"Second uncle, you are back..."

A child with an old tiger-head hat on his head and a short shirt with a runny nose threw his calves and rushed towards Chen Ku.


Chen Ku raised his nephew above his head, looked at it, and asked, "Are you still feeling uncomfortable in your stomach?"

This child is the only son left by his elder brother. His first name is Yinhu and his nickname is Huzi.

Huzi's face turned a little sallow and he said aggrievedly: "I also had diarrhea today. I feel uncomfortable and my butt hurts."

Touch your belly with your little hands.

Chen Ku put his nephew down and walked to the kitchen. He saw his sister-in-law cooking and said helplessly: "Sister-in-law, didn't I ask you to boil water for Huzi to drink? He just drank cold water and got a stomachache. His buttocks are sore."

The woman in the kitchen had decent facial features and a slightly strong figure. At this time, she hurriedly waved her hand, wiped it on her apron, stepped forward and took Chen Ku's basket, but she lowered her head and said:

"We don't have much firewood at home, so we have to use it wisely. How can we drink boiled water every day? When I was cooking, I cooked some for him yesterday."

Chen Ku shook his head and said: "It's okay. I picked a valuable medicinal plant this time. Tomorrow I will go to the town with Mr. Li to buy firewood and some antidiarrheal medicine. I will boil more water today and I will drink it too." "

Hearing Chen Ku wanted to drink, the woman named Xu Lan nodded quickly: "Well, it's not easy for you to go into the mountains, brother Ku. I'll boil a pot of hot water for you right now."

Chen Ku nodded and turned to look at my mother.

There was an old woman lying on the bed, coughing a little.


"Mom, your cough is still not gone?" Chen Ku stepped forward and asked.

Mother Chen felt relieved when her son came back, and said, "It's okay, it's just that it's getting cold, we don't have enough firewood, and I'm a bit cold. I'm afraid I won't be able to go to Brother Zhao's house to work today. Go and tell them. Others are taking care of our family’s household registration, so we can’t be called lazy.”

"Brother Zhao is a good man. I'll just go back and tell him." Chen Ku said, "It's okay. I will go to the town tomorrow to buy more firewood and rice."

"Then go and tell them quickly."

"Let's go after eating. It's time for people to eat now. It's not good in the past."

After a while, the meal was ready.

Simple cornmeal tortillas, a big plate of shredded potatoes.

Ordinarily Chen Ku can afford rice and white flour, but one pound of rice flour can be exchanged for ten pounds of cornmeal. Naturally, cornmeal is more affordable and filling.

Chen Ku can eat four cornmeal cakes in one meal.

Sister-in-law Xu Lan brought a few bowls of cold boiled water while she was eating. Chen Ku blew in a breath and drank the bowl, feeling much better.

Look at the half-pot of boiling water left and the smoke from the kitchen that has long been extinguished.

I sighed in my heart:

"It's not just my family who can't afford boiled water in the village. Many people can't afford it. Firewood is a huge consumption. This problem must be solved. Otherwise, let alone Hu Zi, I go to the mountains all year round and drink boiled water. I have to drink boiled water." It won’t be long before I have a serious gastrointestinal problem.”

I mentally planned to buy more firewood when I went to town this time. At least it would not be a problem to provide boiling water for the last month.

I simply ate at home and felt full. Although it was not nutritious, at least I wasn't hungry anymore.

As soon as I left home, I went to find Brother Zhao and tell him about my mother's request for leave.

Not too far away.

This eldest brother Zhao, named Zhao Bocai, has a very good relationship with his elder brother. He and his family used to be considered one of the best in the village, so he saved a lot of money and was able to send his brother Zhao Mengcai to a martial arts school in the county.

Not far from Brother Zhao's house.

His house was obviously larger than Chen Ku's house, and it was still a brick house.

But he hasn’t walked over yet.

In the distance, a series of children's cries and very rapid barking of dogs were heard.

Chen Ku heard the sound and looked over.

On the small road in the village, several half-human-sized children ran wildly, crying and screaming.

"That's Brother Zhao's little treasure."

Chen Ku recognized at a glance the youngest of the children who were crying and running wildly. The boy running at the back, about six or seven years old, was Zhao Bao, the only child of Zhao Bocai's family.

