"Hello, Master."

Seeing Nion being so well-behaved, Lin Mo's heart was melted.

Ah - the girlish heart of this old man.

He squatted down and gently picked up Nion:"Yoshi yoshi - Nion, be good. My name is Lin Mo. Nion, you can just call me Master from now on. You will learn from Master in the future."

Being picked up by a good-looking big brother whom she just met, Nion was immediately embarrassed and her face turned red.

When she heard Lin Mo say that he would follow him in the future, Nion was still a little anxious and said,"What about Papa?"

Lin Mo glanced at Light Nosla, who was full of flattery, then turned around and said to Nion gently,"Nion's father, doesn't he have to work, so we can't disturb him."

Hearing this, Nion was a little depressed, but still nodded very sensibly:"That's right, Papa has been very busy at work and has no time to accompany Nion every day."

Lin Mo followed Nion's words:"Yes, Nion's father is very busy, but Nion doesn't need to be sad, the master will always be with Nion in the future."

When Lin Mo said he was very busy, he deliberately emphasized his tone and stared at Light Nosla.

He believed that Light Nosla knew what he meant.

From the moment Nion became Lin Mo's apprentice, the father-daughter relationship between Light Nosla and Nion was in name only.

"Really? Will the master always accompany Nion?"Nion looked at Lin Mo expectantly.

Nion, who fought with the Nosra family, has always lacked love.

Her mother died of dystocia when she gave birth to Nion, and her father, Wright Nosra, was a man who would do anything for power.

How could such a man spend time with Nion?

At most, he would buy Nion some more toys.

As the daughter of a gangster boss, she couldn't even go to kindergarten.

She had no friends, no playmates, and the only father she could rely on was obsessed with power.

"Of course, but in return, Niong has to listen to the master."Lin Mo pretended to be serious and said

"Don't worry, Nion has always been a good and obedient child!"Nion also frowned and agreed seriously.

"Then Master, can you tell Nion a story later?"As she said that, Nion blinked her starry eyes and looked at Lin Mo expectantly.

Lin Mo pretended to think for a while and then agreed:"Of course, but I have to wait until Master finishes dealing with things here."

""Great, MUA!" Seeing Lin Mo agreed, Nion happily kissed Lin Mo on the cheek.

Machi, who was standing by, suddenly felt unhappy for some reason when she saw this scene. She frowned and looked at Nion who was held by Lin Mo.

After Lin Mo put Nion on the chair, he turned and walked towards Light Nosla. The gentle smile on his face disappeared instantly:

"Well, since you have handed Nion over to me, I will follow our agreement and help you get rid of the Fanobi family and let your Nosla family completely replace them."

Light Nosla's eyes showed a hint of excitement:"It is her blessing that Nion can worship you, Lord Lin Mo, as her teacher."

"A deal is a deal, do you understand?"Lin Mo emphasized the word deal again, reminding Light Nosla not to have any illusions.

Light Nosla sighed in his heart. He did have a glimmer of hope that Nion would become Lin Mo's master. Does that mean he could have a relationship with Lin Mo?

"I understand, Master Lin Mo"


Lin Mo nodded in satisfaction at Light Nosra's tact.

"Then please arrange eight rooms for us now. I think there should be enough rooms in your villa."

"Of course, I'll put it at ease.·····I will take the adults to their rooms to rest."Originally, Light Nosra wanted to ask the servants to arrange rooms for Lin Mo and his friends, but then he suddenly remembered that all the people had been killed by Lin Mo and his friends.

Where would the servants come from now ?······

After everything was arranged, Lin Mo picked up Nion again, only to find that Nion had fallen asleep.

It was true that after all their hard work, it was already almost one or two in the morning.

Seeing Lin Mo pick up Nion, Nobunaga asked curiously,"Lin Mo, are you really going to keep this kid with you?"

"Yes, our brigade is not full yet. Even if it is full, maybe we can let Nion be a substitute in the future. With her talent, I think she will be stronger than you when she grows up."

Holding Nion, Lin Mo said with a smile on his face.

"Huh?! Just this little brat? I don't believe it!"How could Nobunaga, who is a [Strengthening System], think that he can't beat a little girl?


Lin Mo slapped Nobunaga on the head and said,"Don't shout so loudly. Didn't you see that little Nion fell asleep?"

Kuroro, who was walking behind, saw this scene and thought about it again:"Lin Mo really still likes human female juveniles.·····"

This time it was Lin Mo's turn to be unable to hold back:"Kuroro! Stop it!"

"As expected, the deputy leader is unexpectedly gentle."Franklin once again expressed his feelings on Meteor Street.

This time, even Feitan couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"Maybe the deputy leader is very suitable to be a father."Paknotan also had a sudden idea.

Only Machi felt uncomfortable watching Lin Mo take care of Nion so much. He gritted his teeth and moved closer to Lin Mo:"Lin Mo, I want to share a room with you."

Machi's words almost shocked Lin Mo so much that Nion couldn't hold him steadily.

Even Paknotan looked at Machi in shock.

The next second, Paknotan started to eat melons.

"Oh oh - is it because of Nion's appearance that Machi began to feel a sense of crisis? Go! Machi!" Paknotan began to cheer for Machi in his heart.

Then Machi blushed and explained:"Because I still have some uncertainties about my thoughts, I plan to stay in the same room with you for convenience."

They're fighting! They're fighting!

This pair is locked in for me!

Paknotan began to perform an emotional drama in his heart.

Come on, Machi! Don't lose to Nion!

PS:Thank you for the monthly ticket! Thank you for your support! It will be available tomorrow! I will update it today and tomorrow! Please give me your first order and support! Please!

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