In winter, rich and wealthy people will light charcoal in their houses for heating. Good charcoal fires are smokeless and can last a whole day.

In the backyard of Chen Ku's house, the room was very warm.

Mrs. Chen Ku and her daughter-in-law Xu Lan were sitting cross-legged on the kang, one holding shoe mats and the other wearing a sweater.

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Not far away, a maid coaxed Hu Zi to sleep.

The two women were chatting.

"My boss, this charcoal is not cheap. There is no smoke at all. It is much better than the charcoal burned by Wu Laoer's family in our village."

The old woman looked at the charcoal pot in front of the bed, her mouth broke, she bit off the thread with her teeth and said:

"Although the second boy has made money, he still has to save some money and add more fire to your uncle's room."

"Yes, mother."

Xu Lan winked at the maid and asked her to pick out a few coals from the basin.

But the maid said: "The master's house is warm without charcoal. He won't let us add charcoal."

Xu Lan knew that his uncle practiced martial arts and was strong, so he also said, "That's it."

The old woman looked at the hot coal pot, then said nothing more, then turned to look at the cold weather outside the window, sighed and said:

"It's just a light snow today. I'm afraid the harvest in our fields will be less than 70%..."

"Yes, the folks in the village may not be able to survive the coming year." Xu Lan knitted a sweater and chatted with her mother-in-law.

Chen Ku breathed out in his room, feeling the energy in his body filling up, and said to himself:

"This is the feeling of fullness and perfectness of inner energy. Now my inner energy is full and full, and I don't feel hungry at all."

A medical book from a previous life said: "When you are full of energy, you will not think about sexual intercourse; when you are full of energy, you will not think about hunger; when you are full of energy, you will not think about sleep."

I thought it was a deceptive term used by Chinese medicine practitioners in previous lives.

Unexpectedly, such a thing really happened.

"With my current internal energy, I can probably go without eating for ten days and a half. In a sense, I have reached the 'instinct' state that the Taoist priests in previous lives dreamed of."

Chen Ku felt the changes brought about by his physical growth.

"But this is just a prerequisite for maintaining life. You can't fight with others, and you can't use martial arts to consume energy. After all, whether you are fighting or practicing martial arts, you have to consume energy. As soon as you move, your energy will be consumed. Once it is consumed, you will still feel hungry again. ”

This is why it is said in the storybook that some masters can eat a cow after fighting with others.

"When the inner energy is perfected, the next level is the Xuanguan state, which is the second level of martial arts."

Chen Ku has not yet been taught the techniques of the Xuan Guan realm, but from the exchanges between his masters Yang Luchan and Yang Shaoqi, he has heard some opinions about the Xuan Guan realm.

"Xuan Guan realm is said to be a special orifice located in the brain of the human body. As the most mysterious and fragile place in the human body, it is also called the 'Xuan Guan Gate'. The method of cultivation is to bring the inner Qi up. Then nourish the brain with Qi, keep the mind clear, and develop the various potentials of the brain, so that the mind can see into the inner world, and the life constitution can be completely improved..."

Chen Ku recalled that when he struggled to kill Liang Shi, the old servant of the Zhao family, he felt the terrifying vitality of the Xuan Guan realm master at that time.

Even though he was hit in the temple with tens of thousands of kilograms of force, he still couldn't die immediately.

That's without luck to protect your brain.

Entrance realm.

It has already entered a new world.

Chen Ku walked out of the house.

I thought to myself, it would be better to go directly to ask a teacher.

Then we came to Yaowangtang and Jinshiyuan.

When he arrived at Jinshiyuan, he saw his senior brother Yang Shaoqi playing with a stick in the yard with a red face. After seeing Chen Ku come over, he said excitedly:

"Junior brother, come on, come on, practice with me for a few seconds."

Chen Ku was surprised.

His senior brother, as early as a month or two ago, was unwilling to compete with him anymore. Which way is the sun coming out today?

There was a movement in my heart, as if I guessed something.

"Senior brother, have you made a breakthrough?"

Hearing this, Yang Shaoqi slightly raised his head proudly and said: "Yes, brother, seven days ago, I entered the realm of the Great Perfection of Inner Qi, and today I finally stabilized the realm. Brother, come here, let me see. The power of Dzogchen in me.”

Chen Ku was about to say something else when he saw his senior brother walking over and stretching out his hand towards him.

It’s impossible not to join hands.

Yang Shaoqi looked at Chen Ku's outstretched hand, shook it, and smiled, wanting to test Chen Ku's strength.

