Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 58: There is a secret

This huge magic circle on the heart of the sun must have a special purpose. And especially, Shi Yinhao is a certain member of the Russian Protoss. Even if he doesn't know the specific functions and uses of this magic array, he must know some details of this stuff, such as where to build something, etc. After all, such a large project is absolutely necessary for a clerk like him to handle it.

Now that only Yurian has hope to know the content, we have to send Yurian over as soon as possible, and now the most direct way to recruit him is to defeat him and let him break away from the Russian Protoss in accordance with the agreement. When I re-entered the fog, Julian was still there nervously alerting me for a surprise attack, not knowing that I had never been near him. Looking at Yurian's nervousness, I decided to make him a little more nervous before I started. With one of my gestures, there was suddenly a guard of death in the fog. Although it is not my summoned creature, the guard of death is after all Anubis's subordinates, and the attributes are also biased towards the dark system. In this evil mist, they just use their fighting power.

Yurian is now in a state of high tension. Although this state will cause his fatigue to increase quickly, it can also greatly improve his sensory acuity. Just after the seemingly calm misty tucai roll, Yulian turned back and punched lightning fast on the stomach of the death guard who rushed out. Although the death guards summoned by me are good, after all, they can't be compared with the gods. This fist instantly blasted the death guards into a pile of black sand and scattered them on the ground. Now that his goal was broken, Yulian was stunned, but then he realized that it was not good. He hurriedly turned around and stretched out his hands to hold a machete that the guard of death was about to split, but he didn't The thought was that after he held the monster in front of him, five or six footsteps sounded at the same time behind him. He was shocked to release the monster in front of him and rushed from the side to see the distance first. What enemies are.

Just before he rushed over, there were more than a dozen of the same monsters in front of him.

In fact, with Yulian's fighting power, he could completely rush out of the siege of the death guard, regardless of the fighting power of the death guard. But Julian had suffered before in Mira's hands, and Mira's tough performance left him a psychological shadow. Now whenever he sees the creature I summoned, he will habitually think that it is Very powerful creature, so even if the Death Guard is very different from him, Yulian still dare not come forward. To put it simply, he was scared, and now as soon as he sees my summoned creature, he is half-soft.

Surrounded by a large group of death guards, the dying Yulian is now rushing and dare not rush, and there is no place to retreat. He can only move carefully in the circle and do not know what to do. However, although he didn't know what to do, I knew it.

Just as Darian was in that panic circle, my magic pets were already in the nearby fog. This fog of death is a barrier to Yurian, but it will not have any occlusion effect on me and my pet, so we can see him clearly, but he cannot see us.

As soon as one of my instructions was issued, the magic pets immediately moved. First, Mila, who was extremely frightened by Yurian, suddenly roared in the fog. The surprised Julian turned quickly and turned to face Mira, but as he turned around, he suddenly listened. A string of bells approaching from a distance forced him to turn again, but he still saw nothing after turning this time. However, just after he turned around for a second time, Julian suddenly felt a bone chill spreading from under his feet. However, the Russian Protoss are inherently better in anti-freezing ability, so this layer of cold did not cause him much panic, but less than one second after the cold appeared, his body was suddenly hit by a huge force. Out.

"Woo," Yurian, who turned several times on the ground in a row to stabilize his figure, the first thing was to look back at what had just attacked him, but he only saw a fog. Not to mention the people who just attacked him, even the monsters who surrounded him before disappeared. In this situation, Julian immediately concentrated his attention, and the whole body's divine power spread out to begin to replace his eyes to help him observe the surrounding environment. However, the divine power only spread out, and the cold hair on Julian's body suddenly stood up, because in the area covered by his divine power, he actually appeared three creatures, and the most terrifying one was one of them. He was lying on his back.

Yurian almost jumped out of his heart when he felt the creature on his back. If you think about it, if you walk well, suddenly you will be carrying a pound on your back in the reflection of the shop window by the roadside. Man, how would you react? Although Julian was not shopping, he was fighting. In theory, his alertness should be very high now, but that ’s it. The enemies climbed onto his back, and he was still unaware. What kind of latency is it?

After carrying a person on his back, Yulian's first reaction was to suddenly turn around and shake off the person on his back, but he couldn't shake it off a few times, even more exaggeratedly. No one can feel it. In a panic, Yurian grabbed his hand swiftly towards his back and glanced back, but instead faced the face with a weird grin. "Ah!" Almost as soon as she saw the smiley face, Yurian was hammered in the brain. The whole person suddenly softened his legs and almost sat down. Panic determined that this was not scary, but real mental attack. The woman with an unusually wicked charm on her back is obviously a master of the spiritual department, and her strength is terrible.

