Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 89: You have to be bullied

I don't have much confidence in whether our guild players can block Kaos, after all, that is the existence of the Lord God. Imagine the fighting power of Di Tans and Anubis. Kaos and them will only be stronger than they will not be weaker. If he had no divine power available now, it would be a matter of minutes to break through our defense with such strength.

With a sorrowful mood, I finally walked through the long magical corridor, regardless of whether a magical potion was inserted into my mouth. The magic sucking corridor cannot be closed. Anyone who has passed there must be sucked out of the magic, and I can't be an exception, so as soon as I come out from there, I immediately swallow a magic potion.

Immediately after swallowing the pill, I focused on the stationmaster in front of me. Because the third line of defense was a large area of ​​open space, and the barrier between the third and fourth lines of defense was a transparent energy barrier, I saw at a glance Kaos, who was in the middle of a large group of fighters.

After seeing the battlefield, my heart finally let go, and with a little surprise, because from the situation of the scene, our guild players not only blocked Kaos, but also seemed to engage the other party. Pretty wolf.

Kaos on the battlefield was standing with his back against the energy barrier. He was wearing a set of silver-white armor, but now there are a few large black marks on the gorgeous armor, as if it was burned by something. The fake golden spear that the fake Kaos held before also has this real Kaos, and the real thing is obviously more gorgeous than the previous one. Kaos and I haven't had much contact before, otherwise we wouldn't be deceived by fakes at all. Seriously, the disguise of Kaos ’s pet is really amateur, but I ’m not familiar with Kaos originally, even if he finds another person to replace it, as long as there are no obvious differences in appearance characteristics, it is estimated I won't find it for a while.

Unlike the embarrassing Kaos, the players in the bank standing opposite him did not seem to be hit hard. Although there must have been casualties on our side in the previous battles, at least it seems that the group of people who blocked him are intact, and the momentum seems to be dominant on our side.

As soon as I stepped onto the ground of the third line of defense, the player on the opposite side immediately noticed my arrival, and then more players noticed my arrival, and even caused a small commotion at the scene. Originally such a good opportunity Kaos should seize the time to seal the throne of the Seal of God, but he did not do so. Of course, he certainly did not seize this opportunity not because he wanted to rush in, but because he didn't dare. Originally before attacking the city of commandments, Kaos was as dismissive of ordinary players as many other Protoss. Most of these protoss, apart from feeling that I still have some strength, don't look at other players at all. Even some more arrogant guys don't even take me seriously, let alone ordinary players. Although these members of our guild are elites in the eyes of ordinary people, they are no different from ordinary people in the eyes of the Protoss. This is just like human costume ants, with different standing heights, different viewpoints. Ants can see that ants are relatively strong, but in the eyes of humans, ants are ants, and no matter how strong ants are, they will not be much stronger than other ants. Prior to this war, Kaos was also one of the appraisal supporters of this theory. He did not think that ordinary players could pose any threat to him. However, just now, it is these things that he usually does not look at. Ordinary players, I blocked it, but also made him ashamed. After being hit so hard, Kaos no longer dare to despise the meaning of these ordinary players, and now my presence is even more daunting, so he did not dare to break through. Based on his understanding of me, even if his divine power is still there, he can't completely ignore my existence, and now his divine power cannot be used at all, not to mention that there are such a large group of high-ranking senior players nearby. Dare to act rashly.

"His Kaos is really a good plan!" I saw that the initiative on the battlefield was still on our side, and I was not in a hurry, speaking slowly to the opposite side while speaking to Kaos.

"Don't you Chinese say soldiers don't hate soldiers? I also say soldiers don't hate soldiers." Kaos said while inserting the spear in his hand to the ground, and then pulled out a bottle of purplish red liquid from his body and poured it into his mouth.

Seeing his elbow player immediately became nervous. The reason why they were able to suppress Kaos here before was because of their large number of people and their tacit understanding. On the other hand, it was because Kaos did not dare to enlarge his moves. The absorptive capacity of the magic suction channel is not fake. Although the magic on his body has not been completely absorbed, there is not much left. In order to be able to maintain the trumpet of continuous combat, Kaos did not dare to use those powerful moves. He could only use small skills to compete with these players, so he was so embarrassed. But now he is clearly drinking a potion of rejuvenation, and once his magic is restored, our lives will be difficult.

