Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 237: Turtle Breath

After killing the monster that rushed out of the gate, those inside are much easier to handle. Because these guys have no intelligence at all, they do not understand any tactics at all. We can keep the gates in turns. Because the database door is relatively narrow, the monster can only come out one at a time and it can hardly dodge when passing through the door, so we come out to kill a monster next to the dead body Drag away so as not to affect the monsters behind.

Although there are a lot of these monsters, it will be all done after a while.

When the last monster fell down, Weiner and Ling were busy. The two of them took out two special needles and tubes from the special tool bag they carried with them and inserted them into the monster's skull cavity and the monster's skull ligament. Although these monsters are not intelligent, they are obviously caused by cultivation. It is not that they have defects in this area. As long as they have obtained their genetic samples, it is actually very simple to copy the original completed monsters with the Dragon Edge technology.

Wina, they collected samples of the monster's tissue outside, and I rummaged in the room to find the battleship memory bank. In fact, as soon as I came in, I saw a lot of devices with a polyhedral structure like the management system said, but the problem is that these things are too much. I guess this thing is equivalent to the hard disk currently used by computers for storing data, but what we need is only scientific and technical materials. We ca n’t use many other things, so we are dumbfounded to see so many identical memories. .

"Hey, what is the thing we want?" After they arrived, they also knew that I and Ling wanted to do scientific and technical materials, but they were dumbfounded when they saw so many identical memories.

"Should be this." I found the required memory from the large number of dense memories based on the position coordinates given by the management system. This thing is actually a little bigger than the volleyball. Its appearance is as dark as ink and there are many semi-circular small pits on the surface. It looks like a connection port for connecting to an external computer, but now all the lines that should be inserted in the connection port are all It was burned out so the internal management system could not find the database information.

Seeing that I was carrying the most important technical information and going out, Amenis was reluctant to ask me, "What about these things? Do n’t you take them away?"

"Did you take everything?"

"You don't need to take only one!"

"That's what I said." I stepped back to the center of the room and activated the wireless connection. The management system was dead anyway, so I didn't have to worry about waking them up. "Do you have a catalog of data here?"

"I don't have a data directory here on the data navigation server."

"Where is that server?"

"Just under the floor behind you."

"Here?" I asked, turning to look at a cover on the floor that was clearly different from other places.

"Yes, right below." Immediately after receiving the exact answer, I handed the storage device in Skort's hand and opened the cover by hand. Looking from here, the thing should have reached the ground, but now it is obviously out of order, so I had to jump and operate it myself. Fortunately, the server itself has no problems. After turning on the power, I hate to start soon. The above category is very detailed. I read in it for a long time that the largest proportion of current military data is basically some military deployment maps. After all, when you want to come to a battleship, you have to think about storing such things. In addition to the war data, the technical information behind it is also quite face-to-face. The memory that I just took is actually application-type technical information, which is similar to the basic design drawings of basic weapon-type tools. Thanks to me. It is not necessarily necessary to move this thing back to the directory. A product is not necessarily produced as long as there are technical drawings, especially when the technical strength between the two sides is relatively large. If the real thing is put there for us to carry out reverse research, it is good to say that after all, the principle of what is there and what can be slowly experimented. If there is only a drawing, it is really completely blind. Fortunately, I now have this catalog. There is a part of the catalog dedicated to recording basic theoretical knowledge. However, these materials do not exist independently but are recorded with common-sense data of some social, historical, economic and other alien societies. In this way, the volume of the data is relatively scary. I took a look at this part of the data and actually used four memory to record it is really scary.

After I found the specific target, I instructed everyone to take down which recorder so that we would take five records. After that, we found the weapon warehouse on the battleship according to the management system instructions. There were spectacular sights everywhere. All kinds of strange weapons are just 90% old and broken. After all, even the products of the top technology are too old to withstand the scour of the river of the throne of time, and finally become a pile of broken copper. However, although the nine achievements have been destroyed, even the remaining little things are enough for us to move.

