The whistling cold wind blew the forest.

But it couldn't suppress the whistling of the arrows flying through the night sky.



Chen Ku shot the bow continuously. Under the blessing of the Golden Eyes Baili and the second-level demon Hua Humar, even if the root bone divine power was not counted, Hua Humar's demonic energy was also at the second level.

After shooting and killing the second-level Xuanguan demon, he shot five arrows in a row, three arrows killed the head, and two arrows pierced the chest...

In a few breaths, five internal energy demons died!

"There is a magic archer on the mountain!!"

Ping An Dao Fu Tou Zhang He, his eyes wide open, roared:

"Quickly find cover!"

However, even in the process of finding cover, people were still shot and killed.

At this moment.

Fu Tou Zhang He couldn't figure out why someone ambushed them on the mountain.

Clearly before hunting the Nian beast, he had already explored the surroundings and found no trace of anyone.


He was still targeted by this master whose origin was unknown.

It turned out to be a master archer!

He racked his brains, but he couldn't figure out what kind of master he was. He just shouted instinctively, hoping to save the lives of his fellow brothers.

Zhang He saw it clearly.

The master archer was five hundred feet away at this time. He could shoot such a powerful arrow from such a long distance. Judging from his strength, he was at least in the Xuanguan realm.

If a master in the Xuanguan realm fought head-on, he would have a large number of people and would rush forward in a short time to surround and kill him.

But a master archer in the Xuanguan realm five hundred feet away, who was very far away from them, shot arrows from a distance, and the threat posed by this...

was no less than that of a master of the third realm jade muscle, and even more terrifying than the Nian beast they were surrounded and killed together!

If they couldn't think of a way to deal with it, it would probably take less than half a cup of tea for the opponent's arrows to take away all their lives one by one.

Judging from the fact that the other party had just shot and killed one of their Futou brothers unexpectedly, even if he...

500 feet away, it was no doubt that he died under the opponent's divine arrows.

"Ah! The Nian Beast is crazy!"

But when Zhang He shouted to his brothers to avoid the divine arrows on the mountain, he ignored that they were still entangled with the mother Nian Beast whose child had died.

This time, after Chen Ku shot and killed seven or eight masters, the number of people was reduced by half, and it was difficult to effectively suppress the Nian Beast.

Although the Nian Beast is a demon.

But demons are also lives, and they also have the love of licking their calves.

Facing the group of demons who killed one of her children, the Nian Beast was suppressed by the number of people before, and now there is an "invisible helper" like Chen Ku to help her break the deadlock.

Suddenly broke through the restraint, stomped wildly with four legs, and jumped. The hut-sized figure pounced in front of an internal energy demon.

Roar! !

The demon roared with the pain of losing his child, and it roared through the mountains and forests.

The front paws crushed the chest of a demon with internal energy, and he was still not satisfied. He opened his bloody mouth, bit off the demon's head, and threw it out.

The human head "wheel" was thrown directly in front of Zhang He.

"Not good!"

Zhang He just retracted his sight from the bloody and hideous heads of the brothers, and saw the mother Nian beast shaking her body that could shake the earth and mountains, and rushed towards him.

Opened the beast's mouth.

A stream of cold water rushed straight to his chest.

Woo la~~

The water flow froze the sky, and ice crystals appeared on the dust in the air.

Before it fell in front of him, Zhang He's hair stood up, and his ferocious face instinctively moved. He had to kick the big rock behind him that was used as a cover, and jumped to the left.

One jump three feet.

After dodging the Nian Beast's water flow, the stone behind him was hit by the water vapor and immediately covered with ice crystals.


However, before Zhang He could feel happy about dodging the Nian Beast's attack, he heard the sound of an arrow breaking through the air and piercing through.

At this moment, he had just dodged the Nian Beast's attack and had not yet regained his strength. Even though he desperately used all his strength to roll sideways to dodge the arrow.


He was still a moment slower.


The arrow entered his chest!

The terrifying penetrating force made his body roll twice in place before the strength dissipated.

Looking at his chest again, there was a blood hole the size of a child's arm on his right rib, tearing the wound, bleeding tricklingly, and his ribs were all shot and cracked.

The unbearable inhuman pain made him roar rationally:

"Retreat! Escape! Give up the Nian Beast! All run for your lives!"

