Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 86: 1 Mighty War

Whenever I am the fastest responder, but because! I had to prepare for it in advance, so Xi Xun's response was not too slow. After I shouted, the people in the city reacted almost at the same time and started to get busy.

Several players who had been notified in advance threw a few things in their hands directly to the ground after the violent shaking, turned their heads and ran to the teleportation array. Several people separated immediately after reaching the teleportation team, and one of them teleported directly above the city wall. As soon as he emerged from the teleportation array, he rushed towards the outer wall without turning back, then rushed to the edge of the wall in three steps and two steps, followed by pressing on the wall and jumped out. Before the person standing on the edge of the city wall knew what was going on, he saw that guy disappeared outside the city wall. He didn't know he thought he was going to commit suicide. However, this guy is not trying to commit suicide. He has a mission.

After jumping out of the city wall, the player immediately took out a crystal communicator and shouted into it: "Confirm that there is no avalanche on the east side. After he shouted, someone shouted:" There is no avalanche on the west side and there is no north side on the south side. Neither side

"It doesn't seem to be an avalanche." At this point I had teleported to the central control room of the Disciplinary City, and the head of the army **** was suspended above the display crystal next to me.

"Since it is not an avalanche, it is likely to be true, but everything has to be determined after other inspection teams report the situation.

Just as I was talking to the **** of war, a player was rushing into a teleportation array with a sprint of 100 meters and teleported out, and the next second he came from an inconspicuous temporary teleportation point below the Himalayas. Come out. As soon as he was out of the teleportation array, the guy quickly rushed to the side of a long line of instruments, and at this time several people were standing by the instruments who were operating those instruments. When the player stopped, he immediately asked, "What happened?"

"Preliminary tests showed that there were no earthquakes in the Himalayas, and I think it's likely that those guys really did.

"What about the specific numbers? ..." the player couldn't wait to ask.

"Wait a moment, the data is being output." A player next said while picking up a slowly extending crystal tube from a machine, and when the tube reached half an inch in length, it suddenly disconnected automatically. Came down. The player immediately caught the crystal tube and turned it over to the person.

As soon as the player who received the data received the data, he took out his own communicator and shouted into it: "The earthquake data has come out and is ready to receive the data." After saying this, he would directly send the data regardless of whether the other person was heard The crystal tube was plugged in from the back of his communicator, and just as he plugged in the crystal tube, the display panel in front of the God of War and me was refreshing various geological data.

"It doesn't seem to be an earthquake." After reading the data, the military **** said: "No earthquake is born on the top of a mountain.

"Is it certain that the Magic Circle has started ?.

"No, at least not Shinto now:" Wait for the most critical set of information.

The group of information that is called the most critical by the **** of war is actually data returned by dozens of torches guarded by dozens of guard teams composed of hundreds of players. These things look like an enlarged class torch, but the top is not a flame but a shining crystal. These people have been on duty in various places throughout the mountain area, and immediately felt the shock and then inserted the things in their hands into the snow under their feet. Those devices started working as soon as they were plugged into the ground. First, the crystal-like thing on the top of the instrument automatically unfolded, followed by a yellow crystal, which slowly rose from it, followed by the crystal gradually becoming brighter, and accompanied by a clearer and clearer hum. With this vibration and light, some fairly complicated patterns gradually began to emerge near the topaz. If you look closely, the magic patterns that hang in the air are simply unformed magic arrays.

After seeing the magic formation, the player standing next to him opened the communicator and contacted him. "A group of reports." A report sounded at the same time in the room where the warlord and I squatted.

"what's the situation?"

"Confirm the space magic reaction."

"Understand, you can evacuate


One group has just finished reporting, and the next several groups have also started to report separately. As a result, until the tenth group, there were reported space magic reactions. Only the eleventh group said that the response was weak, and the twelfth group did not respond at all.

After listening to all the reports, the Army God did not wait for me to ask before answering: "No need to guess this time, the other party really started the magic circle. It seems we can start work!"

"That's right. I didn't start early and didn't start late. I chose to start at this time, which caused me not even getting paid. It seems that I can only work first and then get the money."