"Are you being chased and beaten by an older child again?"

Chen Ku frowned.

It is common for children in the village to fight.


He quickly sensed something was wrong.

These children ran towards him, with expressions of deathly fear on their faces.

Ouch! !

And soon Chen Ku saw what was chasing these children.

I saw those few children, especially behind the dirt wall of the courtyard behind Zhao Bao, who was the slowest runner...

A slender and muscular white dog, half as tall as a man, and extremely fast!

With a speed of almost three to four meters per breath, he quickly pounced on Brother Zhao's child.

"That's not a dog from the village, it's a wild dog from the mountains, almost like a wolf!"

Chen Ku could tell at a glance that the corner of the beast's mouth was still stained with blood.

Seeing it, he was about to pounce on Zhao Bao.

At this time, Chen Ku roared out of instinct:


In order to save people subconsciously, I picked up a big stone from the roadside and threw it at the thin white dog.


This time, the accuracy was a bit off and it didn't hit directly.

But it also immediately attracted the attention of the slender white dog that was half a man tall.

Several children also seemed to have found a savior.

The white thin dog spotted Chen Ku who was more than ten meters away, especially when he caught a glimpse of the stone that had just hit him. He immediately lowered his body, looked fiercely in his eyes, and roared with a grin.


The child from Brother Zhao's family was tripped and fell at the feet of the thin dog, crying heartbreakingly in fear.

Chen Ku saw that the thin dog was attracted to him, but the child fell at its feet. He was anxious. Wouldn't this wild dog treat the child as a chicken or a duck and take it back to the mountain?

"Beast, get out!"

Chen Ku touched the sickle behind him, took it out, and waved it, accompanied by a low roar, trying to scare the wild dog away.

But he didn't expect it.


Seeing Chen Ku pull out the sickle, the thin white dog's teeth trembled even more, and the fierce light in his eyes overflowed. With a stomp of four feet, it rushed towards people like a gust of wind.


Chen Ku felt a flash in front of his eyes, and smelled a fishy smell in front of his nose!

The white dog had appeared in front of him, jumped up with its hind legs, and opened a bloody mouth full of sharp canine teeth, and swallowed towards his neck.

In an instant, Chen Ku's mind buzzed.

This is not a dog,

It's really a wolf!

Such a fierceness!

In a trance.

Words were transmitted in his mind.

[Sensing the evil spirit coming, the change diagram has been activated]

Evil spirit?

[Those who are not good for me are called evil spirits. Kill them and you can collect the evil spirits of heaven and earth, and change endlessly]

I don’t know if it is an illusion.

Anyway, with this wolf-like murderous intent in front of him, Chen Ku didn’t care about other distracting thoughts.

His body bent,

shoulder with elbow,

elbow with hand,

hand with knife!

Instinctively, he slashed the sickle towards the white shadow in front of him!

Woo la~~

The sickle slipped out of his hand,

but it hit!


Chen Ku groaned, and several bloody marks were scratched on his chest, as if he was kicked hard by someone, and he took a half step back.

At the same time.

After his sickle passed, a stream of dog blood splashed on his face, and then he vaguely heard a shrill dog barking, and fell heavily to the ground.

Opened his eyes blurred by the dog blood.

Used his hand to wipe away the blood.

Without bothering to check the scratches on his chest, he saw the half-man-high, one-meter-long white dog at first sight.

On its neck, there was a sickle embedded in the bone, and dog blood was bubbling out.

The dog kept twitching on the ground, and then began to whimper, and its breath became less and less.

"Baoer! Baoer!"

At this time, Zhao Bocai heard the sound and rushed over with a fork in his hand.

As a result, he saw his son lying on the ground crying.

Chen Ku was covered in dog blood, his chest was scratched, and a very large and long white dog was lying on the ground.

"Brother Chen Ku, how are you?" Zhao Bocai saw that his son was fine, so he immediately cared about Chen Ku.

Chen Ku looked at the white dog as if he had heard nothing, and actually saw a black dog phantom entering his body.

"Is this, my golden finger?"

Lines of words popped up in his mind.

Accompanied by a picture.

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