As a result, we joined hands.

No matter how much he exerted all his Dzogchen energy on his hands, he couldn't hold Chen Ku's hand.

Yang Shaoqi looked moved:

"Junior brother? Didn't you also break through?"

"To be honest, senior brother, we have indeed achieved a breakthrough."

Chen Ku smiled and was about to withdraw.

Yang Shaoqi was stunned.

monster! !

He had been preparing for the perfection of his inner energy two or three months ago. At that time, Chen Ku was still full of energy. Unexpectedly, one month later, he was full of energy... and another month later, he was full of energy.

Instead, he felt a little more energetic.

"Junior brother, try your best. I would like to know how much strength you can have after your inner energy is perfected?"


"You... use all your strength... ah!"

Yang Luchan was immediately alarmed by a scream of pain like a slaughtered pig in the house. After walking out of the door, he saw Yang Shaoqi screaming repeatedly:

"It hurts, it hurts, let go, let go..."

Yang Luchan just looked at it and his ears moved slightly.

You can feel that the breathing segments of Chen Ku and Yang Shaoqi are exactly the same, long and powerful, and both have reached the level of more than ten segments. Only in this way can they be used at any time. This is another sign of "fullness".

"Second brother, are you so full of energy?"

Yang Luchan was pleasantly surprised.

Chen Ku let go of Senior Brother's palm, raised his hand to the master, and said: "That's right, so I came to ask the master. After the inner energy is perfect, the next practice involves the entrance, how should I start..."

Yang Shaoqi shook his swollen palms, feeling as if he had been pinched by a little giant. At this time, he quickly said: "Master, I also want to ask for advice."

Yang Luchan looked at the two disciples with joy. They were full of achievements and both were less than twenty years old, especially Chen Ku...

It has only been half a year since he joined the Medicine King Hall, but he has achieved such achievements and is such a genius. It is no wonder that the old man Nong and Chai Bao both drooled when they saw him.

He immediately felt extremely proud and satisfied and said:

"Okay, okay, now that you two are full of energy, it's time to teach you how to practice the entrance. Come in."

The two entered the house.

Yang Luchan sat on the Taishi chair, lit a pot of pipe, smoked, his eyes swept over Chen Ku and Yang Shaoqi, and then said slowly:

"As for the entrance, I have talked to you before. All martial artists know that it is in the brain, but where exactly is it located in the brain and how to 'luck into the brain'? The degree of danger and the secret method are all internal skills of each family. The secret that has not been passed down, and in my Yaowangtang's "Eternal Life and Eternal Spring Code", this is the training method..."


He then explained how to ‘luck your brain’, what route to follow, what dangers you need to pay attention to when brainstorming, and what key preparations you need to make in advance, all in a total of more than 3,000 words.

Chen Ku only listened to it once and memorized it through Ling Ge's memory.

After Yang Luchan finished explaining the training method of "Xuan Guan Chapter", he solemnly warned:

"Different from the realm of internal energy, even if there is no method of transporting blood energy, as long as there is enough energy in the blood, there will be a sense of energy naturally. It is nothing more than accumulation over many years, and it can be 'naturally achieved'... The secret door in the mind, It must be a realm that you need to take the initiative to break through.”

"The Mysterious Gate of Life and Death?" Chen Ku listened to the contents of the Mysterious Gate and asked, "It sounds like if the breakthrough fails, people will die directly?!"

"The brain is the most mysterious and fragile part of the human body. To rush the inner energy into the brain is like breaking into an antique porcelain store with a weapon. A slight bump will cause a large piece to break, so it must be Follow the "Qi route" explored by predecessors, just like walking on a single-plank bridge, do not touch the "porcelain", walk on the narrow road, find the door at the end of the road, which is the "porch", and use inner Qi to open it. …”

Yang Luchan carefully taught the key to breaking through the entrance:

"The Mysterious Gate, why is it called the Mysterious Gate of Life and Death? The reason is that it has a total of three gates. After the first gate is opened, the energy in the brain will be completely opened and various potentials will be awakened. Therefore, this gate has only advantages and no disadvantages. It is also called The 'Gate of Life', but the second gate is different. After the Gate of Life, once you break through, you will fall into a 'state of suspended animation'. Whether you can wake up from suspended animation depends entirely on your own spiritual will and physical survival. Instinct, I don’t know how many warriors have been buried in this level and can never wake up, so this level is called the 'Death Door'...

