Actually, Lin Mo chose to tell Wo Jin and the others about his ability after his own consideration.

First of all, Lin Mo has never been a person who can endure hardships.

Although it can be seen that Machi has made an effort to clean up, the hardware facilities of the house are here, and no matter how the software is improved, it cannot be changed.

Although sleeping with Machi last night sounds exciting, but in fact, Machi's mattress is as hard as a wooden board, which really makes Lin Mo feel a pain in the waist and back after getting up.

The living conditions in Meteor Street are just so-so. No matter how he exchanges and robs, Lin Mo doesn't think it can meet the standard in his mind.

If Lin Mo wants to use his ability to improve his life, Wo Jin and the others are not fools. These things that are so obviously not the products of Meteor Street appear.

How can they be concealed?

Unless he leaves Wo Jin's team and chooses to live alone.

But if he does this, he will face another problem.

Let alone the fact that he covets the future Machi's body and two future brigade-level combat brothers, it is hard to say whether he has the ability to protect himself.

According to Mo's memory, he only relied on his brain and underhanded tricks to make a little reputation.

In terms of actual combat power, he might not even be able to beat Machi, let alone Nobunaga and Uzumaki.

Although his self-healing ability can guarantee his life, others can catch you.

In the fight, the opponent will inevitably discover his amazing self-healing ability, and then become a mobile human parts library, just like what the government did to the demi-humans in the story of the demi-humans.

Lin Mo shuddered at the thought of such a scene. If it really became like this, it would be better to die. Self-healing would become a burden to Lin Mo.

So it is definitely not possible to go out independently.

Since he can't go out independently and wants to improve his quality of life, the only thing Lin Mo can do is to confess.

On the other hand, according to the description of Uzumaki and others in the original work and how he got along with them for a day.

As long as they recognize you as a companion, they will definitely not betray you.

This can be seen from the fact that in the original work, Uzumaki faced various tortures from Kurapika, and even said that as long as he told the information about the brigade, he could spare his life. In the end, Uzumaki only replied with"Go to hell! Idiot."

Nobunaga and Ugin are similar, and even confront Feitan for Xiaojie, who has just recognized him.

The same is true for Machi, who regards the brigade as more important than his own life.

It can be seen that Ugin, Nobunaga, Machi and the other three are trustworthy people.

As for whether to regard Lin Mo as a partner, please do not challenge the analysis of Lin Mo, who is a psychologist.

In the next few days, their entire base ushered in earth-shaking changes.

Under Lin Mo's ability, various modern products have emerged in an endless stream.

And in the repeated experiments in these few days, Lin Mo also discovered.

I don't know whether to say that he is materialistic or idealistic about the ability of material embodiment.

As long as Lin Mo has touched something, he can materialize it.

There is no need to understand his working principle at all, as long as you psychologically suggest that you have a strong desire for this thing, it can be materialized.

You say he is idealistic, he needs you to have real contact with it. You say he is materialistic, you don't need to know his specific structure.

Anyway, it is very magical, and the final right of interpretation belongs to the author.

The quality of life has indeed reached Lin Mo's psychological expectations, but it's a pity that Lin Mo no longer has an excuse to sleep with Machi.

"Ah! So refreshing!"

Wo Jin took out a can of Tsingtao beer from the refrigerator, lay on the soft sofa and drank it all in one breath, sighing with pleasure.

Although he couldn't understand the strange and complicated words on the bottle, it tasted really good.

""Wo Jin, you bastard, move your feet!"

When Wo Jin lay down, he accidentally bumped into Nobunaga who was wiping the samurai sword materialized by Lin Mo.

Lin Mo and Machi were sitting opposite each other on the sofa. Lin Mo had just materialized a piece of strawberry cake and was about to feed it to Machi.

Speaking of which, Lin Mo did not expect that Machi, who looked very cold, unexpectedly liked sweets. It turned out that she was still a child.

Machi took the cake handed over by Lin Mo very naturally, which showed that this was not the first time it happened.

"Lin Mo, Allen's group has been acting a little dishonest recently. I heard that they are planning to join forces with Karen to attack us. What do you think?"

Wo Jin threw the beer can into the trash can behind him, then sat up and said to Lin Mo, with a bit of cruelty in his eyes.

During this period of time, as Lin Mo materialized more and more things, Lin Mo's weight in the entire team became more and more important.

As the saying goes,"A man who eats someone's food will be grateful, and a man who takes someone's money will be grateful." After receiving so many benefits from Lin Mo, naturally, he would listen to Lin Mo's opinions intentionally or unintentionally at any time.

In addition, most of the things in their original team were decided by an eleven-year-old girl like Machi, because Wo Jin and Nobunaga, the two reinforcement types, were really not suitable to be leaders.

And Machi On the other hand, if it weren't for the fact that Uzumaki and Nobunaga were not really suitable, she herself would not be willing to play the role of a leader.

If possible, she, who has lacked a sense of security since childhood, hopes that others can give her a sense of security.

So for such a change, Machi is also very happy to see.

Hearing Uzumaki's question, Nobunaga stopped wiping the samurai sword in his hand, and Machi also put down the spoon, and the two looked at Lin Mo at the same time.

It was clear that you had the final say.

Lin Mo curled his lips and said indifferently:"Since Allen's gang is not honest, bury them and see if they can still be dishonest after being buried."

During this period, the big moves of their base had long been discovered by people from several nearby teams.

Watching their base step by step become a paradise, even if they were afraid of the physical threats of Uzumaki and Nobunaga, they began to sit still in the face of such huge benefits.

Allen is the largest of these teams, with thirty or forty hyenas under his command, but they are all people without awakening thoughts. I believe that they are not afraid of the two monsters of Uzumaki and Nobunaga.

"If Karen and the others don't behave themselves, then we can just kill them together."

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Wo Jin was so excited that he trembled a little, and the fierceness in his eyes became even more intense.

"Hahahaha, that's great, I'll go kill them all now, I haven't been out much these days, it's a good opportunity to exercise my body."

After saying that, Wo Jin stood up from the sofa and ran out the door.

It can be seen that Wo Jin is really a little bit depressed.

"Nobunaga, you should go too, it's a good opportunity to try out your new sword." Lin Mo said helplessly to Nobunaga who was looking at him eagerly.

Nobunaga, who had a pitiful look on his face, immediately became excited after hearing this:"Okay, I'll go now."

Nobunaga, like Wogin, had always wanted to kill someone to try out the samurai sword after receiving it from Lin Mo.

"Wo Jin, wait for me, don't think of eating alone!"

Seeing that Lin Mo had made all the arrangements, Machi continued to pick up the spoon and eat the cake.

And Lin Mo also restored his aunt's smile on his face and began to enjoy the joy of feeding Loli Machi. ps: Ask for a wave of collections, flowers, and votes. If you like this book, please encourage me, please...

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