Black Widow glanced sideways at Jiang Chen and said calmly:

“I haven’t seen any outstanding fighting skills in your resume.”

“As the computer said, it’s unremarkable.”

I was just joking. Jiang Chen coughed dryly and defended:

“It’s not like my resume is everything. It doesn’t say I have super powers yet.”

Black Widow nodded in agreement:

“You are right. As a qualified agent, you cannot expose all your information!”

As she said that, she lifted Xite up and said:

“You heard what the computer said. Now we are in the same camp. If you don’t want to die, just stay here.”

“You should be aware of the agency’s intelligence capabilities, so don’t try to escape.”

Sit smiled bitterly:

“I have betrayed the organization now, and the organization will send people to kill me at any time!”

“Where else could I run.”

Black Widow snorted coldly:

“As long as you know!”

She was really upset.

These Hydra members were really good at hiding themselves.��

If Jiang Chen hadn’t reminded her, she wouldn’t have known how long she would have been kept secret!

I am afraid that by that time, the entire Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau will be slowly infiltrated by this evil organization!

Thinking of this, Black Widow looked cold:

“Let’s go and kill all the people surrounding you. This will also allow me to see your superpowers.”

Jiang Chen shrugged and said it didn’t matter.

Back then, Captain America could defeat all the Hydra members with his shield in the elevator.

Today, Jiang Chen, with his fighting skills and spiders, it’s not a problem to defeat the surrounding gangsters!

What’s more! , and there are powerful thugs like Black Widow to help!

This is a ruthless character who can survive in a harsh place like the Red Room. Even a dozen strong men are no match for her alone!

Jiang Chen and Hei The Widow did not wait for the group of people to come down, but took the elevator directly out of the basement.

The terrain here is narrow and there is no place to hide.

If the group of people ignores Zola’s damage and directly launches an RPG, Jiang Chen and Black Widow will hide. There was no place to hide.

Zola naturally did not stop him.

He felt that with the strength of the members he called over, it was more than enough to deal with these two people. The insight project was still in its infancy, and he did not want his computer chip to be damaged in any way.

“”Ding dong”

The elevator slowly rose up and soon reached the top of the camp.

The roar of helicopters was heard over the camp.

Jiang Chen tensed his lips and said:

“Gee, you really thought highly of us and sent two helicopters over!”

Black Widow glanced at her phone, frowned and said:

“The thermal imaging system has failed. It must be the fault of the computer in the basement. Be careful!”

As soon as she finished speaking, both her and Jiang Chen’s expressions changed. They pounced forward and jumped more than ten meters.


Just as they dodged, the place where they were standing suddenly exploded.

Suddenly, gravel and sawdust flew everywhere, and smoke and dust rose everywhere!

“Grass Mud Horse, what an RPG!”Jiang Chen couldn’t help but curse.

Although he has the fighting skills of Black Widow and the spider, he is still an ordinary person after all. He has not received professional training, so when faced with a gun battle, he will inevitably have a trace of fear!

Black Widow, on the other hand, showed amazing combat power!

While dodging, she kicked her legs violently, used the force to turn around, and directly pulled the trigger!

Boom boom boom!

Three gunshots were fired, and two people surrounded and killed them. The Hydra members who came over fell to the ground.


Jiang Chen hid in a safe corner and gave a thumbs up.

This was the first time he saw Black Widow showing off her skills outside of the bed.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

She is worthy of being a top agent of SHIELD. This strength is simply… Heifer flew to the sky in a plane!

Naturally, Jiang Chen would not be obscene all the time. He tried hard to adjust his mentality, and he began to observe the surrounding situation.

Visible in the field of vision, there were seven or eight fully armed fighting men. Staff.

All of them are tall and strong, with strong steps. At first glance, they look like they are practicing martial arts!

“Brock Rumlow, this guy is actually a member of Hydra.”

Black Widow’s face suddenly darkened when she saw one of the men holding a submachine gun.

Hearing this name, Jiang Chen also remembered some information in his mind.

This guy, whose nickname seems to be Crossbones, is a rapid response special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Captain of the force.

In the Captain America series, he appeared as a minor villain!

In the end, he almost died with Captain America.

He was a ruthless character.

He could even kill himself if he got ruthless!

Jiang Chen was familiar with the plot and was not surprised by the appearance of Bullock..

Not far away.

Bullock held a submachine gun, guarded the surroundings, and said loudly:

“Natasha, you have been surrounded, I advise you not to resist fearlessly!”

Black Widow ignored Bullock at all, raised her hand sideways and pulled the trigger directly.

Boom boom boom!

Bullock’s reaction was also very fast.

The moment Black Widow turned sideways and fired, he rolled on the spot and immediately found a The bunker covered his figure.

But the members next to him became cannon fodder and were shot in the head by the Black Widow!

Just when the Black Widow wanted to continue shooting, a dense number of bullets shot through the ceiling, pouring down like a heavy rain..


Black Widow’s expression changed, her body was as strong as a cheetah, she quickly jumped to dodge!

These bullets left a dense row of bullet holes on the ground behind her.

Jiang Chen was manipulated by Black Widow, I was immediately stunned.

Report, someone here is using infinite dodge!

Seeing that Black Widow dodged all the bullets and was about to launch a counterattack, an RPG blasted towards Black Widow again.


A huge explosion, almost Blast out a person’s eardrum!

The Black Widow was caught off guard. Although she barely escaped the scope of the explosion, her calf was still pressed by a boulder!

Seeing this, Brock’s face flashed with a sinister smile, and he was about to shoot. Shoot at the Black Widow.

However, at this moment, a ball of white goo flew towards Bullock at an extremely fast speed.

Bullock’s gun muzzle was directly blocked by the white goo!

Bang submachine gun Directly explode the barrel!

Bullock groaned and subconsciously threw the submachine gun in his hand.

He looked down and saw that his palm was already a bloody mess.


He looked at where Jiang Chen was hiding, with a dark expression on his face.

Intelligence showed that this was just a small reserve character, so he didn’t pay much attention at first.

Prepare to deal with the difficult character Black Widow, and then deal with this small character!

Unexpectedly, just such an oversight caused him to overturn the car.

Jiang Chen didn’t think so much. Seeing that the black widow was about to be beaten into a sieve, the spider in his hand shot out and dragged the black widow out of the boulder.

“Are you okay?”

Jiang Chen dragged Black Widow to his side.

Black Widow’s face was a little pale, her legs were bleeding, and there were several deep wounds on them.

However, her expression did not show any pain.

She quickly pulled off her sleeves and simply After bandaging it, he said:

“The helicopter outside is causing some obstruction and must be resolved, otherwise it will be extremely detrimental to us.”

When Jiang Chen heard this, his eyes moved:

“Leave it to me, I’m the best at jerking off!”

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