Mike crossed his arms across his chest and nodded:

“Oh, yes, we are only one step away from success and can capture this lizard man! Jiang

Chen rolled his eyes at Mike and complained:

“Do you know what two things to do? Make it look like you know it.”

Mike coughed dryly:

“Isn’t this waiting for you to say?”

Jiang Chen shrugged:

“It’s very simple. First, make an antidote.”

“Second, go to Osborn Enterprises and at least control this Canary device first.”

“Once these two things are done, all we have to do is wait for Connors to surrender.”

“He is almost crazy now, and he will definitely show up soon.”

Mike nodded and said:

“I think so too, but who is going to make the antidote?”

The little spider volunteered:

“Let me do it. I remember that Osborn Industries has a cross-species genetic document, which is a blue serum. With this serum, you can make an antidote.”

Mike patted the little spider on the shoulder, looking like a big brother:

“Peter, I really didn’t expect that you still have such skills. What do you think? Do you want to consider joining our department?”

Little Spider took a step back:

“I’m still studying, so I won’t get involved in your adults’ world.”

Mike spread his hands and showed a pity look:

“Hey, that would be a pity, otherwise our trio would definitely become the strongest combination in the department.”

Jiang Chen curled his lips:

“Well, that’s right. When Little Spider and I have sex in the future, you can just sing rap beside us to cheer us up.”

Jiang Chen thought about it, this is not bad.

After all, outstanding protagonists and villains have their own exclusive background music. When

Mike heard Jiang Chen’s words, he couldn’t help but became furious:

“Jiang, you bastard, you still dare to tease me, shouldn’t you explain to me what your ability is?”

He looked at Jiang Chen with saliva flying around, just like an abandoned harem. When the little spider heard this, he couldn’t help but look at Jiang Chen.

He was also very curious as to why Jiang Chen had the same ability as him.

After all, , he gained super powers only after being bitten by a mutated spider.

However, the mutated spider had been smashed into pieces.

Is it possible that there are two identical spiders in the world?

Jiang Chen looked calm and said:

“The reason is very simple. In fact, when I was in the orphanage, I was bitten by a spider, and then I discovered that I had special abilities.”

Jiang Chen also figured it out. After all, he is now a low-end version of Spider-Man.

It’s not too much to make up a story similar to Spider-Man.

No one will care about the process anyway!

When the little spider heard Jiang Chen’s words, he couldn’t help but say:

“Chief Jiang, what a coincidence. In fact, I was bitten by a spider and mutated.”

Jiang Chen pretended to be surprised and said:

“So from this point of view, the one that bit you was a male spider, and the one that bit me was just a female spider. Otherwise, why would we shoot at the same time, and you could shoot farther and longer than I could?”

“……”little spider.

I always feel like something is weird.

Mike’s eyes widened as he listened to the conversation between the two:

“Oh, God, there is such a good thing. Tell me, where is the mutated spider? I have a friend who wants to see it.”

Jiang Chen and Little Spider said in unison:

“I was photographed to death!”

“……”Mike was about to cry.

He looked at Jiang Chen, his expression showing dissatisfaction:

“Jiang, you are so not a buddy. You have this magical ability. Why haven’t you shown it even once before?!”

Jiang Chen sighed:

“Do you think I don’t want to? Every time I use this ability, my body will be damaged.”

Mike looked Jiang Chen up and down, obviously not believing it:

“Don’t fool me anymore. I see that your whole body is fine.”

Jiang Chen sighed:

“Do you understand internal damage? This spider is my essence. Every time I use it, the testosterone content in my body will decrease!”

Mike scratched his head:

“I have low education, can I speak human language?”

Jiang Chen spread his hands:

“If the testosterone level is too low, it will be difficult for the second brother to be useful. In more serious cases, he may even be forced to change his gender. Do you understand?”

Anyway, the mutations have been made up, and Jiang Chen doesn’t mind making up another reason. He was able to make up two such seamless excuses in such a short period of time.

Jiang Chen felt that he had really grown up as a heifer.

