Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 39: The true power of the Heart Sword

At first, I thought this was a good skill, but when I saw it later, this skill was far from simple. General skills will take effect as long as they are used. Although the power will be discounted just because the skill level is relatively low, but as long as you practice more, once the skill level rises, it will naturally become very strong. But with this mind, skills are completely different. After using the learning function to learn this skill, what I got was just an empty shelf, and the core of the skill was completely out of the picture. It turns out that this skill not only requires users to learn this skill, but also you have to imagine the various fighting methods of this skill yourself.

To put it plainly, the heart sword skill is not a skill at all. It should actually be called a skill template. You can study new skills based on it, and then use the skills you designed to fight.

The Heart Sword skill I have now only adds one extra attack power, and the belt can be used to remotely control weapons. There are no other functions. According to the instructions, I must imagine some attack methods myself, for example, let the eternal sword fly in a certain route, and then how to attack. During the attack, some special damage or a special effect can be designed to appear. Of course, the special effects and other things you design must be attributes that may be aroused when you do n’t use the Heart Sword. It is impossible for you to create attributes out of thin air. After designing the attack method and effect, you can complete this skill, and then make it effective. The system will calculate other attributes of the skill based on the operation of the skill and the actual effect. The stronger the effect, the higher the skill requirements. For example, you can design forever ... but the sword flies straight forward to attack the enemy. In this degree, the opponent must be inevitable, but when you finish designing this skill, the system will definitely add some skills to it. Limits of level terror, such as requiring you to move under full conditions, and deleting the level one by one, etc. In short, the stronger you design your skills, the greater the cost. But this skill helps you fight after all, so overall it will amplify your combat effectiveness.

Now that this skill has to be designed with the matching Fang Xi in order to wield combat effectiveness, I just happen to be fine now, and just use this time to design the seal of the throne of the throne. Although I thought this skill was more troublesome before, in the design process, I actually listed this skill as not troublesome, but very bullish. No matter how strong a skill is, it does not conform to your movement habits and is a waste. Carved like my large purple sun, I am a demon martial arts double repair type, that is, I should be able to learn both magic and physical attacks, but now I am basically a warrior except for pets. It's not that I don't have strong mage skills, but that I'm not used to mage skills, so many skills are not used at all. This heart sword skill is just for these situations. It can be said that it has no skills, let you design it yourself. Of course, it's me who knows my usage habits the most, so let me design skills for myself more than others designed for me, and this is the true power of the heart sword skills.

Considering that my own design skills are not good enough, I went to the control center of Army God and asked him to add some details. Although God of War is mainly used for battlefield assistance, he also has general computer functions. Let him help me calculate the mechanics and the order of various moves. Which is more reasonable, and then choose my favorite based on the results he gives. In this way, I repeatedly demonstrated and modified for a few hours. After that, I summarized dozens of small skills.

I originally planned to design a very strong skill to deal with the enemy at one time, but after walking to the army god, I changed the strategy at the suggestion of the army god. Anyway, the Heart Sword skill does not limit your personal ability to set an upper limit. As long as you don't get dizzy with the skills you designed, no matter how many systems you have. Therefore, I carved the various large skills into several inseparable skill sections with the help of the army god. The advantage of this is that it can be adjusted according to various situations to a large number of small skills one by one. The overall effect is not much different from the large skills, and the consumption of a single skill is relatively small. The embarrassing situation where large skills attack is strong but dare not let it go. The last and most important point is that small skills will not waste magic points and physical strength. If you design your skills too long, if the enemy suddenly flashes out when you are hit halfway, and you are still hitting the air because of your skill state, it is simply not making sense of yourself. Although the skill connection of "Zero" allows you to abandon your skills midway through, even if the large skills are terminated early, the consumed magic will not be returned to you. In contrast, the small and flexible combination of skills is the king of the battlefield.

Because to deal with fighting in various situations, the number of small skills must be enough in order to ensure convergence, otherwise the advantages of small skills will not be displayed immediately if there is a fault. Based on this design concept, we finally came up with more than 300 small skills, because there are too many and even the name is not worth it, and they are directly numbered with numbers, all the way to Zhang. It is also a member of the Dragon family like me with electronic brain assistance. Even if a normal human gives him so many skills, when he really fights, he definitely can't remember which number corresponds to which one. Skill, ten thousand. It is better to use the wrong skills. .

