bark everywhere to brave themselves. Type, so in most cases I'm very polite to unrelated people, because I don't need it at all. However, now this guy cannot be treated as an unrelated person.

The premise of being polite is that no one else messed with me. I can treat others politely without contradictions, and I can also provide others with help within my ability without affecting me. However, being polite to others does not mean that I am bullying, and being helpful does not mean that I like to suffer. Although there was no uncivilized text in that guy's words, his tone and movement were clear with a sense of contempt and disrespect. At that moment, it seemed to remind me of the junior standing in the dark alley and robbing the elementary school students. gangster.

"I have my business. I don't have time to chat with you. If you have something to say, I'll go in." When I said this, although my tone didn't change much, my expression was quite bad.

Su Lun knew my identity, so he didn't worry about it at all. He just came over and reminded me: "These people are a kind of tour guide who takes lessons here to explore the altar, but they are different from me. They all have very Strong fighting power, and especially familiar with the various institutions and monsters here. There are less fighting outside the class and some players who are not enough level will hire them to lead the way, sometimes some more powerful players do not want to die inside. Would consider asking a guide to help him guide the route and avoid the agency, it is a kind of service staff. But he has been here for a long time, and the scale of development is a bit large, now he seems to have a good temper. "After listening to Su Lun's words I glanced strangely at him. Su Lun is also a savvy person, and explained with a smirk at the sight of my eyes: "President Ziri is really savvy. Yes, I am a bit holiday with them. These guys rely on their crowds here, often blocking us. Foreign tour guides will not let us in. Our customers must settle the costs with us in advance, which means that we lose a lot of money, and it also affects our credibility and mood of having lessons. "

I nodded to understand. Such people also exist in some scenic tourist areas in China, but they are not so arrogant here. After all, domestic public security management is much stronger than here.

On the opposite side, I was rude, and my tone immediately became fiercer. He opened his mouth and was ready to scold. "Your fox little strawberry, his aunt ..." "Pahhhh ..." The guy said only half of it and he was suddenly slaped out, and the whole person floated out horizontally for three or four meters before falling to the ground. The soldiers continued to slide forward for a meter or two before they stopped completely.

Su Lun turned around in surprise and looked at the empty side. He felt like he was still talking to me. I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye I suddenly arrived in front of the guy and gave the fan a fly. If you want to kill someone at this speed, it is likely that the other person's head is gone. Nothing happened. What happened? "Sure enough, the number one on the list is indeed the number one on the list, and it's not a little bit worse than us!" Su Lun sighed.

The people who were arguing on the field stopped for a moment because of my sudden move. To be honest, they did not know how I came here. I saw me standing at the entrance of the building in the last second, and they arrived in the next second. In front of them, this speed really made them a little overwhelmed. However, after a little stun, the people on both sides reacted differently. The person on the side of the beaten guy immediately surrounded him, faintly besieging me, and the other person retired aside and waited to see the play.

"What are you doing?" A guy asked, pointing at me.

I glanced at him coldly, and then said lightly: "This is the end of his sloppy mouth. If you want to help him find his face then go together. I don't have much time to play with you."

I didn't expect that I spoke so aggressively, and all the people present were stunned. The jī slap that I had slapped before was one of the less owed in their team. Often because this mouth offends people, I dare to blame me when I see it. But other people are not stupid. Although none of the people present knew me, they knew that my level of equipment was outrageous, and with the speed of the slap just now, they all knew that I was not the one they could challenge. However, although I know that I am strong, I have been beaten. If I say nothing and run with my tail in the back, how do they see people in the future? When they quarreled with the other group of people, they were imposing and humorous. After all, they were not really confusing, so they would not fight often, and fighting was just fighting. But today, I was fluttered by someone for nothing, and their momentum was completely dropped to the end. If you don't ask me for an explanation, you won't have to do it here.

Because of this pressure, these people surrounded me even though they knew I was strong. They just didn't expect that I had no room for them. According to their ideas, they threatened me more, and I verbally apologized and served a soft thing, and it was exposed. Even if I do n’t want to lose, they ’re the big deal. It ’s the best to send one or two examples. I ’ll do a few tricks. When the time comes, I just hit them twice, and then I say that I am extraordinary. Withdrawal, this matter has passed.

However, they are not counted as countless. I not only refused to be soft, but actually wanted them to go together. If a group of people rushed together and said respect for my strength, it would be an idiot. You have had two or three moves with others to say that the strength of the other party is good. That is called respecting the strength of others. How can a dozen people say that respecting the strength of others? A dozen people and one piece are not their opponents. This also respects the others. It is not a waste?

Seeing the group of people without the Brahma for a long time, I directly said, "Since you have nothing to say, I will leave. I have no time to play with you." I turned and went to the building.