I was expecting the gods to send me the benefits first, but the Russian gods chose to start the magic circle when they were young. Those gods have just left, and it is impossible to send me the rewards so soon. I ca n’t wait for them to send things and then go to war with the Russian protoss. I have no choice but to fight first. Anyway, I'm not worried about their account being settled. The agreements have been signed. They don't want to settle the bill.

Now that the strategic legal formation of the Russian Protoss has been determined, there is no need to hesitate anymore. I immediately informed the various departments in the guild to start implementation according to the previously determined plan.

Just after I knew about the Russian Protoss, I made arrangements for the people in the guild. Although the negotiations with the Protoss have just ended, the battle preparations have actually been done, so now there is no need to panic, just follow the plan Step by step.

After a violent shaking, I quickly walked to the communicator and connected the communication of the guild channel, and then ordered: "Attention of all members of the Frost Rose Alliance, I am the president Ziri. Now I announce that the defender will be activated immediately plan."

"Understand, the defenders plan to start all the relevant personnel in the channel to respond neatly.

With this answer, the entire area of ​​the Frost Rose Alliance began to undergo earth-shaking changes. First of all, the Japanese side suddenly showed a marked decline in our guild's offensive strength. As if all the main battle forces disappeared in an instant.

However, even if our main force is no longer present, the Japanese have no plans to make a big counterattack. They are now firmly convinced that Matsumoto's plan will allow Japan to rise again and drive us out of Japanese territory, so what they did after the weakening of our guild was not to take the opportunity to counterattack. Instead, pretend to be more cowardly and back off. So that we can complete the entire Japanese occupation as soon as possible. In this way, they can use the time to protect the throne of the Seal of the Dead after the death and fight back.

The situation is not the same as the Japanese. The Russians felt that the defense strategy of the squadron suddenly made a 180-degree turn, and the original elastic defense circle suddenly shrank into several powerful battle sets. The leaving Russians were a little adapted for a while but came to the door. He was blunt on many battlefields. "For our troops will leave as quickly as before. Who knows that our troops have become magnets. When they meet their troops, I am dead, and the party that does not fight hard is resolute. In addition to our tactics in the main battlefield, there have been huge changes. Even the previous guerrillas did not know why. All of a sudden, the Russian players were suspicious. I was afraid that the guerrillas suddenly concentrated on a vital part and suddenly came out to give them a hard shot.

In fact, our guild did not intend to get through with Russian players at all, and our strategy was more thorough. The reason why the Russians can take advantage now is entirely because of their own preparations and the fact that our guilds are fighting against all sides are taking advantage of us. So we skipped the battle with Russian players and got the Russian Protoss as long as there were no Russian Protoss. Heaven does not need to keep the previous agreement. Then how do we think about those Russian guilds?

Unlike the sudden disappearance of our guild on the battlefields of Japan and Russia, the city of commandments at this time is completely different. Since I issued the order to start the defense plan, the teleportation formation of the city of commandments has never stopped, and the bank that has been withdrawn from various battlefields will arrive here in an elaborate manner, and it will almost make the city of commandment almost instantaneous. From the usual extremely deserted state to the same bustling downtown, and in Isinger, the situation is similar.

Suddenly, the huge broadcast sound in the ground city of Isinger suddenly reminded all the players in the city to look into the air "" Attention of all the people in Isinger. First-level defence operations. First-level defence operations. The main corridors of this city are about to be closed. Please ask all personnel to stand in place and not move. The corridors will open again in fifteen minutes. All personnel in the teleportation array should also note that the teleportation array will stop working for fifteen minutes and then resume. Please do not start the teleportation array in the throne of time.

With the end of the communication sound, the jack gates above the various passages in the whole Isinger suddenly fell down, followed by the various energy sealing layers on both sides of the gate. The huge crystal defenders suspended on the four corners of the city wall and on the axis of the city wall also descended and embedded in the corresponding grooves on the top of the city wall, and the entire defensive array temporarily entered a closed state. After the external connection was broken, the Eye of Hell between Isinger Ground City and Sky City gradually began to fall, and finally sank into the gathering tower of Isinger Ground City, and with the Eye of Hell The closure of the city of Isinger began to rise slowly, and eventually rose into the clouds in the sky.