The members of their team who were dispatched this time were originally more than enough to deal with three or five second-level Nian Beasts.

Although they unexpectedly encountered a third-level Nian Beast today, they were confident of taking it down with cooperation.

Who would have thought that there would be an extra archer hiding in the dark to ambush them.

Without any preparation, half of the members were lost. Now the Nian Beast has no suppression and is restraining them head-on. There is also an archer in the dark to assist the Nian Beast...

It can be said that they were attacked from both sides. Not to mention that they only have two Xuanguan and four internal qi now, even if there are twice as many people, they will all die here.


Under his roar.

The remaining five people hiding under the cover of the big rocks and trees all changed color.

Someone saw that he was shot in the chest and was still shouting:

"Zhang Futou, retreat together..."

But he hadn't finished his words.

Zhang He saw an arrow coming from the mountain through the clouds, getting bigger and bigger in his sight.

It was just a moment.

It pierced his forehead and nailed him to death!

"Zhang Fu Tou!"

The remaining five people roared with their eyes wide open.

"Who is it! Who is it!!"

The remaining Fu Tou, whose surname was Wang, witnessed his brothers' tragic deaths one after another, and his heart roared with questions like a storm.


But facing the Nian beast that had turned around, roared and rushed towards the remaining five of them.

"Run! Run away! Run away in different directions! Whoever can escape is one, and then report the news back to the incense altar. The incense master will definitely find out the truth and avenge the dead brothers."

This Wang Fu Tou was the first to run away into the dense forest like an arrow from a bow.

The other four also burst out at the fastest speed of their lives, running for their lives in several directions.

The Nian beast looked at the five people who were fleeing in all directions, bared its teeth, and roared, staring at the Fu Tou surnamed Wang.

One of its cubs was killed by this human with a single blow.

Roar! !

The roar shook the mountain, and it abandoned the other monsters and rushed straight to Wang Fu Tou.

Chen Ku was holding a bow halfway up the mountain.

Seeing the five monsters fleeing in all directions, he did not panic. Instead, he jumped up and headed for a wider view. On the way, he shot another arrow with his backhand.

A monster who was interspersed in the dense forest, just showed a side while shuttling, and was shot in the thigh by an arrow...

He screamed and flew backwards.

Chen Ku was shot with two arrows in a row, and he rolled to avoid one arrow, but the third arrow still hit his chest.

[The owner of the picture shot and killed Tang Liuzi, and gained a realm of evil spirit...]

Chen Ku listened to the reminder of the transformation picture.

He sighed slightly in his heart:

"My archery skills are still not good enough."

When the group stood in the open area just now, he kept pulling the bow and shooting arrows, and his accuracy would not be much worse, but they were determined to go deep into the dense forest, with all kinds of obstacles, so his accuracy was much worse.

"If it was Master Chai, I'm afraid every arrow would hit the center of the eyebrows."

Chen Ku held the bow and went down the dense forest, chasing and killing all the way, using seven arrows, and shot and killed two more monsters.

Smell the smell.

There are only two left, one in the inner energy realm, and the other is the one being chased by the big year beast.

Two completely opposite directions.

Chen Ku did not hesitate and continued to chase the inner energy realm monster first.

He had considered the order of shooting.

Today, since he has taken action.

It is impossible to let a monster go, not to mention that the evil spirit they turn into after death is useful, each inner energy realm monster is worth a reward of one thousand to two thousand taels of silver.

For the Xuanguan realm, it is three thousand to five thousand taels.

As for the Nian beast, he wanted to take it all.

He was just playing the fisherman.

It was just right for the Nian beast to consume the Xuanguan realm monster again, and then harvest.

After a while.

Following the smell, Chen Ku caught up with the last Neiqi realm monster and shot him in the forest. After sensing again, the Xuanguan realm monster and the big Nian beast had already chased and fled three miles away.

Smelling the smell, the bloody smell was quite strong on the man and the Nian beast.

Chen Ku estimated the distance and changed to the stepping swallow horse to chase after him. It might be a bit too late. He couldn't let the Xuanguan realm monster die in the mouth of the Nian beast.

A second realm evil spirit!


Chen Ku was seen to change his body on the spot and turned into a flowered marten with wings on his ribs. He put all his things into the storage bag and flew into the sky.

A few miles away.

Boom! !