"Where are you, Ziri?" I was matching the research skills of the army **** there, and suddenly the voice of a rose came out of the ring of love.

, I am in the general control room of the army god. what's up? "

The Giant Butterfly City has just taken off with construction materials and personnel, and it will take about three and a half hours to reach the designated location for city construction. When will you pass? "

"When will Giant Butterfly City cross the border?"

"About three hours later."

"Then I will leave the precept city in three hours and meet on the road."

"It's up to you. As long as you can arrive before Giant Butterfly City lands."

"Where are you now?"

"Me? I'm still in the United States! Little" How did you go to the United States? ,,

"There are some things in the building materials that are only produced in the United States. It happened that there was a little conflict here. Our goods were robbed. I just took someone to grab them back."

, Halo, the American side is really messy. "

After chatting with Rose for a while, I began to practice designing various small skills together with the army god. After waiting for the time, the seal of the throne was still half an hour. At the hour, I discussed the problem of city construction with the army god. Teleport to the city of precepts, summoning fortune to jump up and fly towards the planned Jiancheng point. The reason for calling luck instead of birds is because the time is still too early. I don't need to reach my destination so early. The birds are too fast. It is easy to expose them in the past.

All the way along the mountain range, gliding at a low altitude, and soon we arrived at the Himalayas, at the foot of the footsteps, the endless Great Plains, and I had to recover the luck and put on the night shadows. Now there are Indian players appearing here, I don't want to attract the other's attention prematurely.

Twenty minutes later, I just bypassed Da Leiyin Temple and saw the giant butterfly city flying towards the intended place in the distant sky. But the worse thing is that there is a faint glimpse of a team of horses running along the Giant Butterfly City. Giant Butterfly City flew over from China. Naturally, it is impossible for anyone to run all the way below. You need to know that although the flying speed of Giant Butterfly City is not fast, but this road is all mountainous, there is absolutely no way for ordinary people to compare with Giant Butterfly City on the ground.

If these people are not ours who come along with the Giant Butterfly City, then they can only be Indians. Obviously, the huge size of Giant Butterfly City is a bit too arrogant. Under the condition of good visibility, you can see this huge butterfly object in a circle for hundreds of miles.

"Night shadow, plug in." I patted Ye Ying's neck to remind him to turn. Ye Ying immediately rushed towards some position in front of the team, according to this angle and degree we should soon meet.

As the distance approached, the looks of those who pursued it became clearer, and shouts could still be heard faintly. These people all have mounts, and they do n’t seem to be ordinary goods. Even if the giant butterfly is flying slowly, it is also an air unit, and those who can catch up with it are not ordinary. Because those people have been staring at the giant butterfly city with their heads chasing, they didn't pay attention to the surroundings at all, so that I noticed when I ran to them.

"Attention, it's purple ... 噗"

The police officer who rushed to the front didn't come and shouted, and I was taken over by his head and flew his head. The headless body rode on the back of his strangely shaped warhorse and continued to charge for a while. Only planted the ground.

"Zi Ri, it's Zi Ri, everyone be careful!"

The first person's alert finally worked ~ ~ The people behind me immediately noticed my arrival, their degree slowed down obviously, and then they started to separate to try to bypass me and continue to run forward.

,go with. "I throw the eternity that turns into a sphere upward, and the eternity that flies to the air like a grenade suddenly explodes into countless small red steel **** and scatters out. After the steel **** are scattered, they are not scattered like shrapnel everywhere Instead, it exploded again in the air, and each steel ball continued to be divided into more small particles. The last thing you saw was basically a thin red mist. Of course, this mist is eternal, even if it is scattered, it is just as scary .

Wing turned into mist, but suddenly split into several groups in the air, and then chased after those Indian players. From my side, I only saw those people who were enveloped in red mist and immediately rolled off the horse to roll around, followed by the misery of Qiqiao bleeding. After the corpse no longer struggles, Red Mist will immediately chase away from the corpse and chase to the next target, and then repeat the previous scene. When I killed a pair of Indians who were no longer alive from the Indian team, I reached out to the sky, and the scattered red mist quickly gathered to my palm and formed the previous red sphere. In just a few minutes, more than a hundred people chasing the giant butterfly city were all killed in this terrible red mist. I looked at the eternity in my hand and couldn't help but admire, "I didn't expect this heart sword skill would be so powerful! I knew I should first train up the skill level before building the city!

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