The Leopard Fetus Yijin Pill is made from leopard fetus, deer fetus, sea lion kidney and other rare and tonic medicinal materials. It has great benefits and effects on the accumulation of essence and energy for martial artists.

When Chen Ku easily took out the leopard fetus from the mother leopard's body, the blade just shook with strength and it was done.

It was Huang Gun's own ability of "combining moves and strength".

At this time, not only did he easily master the combination of strength and moves.

It also made him instantly possess the superior martial arts of the apprentice, the Lion Rolling Ball, which can cut bones and butchers, and reached the "great success" level.

And it was at the moment when Chen Ku temporarily experienced the combination of moves and strength and the great success of butchering.

The change diagram in the heart sea showed the handwriting.

[The owner of the diagram meets one of the conditions for the third change practice]

The awakening condition of the third change diagram?

It was the same last time. When he touched the 100 taels of silver notes, it seemed to trigger the conditions and it appeared.

Chen Ku looked at it immediately.

[Third Change Diagram]

[Awakening Conditions: 1,000 taels of silver, 10,000 jin of Wuchen Sand, a complete set of Huajin martial arts, the realm of combining intention and strength, and 10 jin of blood of a first-level demon]

Chen Ku looked at the conditions.

Compared with the previous times, the need for money, or the "precious metals", has not changed.

Wuchen Sand is a precious sand from the bottom of a certain river. It is much heavier than iron and is an important material that needs to be forged and added to some weapons.

The reason why he knows so much is that his weapon, the Niulong Stick, has a lot of it, so it is so heavy.

The realm required for martial arts has not changed, and another realm of self has been added on top of it.

In addition.

The evil spirit has become 10 jin of blood of a demon.

When he killed Huang Gun, he got some information about the level of power. So far, although it is still unclear how to divide the internal energy, ordinary demons are equivalent to internal energy masters, so they are called "first-level demons".

But Chen Ku looked at the three consecutive conditions of the transformation diagram and felt for no reason:

"Except for the requirements of my own cultivation, why do the other requirements seem a bit like sacrifices?"

Chen Ku couldn't figure out anything, but he felt inexplicably that when the transformation diagram swallowed up the money several times before, it was like eating the tribute on the altar. Now, in addition to gold, silver, copper coins and precious metals, there is more demon blood...

Offering and sacrificing with demon blood?

"Do you want me to exorcise demons and protect the three realms in the future?"

Chen Ku was amused by his unreasonable thoughts.

Anyway, I don't need to bleed myself, isn't it just demon blood?

You can always get it in Yaowang Hall, and you can buy it with money.

"In the final analysis, you still have to continue to make money."

As long as you have money, many conditions can be met with money.


Chen Ku noticed that there seemed to be a line of small words on the third transformation diagram.

【Three gives birth to all things, and changes must occur when the seventh occurs】

(Note, after the third change is cultivated, the magical power ‘fetal transformation chain shape’ will be derived)

“What does three give birth to all things, and changes must occur when the seventh occurs? What is fetal transformation chain shape? I have heard of fetal transformation and change shape… one of the thirty-six heavenly magical powers… chain shape and change shape…”

After all, Chen Ku has read many books, and has some guesses about this, but he is not sure at all. How big is the difference between fetal transformation chain shape and change shape, which is only one word different?

“Three gives birth to all things, and changes must occur when the seventh occurs? Magical power appears in the third picture? Could it be that the seventh picture also has magical power? Even more… the thirteenth and twenty-seventh in the future? All of them?”

Chen Ku couldn’t help but look forward to the cultivation of the third change.

“Money? I just got a way to make money not long ago, but was suddenly interrupted by Huang Gun’s matter…”

Chen Ku walked towards Ke Yansheng’s house.

"What? You want to see how the bait rat identifies drugs and detoxifies?"

Ke Yansheng was stunned when he heard Chen Ku's request, and said:

"Why do you suddenly have this idea?"

Chen Ku touched his nose and said: "Old Ke, have you forgotten? My pharmacology score is also the first. I have been slaughtering for two months since I entered the hospital, and I have not participated in the drug-making process of the slaughterhouse."

Ke Yansheng looked at Chen Ku touching his nose, and couldn't help but think of Chen Ku's terrible talent for identifying pharmacology that day.

Slightly silent.

It's not that he forgot about it.

Why treat Chen Ku as a treasure.