The prowess of the Protoss is not only their divine power, but also masters of powerful advanced spells are also one of the killers of the Protoss. Once Kaos can use those powerful skills unscrupulously, it means that ordinary players can't get started. After all, if you want to participate in a battle of that level, you must have at least the defense ability of a large skill that you can live with. You ca n’t even stop others from doing it, and you are farting with them? Because the players in our guild knew this, they immediately became nervous when they saw Kaos drinking medicine. However, just when they were going to rush to consume the magic of Kaos and not give him time to return to the Seal of the Seal of the Throne, I reached out and stopped their actions.

"His Lord Kaos wants to restore the magic and let him recover. We can never order the enemy to do things according to our intentions." At this point, I suddenly said again: "But we can ... although we cannot command the enemy How to do it, but we can decide our own behavior, isn't it? His Excellency Kaos wants to restore the magic, wouldn't you hurry up and recharge our super weapon with the Seal of Throne? "

The witnesses on the field were stunned when they heard me. The players in our guild were suddenly realized, but Kaos was scared. In his panicked glance, something a bit like a satellite antenna was pushed out, and an old magic pipeline was dragged behind that thing, which was obviously a huge energy-consuming thing. Almost immediately when the thing was launched, Kaos realized that it was bad, and after that thing started to recharge, Kaos finally couldn't wait. Because he had felt the strong magic fluctuations emanating from that thing, judging from the degree of this magic gathering, the power of that thing was definitely not small. This time, we do n’t need our people to come forward to harass at all. He himself gave up the plan to delay the time and restore the magic of the Seal of Throne. . It's not that the thing would definitely kill him. On the contrary, he was not really worried about the power of that thing. What really dreaded him was that I was doing something with that thing. Although the gadget was not going to kill him with one shot, he would definitely lose his combat power as long as he took one shot, so after the charge was completed, he must always be distracted and remember if the gadget would suddenly give him Come on. At that time, even if the gadget didn't fire from beginning to end, it would be annoying to just look at him like that. Therefore, he must destroy the thing before it can concentrate, so as not to fall into a multi-faceted enemy state.

I can't be transferred here to keep the commandments and replacements are not ordinary people. The players at the scene guessed that Kaos would definitely take the initiative when I prompted them to pile up that stuff, so I had done it well. Ready. As soon as Kaos moved here, our players immediately followed.

Kaos suddenly lifted the spear stuck on the ground, then threw it out at the weapon, and rushed after him.

However, just after he threw the spear, a player wearing the same shape as the steel giant suddenly blocked the front of the machine, and then slammed the spear with the huge axe in his hand. Hearing only a loud noise, Tan Fei, the player's huge axe in the hands of the player was immediately shaken back, even by himself. But he also smashed the spear this time. The spear that originally flew towards the machine pierced the ground, but because the buildings in the central area were strengthened by rules, the gun tip was not penetrated at all, but after a piece of Mars was rubbed on the ground, it slammed. Bounced a few feet high.

Although the thrown gun was missed, Kaos didn't use any hesitation, anyway, he didn't expect to throw the gun to destroy the thing. However, just as he was behind the spear and was about to rush to the front of the machine, he suddenly flashed in front of him, and dozens of thunder and lightning hit his forward route at the same time. If he insists on maintaining this speed and direction, he can only crash into the thunderbolt himself. If he stops, or turns, he will lose his chance of assault. Our people are all around now. As soon as he stops, he will be entangled by our people. It will not be so easy to destroy that machine. If his divine power is still there, maybe he will rush through with a thunder and lightning. The problem is that he has no power now, and the lightning in front of him is obviously not from one person. Simultaneously hit by multiple people's skills at the same time, although this Shanghai will not kill him, but in this state of enemies looking around is almost as bad as death. Therefore, although reluctant, Kaos eventually chose to avoid its edge temporarily.

