After saying this, he felt a little thirsty. After taking another sip of happy water, Lin Mo continued:

"At present, there are only three ways to awaken [mind]. The first and most safe and orthodox method is to perceive one's own life energy through practice, thereby opening the essence hole awakening"

"The second method is for the Nen ability user to inject [Qi] into the body of the non-Nen ability user, thereby forcibly opening the dormant Jing Kong in the non-Nen ability user's body. This method can skip the time of training and immediately open [Nen]. However, the price paid for taking shortcuts is that it will take certain risks."

"Because the forced opening of the sperm hole cannot be controlled immediately, it is necessary to control it before the life energy is lost."

"The last one is also the most dangerous one, which is also the way Os awakens his thoughts, that is, being attacked by thoughts!"

"This is a more brutal method than the second one. Only those who can withstand the attack of the mind and survive can successfully awaken the [mind]. This method is also commonly known as [baptism]. However, this method usually comes at a huge price. For example, Os's right hand was probably lost during the [baptism]."

"Are you going to choose the first or the second option?"

Lin Mo looked at Machi, Wo Jin and Nobunaga, waiting for them to make a choice.

"The second option!"The three of them said in unison without any hesitation.

Lin Mo smiled slightly and really chose the second option.

"So, Lin Mo, which type are you?"Nobunaga raised his hand and asked with some confusion.


Lin Mo didn't know how to answer his question for a moment.

If the real situation was correct, he should be in the third category.

But in their perception, he escaped death and then awakened his mind.

And this escape was not from an attack by a mind user, but a gang gunfight.

"Should be the first type····"I think so." Lin Mo said uncertainly

""Okay, okay, don't worry about my situation. As long as I'm awakened, that's all."

Lin Mo waved his hand and passed it over.

"Okay, since you all choose the second option, who will go first?"

"Me! I'll go first!"Wo Jin excitedly imitated Nobunaga and raised his hand.

Lin Mo looked at the strong Wo Jin.

Hmm·····This body type is just right for me to practice. This is my first time helping someone open their sperm holes. I'd choose someone with a better physique and be more stable.

"OK, Wo Jin, come here and take off your clothes, and turn your back to me."


Without saying anything, Wu Jin tore off his clothes and did as he was told.


A powerful thought suddenly burst out from Lin Mo.

This life-like oppression made the faces of the three people change.

Machi was better off, as he had experienced it once before and was mentally prepared.

But Wu Jin and Nobunaga were both experiencing it for the first time, and their pupils shrank.

This is...····【[Mind]?

What a terrible feeling of oppression, it's like facing the most terrifying beast.

But soon, both of them had fire in their eyes.

I will be able to master this power soon!

Lin Mo gradually gathered the thoughts that were constantly erupting.

In fact, forcing the thoughts to be opened only requires maintaining the entanglement, but because Lin Mo's vitality is too huge.

And now he has just obtained the thoughts, which leads to the fact that he is not too familiar with it, so so many thoughts burst out at once.

It can be compared to the practice of ordinary people.

After maintaining the entanglement stably, Lin Mo raised his palm and placed it on Wo Jin's back in the air.

Although he did not really touch Wo Jin, Wo Jin could feel a thrust and heat constantly hitting his back.

"I'll say it again, after I help you open your sperm hole, you must control it as soon as possible. If you let your own [Qi] continue to flow out, it will lead to death from exhaustion!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely do my best to keep this power, come on!!!"

Wo Jin was not afraid at all, but shouted excitedly.

Lin Mo nodded, and said nothing more, concentrating:"Here it comes!!!"

The hand wrapped around Nian suddenly pushed towards the void.

Under Lin Mo's control, the impact of Nian instantly covered Wo Jin's body, opening all his pores in an instant.

"this····This is····?!"

With all the pores in his body opened, he could already see the existence of [qi].

Streams of white gas like steam were coming out of his body in an endless stream.

"Hahahahahahaha!! Power, power is constantly emerging!!"

Feeling an unprecedented sense of fulfillment, Wo Jin couldn't help but laugh out loud

"Stop smiling like a fool, and hold on to your breath for me!

"·····As expected, he is the strongest in the group. He has already reached a certain level of physical strength just after opening his mind.

Although he cannot compare with me, he can still be called a gifted person.

"Listen to me. Now imagine that [qi] circulates throughout your body like blood, starting from the top of your head, through your right shoulder, hands, and feet.·····"Lin Mo explained the operation process in detail.

Soon, under Lin Mo's explanation, Wo Jin successfully gathered his own Qi firmly on the surface of his body.

An invisible airflow emanated from Wo Jin's body, and Wo Jin finally formed a stable [entanglement】

"Success."Lin Mo laughed.

It seems that he is quite talented. He succeeded in helping others to open their minds on his first try.

""Wo Jin, how do you feel now?" Seeing that Wo Jin had successfully opened his mind, Nobunaga came over curiously and asked

"I feel····"Wo Jin took a deep breath of relief

"I can flatten you with one punch right now." Wo Jin glanced at Nobunaga, little loser.

Hearing that, Nobunaga immediately got angry:"Fuck! Wo Jin, wait for me, when I awaken my mind, we'll have a fight, and I'll beat the shit out of you!"

Hearing that there was a fight, Wo Jin immediately got excited.

"Come on, and beat the shit out of me. I wonder who was the one who was wailing with his hands covering his asshole last time."

Nobunaga was so angry that his face turned red:"How dare you say that? It was obviously you who attacked me last time!"

"Tsk, if you lose, you lose. What's there to say, you little bastard Nobunaga." Wo Jin picked his nose and said disdainfully

"Hey, I have a bad temper, Lin Mo, come on, open your mind for me, if I don't beat the shit out of Wo Jin today, I won't be called Hachama!"

Nobunaga imitated Wo Jin, tore off his clothes, and stood with his back to Lin Mo.

Seeing this, Lin Mo could only shake his head helplessly. These two are really a pair of funny people.

He raised his right hand and placed it on Nobunaga's back.

With the experience just now, Lin Mo did not burst out too much mind again this time.

The process was the same as Wo Jin just now, and Nobunaga also awakened the mind very smoothly.

"Hahahaha, Wo Jin, come on, let's go out and have a fight!" Feeling the tremendous power rising in his body, Nobunaga excitedly pulled Wo Jin and ran out.

In a blink of an eye, only Machi and Lin Mo were left in the room.

"cough cough·····that·····Machi, you need to take off your clothes."Lin Mo reminded him awkwardly.

It was not that Lin Mo had any dirty thoughts. He remembered that Yun Gu did say that he needed to take off his clothes!

This was not something Lin Mo made up!

PS: Thank you for the reward from Feilongzaitian and the update from AWSL! Thank you! The data of the new book period is very important, and your support is my greatest motivation!

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