When the city of Isinger Sky fully entered the clouds above the city, a large amount of water vapor suddenly spewed out from the connection at the bottom of the city of Isinger Sky. The eight huge connectors connected to the city and the Isinger Mobile Fortress suddenly bounced, and then the Isinger Mobile Fortress suddenly jumped up, followed by slowly leaving the city of the Isinger Sky and rising to the sky, The lower Essinger Sky City was automatically lowered to the ground and reconnected to the Essinger Ground City.

When Isinger was in chaos, the city of commandments was in chaos. The arrival is not caused by the confusion caused by too many people in the city, but because the mage in the city is busy starting the teleportation suppression circle.

It takes time for the start of the Russian Protoss's teleportation array to start the throne, but even if it is much slower than the general teleportation array, it will definitely not grow long enough for us to dispatch troops, so I will let the masters of the guild in There are a large number of teleportation inhibitions at the bottom of the discipline city. Of course, the size of the Orisian teleportation array is so large that the output power is naturally unimaginable. Therefore, even the strongest transmission suppression matrix can only serve as an interference. If you want to completely prevent the transmission, then unless it is Get a teleportation suppression matrix that is about the same size as the Russian Protoss. Even if they are not as large as theirs, at least they must reach a fraction of their volume, otherwise it is impossible to suppress them.

Although we know the method, we don't actually have enough area to arrange that level of teleportation suppression matrix, so we can only choose to use a large number of small teleportation suppression matrixes to interfere with the spatial coordinates of the city of commandments. In contrast, each teleportation suppression matrix requires several space mages to manipulate it. The Russian Protoss is very large, so our mage group must constantly change the teleportation to suppress the output of the Legal Array, so that the coordinates of the commandment city have always been in an unstable state, so that the Russian Protoss can be delayed Level teleportation array locks the time of the Seal of Thrones. However, this process is like a group of computer hackers using home computers to black-level computers. Because of the gap in the performance of the device itself, our mage must pay more efforts to barely maintain this balance. It is precisely because of the need to constantly modify the coordinates, and each small teleportation suppression matrix must also maintain its own coordinates to avoid mutual resistance, so they can only keep in touch with each other to coordinate everyone's coordinate settings. It is because the mages are busy setting the coordinates that the coordinate system of the entire Commandment City is messed up, and as a result, almost no new teleportation crowd comes out of the teleportation array. Thrown to a height of more than ten meters was caught in the building.

Fortunately, we cleared all the people near the teleportation team in time, otherwise it would be troublesome if people overlap with each other. In the old fashioned online games, because of network delays and other situations, people often used this kind of people to jam, but in "Zero", if this really happened, then the only result you can get is two people There is no second possibility at all because they are pinched together by space overlap.

While the space mage on our side is busy and suffocated, the people in charge of the operation of the French Protoss in the Russian Protoss are also sweating.

"Have you made a mistake? Why hasn't the Sigil of Throne Seal formed for so long?" A senior Protoss asked, standing behind the group of sweaty guys.

One of the protoss responsible for operating the magic array reluctantly replied: "You can't blame us! You can only blame the guys who are too cunning, and even set the teleportation inhibition matrix under the commandment city, now their space coordinates Always changing, we are working to lock the coordinates

"Can't you hurry up? Do we have such a large array of magical figures?" Said the senior protoss later.

The Protoss who operates the Legal Array explained: "This thing is not determined by the size of the Array. Locking coordinates and modifying coordinates are manual operations, only faster than anyone. Our Legal Array is relatively large, so the advantage is The degree of modifying the coordinates will be slightly faster, but the number of opponents seems to be more than us, so the modification is not slow, so we cannot catch their coordinates for a while. As long as we can lock one of the coordinates, we can just Training the old mouth yang ... It ’s a different experience from fishing! Chuan Jinjiang to several other coordinates. Then remove them one by one. In the end, there are the real coordinates of the city that congratulates Gordian, and then you can connect the city of commandments. Moving along the whole mountain. "

"Okay, I don't understand what you said about coordinates that don't coordinate, I know I want to see the city of commandments appear in our Russian deities immediately, and you can get it as soon as possible." Turned angrily and left the operating area.

After the guy left, several protoss in charge of the operation said: "Really, if you do n’t know how to direct the command over there, you will make trouble for no reason! Damn asshole!"