However, although Kaos chose to give in, our people did not plan to let him go. When Kaos stiffly stopped his body and made a detour to the left, he suddenly saw a row of shotguns flying at the same time. The purpose was obviously the same as the previous thunder and lightning, which was to make him either injured or detoured. . However, after all, thunderbolts and javelins are different. Thunderbolts can't be blocked, but shotguns can be blocked. Kaos saw that the shooting did not stop at all, and rushed straight up to the shooting, while drawing the sword on his back and slamming at the shooting in the air. However, just as he was staring intently at the shot and preparing to shoot it down, he suddenly felt that the cold hairs behind him stood up. Unfortunately, although he felt the danger in his body, he didn't know how to flash, let alone the front. His shooting is not easy to deal with. If he avoids the danger behind him, he will be hit by the shooting in front of him, and even if he cannot see what the attack is, he may not be able to escape even if he dodges. So after weighing the pros and cons, Kaos still didn't change his moves, and continued to charge up to the row of shotguns, but the speed was much faster, hoping to get rid of the dangers behind, but it was a pity that he underestimated the threats approaching speed. Just when he thought he could shake off the threat, the thing had penetrated into his back, and the top-level artifact on his body was pierced without any protection like a layer of white paper. .

The so-called wrong step. Because of underestimating the dangerous speed behind him and destructive power, Kaos was beaten directly, his body flung forward, and because of physical injury and loss of balance, he could not stop the shot from the front. Except for those javelins that would never have hit him, the remaining three shots all hit. Although his armor blocked two of them, one was inserted through the back of his calf, and the blood and water on his leg was spurted instantly, and the ground soon turned red.

After two consecutive strokes, Kaos did not lose his ability to move. He quickly grasped the weapon inserted behind him and tried to pull it out, trying to pull it out. Who knew that this time he not only failed to pull things out, he was hit twice in a row. First of all, the tip of the thing actually formed the structure of the arrow of the wolf tooth in his body. The sharp tip was covered with barbs around it. It was easy to insert it, and it was troublesome to pull it out. Don't even try to pull out without tearing a big piece of meat. In addition, in addition to the sharp deformation of the thing that caused the pain caused by the wound, Kaos was even charged by the handle of the thing. This weapon that attacked him turned out to be a special weapon, and he was not allowed to touch it. Although he could forcibly hold the weapon with his strength, the resistance of that thing also made him very uncomfortable. After all, he must resist the arc counterattack. It is also necessary to call magic, and Kaos is now injured all over, and magic is even more precious. Can it withstand such consumption?

Although terribly painful, Kaos was a hegemon, and his heart was cruel enough. After discovering the characteristics of the thing, he did not give up, but instead clenched his teeth to pull the thing out of his back, but the thing really did tear off from his back. The big piece of meat made him follow a big piece of flesh and blood, as if shot by a shotgun up close.

Just now the thing was pulled out of the wound, Kaos hadn't had time to look at it, and saw that the thing even flew up and blasted away towards the distance. And the person who catches that thing is the one who most fears him.

In fact, it was not something else that just hit him, but my eternity. At that time, I was still outside the isolation barrier, and everything else was too late. I only threw out eternity as a flying knife. If Kaos knew that my main weapon was eternal behind him, I guess he would not make a hard decision. After all, the protoss who are more familiar with me know that my eternity is also one of the highest-level weapons in the artifact. Generally, the protoss dare not to dare to fix this stuff, or they will be terrible.

Wounded by eternity, Kaos gave me an angry look, then stretched out his hand and took a pill out of his arms to recover the wound, but he suddenly felt his hand when he just passed the pill to his mouth. The last light, and then bowed again and found that the pill was missing.

"Is there a lot of good things on His Excellency Kaos?" At this moment I was holding a pill in the distance to look there, while a white fox-like creature stopped on my shoulder. Of course this creature is my dart, but the one in my hand is what Kaos just wanted to swallow.

Kaos wasn't sure what was going on, but when I saw the pill in my hand, I knew everything. It's just that the speed of the darts brought him more than just surprises but also fears. Although this little thing doesn't seem to be lethal, a creature so fast can be more than just a medicine that can be used to grab medicine!