After all, Wang Futou was facing a third-level demon. Even though he was suppressed by them and suffered serious injuries, his speed and strength were still far beyond that of a second-level talismanist like him, so he was caught up.


Wang Futou roared, holding a peach wood horizontal sword, with talisman paper all over the blade, fluttering in the wind, rippling with red light and flames, and was forced to fight with the Nian beast.

The peach wood horizontal sword, although made of wood, was blessed by talisman paper, not to mention sharp, and with flames jumping, waving, burning the air, Wang Futou seized the opportunity to leave flame wounds on the back, front paws, and tail of the Nian beast, which were still burning.

However, even if he was flexible as a human, he could seize the Nian beast's body shape mistakes and cause injuries to the Nian beast.

But facing a third-level Nian beast, he only needed one mistake to have no chance.

Only to see.

Just as Wang Futou slid to his knees and slashed the Nian beast's belly with a knife, the Nian beast roared, but also seized the opportunity, shook its head and sprayed a mouthful of water vapor towards the ground not far away.


Wang Futou's thigh was immediately hit by the water vapor and froze on the spot, causing him to scream miserably and lose the ability to move on the spot.


The Nian beast saw that it had hit Wang Futou with one blow, and a cold air spurted out of its nose, snorted loudly, and its four hooves dug the ground, its eyes flashed with fierce light, and its front hooves dug twice on the ground, and then its huge body, like a giant elephant, rushed towards Wang Futou.

The horn on its forehead flashed coldly.

It seemed that Wang Futou was about to be hit and stabbed to death by the horn of the Nian beast.

Wang Futou suddenly felt a shadow covering his head, and he looked up and saw that it was a strange beast with wings on its ribs, sliding down like a meteor, and it was one step ahead of the Nian beast and arrived in front of him.

Five bloody claws protrude like swords!

"No! This monster is..." Wang Futou roared in horror.

In front of him were five blood shadows occupying his sight.

One more moment.

There was a sound like a blood knife piercing flesh, and Wang Futou's body was cut into pieces by the claws of the flower fox marten's bloody knife.

[The picture owner kills Wang Mao and obtains a second realm of evil energy]


But at the moment when Chen Ku killed Wang Mao, the Ping'an Dao Talisman, the rushing Nian beast saw his "enemy" and was caught to death by the claws of an unknown type of demon, and let out a roar. The speed was even faster, and it hit the flower fox-sable that Chen Ku had transformed into.

[There are three beasts in the Nian realm that are unfavorable to the Lord, and killing them can bring evil spirits]

Woo la la~~~

After Chen Ku caught Wang Mao to death, he landed on all fours and stood still. He felt the speed of the Nian Beast rushing towards him, like a train crashing towards him.

At the same time, the Nian beast opened its mouth, brewing a blue halo, and then instantly sprayed out a blast of cold air at him.

"I fly!"

Chen Ku felt the terrible threat from the demons of the three realms, and immediately vibrated his wings under his ribs and flew into the sky.

The next moment.

The cold air spewed from the beast's mouth froze Wang Mao's body into ice, and then the huge body rushed over, smashing Wang Mao's body to pieces, and ice crystals and blood flew everywhere.

After Chen Ku flapped his wings and flew into the sky, he looked back and saw that the demon's head, which was worth more than three thousand taels of silver, was smashed into bloody mud. He couldn't help feeling regretful and exhaled:

"What a beast, that's all money."

Flying thousands of meters high in the sky, in the form of a fox-sable with a bear body and a mink head, it stared at the Nian beast roaring madly at the sky below, whispering in his heart:

"Pay it to me!"

The words in my heart fell.


Transforming back into his human form, he slowly put on his clothes while in free fall, and then took out his big bow and arrows.

on the ground.

Nian Beast has been staring closely at the flying alien beast in mid-air. Suddenly, he saw the alien beast turn into a "human" and fall from the mid-air...

With the demonic thinking of Nian Beast, it was unable to understand Chen Ku's changes. It only watched indifferently as the "prey" was about to fall, then opened its big mouth and prepared to spray cold air into the air.


After Chen Ku, who fell from an altitude of several thousand meters, put on his clothes and picked up his bow and arrow, a red smoke cloud appeared under his feet and transformed into a crow the size of a washbasin, which was stepped on his back with one foot.

