In one day, the news that the two masters of Yaowangtang accepted the same disciple quickly spread among the major forces in the city.

"I heard that the young man named Chen Ku picked up Yang Luchan's fire and water faucet stick with one hand."

At the residence of Master Sui You.

Sui Qingfang, the girl who was looking at the mirror, listened to the maid from behind combing her hair while combing her hair and talking:

"Besides, that young man doesn't have inner energy yet. I really can't imagine how much energy he can develop if he becomes inner energy?"

The maid held Sui Qingfang's hair with her fingers and combed it down row by row. Sui Qingfang's hair was shiny and silky, like satin.


Sui Qingfang couldn't help but think of the small party that day and said:

"I've seen this person before, but I didn't think he had anything at all at the time. I didn't expect... that he actually has such potential and talent. It seems that I have underestimated people from grassroots backgrounds before."

This is really a tiger hiding in the field.

As for the news that caused a sensation in the county, Chen Ku's incident can only be regarded as a small addition, just gossip among people after dinner.

What really caused a sensation in the county was the incident at the vegetable market two days ago.

Because Ping An Dao participated in the robbery of the court, the county government has issued a clear document, defining Ping An Dao, which is active in the towns and villages of Baojiao County, as a "cult."

This is something that really requires serious attention from all the power experts in the county.


Chen Ku held a big banquet in Hongyan Tower. Two tables were served, which cost him more than three hundred taels of silver. All the top ingredients in Baojiao County were served, such as treasure fish and shrimps. They all came up.

However, compared to the cost of this banquet, his income today is dozens of times the cost.

With the momentum of the two masters accepting him as his apprentice, he could easily solve the sales problem of Wu Chensha in his shop without any money. In one day, he signed an order for 15,800 taels of Wu Chensha.

If you add in the three thousand taels of silver that Chai Tiangui, a junior official, and his followers.

On this day, he earned nearly 20,000 taels of silver.

This is the benefit of having resources, connections, and background. If you possess the same, you can live your own life. If you possess all three, it will be difficult to get rich.

Soon, the banquet ended, and Chen Ku bid farewell to the two masters, senior brothers, and Master Ke one by one.

After returning to the railway line.

The shopkeepers of the Railway Bank also quickly sent people to sign the order and presented a deposit of nearly 10,000 taels in total.

And after receiving these ten thousand taels of silver notes.

The change map that had been silent for a long time had writing on it again.

[The owner of the picture meets one of the conditions for practicing the fourth transformation picture]

[Fourth change diagram]

[Awakening conditions: 10,000 taels of silver, 10,000 kilograms of iron mother, a master of one unique technique, a powerful cultivation level, a peak of demonic energy in the first realm, and a hundred kilograms of demonic blood in the first realm]

(Note: After completing the fourth change of the change diagram, the distance of perception of evil spirits that is detrimental to the owner of the diagram can be increased to a range of ten miles)

Chen Ku saw the last note.

Slightly absent-minded:

"It turns out that the change map perceives maliciousness and disadvantageous factors for me, but there is still a distance?"

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that before, it was always in person or two or three miles away.

Now, if you achieve the fourth transformation, you can actually be promoted to a range of ten miles.

He was thinking:

"In the future, if this range can be infinitely improved, wouldn't it mean that in the whole world, whoever silently chants my name in his heart, disrespects me or is disadvantageous, will I feel?"

I thought in my mind.

Then he looked up at the conditions for awakening the fourth transformation.

There are a few more things than what is required in the third picture, but basically it is still the same.

"Iron mother? Among Master Yang's water and fire faucet sticks, it seems that iron mother is added. This kind of mineral material does not seem to be abundant in Baojiao County. It can only be obtained in Qiulong Mansion. I am a little embarrassed. Do I have to go to Qiulong Mansion? ?”

If he were to achieve great success in his unique skills, a stick in the sky is now a small success, with Master Yang's careful instruction, if he was to achieve great success in just one move, although it would not be very long, but based on his qualifications and talents, it would probably take a year and a half.

Qi Zhuang cultivation is in the late stage of Inner Qi, and is at the same level as his senior brother Yang Shaoqi. He has not yet broken through Inner Qi, and it is still a bit far away.

On the contrary, it is easier to obtain the evil spirit of a peak level demon and a hundred pounds of ordinary demon blood.

A change of thought:

"There is a chance that Tu Jieyuan will encounter a monster of this level. If not, it will be converted into a peak monster, which is the Great Perfection of Inner Qi. Perhaps, I can try to play the role of the knife catcher again and see if I can find an opportunity. Kill a criminal with perfect inner energy."

I thought of catching a knife.

Then I couldn't help but think of the two lime-dusted human heads that were stored in the small courtyard, and they hadn't had time to exchange them for money.

"I just wanted to go to the black market and ask about the procedure for solving a crime."

Before Chen Ku left Tiexing, he sent Wu Gui another errand, which was to find a yard for him in the inner and outer cities.

