Machi and his family's residence is actually three independent small houses built on a cleared land by them, and there are no other people living around.

Most of the places in Meteor Street are covered by junk mobile phones from all over the world, so if you want to get a place to live, you must first clear out a place.

Or just rob someone else's house.

In the end, from the beginning, the existence of Meteor Street is to allow the garbage that cannot be handled from all over the world to be"handled" in this place.

Even the residents of Meteor Street are either those who offended someone in the outside world and ran in, or those who were abandoned here.

The only area that can be called a residential area is probably the area where the elders live, and this is because the large team called"Elders" has been developed and inherited for thousands of years.

When they eat, they will set up a small fire in a vacant land in front of the house, and after eating, they will throw the food residue into the garbage pile next to it.

Speaking of which, since absorbing Mo's memory, Lin Mo has no feeling of the pungent smell in Meteor Street.

It is probably because the habit of the brain's senses has been restored.

In fact, the residents of Meteor Street usually form teams, after all, the power of one person is limited.

The power here is not only force, but also includes various survival skills.

It is difficult for a person to be perfect in all aspects. You may be very strong, but if you encounter certain radioactive substances or poisons, you will die if you come into contact with them without knowing them.

Moreover, in this dangerous place, you may get injured at any time, and coupled with the harsh environmental pollution, it is easy to get infected.

If you don’t have some medical skills, you can’t go far.

So, I don’t know when, the residents here began to spontaneously form teams and survive together.

Each team will build its own residence, because if there are other teams next to it, it will not be able to sleep peacefully.

After all, competition is also the eternal theme of Meteor Street.

The law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, the rules of Meteor Street are so simple.

That is to say, there are no extra houses around for Lin Mo to live in.

Lin Mo looked at the two sloppy and rough men, Wo Jin and Nobunaga, and then looked at the tender and delicious little Loli next to him.

You know who to choose with your feet.

However, Lin Mo couldn't show it too obviously, so he organized his words and said calmly,"Well···Judging from her body shape, Machi is the smallest, so I'll squeeze in with Machi first."

Lin Mo's well-reasoned analysis was also successfully recognized by others.

Wo Jin looked at himself, nodded and said,"Indeed, I guess there is no room for you to squeeze into my bed."

Machi frowned, and thinking of Lin Mo's ability to create food out of thin air, she finally agreed.

"If you dare to move, I will kick you out."

Machi, who grew up in Meteor Street, is very aware of the perverted behavior in Meteor Street.

She is also very aware of her own charm. Before she met Uojin and Nobunaga, she had relied on her sixth sense to escape from those perverts countless times.

If it weren't for her natural sixth sense, she would have been killed long ago if she had met a rough one. Even if she had a better ending, she would have become the forbidden food of some pervert.

Therefore, she has always kept her heart frozen.

She···I have seen too much ugliness.

Although I felt Lin Mo's strange gaze when I was eating, it was not the disgusting feeling I had encountered before. Instead, I felt a little warm.

Of course, Lin Mo's handsome face also brought him a lot of extra points. After all, appearance is always a plus point no matter where you are.

"I know, I know." Lin Mo raised his hands to show that he was harmless.

Machi stared at Lin Mo's face for a while, and after her sixth sense did not tell her that Lin Mo had any ill intentions, she began to walk towards her house.

"come on"

"See you tomorrow then." After Lin Mo said hello to Wo Jin and Nobunaga, he followed Machi and left.

Of course, the task of washing the dishes was given to Nobunaga. Originally, Nobunaga was responsible for washing the dishes before Lin Mo joined.

Machi was responsible for cooking, and it would be great if Wo Jin could break the bowls.

""Okay, see you tomorrow." Nobunaga held the tableware for several people and replied to Lin Mo.

Looking at Wo Jin who was heartless and did nothing, he couldn't help but kick him angrily.

"Come here and help me bring the bowl over!"


Lin Mo followed Machi into the house and finally saw the specific facilities of Machi's house.

A simple cabinet, a mattress, a simple table and a chair.

There were only these four things in total.

Machi returned to the house and ignored Lin Mo, and went straight to the chair and sat down.

Then he took out the small steel wire hidden in his clothes and fiddled with it.

Although Machi did not fight today, she was still used to maintaining her weapons.

For her, the steel wire in her hand was the only thing that could protect her, so even if it was not worn out, she would make sure that the steel wire was in good condition every day.

Seeing that Machi had no intention of communicating, Lin Mo did not bother her too much.

With Lin Mo's professional qualities as a psychologist, he found that Machi's psychological defense line was very high during this brief contact.

This kind of self-defense awareness cannot be developed in a day or two. It is estimated that since she became conscious, she has always been on guard against everything around her. It also shows that Machi's defense cannot be dispelled by one or two words from him.

Restoring enthusiasm will be counterproductive, and he can only slowly approach her heart through the accumulation of time.

Looking at Machi who was still fiddling with the steel wire very carefully, Lin Mo couldn't help but flash a trace of pity in his eyes again.

The cold steel wire flickered in the candlelight, and some small scratches appeared from time to time on Machi's young hands.

It can be seen that Machi must have suffered a lot in this regard.

Children, especially little Loli.

Seeing her fiddle with dangerous weapons seriously with her cold expression, it is hard not to feel pity.

Lin Mo considers himself not a good person, and mostly does things based on his own preferences.

Machi happened to grow up in Lin Mo's aesthetics, and naturally his favorability towards Machi doubled.

Here it comes again...

Machi, who was checking and maintaining the weapons, once again felt that strange look from Lin Mo.

Machi's sixth sense did not feel any malice, but instead felt the goodwill from Lin Mo.

Machi stopped the action in his hand, raised his head slightly and glanced at Lin Mo.

Seeing Machi looking over, Lin Mo showed a slightly warm smile.

Machi did not ask much, and continued the work in his hands.

Although I don't know what Lin Mo is thinking.

But Machi doesn't hate this feeling...

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