"Okay," said the protoss who had spoken to the protoss who had left before. "Don't grumble. Who tells people that they are high-ranking members, we are only low-ranking members? Just step up! As long as you can get the ring of commandments , Our future is still very good. "

"Yeah, yeah!" The Protoss who were present at the ring of commandment were all excited. "As long as we can get the ring of commandments, we will be able to fly Huang Tengda in the future. Even if the guys above are picking up the door, even if they leak * some scum to us, it is enough for our strength to jump up a few times in a triple jump."

While these guys complained and fantasized about the good life after gaining the ring of commandment, the latest round of chaos also ushered in the sky above the city of commandments. In fact, the chaos was not caused by anyone, but caused by Isinger's mobile fortress. Just a few seconds ago, a white spot suddenly appeared over the city of commandments, and then that spot was instantly enlarged into a giant ball of light. The intense light stabbed the crowd and could not open their eyes at all, and after the light group disappeared, everyone turned out that the huge chassis of Essinger's Moving Fortress actually stopped less than thirty meters above his head.

"I rely, what's the situation?" I was also startled when I watched Isinger's moving fortress popping out of my head, and hurriedly shouted with a communicator. "Hey God of War, what are you doing? Isinger ’s mobile fortress is two centimeters away from the apex of my defense tower! Please take your next teleport away from it, okay? My Isinger ’s mobile fortress is City fortress, not hill racing! Can you not use it to play drift? "

"It wasn't my fault." The army **** calmly replied: "The Russian Protoss teleportation array and the teleportation suppression array we arranged have messed up the space in this area. I had set it for two kilometers. It ’s a long distance, but I did n’t expect it was passed so close. You should thank Almighty God of Luck for not letting Essinger move the fortress and the city of commandments! ”

"Okay, I'm not poor with you! Are you ready for everything over there?" Because the space in the previous discipline city was disordered, so the transmission was not convenient, so I let the protoss send their rewards Isinger moved to the fort, hoping to catch up with the final teleport.

The God of War replied, "Most of the things have arrived, but they are not complete, but the war should be enough." "Wow, I am very satisfied when I can reach half. Since most of them have arrived, what else do I want? Is it possible to stop them from teleporting and suppressing the formation of the magic circle? If this is done, the city of commandment will fall apart! "

"Of course, you can stop at any time."

"Okay, then I stop."

After receiving my notification, the space mages of the guild immediately closed the operation of the teleportation inhibition matrix. Without the involvement of the teleportation inhibition matrix, the members of the opposite Russian Protoss successfully locked the space coordinates of the commandment city. Then I saw a sudden flash below the main Himalaya peak. The huge earthy magic circle followed by the flash of magic circle, the towering Himalayas and the city of commandments on the mountain disappeared together.

Almost at the same time as the entire Himalayas disappeared, a towering mountain peak suddenly appeared on the land of the Russian gods. The area of ​​this mountain is almost equivalent to the area of ​​a small country. The main peak in the center is even more ridiculous. From the foot of the mountain, there is no way to see it. Because the whole mountain is only half of the lower part below the cloud, and the upper half has reached the cloud.

Although the Protoss of Russia knew that they would get such a result before the start of the magic circle, they couldn't help trembling when they saw the Himalayas and the city of commandments on them.

"Ha ha ha ha! The ring of commandments is finally going to be something of our Northern Protoss family!" Said a protoss with a white body armor all over the sky, laughing in the air.

"Oh, isn't this the boss of the Northern Protoss? Why is it that the Seal of the Seal of God has been gone for a while? You brothers have no eyesight. The boss is crazy and he does not dare to pull back and hide it. He is not afraid of shame. ? "

"I've heard that Zi Riling, the president of Frost Rose League, is so articulate that he can kill people with his mouth, but he didn't expect it to be well-deserved. But" the guy paused deliberately and said, "I didn't expect you to be so stupid. After all this time, do n’t hurry up and say something nice, but dare to sneer at me. Do you really think you are invincible? ”

"Of course I'm not invincible." When I said this, the guy on the other side had already smiled proudly. After all, he is the total ratio of the Russian protoss, which is equivalent to the first-level figure of the Hongjun priest in heaven. Even if the strength of the Russian Protoss is incomparable to that of Heaven, their boss is far less perverted than the leader of Hongjun, but he is still invincible compared to the general Protoss and mortals, so he simply believes that I must lose. However, just as he was proud to answer, I continued to say, "But I am not afraid of you."

