Lock the door.

Lin Mo sits cross-legged on the bed.

He concentrates his mind and sits quietly for a long time.

"Forehead·····How to do this?····?"

After sitting for a long time, Lin Mo still had no idea how to start the restriction and oath.

Regarding the restriction and oath, Lin Mo knew only that he had to make rules and swear in his heart.

He only knew that the ability to obey the rules was multiplication, and the power would be multiplied and the consequences would be serious if he violated the rules.

As for how to swear specifically, Lin Mo had no idea at all.

Just now, Lin Mo had sworn in his heart for a long time, but there was no reaction.

"Once again, I, Lin Mo, swear on my life that from this moment on, whenever I use the [Unlimited Spell], a certain amount of vitality will be consumed. The wider the coverage area, the more vitality will be consumed. The longer the space superposition and extension, the more vitality will be consumed. The stronger the attack, the more vitality will be consumed!"

Four oaths in a row, all of which consume vitality.

In the whole world, only Lin Mo dares to play like this. If it were others, they would probably exhaust their lives before they can activate it a few times.

After waiting for a long time, Lin Mo still didn't feel any changes.

Lin Mo tentatively stretched out his right hand and activated his telepathic ability.


As the ability was activated, Lin Mo's right hand began to emit a wave that was invisible to the naked eye.

After carefully sensing it for a while, Lin Mo scratched his hair and said with a headache:"There is no change!"

Even if Lin Mo consumed all his explicit thoughts, he could only extend the space superposition at his right hand by about one meter.

【The Unlimited Technique is a mind ability developed by Lin Mo based on the passive ability of Gojo Satoru, the ceiling of combat power in Jujutsu Kaisen, the Unlimited Technique. The

Unlimited Technique is an ancestral technique of the Gojo family, which can interfere with atomic-level matter and control space.

It brings the infinite series converged in the magical and unlimited Achilles"paradox" to reality.

"This distance can be infinitely reduced, and the unlimited technique can realize this concept in a certain space in reality. The unlimited technique has no active offensiveness. The closer the object is to Gojo Satoru, the slower it will become, as if it has stopped. In this state, no attack can hit Gojo Satoru.

Lin Mo's [Unlimited Technique] refers to Gojo Satoru's ability, and infinitely superimposes and extends the space in front of him, making it impossible for the opponent's attack to hit him.

And on top of this, he added a little change, that is, he can freely manipulate the objects in the wireless superimposed and extended space at the same time. Direction.

Specifically, it means that Lin Mo can bounce back the opponent's attack or attack in another direction.

After Lin Mo's magic modification, the [Unlimited Spell] is more like vector manipulation than an infinite spell.

It is just because Lin Mo essentially controls space rather than vectors, so Lin Mo named it [Unlimited Spell] instead of [Vector Manipulation].

It has to be said that the [Unlimited Spell] developed by Lin Mo is very unsolvable from the perspective of setting.

It is no wonder that Lin Mo spent a whole month without sleep and unlimited supply of thoughts to develop it.

(As an aside, after integrating [Immortality], Lin Mo can sleep, but it is not necessary, and he can eat, but it is also not necessary. In short, Lin Mo has no physiological compulsory needs at all, it's up to him whether he wants to or not.)

But it is precisely because of the unsolvable nature of [Unlimited Technique] that the amount of Qi consumed is abnormally large, and Qi alone is not enough.

If you want to develop it to a deeper level, you must have a certain degree of understanding of the properties of space.

Otherwise, the amount of Qi consumed will increase exponentially.

For example, if Lin Mo consumes 10,000 Qi now, he can extend the space in front of him to 50 centimeters.

But if he wants to extend it to one meter, Lin Mo has to consume 100,000 Qi to do it.

The more you go back, the more Qi you need to consume.

This is why most people only have one mind ability.

It's not that they don't want to develop more abilities, nor that they can't develop other abilities, but that reality simply doesn't allow them to do so.

From the original book, it is clear that Zhonghua Shi Doulang is a strong The transformation-type Nen users not only developed the strengthening-type ability of [Tiger Bite Fist], but also successfully developed the materialization-type [Double Body].

Although Hua Shidoulang's talent accounts for a large part of the reason why he can develop multiple abilities.

But it can also be seen that Nen users can develop two or more Nen abilities.

Just Xiaojie's guessing game, if it is successfully developed according to his idea, it is equivalent to three abilities.

The problem is that being able to open it does not mean that they are willing to develop it.

In the final analysis, it is because everyone knows that the ability is not about quantity but about quality.

Nen needs to be continuously studied in depth to make it more and more powerful.

Even if you have a thousand abilities, what does it matter?

Each ability is as easy as a mosquito bite.

Lin Mo does not have these problems. Anyway, as long as one ability is developed, it can be directly strengthened through constraints and oaths.

In this way, the limit of Lin Mo's ability is only how many abilities Lin Mo can develop.

Fortunately, Lin Mo's soul has a spatial aura, otherwise it would be a life-saving thing.

According to Lin Mo's requirements, it would be great if he could develop an ability within ten years.

"Ah!! As expected, it still doesn’t work?·····"Lin Mo ruffled his hair in annoyance.

Constraints and vows are the key to Lin Mo's subsequent development, and they must be overcome.

I don't know if you have ever experienced a feeling when playing FPS games, that is, when the mouse is always a little short of hitting the person.

At this time, there is a feeling in my heart���I felt like I was smashing the mouse.

Now Lin Mo felt this way.


Lin Mo suppressed his desire to destroy and forced himself to calm down.

Then he began to recall all the restrictions and oaths that appeared in the original book, trying to see if he could find any common patterns.

"Damn Togashi old thief! You dig a hole but don't dig it. I hope you will lose all your family property soon!"

Lin Mo cursed in his heart.

If Togashi old thief could dig more holes, Lin Mo would not be so clueless now.

Speaking of the restrictions and oaths that appeared in the original work, the first two people that come to mind are Kurapika and Xiaojie.

The second is Franklin's [Two-handed Machine Gun] and the purgatory of sealing Indonesian Tro with his life.

Kurapika and Xiaojie are both clearly stated in the original work to have used restrictions and oaths.

The first is Kurapika's [Binding Chain of the Middle Finger]. After locking the enemy, it can force the opponent to enter the [Absolute] state, making the enemy unable to use Nen ability. The restrictions and oaths made cannot be used on people outside the brigade, otherwise they will have a ruptured heart and die.

The second is [Absolute Time], which can turn oneself into a hexagonal warrior, and each department can be played 100%, and the restrictions and oaths made The constraint and oath consume one hour of life for every second it is opened, which is a typical krypton life flow.

Kurapika's constraint and oath are relatively easy to understand, but Xiaojie's makes Lin Mo a little confused.

Judging from the fact that Xiaojie finally lay on the bed in a state of near death and his whole body was dry, the constraint and oath he set should be krypton life in exchange for his own forced growth.

But the problem is that after Xiaojie was rescued by Alluka, he lost his own mind.

This is obviously consistent with the situation that if the oath is broken, the mind ability will be destroyed due to the reaction.

But if it is krypton life, there should be no reaction to breaking the oath. After all, the reaction is krypton life. How can there be a double reaction?

Is it because of insufficient vitality? So it is equivalent to breaking the oath?

But shouldn't it die directly in this case?

PS: Thank you for the rewards from Feilongzaitian and Xinghun, the monthly ticket from xj-嫖士, and the ticket for urging Huanhua Rumeng and Xinghun! Thank you for your support! The performance of the new book is really important. Please support it a lot from the big guys who like this book!

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