Blood, flesh, exploding human tissue, various tattered corpses and broken limbs.

At this time, Bart and Wright Nosra finally noticed the·····It has become a Shura scene!

Not to mention Light Northra who was frightened and collapsed in the boss chair again, even Bart who had seen all kinds of hell couldn't keep calm at this moment.

How long has it been since the gunshot?

Five minutes or ten minutes?

There are fifty robbers buried in this villa!

Not to mention fifty robbers, even fifty pigs can't be killed in such a short time!

The next second, all eight members of the brigade filed in.


After seeing Lin Mo and the others' faces, Bart's eyes were trembling with shock.

They were all so young that Bart couldn't believe it.

All of them were no more than twenty years old.

This was Bart's judgment. Even though Wo Jin and Franklin looked a little old, Bart could still easily judge their specific ages with his eyes after seeing countless people.

And the youngest one was······

After taking a look at Machi, Bart didn't know what to say.

Eleven years old? The oldest is no more than twelve years old.

Eight children were able to kill fifty robbers in such a short time.

This made Bart feel like he had lived on dogs for most of his life.

"Hello, my name is Kuroro, and this is our partner. As your people were too enthusiastic just now, we have no choice but to return the favor. We apologize for the disturbance."

Kuroro stepped forward from the crowd and said gently and politely.

You call those broken limbs outside a return favor?

Bart's face twitched.

At this moment, Light Nosra was so frightened that he temporarily lost the ability to speak. There was no other way, so Bart had to come forward to communicate.

After a long silence:"What is your purpose?"

Bart did not intend to talk to Kuroro, and asked directly.

Kuroro spread his hands pretending to be helpless:"In fact, we really just want to come here to seek friendly cooperation, but your people seem to be more sensitive."

This time it was Bart's turn to have his eyes twitched.

Cooperation? How can you cooperate like this?

You killed all our people, what's the point of cooperation?

But I am at the mercy of others, no matter how dissatisfied I am in my heart, I have to hold it back.

This is the truth of the world.

So Bart could only follow Kuroro's words and say:"Then what kind of cooperation do you want to have with our Nosra family?"

"It's nothing, we just want you to help us get a legal identity certificate, and then we will stay here during this period of time."

"Identification? Are you from Meteor Street?"When Bart heard that Kuroro and the others actually wanted identification, he immediately realized where they were from.

"Do the elders of your Meteor Street know about your escape?"

"Ah·····"Kuroro couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"You don't seem to understand the situation yet, are you questioning us now?"Chuloro put away his previous smile, his eyes stabbed at Bart like a knife, and a malicious thought began to emanate from his body and pressed towards Bart.


Bart, who sensed Kuroro's evil intentions, woke up instantly, and before he knew it, his clothes on the back were soaked with cold sweat.

What on earth was I doing just now?!

After three years of being a gangster, Bart began to get into the gangster's habits, and subconsciously began to look for loopholes in Kuroro's words, trying to take back the initiative.

Is his brain out?

The gangsters he is facing now are not the same gangsters he dealt with before.

The other party is a real monster!

And he actually tried to take the initiative in the conversation with the monster?!

While Kuroro and Bart were having a"friendly" exchange, Lin Mo focused his attention on the frightened Light Nosra.

Speaking of which····Why does this uncle look so familiar?

And the name Nosra should not only appear in Mo's memory.

To be honest, if he heard the name Nion Nosra, Lin Mo would definitely remember who the other person was.

But with just the three words Nosra, Lin Mo could only have an impression at most.

Unless he immediately hypnotizes himself and pulls his memory back to the time when he watched the anime.

Just as Bart's brain was turning quickly, trying to ease the misunderstanding just now


A crying voice suddenly sounded from the door.

This crisp voice broke the deadlock of silence.

Everyone in the room looked in the direction of the sound.

They saw a little Loli with purple-blue hair, holding a teddy bear, standing timidly at the door of the room, looking at the people in the room a little at a loss.

(Nion has two versions of hair color, one red and one purple, here we will use the purple version.)

The blood left outside the door had already wet the little Loli's white feet.

The little Loli also had an obviously frightened expression, with tears hanging in her eyes, looking pitiful.

The little Loli's"Papa" finally awakened Wright Nosla, whose brain had stopped functioning.

""Nion!" Light Nosra shouted, and jumped up and rushed towards the little girl.

""Tsk!" One or two, are all the people in your Nosra family so brave?

Feitan clicked his tongue and began to pull out the rapier hidden in the umbrella, about to remove Light Nosra's legs.

Who knew that the sword was pressed back by Lin Mo just halfway out.

Feitan looked at Lin Mo in surprise.

Lin Mo didn't say anything, but just shook his head at him.

Seeing Lin Mo's actions, Nobunaga also silently put away the knife.

Although the others were a little dissatisfied with why Lin Mo wanted to stop Feitan, Lin Mo took action after several people, and there must be his reasons.

The reason why Lin Mo took action to stop Feitan was very simple.

It was because Light Nosra's"Nion" finally reminded Lin Mo who this Nosra was.

Lin Mo had to sigh that fate was indescribable.·····

According to the original description, the Nosra family was originally a family from a remote small place. Later, relying on the predictive ability of their daughter Nion Nosra, they climbed to a high-level position second only to the ten old men. Therefore, they were often looked down upon by other gangs, but he believed that the key to his success was to master the intelligence of the future. He regarded the provocative behavior of other gangs as"the jealous face of a man is really ugly!"

Unexpectedly, this so-called remote small place turned out to be the town of Gambi around Meteor Street.

And he chose this town of Gambi among several towns connected to Meteor Street.

If it was this Nosra, then it would not be surprising at all that he would show such weakness.

Not only Nosra, but also the fat man in the bar before.

What kind of boss will have what kind of younger brother.

Lin Mo looked at Wright Nosra, who was holding Nion distressedly, with some disdain.

PS:It's ready to be released tomorrow! I'll update it today and tomorrow! Please give me your first order and support! Please, everyone!

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