"Hahahaha! Don't be afraid of me? Does it make sense? I'm afraid you'll all have to die. No one of you can stop me today."

"If you ca n’t stop it, you ca n’t stop talking about it. It ’s not counted. It ’s not always clear who was killed before the deer died.”

"Joke, do you think you can deal with our entire Northern Protoss with your mortals?"

"If you have real divine power, we are certainly not opponents. But" can you still use divine power now? "

The other party was planning to swindle us a little, but now it seems we know everything. Now that they have been exposed, they no longer need to hide. The guy pointed me directly at the spear in his hand: "Even if there is no divine power, you will still lose."

"Oh? Do you think so?" I said deliberately, "Is it because of the secret weapons behind you? Or do you think that the Protoss is better than mortals even without the power?"

The secret weapon is called a secret weapon because it was developed secretly, and its most prominent function is to catch the enemy by surprise in the battlefield. It's just that these guys of the Russian Protoss did not expect that I knew everything, which made them quite surprised. Although they knew that I had invaded the Russian **** world before, they only thought that I had the magic formation, so they started the magic formation so hastily ... the city of the mountain commandment pulled too secret weapons. Because I did n’t have a research base on “tight weapon” before, they never thought that I would know the existence of these things. In fact, this is not to blame. They did n’t think of it. Because I did n’t know the news from them, but from The situation at the Russian guild was speculated. If they could even know my speculation, then they would not be the next **** but the ring of commandment of omniscience and almighty.

"It seems I still underestimate your intelligence capabilities. But it doesn't matter, what about knowing it? You still have to die that guy arrogantly said:" Zi Ri. To be honest, I admire you. After I get the ring of commandments, I am the strongest protoss in the world. You do n’t need to bury the guys and trust me, I promise you can get more

I smiled and said, "You're Kaos, aren't you? I have to say that your IQ is really a problem. Although I have a strong interest in benefits, I am not stupid at all. We China There is an old saying "cook the rabbit with a dead dog, and the bird hides with the bow" means that the hunter and the bow are useless after the hunter has finished the rabbit and the bow. The bow is hidden and the dog is eaten . Now I'm with those idiots in your mouth, that's an equal employment relationship. At most, I'm weaker, they're stronger. But if I help you get the ring of discipline, then you become The boss of the only protoss in the world. Do you think that there is any meaning in the middle of this protoss in that situation? So do n’t think that I will surrender anymore, now you are my enemy. , Reconciliation, and so on, when I get Alzheimer's day

"Okay, now that you've talked about this, let's talk with strength." Kaos suddenly waved forward, and the surrounding protoss all flew up and suspended in front of us to suspend the entire commandment. The regiment was surrounded.

Although the strength is not very strong, the Russian protoss is still a relatively populous tribe among the pros, at least now there are at least 20,000 or 30,000 people surrounding us.

Even if the Russian Protoss temporarily promoted an approval **** in order to make up the number, the number could also outweigh the average Protoss. Of course, it is not an exaggeration to compare them to a behemoth like Tianting.

"There are a lot of people, but it ’s not as many as I am." I glanced at the protoss in the outer circle, and then clapped my hands, followed by a poisonous commandment in the city suddenly boiling, many players and Gao from the city The number of protagonists on the city wall was only a lot more than that of the outside protoss. The only weakness of the Protoss is the relatively small number of people. If we can't suppress our opponents in this regard, then we will fart?

After seeing the numbers on our side, Kaos had given up unrealistic illusions. In the past, the ring of commandments also had their share of the Russian Protoss, so the city of commandments was a semblance of what they knew. The unusually deserted city of commandments can gather so many people in the throne of the seal of God in a short time, and it is definitely prepared in advance, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to engage the throne of the seal of God even if the teleportation suppression matrix is ​​delayed for a period of time. Out of so many people.

"It was very good that Kaos looked at us and nodded, and then made an offensive gesture backward. The senior protoss who followed him immediately began to greet their men and began to attack the city.

