Starting from the Greyhound, seventy-two changes

Chapter 38 Transformation and increased strength

He quit his job in the butchery workshop.

Chen Ku already had some uncontrollable impulses in his heart.

Take advantage of your lunch break.

Then he left Yaowang Hall and went to the small courtyard he rented in the outer city.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝗍𝗐𝗄𝖺𝗇.𝖼𝗈𝗆]

The mind reflects the map of change.

[Picture owner: Chen Ku]

[Number of pictures opened: 1 (Slender Dog Transformation)]

[Available beast-level evil spirit: 42.

Crocodile evil (9) Evil man (6) Black pig (19) Ox (2) Yellow dog (6)]

[Has met the conditions for cultivating the third level of ‘Transformation’ of the Fine Dog Transformation]


In this private courtyard that belongs to him alone, he is accompanied by a soft drink from the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

Watch the change map change.

There is no immediate action on the change graph.

Instead, a line of writing appeared.

[Please check the box to invest the selected evil spirit in the change diagram]

Chen Kuxin moved.

Seeing that there are five different kinds of evil spirits, I have left one for each and two for the crocodile. Now that I am rich, I can try to activate other changes later to see if I can get other useful abilities.


Accompanied by another sound.

I saw the thirty-six evil spirits hanging around the first transformation diagram, like phantom air masses, suddenly thrown up high like a string, and then violently crashed into the thin dog transformation.

Zi La La~~

It's like a burning fire cooking oil, and like a meteor hitting a picture scroll.

The image of the thin dog in the entire transformation picture was completely 'alive', shining with the light of divinity, and then...

Heading towards the change diagram, he stretched out his claws and flew out.

Chen Ku suddenly felt his eyebrows relax, and a stream of white air whizzed out from his body and landed next to him.

Take another look.

He saw that in front of him, standing on all fours, was the white-haired dog that he had beaten to death in Dachen Village that day.

Now, he has survived the change of thin dog.

No, to be precise, it was separated from his own body.

Eyes facing each other.

Chen Ku immediately felt the connection with himself from Xi Quan's eyes:


The incarnation of wisdom is born out of oneself and controlled by one's own subtle changes.

Chen Ku curiously knelt down to study.

"Woof woof!" The thin dog incarnation seemed to want to express something, but the sound it made was a dog barking, but Chen Ku could feel it completely, as if he was forced to "do two things at one time" .

"Okay, okay, okay, okay!"

Chen Ku looked excitedly at the transformation of Xiu Quan into the third level.

This means that he can directly let the avatar handle some things in the future.

But there's a problem.

He was also curious.

"Does this incarnation have a time limit? Or can it be left out forever?"

With this thought in mind, he looked towards the change diagram.

Sure enough.

I saw a line of writing under Xi Quan Bian.

[Slender dog changes state]

[Skin Dog Transformation·Transformation Level (Completed)]

[Abilities: The power of a thin dog, transformation, moon eclipse bloodline, power of incarnation]

[Root Bone: Ordinary Demonic Dog]

[Extra: Human Root Bone Blessing]

(After incarnation, you will enjoy the talent of the map master's root bone, but will not inherit the map master's own power. You can evolve as a demon. The incarnation time depends on the main strength of the view)

This last comment is a bit complicated.

Chen Ku thought about it based on his own situation and understood it.

"After transforming into the incarnation of the thin dog, it seems that I still have the blessing of five hundred kilograms of the power of the thin dog. This shows that this incarnation is completely an 'incarnation' cultivated with thirty-six evil spirits, and it does not affect the previous abilities. "

He clenched his fist and felt the change in strength.

"With new abilities, after being released, the previous abilities are still retained. This is really perfect. At the same time, this incarnation also has the potential to grow and can practice like a person."

Chen Ku frowned:

"What does demon cultivation require? Is there still demon magic?"

It seems that when the level is reached in the future, you have to get involved and understand something.

The experiment lasted half an hour.

I feel that my physical strength has been exhausted by 30%, which means that I can let the thin dog out for up to three hours before having to take it back.


Chen Ku said one word to the white-haired dog.

Then he saw that it was like Sun Dasheng's hair, turning back into an evil spirit and shrinking into Chen Ku's forehead.

This time.

Chen Ku clenched his fist and felt that this incarnation of thirty-six evil spirits had added another five hundred kilograms of strength to him.

Now his whole body is weighing 2,300 kilograms of strength.

"This kind of strength is stronger than a tiger. I can kill that tiger tonight!"

But at the same time, this moment of closing and releasing made him think of more.

"The incarnation is very precious. If something goes wrong, if you can't take it back, or if it is scattered by someone, it may mean that you can never take it back, and you have to practice it again, right?"


Chen Ku's expectations for the third level of 'transformation' have not been disappointed. Having an extra self can save a lot of things.

"Tonight we are going to kill that ferocious tiger. Then, humans and dogs will work together. I will practice martial arts, and he will look for medicine. He will grab it with both hands, both hands strong!!"

Chen Ku smiled with satisfaction.

Then, he looked at the six remaining evil spirits under the change diagram.

Before, he was accumulating the evil spirits needed for the third level of transformation. Now that he has successfully transformed and has a lot of money, he can naturally do a "blind box opening".

He first disassembled the thin dog transformation from the diagram.

In an instant, all the abilities, bloodlines, and incarnations of the thin dog transformation could not be used.

This was thought of a long time ago.

Before the second transformation is opened, it cannot be superimposed.

Then, the crocodile evil spirit was replaced.

[Crocodile transformation·Transformation level]

[Open the transformation. ]

[Transformed: Crocodile claw]

[Crocodile claw (thick and powerful)]

[Nine more evil spirits of beasts of the same level are required to cultivate the transformation level]

Chen Ku looked at the blind box opened by the crocodile transformation evil spirit.

"Claws, thick and powerful..."

Thinking of a disadvantage of the thin dog transformation before, that is, the claws as thin as a stick:

"It's saved!"

Because this means that as long as the second transformation diagram is opened, the defects of the thin dog can be made up after the endowments are superimposed!

And just when Chen Ku was about to try other evil spirits again

[Because the master of the diagram has not cultivated enough transformation diagrams, it takes three hours of cooling period to replace and disassemble the transformation diagram. The master of the diagram only needs to cultivate the "second transformation diagram" as soon as possible, and the cooling time can be reduced accordingly. ]

Chen Ku was stunned.

"Grandpa Zhenjun, you are so good at keeping up with the times."

There is no other way, so he can only slow down first.

Three hours is exactly the time for the Medicine King Hall to work for half a day.

Time goes by quickly.

It was evening, and Chen Ku got off work. In the afternoon, there was no butchering work, but he worked with the apprentices and brothers in the butchering hall, screening bones, drying medicine, and pounding medicine.

After eating today's apprentice meal, I felt strong all over. I waited for a while, and when the cooling period was over, I changed back to the thin dog transformation.

Then, feeling the strength of more than 2,000 pounds, I picked up the "bone-cutting sharp knife" of the Medicine King Hall, and took advantage of the night to go to the Lian Family Forest.

"Fenghu, right? You chased me for more than half a month, right? Your Grandpa Chen is here!"

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