Based on our actual handling capacity, we finally found two underground roadheaders from the relatively good ones. According to the management system, this thing is designed for some enemies who like to live inside the new ball. Its main role is to dig passages in various strata and send soldiers to designated locations.

Because this thing is itself a troop transporter, the internal space is quite large and it is just for us to use as a transport vehicle. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of transport vehicles parked in the warehouse can only be used up after two simple repairs.

With the two cars, we started to find some other useful things to put in. First, some individual weapons. Although it is not clear how these things work, since it is a high-tech weapon, it should be able to break the ring first and then talk about it. In addition to individual weapons, there are two sets of fighters that are basically intact although they cannot be moved. This medium-sized thing, like a magnified steel armor, is controlled by a series of precision machinery. It is said that the combat effectiveness is amazing. Unfortunately, even the movement is now a problem. Because this thing is relatively large, each of the two cars is filled up. Then we collected some gadgets to fill the gaps in the car.

After completing this pick-up operation, we drilled out of a hole that touched the ground at the bottom of the spacecraft and started the underground digging vehicle. After digging all the way to an open space outside the city, we got out of the ground. In order to prevent Americans, we also covered up and left This way they can't find where we went from. It is estimated that the bases of Americans must have messed up with them. But when they watched us enter the surface of the base and did not see us go out, they must know that we got into the real secret base below. After all, when we entered the base below Although the hole was blocked, the Americans would only see it sooner or later. It's just that the wreckage of the spaceship below is too large and the Americans themselves have not explored a lot of places. It is estimated that they want to confirm that we have gone a long way.

We got in touch as soon as we got back on the ground. Fortunately, we flew from low altitude to the place where we came out in the night, then grabbed a digging truck and turned around towards the coastline. As for us, we robbed nearby After a truck passing by on the highway used the truck to enter the city, everyone scattered to various contact points and concealed. Fortunately, there is a deliberate exposure before leaving the coast and the Americans will think we have evacuated when we are actually in the hands of the United States. This is actually just a little trick. The real goal of our coming to the U.S. this time is that we haven't found the remains of this spaceship. It is purely an accident, but because this thing is a little big, it will have some bad effects on our future actions, so we decided to pretend Withdrawing from this way, the Americans will relax their vigilance a little and wait for them to relax completely. After that, we can carry out the task anyway. The two cars brought back by luck this time are definitely not less valuable than our original goal. As for the warship under the ground, we have already helped the auxiliary system to repair some moving automatic maintenance robots before leaving, and I also lifted the system's restriction command group through the auxiliary system to give me access to the entire warship. Command authority so that it can use our repair robots to repair some of the ship's equipment and restore some of the ship's functions, and the task I leave it to is to try to trouble Americans as much as possible to slow down their progress in researching the ship, and even take the initiative if necessary. Hit the outside of the spacecraft to do a little damage. Anyway, as long as the American research work can't continue ~ ~ Although it would be lucky to leave the Americans ’attention when they leave, they were just attacked Passing hands will definitely not relax immediately, so we need to take a long time to rest on the Throne of the Seal of God before we can perform this mission. Anyway, in our capacity, it is not suitable for running around. The contact team will find us for us. A secret hideout close to the target and then gave us all in the name of decorating the store Long into the wall only one Ethernet cable through the room. Flying with our body's function as long as the biological part of the body enters the dormant state and then activates the power saving mode. The hand will not be a problem even if it is built in the wall for thousands of years. As for the network cable, it is used to solve our spiritual needs. With this thing, we can continue to play the game and wait for us to play him in the game for half a month before coming back. The Americans certainly think that we will definitely invade the base at that time is definitely easier than starting now.

"Hello player, Zi Ri Huan drink you back." After the login information flashed, we appeared again in the game. As soon as the eyes opened, we saw a big face desperately shouting: "Boss, you finally come back? Something happened It's up! "

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