"Your pet is quite powerful!" Kaos did not tangle with me on the pill, but quickly picked up another pill and stuffed it into his mouth. The speed of darts is indeed fast, but not so fast as to be able to **** down the things in his hands if the opponent is prepared. The real significance of speed-type magic pets such as darts is not the risk of winning the battle results, but the deterrence that keeps the other side constantly distracted and prepared. As the famous saying goes, the most dangerous bullet is one that has not yet fired. Once hit, there are only two results for the bullet-hit or miss. However, as long as the bullet has not been fired, it can threaten one or a group of people, because the other party is afraid of being hit. The meaning of darts is the same. What if he was asked to **** the pill? Since Kaos had long thought about sneaking in to steal the ring of precepts, he should know that there might be siege by the brigade, so the auxiliary medicines on his body are definitely very full, one less and two at all It doesn't matter. But in turn, as long as the darts don't move, he must always guard against sudden attacks. The defense of this small speed creature is generally very good, but their attack power is not necessarily low. Even if their attack power is not high, if they come this way in the course of their own casting, it will be terrible.

After kan went to Kaos and swallowed the elixir, I also swallowed the elixir I just grabbed. Although I was not injured, this thing still gradually recovered 20% of its magic power. To be honest, my magical power has just come out of the magic channel, otherwise I just started throwing eternity instead of throwing eternity as a flying sword.

After swallowing the pill, Kaos pulled out the shotgun in his leg, and then stared at me for a while. Finally, he suddenly threw the shotgun in his hand at me, but he himself Suddenly a turn continued and rushed towards the machine.

When kan came to the shooting gun, I just leaned slightly on one side, eternally standing in my hand, and opened the shooting gun with a bang. This thing and Kaos's weapon are completely two things, even if he is no matter how strong, it is unlikely to produce much damage. But Kaos himself didn't expect the thing to hurt me, all he wanted was to delay me for a while to make it easier for him to hit the machine. However, he seems to have forgotten that my specialty is not his combat effectiveness.

A dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of Kaos, and after Kaos saw a large area of ​​swordsman like a wall. Because he didn't know the strength of the other party, he didn't dare to fix it. If it was the same as the eternity before, wouldn't it be a big loss?

Wolverine turned from offense to defense, and Kaos finally got out of the coverage of Jianmang while wielding his sword while blocking. After that, he knew exactly who was attacking him. What blocked him was a soldier covered in black armor. The soldier was covered tightly throughout his body, only the eyes were blocked by crystals. However, although the other party's package was very strict, Kaos did not feel the martial arts from the warrior. The sacred king created the sacred king to kill the **** and seal the throne at night. Night Killing Gods Seal of the Throne Seeking Demon Awesome World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned Shaozhou Zhou Martial King Qiang Night Killing Gods Seal of the Great Emperor Nine Days Strongest Abandoning Daozhou Zhou Emperor God Make Night God The magical world Nineth Heaven is the strongest to abandon the Shaozhou royal family to any breath of life. This is a higher undead, this is Kaos's first judgment.

Although guessing the identity of the other party, Kaos did not have a good way to deal with the immediate existence. In fact, the Russian protoss and the undead were originally unrelated protoss, so there was little intersection between the two before. Kaos neither found a way to know the opponent, nor fully understood **** the other. He only knew that undead creatures were generally very difficult to kill, especially the Lich, as long as the life box was not damaged. It can be resurrected indefinitely, which is simply an abnormal existence.

The King appeared extremely excited when he appeared in front of Kaos. The undead should not have excited emotions, but the king is now a senior undead, so all kinds of emotions are richer. In addition, due to the nature of the spirit, the king likes to fight against powerful enemies. The more powerful the enemy, the more excited he can be.

After the first encounter, both sides stopped and began to observe the strength of the other side, but Kaos stopped really, we stopped. With a golden light flashing, a huge magic array suddenly appeared on the ground, and Victoria was slowly rising from it. The King was not idle while I called Victoria. Xunmei and Xun walked out from behind him, then locked Kaos with four eyes at the same time.