Protoss siege warfare and world warfare are very different, because protoss basically fly regardless of their position. Although there is also an air force in the player guild, that is only a small part of it after all. Even with a wealthy guild like our guild, the ratio of flying troops is less than half of the total, let alone other guilds. In terms of such Air Force deployment ratios, air forces can only be used as harassment forces at best, and regular combat still depends on ground forces. That is, because there are not many air forces in guilds, siege battles in guild wars can actually be called plane wars. Everyone fights on the ground. As long as the defense lines on the ground are well guarded, there is no problem. . However, the Protoss and player guilds are different, and their arms will all fly, so the war between the Protoss is basically a three-dimensional battlefield, not that you just keep the line of defense on the ground.

With the command of the group of protoss, the protoss who had stopped in the outer circle suddenly turned into a three-dimensional cross team and rushed towards the city of commandments. For this battle formation, it can be said that our guild is not the first time we have seen the powerful three-dimensional battle formation of the Protoss in the war between Buddha and Heaven. It's just that we have never participated in such a fight ourselves. Previously, when Buddhism used this battle array, the main force to go to heaven was the first battle. As for the Buddhism attack in India, because it was illegally smuggled out, Buddhism ’s personnel were relatively small. The battlefield, so our people feel nothing. Now the sky is full of flying enemies, this is the first time to officially appreciate the power of the aerial three-dimensional battle array.

However, "There is a saying that is very good. No matter how high the martial arts, one shot fell. Just when the group of protoss rushed and thought that they could win our commandment ring in one fell swoop, the sky above them suddenly became dark. A huge object suddenly smashed from the air.

"Oh my God! What is that?" The Protoss team, which had maintained a dense charge, was scared when they saw the huge object falling from the sky, because they never expected that there would be such a large thing. Fall from the sky.

In fact, nothing else came down from the sky. It was teleported to the Issingh mobile fortress of the Russian gods together with the city of commandments. The reason why it did not appear directly with the city of commandments at the beginning was because we intentionally controlled Essinger's teleportation suppression array closed for a few seconds late. Because of the gap of a few seconds, the Isinger Mobile Fortress has a distance of several hundred kilometers from the commandment city after passing through the transmission channel, so that the current Isinger Mobile Fortress can be suddenly killed from the sky to scare the presence. The Russian protoss jumped. However, this method seems simple, and it is not easy to do it in practice. Teleportation magic itself is not too stable, a person who is not good at mastering may be involved in not knowing any space. Essinger's mobile fortress dares to play this way because it is equipped with a city transmitter itself. If ordinary people or things don't work well, they will never return.

Because the Russian Protos believed that we did not understand the three-dimensional fighting method, we did not care about our walls at first, but rushed directly from above to the ring of commandments located in the center of the city. Therefore, when Isinger moved the fortress down They were right in the middle of Isinger's Mobile Fortress and the City of Discipline. Even with the reaction of the Protoss, it is too late to dodge in the face of such a big thing, and I can only watch as I am smashed by the huge base of the city. Except that some protoss who happened to be on the edge of the city ran away at the time, the "Yuan" in the central area, Sanping did not have a leak, all fell on the ground of the precept city.

The protoss who had lost their divine power was not very strong. Now it has been filmed by a city. The damage is absolutely not minor, even if they did not die on the spot. Fainting for a while is sure. However, if they were faint elsewhere, they were faint in the city of commandments. You know, the city is now full of elite troops in our guild. How could they miss this chance of hitting the water dog? In this way, the first batch of protoss who rushed in lost more than half of them in less than a minute. The rest were either blocked outside the city or blocked by a number of high-level players in the corner to resist. A bit of prestige before.

In fact, there is no way to smash these groups of protoss with Isinger's base. After all, Isinger Mobile Fortress was not designed to do this. Such a high drop emergency stop has a great burden on the urban suspension system. Not only will all parts be replaced afterwards, but a lot of magic crystal energy will also be consumed, which can be said to be extremely uneconomical. However, we have to do so as a last resort. Because in the player's mind, the protoss is too powerful. Even if the elites of our guild have better psychological qualities, they will still inevitably have some doubts. However, as long as they really kill a protoss with their own hands and realize the massive experience of the protoss, all these problems will no longer be a problem. The facts are the same as we imagined. Many protoss were in a semi-stunned state because they were suddenly smashed to the ground. Naturally, nearby players would not miss such a good opportunity, and then the daring people rushed to kill the protoss who were in trouble, and then followed These players who killed the Protoss suddenly flashed white light on their bodies. Many people even rose to 15 or 6 at a time, and some people rose to more than 20 levels. This upgrade level has made many players silly. After all, since leaving Xinshou Village, I have not experienced such an intensive upgrade method for a long time. This is almost faster than sitting on a rocket!

