Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 227: Everyone has a hole card

Standing in front of us is a woman, at least it looks no different from ordinary women. And her oL suit does not seem to be fighting with us, but the row of things behind her makes us have to pay attention to her, because it is clear that those things are under her command.

Behind that woman is a row of robots, or a device similar to a robot. The reason why this is so uncertain is because these guys are always experiencing electromagnetic radiation, so that our detection capabilities are They are almost completely useless, although these things are as obvious to us as electromagnetic fires in the night. But just as the fire is conspicuous, but you can't see the inside of the fire, the internal structure of these guys can't feel anything at all. In our sense, they are constantly scattering strong radiation fields. So that it completely obscures the useful signals we need. However, although the electromagnetic induction feels the martial arts, the sacred king will create the sacred king to kill the **** of the night, the throne of the seal, and ask the demon to be proud of the world. The martial arts will kill the night of the gods and seal the throne of the night and ask the demon to be proud of the world ’s ninth heaven. But the appearance can still be seen. Each of these things is more than three meters tall. It looks like a robot, but it does n’t have many edges and corners. It looks more streamlined and looks pretty. It should be designed according to the golden ratio of the human body. , Just zoomed in a lot. That thing has the basic structure of human beings. The head is very similar to a large motorcycle helmet, but with some styling. The palm on the front of the arm has only four fingers, which seems to have less than a little finger. This is not the same as the structure of a person. In addition to the manipulator, there is a weapon on each arm of the thing, but the shape is different, but it looks not small, and probably the power is not worse. On the chest of the gadget there are two weird round devices, which look like two light bulbs, but also flashing blue light loudly and darkly, I don't know what it is used for. Generally speaking, these things are machine casings that are much larger than humans. I'm not sure if someone inside manipulates them for the time being, but I'd rather have someone manipulate this thing, because humans' weaknesses are more obvious than machines, at least if I had a head-on collision with this thing. If there was someone inside, even if I couldn't break the thing, the driver inside could be killed. But if this thing is fully automatic, it will be troublesome. Using our own computer technology to infer that Americans do not need too much computers to control this thing, so there must be a lot of space left inside this gadget. Based on my common knowledge of weapon design, if a weapon can be reduced without affecting other performance, no one will make it larger. After all, small things are better than everyone in terms of transport and battlefield survivability. Dude to be strong. If the stuff inside is really all mechanical, then I'm sure there are some secret weapons hidden in this thing, otherwise it wouldn't be necessary to make it so big.

"who are you?"

"You can call me the Statue of Liberty."

"The Statue of Liberty?"

"Yes." The woman replied very seriously: "Like you, the United States also has its own human make-up plan. I am the American goddess weapon finished product, the Statue of Liberty III." After these words, her eyes suddenly turned from Blue turned into green, and it was quite strong. "Don't try to scan my body structure. Our electromagnetic barriers are not comparable to those of junk protectors."

Just after I knew her identity, I tried to confirm her body structure with an active scan. As a result, it was blocked by a layer of radiation similar to those of the big robots. Obviously, she had similar protective measures with those of the big guys. This kind of thing called electromagnetic barrier can really block our detection and manipulation. Otherwise, as long as the general robot tells us to connect with it, we can immediately tamper with its core program. However, such electromagnetic barriers also have disadvantages, that is, they do not have the characteristics of selective passage, which means that these guys cannot receive radio from others. If they need communication during combat, they have to rely on other methods. Electric signals are definitely not received anyway. Because they are a huge radiation source themselves, any signal will be disturbed by their own strong electromagnetic field, so they receive nothing.

"Interesting. Didn't expect Americans to hide their hands?" I calmly looked at the dozens of robots and saw that the number of each other was more than ours. Even if all of our people came together, there were not many other people. This is the hometown of others, and it is not surprising that the quantity is dominant.

The woman seemed to me to pause for a moment without seeming to do anything, and then she looked at the distance stupidly, as if thinking of something, but eventually she turned her head back again. "Are you procrastinating and waiting for your companion to arrive?"

"Aren't you stupid?"

"Sorry, my task is to catch you as soon as possible, regardless of life or death." The woman didn't seem to mean to argue with me, and waved straight forward and backed out. The robots behind her immediately strode after she waved. When I walked forward, the Americans around us watched these things when they saw us confronting each other. Now when we see that we have to do something before we remember to hurry and stay away. In fact, everyone has curiosity, and Americans naturally like to watch some things, but their interests are not the same as those of the Chinese. Not that they don't look hilarious.