Kaos originally wanted to stop analyzing the situation and wait for the magic to recover some of his opponents with a big move once, but what he didn't expect was that this stop didn't matter, the other party summoned the two companions. When the gaze and gaze fell on him, Kaos shuddered instinctively. Not to mention that he is the boss of the Northern Protoss, the native **** lives in the cold zone, and even ordinary tropical protoss are absolutely impossible to have cold fear. So this chill is definitely not a natural reaction of the body. Kaos was panicked under the hurried inspection, because he found that the capital of his life was slowly falling, and his attributes such as attack and defense were falling down. His magic power is still growing, but Kaos knows that because he has just taken the magic recovery medicine, it must be that the speed of recovery has offset some of the speed of magic power consumption. If nothing unexpected, his magic power should also be related to life. Values ​​are also being quickly absorbed.

Kaos ’magical power was absorbed most of the time when he passed through the magic suction channel. Later, we were attacked by our guild repeatedly and did not have time to restore the magical power. Although I took a few pills, I was hit a few times. The magic is used to restore the wound. Now it's hard to make up for it again, and as a result, he encounters two creatures that can **** magic, so he will never expect to use high-power spells.

After thinking about the current situation, Kaos was not hesitant. He directly used the super magic technique and waved at the king's side: "Polar frost." For a moment, the area visible to my naked eyes turned into a snow and ice almost instantly. The world, and many lower level players are all frozen in the ice, even if the level is high, their legs and feet are frozen on the ground and can not be moved at all. Such a large range of magic still has such power, and it can be seen that its level is quite high, and in order to release such a large-scale spell instantly without preparation, Kaos even uses super magic skills. Now that his magic is restored, the value when he just came out of the magic channel is not enough.

One move froze most of the enemies present, and Kaos did not miss the chance, and rushed directly to the machine ahead. Originally according to his ideas, I was behind him and had no time to intercept, and the people in front were frozen, just to take the opportunity to destroy the device. However, as soon as he rushed out, he suddenly noticed that the surrounding ice was shining.

The ice itself naturally does not glow, and Kaos immediately realized that it was what was glowing behind him, and it was very strong. He turned around and saw that the huge wheel of golden fate was slowly spinning in the sky, followed by a golden arrow of light.

kan to that arrow, plus the previous experience of martial arts, the sacred king made the sacred king to kill the **** of the night, the throne of the seal, and the pride of the world, the strongest abandoned, the strongest abandoned the young king, the royal family will kill the **** of the night, the throne of the seal, and the pride of the world. Forced abandoning the Shaozhou royal family martial arts Qiankang will kill the night of the gods and seals the throne to seek the magic and pride of the world nine strongest days. The pressure on the golden roulette, Kaos took it for granted that the power of this arrow is absolutely extraordinary, so he immediately gave up the attack and began to dodge. The power of the arrow of destiny is unparalleled, after all, everything that is related to the law is not simple. It's just that Kaos got this power in the wrong direction. The power of the arrow of destiny is not reflected in direct lethality.

Kaos, who dodged himself, did not expect that this thing could be tracked. The result was that he was directly hit by the arrow of fate. The whole person was frightened and took a few steps to stand. During the period, he almost slipped out of the ice he made. inverted. In fact, the arrow of destiny has no impact, and Kaos's retreat is entirely psychological.

However, although the physical effect kan looks like a phantom, the arrow of fate does have its own effect. Immediately after the Arrow of Destiny hit, Victoria reported to me: "Master, you get the anger!"

"Angry?" Victoria's Wheel of Destiny is very strong, but there are many problems. The biggest problem is that it is completely unreliable to get that attribute. Anger attributes are negative in nature, but sometimes they are annoying. This attribute can reduce the target's health and defense by 50% and double the endurance consumption, but when the target is weakened, it can get more than three times the normal value of attack power and agility, and the probability of failure to release various types of skills doubles. But after release, the power was three times the normal value. In other words, the target under the control of fate will become abnormally extreme. His life and defense fell. However, in contrast, Zhongzhao creatures will get super lethality while continuing to decline in combat capabilities. If they are not good, it will cause a move to drop the opponent, especially when the target makes the original Kaos When there is a strong existence, this disadvantage will become more obvious.