In addition to Chen Ku's talent for martial arts, isn't it because Chen Ku also has the talent of a pharmacist?

It is precisely because of this that he is confident that Chen Ku can take the lead in the future and take on the pill formula and martial arts of the slaughterhouse.

However, the prescriptions of the Medicine King Hall are all secrets that are not passed on. They are more precious than martial arts. Even the most common prescriptions, prescriptions for martial artists to practice martial arts, and soup recipes are worth three to five thousand taels of silver.


They are the result of generations of sacrifices, countless people, taking poisons, testing medicines, and mixing them, and the hard work of passing on for hundreds of years.

Let’s put it this way, even if the Medicine King Hall is defeated by external forces one day, as long as these prescriptions are still there, the Medicine King Hall can still be rebuilt anywhere.

Therefore, these prescriptions will only be passed on after becoming a disciple and the inheritance status is determined.

Chen Ku also knew this, so he said:

"Mr. Ke, this disciple does not want to participate in some important prescriptions now. He just wants to observe common pharmacology. After all, in this field, the disciple only knows some common medicinal materials now. I want to lay more foundations. Let's take a look. Can you get any inspiration from the identification process of bait rats?”

When Ke Yansheng heard what Chen Ku said, he no longer felt embarrassed.

If it was just a matter of seeing a doctor and dispensing medicines, Chen Ku could indeed be involved. After all, some of the prescriptions for colds and colds could be found in soup songs circulated by the outside world.

"Okay, then I'll take you to see the pharmacy behind Tujieyuan, but how do you know about bait rats?"

"I heard what Senior Brother Jiang said, and I was a little curious. I heard that this thing is very effective."

After a while, Chen Ku was led to the pharmacy by Ke Yansheng. There are several rooms here. On weekdays, the veterinary medicines grinded and dried by apprentices and clerks are sent to these rooms. There are specialized pharmacists inside to prepare medicines, and there are also medicines outside. The guards are guarding and there is absolutely no way anyone can get their hands on this room.

Chen Ku saw that the rooms were divided into four levels: "Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang".

"The veterinary medicines prepared in the Xuanzi Room are already cultivation medicines such as Baotai Yijin Pills. You can observe them in the Huangzi Room first. There is also a bait rat here..."

After Ke Yansheng entered, he said hello and then let Chen Ku in.

Inside, there was a white-haired old pharmacist wearing a melon rind hat, weighing deer antler powder with a scale, and then cutting down the portion with a small spoon...

"Is that the bait rat?"

Chen Ku looked surprised when he saw the bait rat.

The thing was about a foot long, like a large gray-furred mouse, but it had a rabbit head and a big squirrel-like tail on its back. The most bizarre thing was...

It was running around in the cage, and its exposed belly was actually transparent. You could completely see its five internal organs, its heart was beating, and its blood was flowing.

"Is this a bait rat? No wonder it can be used to make medicine. It can not only detoxify hundreds of poisons, but it also has a transparent belly that was born with B-ultrasound!!"

Chen Ku immediately stepped forward and looked at the little thing carefully.

Remember its smell.

"Don't get too close. This thing is very valuable. Over the years, there are only a few in the Medicine King Hall, and they are used back and forth." The white-haired old pharmacist Yao Yuan said in a calm voice without looking back.

"Why don't you get a few more?" Chen Ku asked: "I heard that these things are found over there in the Liangjie Mountain."

Ke Yansheng sighed:

"To be precise, it's not Liangjie Mountain, but a strange beast in the Yuan Kingdom. It's just because Liangjie Mountain is close to Daji, and sometimes this beast crosses the border and can be captured. You also know that is the border. , there are boundary markers between the two countries, we cannot easily step in..."

Chen Ku thought secretly:

"We can't get involved easily. Aren't there still so many people smuggling across the border?"

I knew that Ke Yansheng's words were probably not the real reason.

It is very possible that they are afraid that this thing is sensitive and involves Yuan Dynasty specialties. Yaowangtang cannot hold too much. Otherwise, it will be a full charge of "smuggling exotic animals and connecting with foreign countries", so they are deliberately controlling it. Focus on the quantity and give no clues.

Chen Kuqu also got a key piece of information.

That is...

Since this thing is a special beast of the Yuan Kingdom, does that mean that after crossing the Two Boundary Mountains... there are a lot of bait rats there?

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