But if you can wake up from behind the door of death, you can truly see the truth of the mysterious gate, which is the third gate, the 'Xuanmen'. "

"The so-called Xuanmen is mysterious and mysterious. After opening it, what you get is no longer the essence, but the power of the spirit. When the third level is broken, the warrior can control every inch of his body with great precision. Qi can even be used to 'look inside' the body mentally, and use one's mind to compress the internal Qi, and do all kinds of incredible things.

For example...when I spoke just now, my mouth actually didn't move. "

Chen Ku then looked at his master belatedly.

"This is a little trick of spiritual power obtained from Xuanmen. It uses spiritual power to compress the inner energy to form a means of 'transmitting sound into the secret'."

Yang Luchan kept his lips still and spoke with inner energy, saying:

"At the same time, I heard that there are some people with extraordinary talents who have been gifted with spiritual power far beyond ordinary people in the Xuanguan realm. When they look at people, they can use their eyes to defeat others. If such people are allowed to do so again, It is even more unbelievable to practice some magical martial arts. Being able to influence other people's hearts just by looking at them can be said to be terrifying. "

Chen Ku was frightened when he heard this.

Just looking at each other.

You can mentally enslave others.

Isn't this a bit out of the norm? Why is everyone practicing martial arts? This kind of person has magical powers.

"Master, can you do it?" Chen Ku asked cautiously.

Yang Luchan shook his head and said: "I can't do it because I didn't receive many spiritual gifts when I was at the third level of the profound entrance. This is a matter of talent. It's just like your bloodline. It's innate and you can't ask for it."

Yang Shaoqi was also a little scared and said: "Are there many people like this? If there are many people in the future, wouldn't they just look at us and ask us to take off our clothes? Then we have to take off our clothes and wipe our necks with a knife. Do we have to do the same?"

Chen Ku is awe-inspiring.

What he feared most was this kind of person. If he couldn't even control his own body and mind, he would be completely reduced to a puppet of others. It was too deadly.

"Is there any way to deal with such a person?" he asked.

"Yes, the best way is to be stronger than the other party, because the martial arts practice is 'cultivating both life and death'. As long as the body and blood are improved, the invisible spirit will naturally be improved. A martial artist in the fourth realm, even if he has a powerful Xuanmen spiritual power, will never be able to control and enslave a martial artist in the fifth realm. This is the life foundation of the body and soul."

Yang Luchan continued:

"But after all, when walking in the world, it is impossible to always be stronger than others. Therefore, there are some other means to deal with such people, such as 'Awakening Pills' and 'Thin Ink Oil', which can stimulate the spirit and prevent it from being enslaved. There is also a kind of horn of a demon called 'Dust-avoiding Rhinoceros'. Its horn can be made into a talisman to protect the mind."

Chen Ku silently remembered these things.

He asked again.

The Awakening Pill and the Thin Ink Oil are both sold in the Medicine King Hall, but they are expensive and worth thousands of gold.

And they cannot be used at any time.

It would be best if he could find a rhino horn of a Dust-avoiding Rhino, or directly hunt a Dust-avoiding Rhino and awaken its innate bones.

"By the way, the county magistrate Shangguan Yun can play with the young lady of the Xu family, so he might have abilities similar to the spiritual endowment of the Xuanmen, or martial arts?"

Looking at Chen Ku, his mind was a little heavy.

Yang Luchan took a big puff of cigarette, knocked the pipe on the sole of his shoe, and said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you afraid? Improve your ability, and you don't have to be afraid of anything. Besides... don't you have any confidence that you will be the one who gets the 'psychic ability' after the Xuanmen?"

He has high hopes for Chen Ku.

Yang Shaoqi said excitedly: "You are right, maybe I also have psychic abilities."

Yang Luchan looked at his eldest disciple, thinking that his brain was all muscle, took a deep breath, and said: "There is no such possibility."

Yang Shaoqi was stunned: "Why?"

Chen Ku bowed and said: "Master is right, I will definitely try my best."

"Don't be too anxious, you have just broken through, stabilize your cultivation first, before breaking through, it is best to say hello to your master or your master, we have someone to watch you next to you, and then break through."

Yang Luchan was not worried about whether Chen Ku's energy was enough to rush to his brain. He was worried that Chen Ku would rush to his brain, and the internal energy would rush to his brain, and the brain was not a joke.

"Thank you, Master."

Chen Ku got the cultivation method of the next realm, and got a lot of reminders and experience, and left.

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