They say what kind of generals lead what kind of soldiers. Although I am not a general, I still have a great impact on the players in our guild. The direct consequence of this effect is one by one in our guild. Almost all of them are wealthy, and since I often emphasize the need to relax their thinking, almost all of them have become generalized wealthy fans, that is, they are all mysterious as long as they are for the benefit of money, and not ordinary. Therefore, after the experience value of the current Protoss is so much, the eyes of those Pros in this group of Lima have changed from the previous dangerous creatures to the experience value that can walk.

"It looks good. Hongyue is standing next to me and watching the city with green eyes. Our banker said:" Although your method is more risky, the effect is really immediate! Look at those members. One by one, they are about to turn into bad wolves. "

"The Russian Protoss are not Little Red Riding Hoods. Even if they become big wolves, they will not necessarily eat their prey. However, it is better to take a group of wolves with the violent version of Little Red Riding Hood than to bring a bunch of scared rabbits. By the way, who do I let you prepare for? "

"You waited for Red Moon to turn around and beckon, and a group of players and special mixed teams appeared before me.

This time I took the task not only to get that reward. In fact, I have four goals this time: compensation, experience, fame, and wealth. Needless to say, the equipment and open skills and technical qualifications provided to me by various protoss.

Experience refers to the experience value of the Protoss. Usually, it is not easy to kill a protoss, and the protoss are all wasps. It is often to kill a group of people. Unless you want to go to war with other pros, you dare not move them at random. If I am leveling by myself, it is still possible to occasionally kill one or two Protoss, but like this time, I can bring the guild elite to experience the experience together, but it is absolutely rare. This time it was our luck. If we didn't catch it, we wouldn't have this shop in this village.

As for fame, naturally it means the reputation of our guild. In the future, the name of the Protoss who once slaughtered our guild will scare a group of people out. Moreover, this time helping the gods to slaughter the Russian gods is the best way to improve our guild's position in the protoss power circle. In the future, the soft power brought by this reputation will be enough to solve many problems for us. Already.

The last wealth, let alone this. The Russian protoss is not very powerful, but the so-called thin-skinned Luo Zhu is larger than the horse, and the rotten ship has three thousand nails. Even if the Russian protoss are poor, they are protoss, and their various equipment, materials and other things will definitely not be much less than the reward we get. At the beginning, what we signed with those protoss forces was a war contract. That is to say, as long as they paid, how to fight the war was entirely our own business. Even if we left all the loot, it was reasonable and reasonable. Of course, although in theory we can intercept all the spoils, in fact we must not do that. After all, we have to maintain a certain cooperative relationship with the Protoss ~ ~ We can't do things too far. I used to pretend to be a task in the city of commandments. It was actually just a way to raise my price. At that time, the gods asked me. It was okay to be proud, but in normal times, we must not bully the protoss like that. After all, most of the Protoss are still very strong. This time the Russian Protoss is offending all other Protoss at once, so we dare to shoot. If we are usually small, even if we know that they will lose their divine power, we will not be able to intervene Against a Protoss.

This special action group that I asked Hongyue to prepare for me was actually prepared to maximize wealth. As I said before, we can't do too much right now, so the vast majority of the benefits we get from the Russian Protoss will eventually be shared with other Protoss. However, although the things on the bright side need to be divided, the things on the dark side do not. The team in front of me is my hand secretly. After a while, they will take advantage of our main battle with the Russian Protoss to sneak into the old nest of the Russian Protoss and scrape the best things once we have won the Russian Protoss. When I pretend to collect the loot of loot later, in fact, the best things have been taken away by us, and I do n’t think it is a pity that the rest are taken away from other protoss. And because there are deities in the city of commandments to see the representative of the ring of commandments, this group of people can serve as our witnesses, so that those protos can believe that we are indeed taking all the spoils, so they will Believe me more, if there is any cooperation or something in the future, the first one will definitely think of our Frost Rose League. Why don't we do such good things as fame and fortune?

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