The group of people were thinking about how to answer the question before, and it would be anxious as soon as I left. The group of people hurled me around me.

"Who let you go?"

"Then you are going to fight?" I asked, looking yīn fiercely, at the man who spoke.

The guy took a step back with my eyes staring, and then remembered that it was too shameful, so he quickly stepped forward and said loudly, "Apologize to us right away, or you don't want to leave here today."

After listening to his words, I nodded calmly and said, "Well, it seems that you have decided to fight with me. So let's get started. Do I need to count one or two or three? Or how about you? No one wants to count? Then let me count. One ... two ... "

I probably know that I ca n’t stop playing. Those people want to fight, so I ’ll take a shot ahead of time, so as not to wait until I start to take advantage of it, so when I just finished counting two, one person suddenly rushed out one. The kick kick swept over my head.

·· The moment he turned around the heel of the guy and looked at the moment when he was about to sweep my head, a hand suddenly blocked the forward path of that foot. I put a block on my side and firmly held the guy's ankle and continued in a calm tone: "So you guys like to shoot first? But that's fine. Now that you're doing it, I'll start. "As soon as I finished the last word, I suddenly grabbed the ankle of the guy who kicked out of the kick and slammed the guy into the crowd next to him. With that guy's scream, around four or five people were swept away and thrown out of the ball. However, I did not let go of the guy who kicked Tuǐ. After sweeping five people, he continued to hold his Tuǐ and used him as a weapon to smash him in the crowd around him, and shot the whole group within a few moments. Flew out.

Seeing everyone around, I walked to the guy who was the first to be slapped by my slap fan, and then shoved the guy who was already dying on the ground to the guy I had fainted. Smashing, only two screams sounded at the same time, but the fainted one woke up, or the awake fainted.

·· Release the guy ’s ankle, pat the dust that does not exist on the hand, I still walked back to the steps in front of the building with a light step and greeted Su Lun. "The flies are dead, let's go in."

· Su Lun still didn't respond. He heard my shout and hurriedly followed me into the building.

·· The interior of the building is just like the inside of the pyramid, all of which are made of stone passages, and there are many forks. Fortunately, I have a guide. Although Su Lun is not a guide here, he is a national xìng guide and is very familiar with the natural stone structure of this famous tourist attraction. He may not know how to crack some organs, but he can find out the location accurately. As for those roads, they are more familiar, which is the basic quality of a tour guide.

·· Going along the seven-turn and eight-turn channel, I was caught by Su Lun after bypassing most of the institutions. "President Ziri, let's wait here."

"Why?" I asked, looking at the empty passage in front.


·· "Can't this institution be shut down?"

·· Su Lun immediately came to: "Where there is a fast protruding stone on the turn across the aisle, as long as he is pressed down, it will not fall at this time within three minutes. So we can only enter when someone inside comes out. . When the people inside came out, they would press the stone, and then quickly ran out. We just happened to go in. "

·· "What if nobody is there?"

·· "No, this is a tourist resort with a lot of people."


"But it's so anxious to wait! Do you know the trigger conditions of these levels? Is it not triggered without stepping on the ground?"

Su Lunyao Yaotou said: "It's not just the ground, walls and ceilings can't be touched. The first half of this one hundred meters is fine. You can't toss the stones down any way you like. Touching any one of them will cause the rocks above the entire passage to fall together. By then you will be standing in the middle half and pulling, there are stones in front, you ca n’t run out at all. Of course, if you have the ability to rush through in a few seconds The whole passage is okay ~ ~ It will take almost a second for the stone to fall down anyway. "

If it is not difficult to run a hundred meters in one second, let alone the supersonic flying ability of the flying bird, this speed can be reached even if Night Shadow runs out of his haste.

However, the problem is that the end of this passage is a T-shaped fork. If we rush through the entire passage at a speed of 100 meters per second, how can we stop behind? Even the best braking system in the world won't let us stop before hitting a wall, not to mention that Yeying has no braking system yet. Of course, I also thought about the ability to move in a moment or dream transfer in the night shadow, but unfortunately, there seem to be a few sections here to seal these abilities. The first half of the passage can be moved around by you, which is the latter half. I can't make it through.

Teleportation is unavailable, and the speed of the newcomer newcomers is too late to brake. If you think about the past, you can only find a way to avoid touching the mechanism. However, looking at the length of the passage, it is really difficult to wear and seize without touching the four walls. Anyway, I have tried both the floating and floating features of the night shadow, and they will automatically fail in the channel. This channel seems to be able to fight against magic. It can only think of other ways in the past. Of course, we can't wait for someone to help us press the stop switch on the opposite side, but according to Su Lun, the altar hall is behind this passage. I'm going to the place soon, but I am stuck at a step away from the altar, which is really depressing. @。

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