"I said, a man like you, Lin Mo, would definitely not choose to succumb to those people outside."

Kuroro gave Lin Mo a small compliment.

"I am the same. I did not go out to the outside world to be someone else's slave. If I cannot live according to my own wishes, I would rather die."

Kuroro said this very calmly.

"But the problem is that compared to the whole world, our individual power is too weak.·····"

"So you are planning to form a team, right?"Lin Mo added the last sentence for Kuroro.

Kuroro didn't care about Lin Mo's interruption.

He nodded and said,"That's right! You who have been living in Meteor Street should also know that the power of an individual is limited. This is the case in this remote corner of Meteor Street, let alone in the entire outside world."

"So I plan to form a larger team. With the strength of the team, at least we will not be so passive in the outside world."

"So, this time I invited you guys to come here, just to invite you to form a team together."

"I don't know, what do you think?"

After saying that, Kuroro looked directly into Lin Mo's eyes, quietly waiting for his answer.

From the beginning, Lin Mo's expression had not changed much, and Kuroro was a little confused about what Lin Mo was thinking.

"Team up?····"Lin Mo slowly spoke

"In principle, I agree, but the problem is·····"

"Team positioning, rules and······Leadership issues."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Lin Mo directly pointed out three key issues.

Kuroro was well prepared for these questions from Lin Mo. Kuroro had never underestimated Lin Mo from the beginning.

"As for the positioning of the team, I have thought about it for a long time. Finally, after combining the behavior habits of our Meteor Street, I think the definition of"thief" is very suitable for us."

"If you want something, go get it. If you want something, do it. We don't refuse anything.·····"

"But don't even think about taking anything away from us."

Lin Mo and Kuroro said the second half of the sentence in unison.

After the two smiled at each other, Lin Mo agreed,"Kuroro, I have to say that the position of [thief] is indeed very suitable for those of us who came from Meteor Street. Then, what about the rules of the team?"

"In my conception, there are no rules in a team. The purpose of forming a team is not to make the members become my subordinates and act according to my wishes, but to use the power of the team to accomplish what we want to do when our individual strength is insufficient."

"So there is only one rule for the team, that is, you cannot attack each other."

After hearing Kuroro's answer, Lin Mo shook his head:"Your idea is certainly correct, but what if there is a conflict among the team members? Have you ever thought about this problem?"

"Of course there are, but the conventional solutions at present are, one is force, but this will violate the first rule, and the other is voting, but this will cause the team to be split into small groups, neither of which is what I want to see."

It seems that Kuroro has not thought of the coin tossing method, or this method itself was not proposed by Kuroro.

An inexplicable smile appeared on Lin Mo's face:"I know this too, so I have a suggestion, what do you think?"

"When there are conflicts of opinion among team members, we can use the method of flipping a coin to decide who owns the matter. What do you think? No one should have any objection to this method that relies purely on luck."

After hearing Lin Mo's suggestion, Kuroro's eyes lit up.

It is indeed a good method. It will not hurt the harmony, nor will it lead to the division of the team.

Although it is still unwilling to lose due to bad luck, you can only blame yourself for bad luck.

Kuroro said excitedly:"It is indeed a good method. If you form a team, the rules are these two."

"Now, there is only one last question left."

"About the team·····Leadership." This time it was Lin Mo's turn to stare at Kuroro.

Although Kuroro's series of actions before showed his desire for Lin Mo, he was even so humble and could even be said to be trying to please Lin Mo.

But Lin Mo didn't believe that he would give up the leadership of the brigade at all costs.

Faced with Lin Mo's question, Kuroro was obviously not as calm as before.

After a long silence, Kuroro said faintly:"Before answering this question, let me first talk about how I obtained the power of [Mind] and the things that have been licensed."

Lin Mo didn't say anything, just spread his hands, please start your story

"In fact, I made a deal with the Second Elder."

As soon as Kuroro said this, before Lin Mo could react, Feitan exploded.

"Kuroro, I have never heard of such a thing!"

Feitan's slender golden eyes glanced at Kuroro sharply.

Not knowing what Feitan had experienced in his hometown before, he was quite disgusted with the so-called power class.

Although Meteor Street is already the place with the least class, the existence of the elders can indeed be regarded as the power class of Meteor Street.

Kuroro gave Feitan a soothing look and continued:"I wonder if you have heard of a weapon·····The poor man's rose!"


Lin Mo's eyes immediately changed from the original state of listening to the story to awe-inspiring.

How could it be related to the great killer weapon in the original book that could kill the ant king with one shot, the poor man's rose?

"The Rose of the Poor is a low-cost, cost-effective bomb. Although it can destroy everything with its explosive power, its most terrifying is not its explosive power, but the toxins it produces after the explosion."

"It was a terrible poison. One rose once caused the death of 120,000 people."

"With the emergence of the Rose of the Poor, all the countries outside are now beginning to develop more powerful weapons with radiation or large-scale toxins. So the question is, where do you think they will dispose of the nuclear waste and infected materials produced in the process of developing these weapons?"!!

The pupils of everyone present shrank violently.

This time, even Lin Mo was the same.

This was news that he could not learn in the original book.

"Meteor Street·····!"Lin Mo uttered these three words with an ugly expression.

PS: Today is another day of working hard from morning to night! Please give me flowers and votes, and please support me!

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