In any case, Yulian is also a combat expert. After being attacked mentally, he is not in a stable state of mind, but first grabbed the smiling face behind him. Seeing that the other party actually forcibly endured a mental attack, they were still able to attack, so Mian had to jump down from Yulian, kicked his feet on Yurian's back, and his body floated like a cloud of gas. Gradually faded and disappeared next to Urian, and after a few seconds, her figure suddenly gathered around a dozen meters away.

"Spiritual creature?" Yulian had a good sense, and immediately after seeing the reluctant move, he realized that the other party was a ghost-like creature, so he didn't feel crawled on his back before. However, when I think about it now, it is not without feeling. Just now, his life and magic value have dropped by a tenth. Originally consuming one-tenth of the magic power is nothing. In high-intensity battles, it is normal for mana and health to be consumed quickly. It ’s been a battle! It may be said that the decrease in health value may have been reduced when they were attacked by those monsters, but how is the magic consumed? He has no skills! Thinking of here, Julian suddenly looked at Mian Mi again, and then he was relieved. Since the ghost could climb on his back, it should be a sneak attack on him, but the other side did not shoot. If the other party didn't want to attack him, why did he crawl on his back? Obviously, the other party did not attack, but the attack method was weird. The disappeared life and magic were estimated to be absorbed by her.

Although I figured it out clearly. Yurian did not relax at all. In fact he was more nervous. Three targets were scanned during the spread of divine power just now. One of them was kicked off on his back, but the other two were just a few meters away from him, but he hasn't seen these two targets yet. Since all of these things can approach him silently, it means that they are all spirits, and the most worrying issue for Julian is that he is extremely bad at dealing with spirits. In fact, it is not only Yurian, it can be said that the entire Russian protoss research on the spiritual body is relatively poor. Just as the protoss of each country has its own divine power system, the protoss of each country has its own expertise. For example, Anubis, they have a thorough research on vitality, while China's heaven is better at energy conversion. The Russian Protoss is actually best at the magic crystal energy system and magic fighting. To put it bluntly, the Russian Protoss is best at magic technology research and melee combat. They are not very good at other aspects.

Originally, Russia was considered a great power, and its protoss should not be weak, but in fact the Russian protoss has been unable to engage in the Chinese heaven and other countries' protoss. The key problem is that the Russian protoss fights are too single, far from other countries Flexible, except for the fighting skills supported by the divine power, they are almost useless, so they are so obscure in the international gods. Yurian's fighting skills were pretty good, but now he has shown the problem of single skills. When he encountered three spirits, he didn't even know how to fight. It is not that he cannot harm the spirit body, but that he lacks effective means to observe the spirit body. Although the release of the divine power can reveal the soul, after all, the divine power is not used to explore the way. He was forced to do nothing just now. He really has to keep the divine power out, and it is estimated that his divine power will soon be turned on. By then, it would be dead.

"Zi Ri, are you guys going to consume me to death with these things?" Yulian shouted in anxiety.

"I didn't say in the agreement that I had to do it with you personally. I asked you at the beginning. You said there was nothing unfair at that time, what do you want to say now?" This time I didn't pretend to be a death guard. I speak, but I speak directly to Yurian.

After hearing my voice, the corner of Yulian's eyes flashed, and the whole person suddenly turned into a golden first, and rushed towards the place where I had just made the sound. Immediately after he ran through the mist, I stood in the mist. After seeing the target, Yurian's degree was once again improved, but just after he added, he stepped on three magic traps one after another. When Yulian stepped on those traps, he realized that it was not good, but it was impossible to stop at this degree. He just rushed over and gave me a final fight. Otherwise, as long as I am in the mist again, it will be enough to drown him by relying on the summoned creatures like the ocean. However, after stepping on those traps, Julian suddenly appeared those magic traps that were not offensive. He stepped on three traps in one breath, but his body was flashing with three lights.

The first blue light flashed, and Julian felt as if he was suddenly carrying a mountain on his back, and the whole person was depressed and sinking. Following the second golden flash, he suddenly felt that I seemed to have grown a lot. The third black light flashed. Julian's degree suddenly slowed down, and he felt as if he had crashed into a ball of gel, and the huge resistance required him to consume a huge amount of power every one meter.