Now that the shop is open and big money has begun to be made, it's time to fulfill the big words that I told my mother, sister-in-law, and the others before I left the village.

Bring your family to live in the city.


There is a black market near Sheyu Town, and there is also a black market in Baojiao County, but it is not as good as the small black market around Sheyu Town, which is located in a small ravine.

This black market in Baojiao County is said to be a black market, but it is actually a grocery market, with the power of the Liangjiang Guild Hall behind it.

Liangjiang Guild Hall is a tooth shop, and it is engaged in the middleman business. Some people even suspect that some small black markets in other counties are also secretly controlled by people from Liangjiang Guild Hall.

This is a gray area, but many people know about it, but even so, it can still be opened in the inner city, which is enough to show the relationship and power of the Liangjiang Guild Hall in the government.

Chen Ku secretly guessed: "For the Liangjiang Guild Hall to be able to stand up in the city over the years, I think it is not enough to rely on the eighth master Huang Muxia. Based on my experience in my previous life, he is at most the subordinate of someone in the government." White Gloves, I just don’t know which of the top three people in the county is behind the Liangjiang Guild Hall?”

County magistrate? County magistrate? County captain?

Chen Ku felt that he was probably the county captain.

After all, the matter of catching a knife is that the government is using the power of private warriors to assist the government in solving crimes.

As for the gray area of ​​​​the black market, whether it can be swept away or not is actually a matter of a word from the county lieutenant who is in charge of punishment and catching thieves in a county.

Since there is a black market right under your nose, but you don't crack down on it, there must be a reason for wearing leather pants over cotton pants.

But whether all this is true or false, he can only guess and cannot touch the truth.

This level is a bit far away from his current identity level, and it is difficult to see clearly through the fog.

No matter how you say it.

The black market facilitated Chen Ku.

Chen Ku took a bamboo hat and put on the transformation of the Du Xiaodao he killed earlier. With only nine ordinary beasts to sacrifice, he was able to completely transform the appearance of the leader who incited the refugees.

He entered the Outer City City within the sphere of influence of the Liangjiang Guild Hall. After entering, he saw the people in every city. The people living here did not hide their heads and tails, but everyone's face was full of expressions. There is an evil aura about someone who is not a good person.

It was like entering a shabby city.

Chen Ku has been here several times. He just came to sell medicine and was not involved in other industries. This time, in order to understand the stronghold of the knife-catcher industry, he spent some money and asked about a building in a local small shop. name.

"Gray Clothes Building"

Chen Ku walked towards the two-story restaurant, which looked like a small inn.

When he arrived at the door, it was broad daylight and the door was closed. Chen Ku Bangbang knocked on the door, and the door opened automatically, leaving a gap for him to enter alone.

There is a hall inside, which is connected from top to bottom. There is almost no one in the living room, except for a masked man in gray clothes on the counter.

I don’t know if he opened the door for Chen Ku just now.

Looking at the normal-height man wearing a bamboo hat who came in through the door, the masked man in gray on the counter said:

"Knife hunter? Killer? Guest?"

In a word, the three questions all asked about identity. As for the knife hunter, he basically did the job on the surface, while the killer took on all kinds of jobs. As for the guests... of course there was a reward.

After he finished speaking, he saw the two packages behind Chen Ku, and it was basically confirmed that the person coming was not a guest.

Chen Ku said slowly:

"In my bag are the heads of two death row inmates who escaped from Caishikou two days ago. I came here because I heard that if you don't want to go to the government in person to collect the reward, you can hand it over to the government on your behalf and distribute the reward on your behalf."

"Indeed, but there is a handling fee."

The masked man in gray said calmly:

"You said those two heads are the death row inmates who escaped from the execution ground two days ago? Are they Ni Kun and Lin Jiu? Two days have passed, and no one has come to solve the case except these two death row inmates. According to the reward offered by the government, Ni Kun The reward for you is one thousand taels, and the reward for Lin Jiu is five hundred taels. If you need us to hand it over to the government on your behalf, then we will take fifty taels of silver from the one thousand, five hundred taels, as the cost of keeping your identity secret. "


Chen Ku could accept the handling fee. After all, what he wanted was safety and security. If he didn't have to go to the government in person, he would avoid the chance of some unexpected crises.

Steady, everything comes first.

After saying that, he placed the package behind him on the counter and asked the masked man in gray to identify himself.

The masked man opened the package, looked at the human head preserved in lime powder, and briefly probed Ni Kun's head with his fingers, as if he was using his inner energy to sense the structure of the skull to see if there was any disguise.

A moment later, another head was tested in the same way.

Finally, he nodded to Chen Ku and said: "If the head is correct, I can get you one thousand four hundred and fifty taels of silver right now, but there is one thing. If it is convenient for you, you may leave a code name instead of your real name."

"Code name?"

Chen Ku thought for a moment and then said:

"Code name 'Erlang'."


