Colson was suddenly flattered by Jiang Chen, and his expression was a bit unnatural. but.

After all, he was an experienced agent. He quickly calmed down his emotions and calmly said:

“I’m just training under the director.”

“The deeds of the director are an example for us to learn from.”

Jiang Chen heard Coulson’s words and finally understood why this guy could take the position of the next director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He has outstanding abilities and is so good at licking.

If not you, who else could he choose as director?

“Of course, the Secretary has always been the driving force for me to move forward in life!”Jiang Chen said without blushing.

Nick was inexplicably licked by two people, and he felt relieved.

However, as the director, he naturally couldn’t express his feelings.

He coughed dryly and said:

“Okay, don’t waste time, do what you should do.”

As he said that, he turned around and walked out of the camp.

Jiang Chen supported Natasha and followed closely.

When passing by the beautiful mature woman, Jiang Chen also said hello and took the opportunity to shake hands.

However, , Unfortunately, this beautiful mature woman did not activate Jiang Chen’s ability.

This is understandable.

As a fan of Marvel, Jiang Chen knows that this beautiful mature woman seems to have appeared in the Women’s Federation and the American Team.

However , Even Jiang Chen can’t remember her name, so you can imagine how low her appearance rate is. It’s not an exaggeration to say it’s just a bit of fun.

For such a character with little role, the probability of activating her abilities is naturally greatly reduced..


Jiang Chen and others arrived outside the basement.

A unique-looking aircraft was parked here.

The entire fuselage was streamlined, and there were six jet devices on the tail.

It was like an alien fighter jet, filled with high-tech colors

“It seems that SHIELD has quite a lot of black technology.”Jiang Chen secretly marveled.

The group of people quickly got on the plane.

Nick sat in the cockpit, started the plane, and flames shot out from the tail of the plane, flying towards the SHIELD Trident headquarters at an extremely fast speed.

In less than half an hour.

Jiang Chen returned to the headquarters.

Black Widow was also sent to recuperate.

As for Sitter, naturally he left with Nick.

What happened next was not something that a small employee like Jiang Chen was qualified to participate in.

However, , it can be expected that SHIELD will soon cause a big turmoil.

During this period, it is better to stay at home to avoid being affected.

Jiang Chen had nothing to do and went to the hospital to see Mike again..

This guy could have been recuperating at home, but he has been staying in the hospital. He is always thinking about staging a live-action version of Nightbird.

Anyway, the medical expenses are fully reimbursed by SHIELD.

Mike is lying on the hospital bed, A pleasant look on his face:

“Jiang, you should go into the hospital and feel the atmosphere around you. The nurses here are good-looking and nice to talk to. I like them here very much.”

Jiang Chen said calmly:

“If you like, stay a few more days. It’s best not to return to the bureau during this period of time.”

Mike looked confused:

“Why, did the bureau find out that I didn’t pay for my prostitution?”

Jiang Chen shook his head speechlessly and roughly talked about what happened just now.

After listening to Jiang Chen’s story, Mike looked sad and sad:

“Oh, shit, I just said that there are so many beauties in the bureau, why are they indifferent to me? It turns out that these guys are all Hydra’s traitors!”

Jiang Chen struck mercilessly:

“Shark, have you ever thought about a problem? They ignore you, maybe it’s just because you are ugly!”


“Well, this is the situation. It’s better for us cannon fodders to wait and see what happens and not get involved.”

Jiang Chen saw that Mike didn’t seem to have any plans to return to the bureau in the short term, so he didn’t stay long and went straight back to his apartment.

For the next period of time, Jiang Chen basically had nothing to do. He just lay at home and watched TV shows. , look at the news from various places, etc.

Within a few days, a major change occurred in SHIELD.

Nick acted vigorously and arrested nearly one-third of the employees of the agency.

Some employees were arrested and even argued with the agency. A series of gun battles broke out among employees.

Both SHIELD and Hydra suffered heavy casualties!

However, this method was also very effective.

Those Hydra members hiding in secret thought that Nick had information about all of them.

Even though He was not exposed, and quickly left SHIELD, not daring to stay any longer.

As the secret leader of Hydra, Alexander Pierce saw that the situation was not good, and had already fled, not knowing where to hide. The leaderless Hydra , was naturally defeated.

Within half a month, it was wiped out.

The entire SHIELD turmoil also calmed down.

It has to be said that Nick’s method of handling things is quite sharp.

If it were anyone else, he would Maybe it would be a mess.

Because of this incident, Nick made up his mind to change the lengthy name of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency to SHIELD. This signaled that SHIELD would be reborn.

During this period, there were also One thing must be mentioned.

Tony Stark, the chairman of Stark Industries, finally returned safely a week after being kidnapped.

And, he made a major decision to the media.

That is to shut down Stark Industries. The multinational weapons manufacturing department!

Many people thought Stark was crazy.

A company that made its fortune in weapons did not sell weapons.

This is equivalent to an actress who has been filming AV for many years saying that she is a prostitute.

Star This move also caused Stark Industries’ stock to fall sharply.

The losses were not unbearable.


Jiang Chen felt that this was an important sign of Stark’s transformation into Iron Man!

This move, It also means that Stark has truly become a hero and is no longer the selfish entrepreneur he used to be.

Just when Jiang Chen was watching the news about Stark, his phone rang.

Jiang Chen picked up the phone and took a look. , it turned out to be a call from Black Widow.

“Hello, your dedicated maintenance man is always at your disposal.”Jiang Chen laughed.

During this period, Black Widow has been busy dealing with various matters of SHIELD, so she has basically not contacted Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen still misses her a little.

On the other end of the phone, Black Widow spoke. road:

“Jiang, come to the office of the director of the headquarters now.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes moved slightly and he said:

“OK, I’ll come right away.”

Not long after, he drove to Trident Headquarters and immediately arrived at Nick’s office on the top floor.

This office is extremely grand, covering nearly 100 square meters. Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can also see the panoramic view of S.H.I.E.L.D. At this moment,

Nick and Black Widow were standing in front of a table, seeming to be discussing something. When

Nick saw Jiang Chen arriving, he didn’t say much, and said directly:

“Jiang, you are here. There is a task here that needs to be given to you!”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

He thought Nick called him over to promote him to become a new agent.

However, he did not show too much dissatisfaction and said:

“Yes, please arrange it with the director!”

Nick said:

“You must have heard the news about Stark’s return, right?”

“The Bureau wants to investigate Stark’s kidnapping, but Stark doesn’t seem to be cooperative.”

“Now that the Hydra matter has just been dealt with, the bureau is seriously short of manpower. It’s up to you to assist Coulson in the investigation.”

“As long as you successfully complete this task, I will make an exception and promote you to become a new agent.”

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