Mike Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, instead of being shocked, he looked surprised:

“Isn’t that just right?!”

“roll!”Jiang Chen waved his hand like he was shooing away flies.

I treat you as a brother, but you actually want to have sex with me?!

This kind of plot can only happen in some movies in the island country. When the little spider heard what Jiang Chen said, he believed it.

He couldn’t help but look down at his brother, who had not yet tasted seafood, and felt worried about his future.

The price of becoming a hero is too high, right?!

Jiang Chen patted the little spider on the shoulder and comforted:

“It’s possible that the spider that bit you was male, so you shouldn’t have any side effects from it.”

“Even if it is really useless, technology is so advanced now that cutting it off and installing a prosthetic limb can still be used.”

The little spider had a black streak on his head, which made him feel even sadder.

Mike grinned, showing his iconic white teeth:

“Little Spider, don’t worry, I’ll take you to eat some meat before you become useless.”

Hearing that Jiang Chen had such restrictions on his ability, Mike felt a lot more comfortable.

Otherwise, he would be the only loser in the team. Wouldn’t he be very embarrassed?

Jiang Chen did not dwell on this issue anymore and said:

“Let’s go, go to Osborne Company first. Connors is delirious now and is very likely to launch an attack on Osborne Company in a short time. We must hurry up.”

The group of people quickly walked out of the sewer.

Because it was getting late, Osborne Company had closed, and there was no way to make antidote.

Jiang Chen and the two of them temporarily separated from Little Spider and agreed to meet at Osborne Company the next day.

Drive. Checked into a hotel not far from Osborne Company.

I issued an invoice and waited for reimbursement when I went back.

This is the only good thing about their logistics reserve suicide squad. As long as it is not too excessive, they can basically eat, drink and live at public expense.

Of course, it must be formal. The club will do!

However, after a night of tossing, Jiang Chen and Mike didn’t bother to do these fancy things.

After taking a shower, they went to sleep directly.

It wasn’t until the next morning.

Little Spider changed into a programmer’s essentials Wearing plaid shirts, he rushed over to meet Jiang Chen and the other two.

The group walked into Osborne Company.

After Jiang Chen showed his ID, he was led by the company manager smoothly to the place where Connors worked. Laboratory.

They also saw the Canary equipment that was placed here and treated as scrap!

Mike looked at Jiang Chen aside and said:

“What should I do with this thing? Should I pack it up and take it away?”

Jiang Chen shrugged:

“Just leave it here, why take it away?”

Although this Canary equipment is gathering dust here, it does not mean that it is unimportant. If Osborne’s senior management is unwilling to touch it rashly, they will have to go back and ask for instructions from their leaders.

It is too troublesome!

Furthermore, if After moving this Canary equipment, what will happen if Connors doesn’t come to Osborne Company?

Then all the previous efforts will be in vain.

So, now they just need to wait for the plot to develop naturally!

Then, they will finally In times of crisis, just come out and save the situation!

This is beauty���Correct way to open

“Okay, I listen to you.”Mike said it doesn’t matter.

He and Jiang Chen have always had a clear division of labor.

Jiang Chen uses his brain and he does it!

He rarely expresses different opinions on Jiang Chen’s decisions.

So, in the next time, Jiang Chen and Mike wandered around the laboratory He got up and waited patiently for the little spider to make the antidote.

Until seven o’clock in the evening on the third day,

Mike lay on the sofa and browsed the P station as usual, admiring the customs of various countries.

Suddenly, he jumped up and quickly Running towards Jiang Chen:

“Jiang, look at the news, this lizard man finally showed up!”

Mike held up his mobile phone, which was broadcasting a live broadcast of the battle between the Lizards and the Queens Police.

The momentum was quite huge, and even helicopters were dispatched!

Jiang Chen nodded:

“I see it.”

This Connors is more calm than he thought. He actually held it in for three days before showing up.

Mike was excitedly gearing up:

“So what to do now, set out to catch it?!”

Jiang Chen looked calm:

“Why are you so anxious? Don’t you know that superheroes only appear at the last moment?”

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