Although three negative states were carried on his body, Yulian rushed to me in a stiff way, but when he raised his fist and prepared to fight me, he was surprised that the enemy in front of him was more than one head higher than him. . As a Russian protoss, Yurian also inherited the "two two" of Russian creatures. The Russians are very tall and the Russian protoss are huge. The former Yurian stood about one meter and ninety-six in height. Only one meter seven is in front of me like an iron tower, but now the relationship between the two of us is completely reversed. Yulian was surprised to find that he was only up to the height of my shoulders. It looked like a giant.

How can there be time on the battlefield to seal the throne of God Seal? Jurian's spirit suddenly felt bad, but he hadn't waited for his response. A cold sword was already resting on his throat.

"Aren't you surprised?" I asked with a smile, seeing Julian, who was pushed in and out. But Julian didn't answer me, just looked up at me coldly. I didn't care about his discomfort, but said to myself: "If you want to know the reason, look down and understand that you have your feet down." Although I didn't answer my question, I wasn't curious about that. possible. In the end, Julian glanced down, anyway, he is now under control, and I am not afraid that I will attack him again. However, this look was such that his jaw almost surprised him. There is nothing strange on the ground under our feet, just the most common weeds and fallen leaves in the forest. However, now Julian was surprised that half of her legs were covered with weed.

It's normal that the grass grows deeper in this kind of uninhabited forest, but Julian has stood here for a long time. He knows how deep the grass is. The weeds, which had reached only half of the lower calf, now passed his knees. Under normal circumstances, grass does not grow so fast, and I can't be bored and use magic to cause the grass to grow wildly. Then, if the grass is okay, the only reason left is that he has become smaller.

"Hey, do you know what this spell is?" Looking at Julian with a look of surprise, I said proudly: "This is the most famous big deformation spell. But our guild's spell research center has improved it. No Turn the enemy into a sheep, but change the opponent into the same spell, without changing the shape of the target, but if you reduce the size, the consumption will be much lower, and the success rate will rise linearly. I was a little worried that this skill would not work for the Protoss, but Your selfless dedication has proven that our spells are also useful in the Protoss. How about it? Our guild has a strong ability to research spells, right? You will definitely not be worse than the Russian Protoss after joining our guild. The most At least our fighting style will not be as narrow as that of the Russian Protoss. If you join our guild, I can ask them to teach you Chinese immortals and hexes and guarantee that you will double your power in a few days. "

After hearing my words, Julian looked down at his legs that were not in the grass. Obviously, the spell was not over yet. His body size was already smaller than that. He would change if he contracted for a while. Become an ant. After hesitating for a long time, Julian finally sighed helplessly, and then the whole person slumped to the ground and said, "You won!"

While Yulian conceded, a system prompt suddenly sounded in my mind: "Congratulations to the Frost Rose Alliance, the high-level Protoss Yurian is officially transferred to your Majesty. The Protoss to which the Association belongs is not allowed to leave the sphere of influence of the Guild without special permission. , 30 seconds later, forced transmission will begin. "

"What? Mandatory teleport? Don't!" I was still excited about getting a strong thug in our guild. When I heard this prompt, I quickly lifted Yurian on the ground and shouted at him: "Hey, tell me that soon. What's going on with the magic circle on the map?"

"What magic circle?" Yulian apparently didn't understand the situation, nor did he know that he didn't know anything about that magic circle or that he was still in a state of depression and didn't pay attention to me.

Maybe I knew I wasn't clear in anxiety. Ling Xun helped me take the map and spread it out in front of Yulian and pointed at the magic circle frame she drew. "What's this?"

Yurian looked at the map carefully first, and then asked in amazement: "Where did you get this map? Are you marking these cities yourself? Are you sure you set them right?"

"Hey, I don't have time for the Seal of the Seal of God to talk nonsense to you now, first tell me what is built in the city above? What exactly is this magic circle doing?"

"I don't know ~ ~ Yurian's answer must be concise and concise, but the answer is completely different from what I thought.

"You do not know?"

"Come on, I'm a fighter, and I'm not the Lord God. Even if they have plans, don't you need to report to me?"

"error"! "This seems to be the case. Like the case when Masamoto Matsumoto joined our guild, did I hide most of the people in the guild? Russian protoss are not stupid, of course, there are many things to hide It is normal for the people below.

I was feeling depressed, and Julian suddenly said, "Although I don't know what the magic circle is for, I know what you're looking for is under the twelve cities. I was ordered to do so before One of the underground facilities has been built, and the other cities should be similar. Since you can infer such a large magic array based on a map, as long as you enter "Yurian's words network", the whole person suddenly disappeared. It is only the main system that can achieve such lightning transmission.

"People are gone, what shall we do?" Ling looked at me and asked. (To be continued)

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