When a robot struck meteor with a sound of mechanical movement. Then he reached out and grabbed me, the action level was not slow, and he didn't think it was stupid or clumsy. Of course, these guys are faster than my imaginary robots than my imagination. These guys can't compare with me. One of my quick squats flickered away the grabbed iron claws, and then stepped forward and stuck a shoulder in the guy's arms, the thing flew out with a bang, and hit the street with another bang. In the middle car, the roof was smashed directly into the body, showing that its weight is not light.

The other party didn't seem to expect that I was so small in size but also had such strong power. Several other robots immediately saw their wrists raised when they saw this situation. After a click, I heard only a sound of Jin Ming. These guys actually popped a blade of nearly one meter long on their wrists, and then there was a sharp, sharp sound in front of our eyes. Small but getting harsher, until finally disappeared completely.

"High-frequency vibration blade?"

"You know what you know." The robot actually made a sound, and it was surprisingly a woman's voice. It seems that this thing is manned and armored, not a real robot.

The talking robot waved a huge machete and hit me. Because Du Taikui even brought a sound of wind, but her hand failed to fall, because I stepped closer to her and raised the arm to hold the robot's arm. The woman inside was now holding her arm down and immediately pressing down, but there was only a groan from the robot's mechanical arm, and she couldn't shake my arm at all. In fact, I also want to try the strength of the other person by holding this guy's arm. Now it seems that the other person's technology is not as exaggerated as imagined. Although the power of this thing is slightly larger than mine, the machine is not as flexible as my body after all, like now I have stuck it in front of it and directly held it by the arm with my hand. After that, the other side smashed because of no increase. Not moving.

After I held the robot's arm with one hand, the other hand pulled the sword behind me, and then slammed the robot in front. The display inside the robot marked a red box on the sword while I was pulling the sword to remind the driver to pay attention. As a result, my sword was about to evade as soon as it was cut off, but the opponent's combat experience was obvious. Not as old-fashioned as I am. My current ability is basically the same as that of me in the game, so my battle in the game is equal to training the outside combat power. The battle experience is naturally rich. At the same time that the guy jumped away from the championship, I already chased the sword back. Just now the movement was completely a racket. At the same time when the other guy jumped away, I had replaced the sword with the main weapon-the long gun. "Give me to death." A muffled noise came from the muzzle, but a muffled noise came from the opposite side. The robot's chest suddenly burst out with two sparks at the same time, apparently had been penetrated. The big man reached for my side, then took a two-step back and suddenly fell back to his back, banging the next car off into a discus.

"Sasha!" There was a male roar next to another robot. It seems that this thing is really driven by someone. Otherwise, a robot will hang up without making a small hole in the chest. The fighting machines are generally Anti-damage design. Even if a component is broken, it will not be reimbursed as a whole.

After the male voice roared, he turned to me immediately. He dropped away the smitten Skog who faced me, and suddenly took a pose of a bow and horse, and then only heard the sound of a metal machinery turning, A small cannon slid out behind it. The thing first went up along its back, and after reaching the shoulders, the muzzle fell forward and aimed directly at me. Then a robotic arm popped up behind it to squeeze a missile into the barrel from behind. With a sigh, a small missile with a very special shape flew down the barrel and flew towards me.

When I saw that the object was unloading, I tried to detonate it with an electromagnetic force field, but it turned out that this thing had a similar situation with those robots. My electromagnetic control force was almost completely ineffective against it, and the missile was not affected at all. Came straight at me. Speaking of time and time, the Seal of the Seal of the Throne of Siam had arrived in front of me in less than a second, and I only came and cast an electromagnetic barrier in front of myself. Although it cannot interfere with missiles, I still have the ability to make fixed electrical barriers. There was a loud noise, the missile rammed into the electromagnetic barrier and it exploded violently, and the force of terror blew me out instantly. Although the electromagnetic barrier can block direct impact, after all, I still have to bear the power, so I was blown out without any accident, just without being directly impacted.

With a loud noise, I flew directly into a shop on the side of the road, fell to the ground after smashing through two walls, continued to slide out of the way and crashed into a pile of debris before stopping completely.

"I want a vengeance from Sarah! You **** **** man must die." After that guy blasted me, he rushed in unwillingly, but the legend of the army did not succeed, because Ling had already succeeded One step flashed to the big hole in front of the storefront and blocked his way.

"My master who wants to hurt me must first step over my body."

"Then you'll die, too," said the guy, and a missile popped up again. That thing must be added. Judging from the explosion just now, the power of that thing is definitely not much worse than that of small anti-ship missiles. Otherwise, my electromagnetic barrier would not be able to find the North.