Because I know the characteristics of the arrow of fate, I am not completely at ease with Kaos now, after all, his attack power is too high now. However, Kaos himself did not know his own situation. Before the next attack, he intelligently kan his defense and life dropped by half, so he seemed more worried than me.

"What is this?" Kaos asked me. "Did you already use that thing?"

"Do you say the ring of commandments?" I suddenly took out a crystal stone with runes engraved from my body: "Since you have decided to resist the union of all other protoss to steal the ring of commandments, then you should have this Preparation. "

The thing I just gave out is the license of the commandment ring. This thing is not a permission on paper, but a thing like a magic password. A certain Protoss can put a password on it, as long as they have all the passwords, they can operate the ring of commandments. The first thing I did after returning from the Russian **** world was to get this thing in hand, because once the Russian protoss is drawn into the Russian **** world, this thing will become my last layer of protection. As long as I can freely move the ring of commandments, let alone a medium protoss such as the Stone Russian Protoss, even a large protoss like the heavenly courts will never want to grab the ring of precepts.

When Kaos heard my answer, he was more convinced that what I had just used was the power of the Ring of Discipline, but he didn't understand why it was launched by the woman next to me, not myself. But this is not the point, Kaos really cares about his condition. He was already quite worried when he was caught in the siege. Now he has been weakened by half of his defense and life. Let ’s go on, let alone the ring of commandments. He does n’t even know if he can keep his life. .

"Well, you can use the power of the ring of commandments to deal with me, you are really good at it!"

"You should think of this when you are plotting the ring of commandments. You were also one of the owners of the ring of commandments before. I naturally cannot use it to actively attack you, but now that you have violated the agreement, then according to the original gods, After the agreement, I will automatically get the temporary use right of the Ring of Commandment. But I do n’t want to use the Ring of Commandment here now. Go in. If you are smart, surrender immediately, and I can help you and other protoss to interrogate. Although the Russian protoss will certainly not be protected, it should not be a problem to keep you. How? This is your last chance.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Kaos laughed and said, "Do you think I still have room to maneuver now? From the moment I started planning to get the ring of commandments, I had no retreat. Either win, Either you lose, there is no middle ground. "

"You know it very well." I snapped my fingers as I spoke, and a large group of magic pets appeared around me. "That being the case, then you are ready to die here."

"If you want to stay with me, you have to have that ability." Kaos said and then rushed towards me, but he was suddenly stopped by a large group of death guards of the wolf head as soon as he rushed halfway. Kaos was a stunner at that time, but he quickly responded that he slammed the epee in his hand, and the monster in front of him was a sword. The monster that was cut by him did not mean to dodge, but instead greeted him. Going up, although Kaos successfully split the death guard in front of him in half, the monster next to him suddenly rushed up and caught the blade firmly in the body of the dead monster ~ www ~ Kaos, I do n’t know if I want to use rogue tactics to drag him with summons. So he didn't care about the sword anymore, he just wanted to step back when he let go, but the death guards around him moved him one step faster. He had just stepped back, and a Death Guard had jumped from the outside. Kaos turned back and punched the Death Guard out, but before he recovered his fist, the second Death Guard rushed up again. The Death Guard did not attack him, but just hugged his arm and hung him, and then Kaos could not respond. The third and fourth Death Guards rushed one after another and hugged his head. Within a few seconds, Kaos hung a layer of death guards on his head and legs. Although Kaos had a layer of Death Guard on his body, he did not give up, but was desperately struggling to get rid of the Death Guard on his body, but those Death Guards did not let go at all. One, anyway, at my current level, I can summon 30,000 death guards. At his speed, do n’t expect to kill the hour. Moreover, the summoned number of death guards can be recovered. At his speed, he can't kill only my death guards if he is exhausted.

After kan's rather arrogant Kaos was trapped in the crowd by death guards, the players in our guild were finally relieved. One of the leading players came to me and asked, "President, are you going to consume him like this?"


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