The man in gray had no emotion when he heard this ordinary code name. This code name was simply like "Boss and Lao Er", but what Chen Ku noticed was his next move.

Then he took out a few banknotes from under the counter, collected enough 1,450 taels, and handed them to Chen Ku.

Chen Ku asked while accepting the banknote:

"Is there the latest government wanted list in the building?"

"Of course, it's free."

After that, the masked man in gray clothes took out another book of documents from under the counter, unfolded it, and handed it to Chen Ku.

"This is a bounty list hanging in this building. It includes not only official bounties, but also private bounties. If you are willing, you can also accept private bounties. This building only recognizes heads and business, and will not ask you except your code name. Everything else.”

Chen Ku flipped through a few pages at random and found that there were at least hundreds of people on whom rewards were secretly offered. Some of them had crosses drawn on them, proving that the mission had failed, or that the person on whom the reward was being offered had been killed.

On this list, they are arranged in ascending order of strength. The weakest bounty target is an ordinary person, worth ten taels of silver.

Chen Ku looked from the beginning to the back. When he saw the person with the first reward, his heart slowed down slightly.

"No. 1 on the bounty list: Yang Luchan of Yaowangtang. His latest public strength is known to be that he is a strong cultivator in the fifth realm. With the powerful ape Qianjun stick, he can produce a powerful force. If he can take his life, he will be rewarded with a silver reward of 10 million. two!"

Chen Ku was shocked.

Who wants to offer a reward to Master Yang? !

Does Mr. Yang know?

As if sensing Chen Ku's emotions, the man in gray was basically certain that this was a new knife catcher in the industry.

Then he said calmly: "The top three rewards have been hung in this building for many years. Not only Yang Luchan from Yaowang Hall, but also Nan Li Li Yutang from Fish and Dragon Society, and Xie Qingfeng, the thirteenth young master from Chaitiepu." , even those three knew that they were being hung here, but no one had ever been able to truly take away this bounty.”

Chen was shocked.

Knowing that his bounty is hung here, yet remaining indifferent, he is truly courageous and confident.


The top three in this bounty list are actually the most powerful people among the three giants in Baojiao County.

Who issued the reward?

He saw that from Master Yang down, the rewards were 10 million taels, 8 million taels and 7 million taels respectively.

Chen Ku kept reading in silence.

Then, I saw an interesting reward.

“A reward is offered for the demon of Ping An Dao.

The reward for killing a powerful monster ranges from fifty taels to one hundred taels.

In the first realm, the Qi realm demons range from one thousand taels to two thousand taels.

The second level of Xuan Guan realm demons ranges from 3,000 taels to 5,000 taels.

In the third level, the jade skin level monsters range from 10,000 taels to 30,000 taels.

The fourth level Tongmai Realm monster ranges from one hundred thousand taels to one million taels.

Kill a Ping'an Taoist incense master and get a reward of one million taels of silver

Kill a Ping An Dao helmsman and get a reward of five million taels of silver.

Kill the leader of Ping'an Road and get a reward of 10 million taels of silver. "

This is not an official wanted warrant issued by the government.

Who is he? What force wants to make the entire Ping An Dao disappear?

"In the past few days, has anyone brought the head of a demon from Ping'an Dao to receive the reward?" Chen Ku couldn't help but ask.

The masked man in gray clothes shook his head and said: "Yes, just two days ago, some knife hunters killed several people when they were robbing the demons."

Chen Ku calculated the time.

I thought to myself:

"At this time, it seems like Master Yang and Master Shang issued it when they came back from injury...could it be that this reward order was issued by Yaowangtang?"

Then he continued to look down.

Suddenly, at this time.

[Yao Wensu, the master of Ping'an Taoist incense, wants to offer a reward for the master's life, but he is unfavorable to the master...]

Chen Ku's heart shook violently.

According to the farthest perception distance of the change map before, Xie Gouzi was one or two miles away.


At this time, there is an incense owner from Ping An Dao approaching here, and he wants to offer a reward to himself.

Chen Ku was shocked.

Incense owner?

Looking at the levels on the reward list, every Ping An Dao Incense Master is at least at the peak of the fourth realm, just like the Yan Hongwen who fought against Yang Ye that day.


Why would Ping An Dao issue a reward for a little transparent person like him who has no inner spirit for no reason?

Or the incense owner wants to come in person.

Just when Chen Ku's heart was shaken and his thoughts were numb.

Bang bang bang.

There was a knock on the door outside the building.

Immediately, Chen Ku's body tensed up. Although his body shape and appearance had changed, he was still inexplicably nervous. After all, he never missed the reminder of the change map.

I saw the man in gray just waved his hand, and there was a gust of wind, hanging the belt over, and immediately opened the door a crack.

I don’t know if this method is the ability of the Xuan Guan Realm or the ability of the Tongmai Realm.

After the door opened, Chen Ku heard the footsteps of someone coming in from the outside and spoke calmly:

"Open a private room upstairs and find someone to take care of you. I want to offer a reward."

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