I suffered a lot just because I did n’t understand the situation, and the wireless network between our dragons can synchronize data at any time. As long as one of us has tried others, it ’s all tried. Just a few seconds before the guy fired the missile, Ling suddenly pulled out the electromagnetic hand of the waist sword at a lightning speed. The gun was aimed at the missile's warhead. A blast of missiles exploded directly inside the gun barrel, and the guy fell to the ground when he was shocked. Then I saw the huge robot continually twisting on the ground, apparently the internal driver was injured by the shock.

Seeing that in an instant, we killed the members of Liangming. The woman finally couldn't help it. "This is not a sports game, you guys go together."

After receiving orders from several other robots, they immediately no longer followed the one-to-one rules. We were not much stronger than these guys. It is certainly not an opponent to fight dozens of people now, but our delaying tactics before finally started. To the effect.

Just as the robots rushed forward, small missiles flew from the distant sky suddenly. Our people knew that the missile was about to come, so I ran out ahead of time, and even I was still dizzy and was taken away by Ling. Just a few seconds after we left, there was a boom. Before, we had a small-scale explosion with the place where the robots were standing, but the strange thing was that the power of the explosion was very small: not even ordinary streets that didn't run far away. Nothing was wrong with people, but the explosion spread some yellow-green things over the entire street. It can be said that the area of ​​the subway station exit has been completely covered by these yellow-green materials.

"Bsp; The so-called air fuel bomb is also the legendary cloud detonation bomb. This thing exploded in two stages. The first explosion just diffused the detonator into the nearby air and mixed it with the surrounding oxygen. Contact, and then the second explosion is really an explosion. Because the air also participated in the reaction during the entire process, it is called an air fuel bomb. This thing is different from the ordinary bomber championship, but there is no shrapnel. The high-pressure detonation effect produced by it was several thousand times stronger than that of ordinary bombs. The glass products on that entire street were detonated in an instant. At the same time, nearby buildings also seemed to be hit by a typhoon. Many buildings To the street, there are wall shedding to varying degrees. Thanks to this is only a small missile, if the power is even greater, it will be knocked down.

But at this time, the only big men left in the legendary army are those who can stand up. Nearly all the people who did not hide under the subway station after watching the bustling life died of charcoalization on the street. The tragic death absolutely made most people stunned after watching it.

"Let me down, I can go." I struggled from Ling's back and jumped down. Although our dragons are amazing regardless of their physical strength, it is not always comfortable for a woman to run. That missile did snooze me just now, as long as it was too shocking. This is me. If the average person is reimbursed for even a tank, and there is no **** left, I can recover within such a short time as the Seal of the Seal of God has shown how abnormal my body is.

"Boss are you okay?" Skott asked me as he saw that I could go by myself.

"It's okay, just just shocked!"

After listening to his hand, Skott said, "Speaking of us, our body is really strong! It is more useful than the state in the game."

When Ling heard it, he immediately reprimanded: "Nonsense. You can be resurrected in the game, but you can live once outside. Do you want Che Shi to die?"

"Hey, did I just say that?"

"Well, who fired the missile just now?"

"Master, it's me." Bai Lang suddenly jumped down from a building next to him. Now Bailang looks like a big white dog. But now no one will associate him with the average dog. Because he not only has a body size similar to a calf, but also has a weapon platform on his waist. On top of that thing, there is a bright six-tube Vulcan gun. Whose dog will run around with that stuff? ?

I just wanted to say a few words to Bai Lang ~ ~ It turned out that there was another white figure falling down. "Xiaobai? Why are you here?" Xiaobai is the big dog in the base and the product of B series biological experiments, which has a particularly good relationship with me. Although it is not my magic pet, he will often follow the task when he is usually on the mission, but this mission should have nothing to do with him. "Why are you here?"

"Sometimes something happened to Xiaobudian. He came to work." Bailang helped Xiaobai answer the question. Although Xiaobai looks similar to Bailang, he is not my magic pet, but an experimental creature. Although his intelligence is much higher than that of ordinary dogs. But speaking is still a problem, so it can only be done by Bailang.

We talked and ran, and we ran very far, but something that we didn't expect happened. With a gradual approaching sound like a fighter flying at low altitude, we all noticed dozens of flames coming from behind. "I rely, these guys can fly!"

The big robots were flying towards us at a few meters above the ground at this time. Obviously there were things like rocket thrusters behind them, dragging two long tail flames, more than ordinary fighters. Slower, but definitely a lot faster than our two legs, and flew over our heads in a blink of an eye. Landed in front of us.

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