Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 70 Lord Im, the King of Tennis!

"You know me, but I know nothing about you. Isn't that a bit unfair?" Gion looked down at Stussy and joked.

"Judging from this mission, our time together will not be short in the future. You will understand what you should understand." Another meaning of Stussy's words is obvious, that is, you should not understand anything. Wondering.

Gion didn't care about this, and continued to browse the tennis court in front of her. She was thinking about how to play this tennis, but the next second she saw her calm down, and her beautiful eyes looked at the three people who came out of Pangol City. figure.

Two of the maids in black and white skirts were ignored.

Focus on the leader, a young man wearing a white hat, white shirt, white windbreaker, white trousers, white leather boots, black hair and black eyes.

"Maybe he is Saint Jorah, but this outfit..." Gion tilted his head and whispered in confusion.

It's not like she has never seen the Tianlong people before. Their hair is combed high and the ends of their hair are specially rolled up, which makes them look particularly funny.

The clothes are even more bizarre, a fat and wide white coat, and a round bubble on the head.

To be honest, when she first met the Tianlong people, she almost burst out laughing. Fortunately, she held it back in time, otherwise she might really get into trouble.

In comparison, the person in front of her, well...she thought he was quite handsome, and there was no hint of the Celestial Dragon style at all.

This is also related to the fact that Gion has never seen the Five Old Stars. If he had seen it, he would know that high-level Tianlong people would not dress up so ridiculously.

Although Stussy on the side was also sizing up the other person, his expression looked more respectful and careful, not as blatant as Gion's.

Because she has seen more of the horrors of the Celestial Dragons than Gion.

"Honorable Saint Choracor, this is Stussy from CP9, who will be responsible for your personal protection for the next period of time."

Gion saw that Stussy had finished introducing herself and immediately said her name and identity. At the same time, Im was also looking at the two of them.

At first glance, he didn't feel that she was beautiful. After all, he had seen so many beauties in his previous life that he wouldn't be shocked by their beauty, or their appearance wouldn't be that.

Perhaps, this is possible for Hancock and Princess White Star in the future.

In comparison, the height difference between the two is even more eye-catching. Gion's visual measurement is nearly three meters, while Stusi's visual measurement is 1.8 meters. They stand together, and the latter's head only reaches the former's waist.

However, their body proportions are very good, and each has its own characteristics. One has blond hair in a black dress, showing Western sexiness and charm, and the other has black hair in pink clothes, a soft face, and the gentle style of an oriental woman.

And he, who is about two meters tall, is very satisfied with this data.

The height of two meters in this world is equivalent to the height of 1.8 meters in the previous world, which is quite perfect. If it were any higher, it would be a bit exaggerated and strange in his opinion.

If you really want to give him the standard height of a navy admiral, he still won't be happy!

Therefore, between the two beauties Gion and Stusi, Im personally prefers the latter, at least she doesn't have to raise her head when speaking.

"Can you play tennis?"

After briefly getting to know each other, Im walked to the racket rack to pick out and asked casually.

Because he is now using his second identity, his expression is no longer so cold and ruthless, but more gentle, but it still gives people a cold and arrogant feeling.

"No." Gion shook his head.

"I've learned some lessons, but I haven't played in a long time." Stussy smiled slightly.

"Really? Then you and I will play a few balls. Major General Gion will take a look at the sidelines first. I believe you will understand after a while." Im chose the racket and walked into the court, then picked up a tennis ball from the bucket. .

In fact, he doesn't play very often, but with his super memory and absolute control of his body, he can quickly become proficient in it.

Im thinking about other sports before, such as basketball, football, table tennis, badminton, etc., but the first two require a lot of people, and the latter two feel that they don't have a strong sense of strength, and they can't be satisfied with their current strong body. , and heard that the entourage chosen for him was Gion and Stusi, he immediately decided to play tennis.


Stusi didn't pay attention to the strong orders of Saint Jorah. In her opinion, the Draco people were like this, or in other words, this attitude was already very good.

But Gion had some objections and said, "Lord Qolacol Saint, don't you need escorts because you have to travel?"

She felt that she was not here to play with him. Wouldn't it be better to practice more swordsmanship during this time?

"The car for the trip is not ready yet. We will get to know each other well before that. You can play tennis with me by the way. This is your mission."

Im didn't care about Gion's resistance. As he spoke, he walked to the end of the court and gently tapped the tennis ball in his hand on the grass.

At the same time, the eyes looked towards Stusy who picked up the racket and was ready at the other end.

To be honest, the experience of playing tennis with a beautiful agent wearing a black short skirt and black stockings was a bit interesting, which made Im a little excited after being bored for too long.

Finally got something to play!

The next moment, Im slowly raised his right hand, lightly threw the tennis ball in his palm, then bent his knees, bowed his waist, jumped up, and swung the racket in his right hand.

His entire serving movement was very coherent and smooth. It was completely impossible to tell that he was actually an amateur before. However, because it was the first ball, he absorbed most of his power.

One is to worry about using too much force and fly out of the field, the other is to avoid beating Stusy to death on the spot, and the third is not to cause too much damage.

After all, he just wanted to have fun.


But despite this, the racket he swung became an afterimage, and there was a loud bang. The tennis ball turned into a yellow beam of light and passed through the net. The air waves visible to the naked eye followed its flight path towards Spread around.


Stusy had no time to react. The beam fell directly on the field not far away, raising large pieces of broken grass. The turbulent wind and waves caused the blond hair to dance wildly.

This scene was also shocking. Gion suppressed the questioning words in his mouth, and stared blankly at the yellow tennis ball with white smoke in the pit with his small mouth open.

"So strong!"

Both she and Stussy on the field were shocked by the ball played by Im. They really didn't expect that a Celestial Dragon under their protection could have such power.

"It seems that the strength needs to be a little smaller..."

Im, who was standing in the other half of the court, shook his head dissatisfiedly when he saw this scene. He still tried his best. He wanted to have a more normal tennis match with Stussy.

"I'll serve a few more balls and see which one I can hit back."

"Uh, okay!"

Stussy smoothed down her bangs that were blown by the wind, and finally became serious. At the same time, she thought about who this Jorah Cole Saint was, and thought to herself: "No wonder he was selected as the successor of the Five Old Stars, and why? It’s really completely different from ordinary Tianlong people!”

The next second, Im served again on the opposite side, but this time the ball speed was much 'normal'. Although it was still comparable to a bullet, it was enough for Stusy to rush to the landing point and barely hit it back.

Stussy rubbed her palms, which were numb from the shock of the ball, and said, "Lord Qolacol, please be gentler~~ I can't stand it~~"

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