Chen Ku stood on the back of Huoshanwu, his figure still shaking a little:

"If the flower fox and marten clones hadn't been sent out, they wouldn't have used the volcano crow as an aerial mount. However, after all, he is a first-level monster. Although he is small, he can barely carry me."

I saw.

The cold current sprayed out by the Nian beast reached at most ten feet in the air before reaching its end.

But Chen Ku stopped at a height of several hundred meters, drew his bow and arrow, and suddenly released it...

Whoosh! !

With the wisdom of Nian Beast, it was impossible to understand Chen Ku's series of changes and actions. He was stunned for a moment. From a distance of several hundred meters in the air, an arrow fell with terrifying force.

A cry breaks through the air!

One arrow shot through one of Nian Beast's eyes!

roar! !

Nian Beast was in severe pain, and the pain in the middle of his left eye was like a mad cow running and jumping wildly.

But Chen Ku was not happy.

But looking at the injuries on Nian Beast's body, his heart tightened.

I saw,

The injuries on Nian Beast's body caused by the demons of Ping'an Dao, including the cuts and burns, had actually stopped bleeding long ago. Even with his super eyesight, he could see that Nian Beast's skin and flesh were slowly healing.

"Good guy, this self-healing ability!"

Chen Ku had seen Huang Muxia scratch his skin with an arrow from Coach Chai when he was playing in the gym before. The wound healed instantly. Later he understood...

This is actually the physical change of a martial artist who has reached the third level of ‘Jade Muscle Realm’.

After reaching that state.

It is said that the muscles of the body will have powerful vitality contained in them. Even if they are injured, they will not be burned away by wildfire, and the spring breeze will regenerate them. If it is an ordinary small wound, it can be healed in just one breath...

Originally, when human warriors reached this stage, their ability to produce muscle and heal was terrifying.

As a result, the Nian Beast's healing ability seems to be stronger. After all, those injuries were specifically caused by targeting the Nian Beast's weakness of "fear of fire", and the result... can all be healed.

"If I can't kill him quickly, even if I can fly in the sky, I will still be exhausted by the terrifying demon's healing power."

The big bow of five thousand stones, firing continuously, consumes energy.

Chen Ku looked at the Nian beast with an arrow stuck in its eye on the ground. It had fallen into a "mad" state and was running wildly on the ground...

Stepping on the volcanic crow, he changed the shooting angle to a favorable angle, drew his bow and arrow, and aimed at the Nian beast's other eye.

One arrow after another in succession.

There were a total of thirty arrows in his quiver, and he used about twenty of them to kill the demons. Chen Ku now left all the remaining arrows to the Nian beast.

The position of the eye was only shot because the Nian beast was standing still. Now the Nian beast was running wildly. Chen Ku had six or seven arrows that missed, and only four of them hit the Nian beast. It caused a lot of injuries, but it was still not fatal...

But it was not useless, that is, the Nian beast was slowed down due to its injury. Finally, when there were only two arrows left in the quiver, another eye of the Nian beast was finally shot...

Both eyes were shot blind, and the four or five arrows on his body all went in without feathers.

Chen Ku did not continue to shoot arrows, but just chased it and ran wildly for the last time of his life.

In the end,

the Nian beast lost sight, and ran wildly, smashing countless trees in a row, and finally crashed into a large rock on the cliff like a headless fly, and then fainted.

Chen Ku looked down at the body of the Nian beast lying in front of the cliff with its chest heaving constantly, and jumped down and came in front of him.

Five bloody claws extended from the nails of his right hand.

Silently stepped forward and gave this three-level demon a quick death.

[The owner of the picture killed the Nian beast and obtained a three-level evil spirit]

Chen Ku was excited.

Three-level evil spirit!

If you are lucky, you may be able to directly exchange the three-level demon power of the Nian beast. Even if you are not lucky, you can get other abilities of this terrible demon.

The fact that it could resist the combined siege of three Xuanguan demons and twelve internal energy masters for so long by itself shows how terrifying the three-level demon is.

Chen Ku understood.

He was able to kill this three-level demon entirely by flying and using bows and arrows, and by flying a kite from a distance, which slowly killed this tank-like beast.

If the Ping An Dao demon had not set up an ambush in advance and driven the Nian beast into the forest, he would not have been able to kill it by himself. At most, he could have shot an arrow on the shore, and the opponent would have turned around and entered the water.


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