Lin Mo and his party passed about three checkpoints along the way.

After Lin Mo showed the pass given by the elders, the guards all bowed respectfully and tried their best to let him pass quickly.

I don’t know what message the elders passed down, but the guards’ attitude towards them was better than their own father.

But never mind, as long as the result is good.

After passing the last checkpoint, they finally left the territory of Meteor Street.

After that is a short section of highway.

Here you can see some ordinary self-built houses.

People who have never been to the outside world are very curious about the outside world, and Wo Jin even stuck his head out.

Soon, Lin Mo saw a sign spanning the entire highway not far away, with a few big words written on it.

【Welcome to Gambi Town].

When Lin Mo saw this sign, he knew that they had reached their destination.

"Hey, we are almost at the station, what should we do now? Captain, you can't be lazy this time."

Kuroro couldn't help but laugh when he heard this:"Since we have come to a new place, the first thing we need to do is to find a place to stay."

"Then, we have to find a way to get a legal identity."

"A place to stay? Captain, do you mean to build a base like we did in Meteor Street?"Wo Jin asked in confusion. Kuroro smiled and shook his head:"No, we are just staying here temporarily. There is no need to spend so much effort. Besides, our deputy captain seems to have objections to your proposal."

After that, he pointed to the direction of Lin Mo's cab to Wo Jin. At some point, Lin Mo turned his head and stared at Wo Jin with a pair of dead fish eyes.

There was an inexplicable black air emanating from his body.

If he wanted to build his own base like he did in Meteor Street, Lin Mo would probably have to materialize a bunch of things again.

Although he was not tired physically, he was tired mentally!

What's more, Lin Mo came out to enjoy himself, not to work!

Seeing Lin Mo like this, Wo Jin suddenly broke out in a cold sweat on his back, and once again remembered the fear of being dominated by Lin Mo:"I was wrong! Deputy Captain! I····Front·····Look ahead!"

Wo Jin was halfway through admitting his mistake when he suddenly pointed at the bright light ahead in horror.

A car was coming towards him.

Lin Mo turned back slowly, slightly turned the steering wheel, and dodged at the critical moment.


Seeing that he had successfully dodged, Wo Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

Not to mention Wo Jin, the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, their thoughts are not enough to protect them from a car accident.

If they really hit at the speed just now, they will not be able to escape with a minor injury.

Everyone looked at Wo Jin with murderous eyes.

Feeling the gazes of the crowd, Wo Jin raised his hands helplessly and surrendered,"I was wrong!"

""Captain, where should we find a place to stay?" Franklin continued with the previous topic.

"Of course, we will go to the natural allies of Meteor Street - the underworld." Kuroro showed a malicious smile.

"You know, in a small place like the outskirts of Meteor Street, the majority of them are small gangs. Whether it's a temporary place to stay or identity proof, they just meet our current needs."

"Sure enough, you have to rely on friends when you go out!"

After listening to Kuroro's idea, even Lin Mo's eyes lit up.

It's Kuroro, for their current needs, the mafia is simply a perfect target!

Not only can it solve the problem of a place to stay, but they can also use their methods to create legal identification for us.

In addition, those small mafia organizations simply cannot have people with the ability of Nen. Otherwise, if there is a person with the ability inside the organization, no matter what, they will not be so miserable.

In this way, you can kill two birds with one stone and there is basically no risk.

And even if you kill those mafia, it will only be classified as a gang vendetta, and it will not be noticed by the authorities.

The price-performance ratio is perfect!

He is really a good friend of our Meteor Street. He really helps us when there is something!

"Lin Mo, let's keep an eye out for those chaotic-looking bars on the road. I think they may contain the information we want."

"No problem, Captain."Lin Mo knew what Kuroro was referring to, so he agreed without hesitation.

As Lin Mo and his team continued to drive, they had already entered the city from the suburbs of Gambi Town.

The scenery outside the window began to become colorful.

Although Gambi Town is just a town, it is close to Meteor Street, a special place.

Various gangs are prevalent. Although it has brought considerable trouble to the local security, it has also provided great help to the local economy.

Therefore, Gambi Town is much more prosperous than ordinary towns.

"Is this the world outside? It looks beautiful."With one hand supporting his chin, he looked at the Paknotan outside the window and couldn't help but sigh.

"ah····It is indeed very different from our Meteor Street." Feitan also added

"Humph! These guys are really enjoying themselves, even though they are so weak."Nobunaga said indignantly while holding his samurai sword.

"Well, the outside world is different from our Meteor Street. Status is not entirely determined by power. Money, resources, and relationships can all be used as bargaining chips for status."Kuroro once again popularized the science for everyone.

"What a strange rule. If you don't have the power, won't others just take it away?" Wo Jin asked in confusion.

"The rules they set do not allow snatching."

"I totally don't understand their thinking. If someone says it's not possible, they really won't do it?" Wo Jin picked his nose and flew out of the window.

"Captain, there is no need to explain so much to Wo Jin. We just need to do it our own way. Lin Mo interjected.

"That's true. Anyway, we can just do it the way we like."

Suddenly, Lin Mo stopped the car.

Then he pointed to a bar next to him that led to the basement. There were two fierce-looking men guarding the door, who showed that I was not a good person.

"Captain, how about this one?

Kuroro looked at it for a few seconds and said,"It looks like····It's quite suitable."

Then he turned to the others and asked,"Any of you plan to go and have a look together?"

This immediately aroused everyone's interest, as they were quite curious about the outside world. They said in unison,"I!"

So the group got out of the car in a mighty manner, regardless of the car behind them that was blocking their way and kept honking its horn.

"Hey! You bastards, move your car away from me!"The man who was blocked by Lin Mo and his friends was a bald, greasy middle-aged man. The gold watch on his watch seemed to be quite expensive. When he saw Lin Mo and his friends got out of the car and planned to park it on the road, he couldn't help but stick his head out of the window and yelled at Lin Mo and his friends.

"It's so noisy!"Lin Mo rubbed his ears, turned around and glared at the middle-aged greasy man.

The evil thoughts in his body immediately swept towards him.


The man who was about to curse something, the moment he was touched by Lin Mo's evil thoughts, he immediately foamed at the mouth and rolled his eyes and fainted!

PS: Thank you fgm and Tianzao I Parrot I for the monthly tickets! Thank you for your support! This book is still in the new book period, so I still have to shamelessly ask for support, all readers! Begging for all your support!

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