“That’s it!”

Lorraine looked at the stand-in in front of him with satisfaction, except that he was not a living person, and he was no different from himself.

He didn’t even use it for three days, but in just two days, he completed the practice of the precision of a substitute.

“Then it’s time to add the rules for avatars.” Lorraine pondered.

Because the original purpose of developing the substitute was to bear the ability of others to think in place of him, at the very beginning, the avatar owner transferred the effect of his ability to think.

This was also the focus of Lorraine’s practice seven days before the battle with Siso, otherwise, it would only be a manifestation of himself, which would have taken seven days.

“Now this degree is not enough, the ability of the substitute should not be transferred, but directly replace me to bear the attack of the ability of mind, and any effect of the ability of the ability will directly act on the substitute, not transfer from me.”

Lorraine kept thinking, and at the same time kept formulating the ability, conditions and rules for setting up a stand-in, which is also the most important place for the ability to manifest. “Six Eight Zero”

In addition to the ability to realize, the most important thing for those who have the ability to realize is to formulate rules for the ability to appear, or the ability to exist.

And with pledges and constraints, improve or strengthen the rules, and finally complete the ability.

For a day, Lorraine kept modifying and perfecting the rules of ability in the room.

“Let’s go!”

Lorraine looked at her roughly formed rules of mental ability and began to try to add them to her body.

“First of all, the stand-in ability needs to be divided into active and passive ability.”

“Active ability, like today’s battle, can be launched on the initiative, and transfer any mental qi and mental ability that does not belong to me from the body.”

“And for that, all I need to do is…”

“The stand-in will never have any offensive abilities.” Lorraine swore silently in her heart. “It’s done, sure enough, at the cost of completely giving up the ability to attack.”

“And then the most important passive ability.” Lorraine became a little more serious.

After all, the passive ability is the reason why he developed the stand-in ability.

“First of all, the passive ability of the stand-in will always exist, and the ability to passively cancel out all the effects of the ability to read.”

That’s right, what a passive stand-in needs is to counteract the ability to bear, not to replace Lorraine’s ability to bear it.

“No matter how the Nian ability has been developed and changed, its source is the formation of Nian Qi after all, so…” Lorraine’s eyes showed a sparkle.

“The stand-in passive ability will consume the mental energy consumed by the initiator who cancels the ability of the mind when it is activated!”

The moment the rules in Lorraine’s heart were set, a wonderful feeling welled up in her heart.

“Hmm… Is it really not enough to consume the same amount of mental qi? ”

Lorraine frowned, feeling the rules that could not be added to the stand-in ability because of the unequal.

“Then offset it with multiple Nian Qi according to the level of impact caused by the ability to bear.” Lorraine began to add conditions that had long been thought of.

Impact level.

Level one, completely harmless, similar to surveillance-type capabilities.

Second-degree, impactful type, similar to Siso’s free love, but simply attached, no direct harm type.

Level three, the disabled type, the type whose ability will directly lead to Lorraine being harmed, or even disabled.

Level 4, special type, does not directly cause direct damage, but causes special impact type, similar to forcible death, or seizure ability, and operation by those who operate the ability to mind.

Grade five, the death type, is a special regular type that will directly lead to the direct death of Lorraine.

Among them, the passive ability of the stand-in bears levels three, four, and five, while the first and second are the range of the active ability of the substitute.

Depending on the type, the consumption of the mental energy consumed by the person who corresponds to the ability is offset by the consumption of the ability when the ability is used.

Level 1 consumption is equal, Level 2 is twice consumption, Level 3 is tripled… Five levels five times the consumption.

Note: The five levels are not absolute, but can be upgraded or downgraded at any time.

For example, an otherwise harmless surveillance capability that suddenly launches an attack is upgraded according to the strength and type of attack.

The bomb similar to the Greedy Island Bomb Demon, when the ability is detonated, it belongs to level three, and if it is detonated in a lethal position such as the heart and brain, it is level five.

There is also the kind of debt collector who takes the cruel kill, which is level one before the conditions are met, and when the conditions are met, it is level four when he becomes a debt collection demon.

“It’s not quite a bit worse. Then…” Lorraine frowned and continued to add a rule: “When the substitute takes the attack and exhausts his mental power, he will be forced to fall into the absolute twenty-four

。 (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The moment this rule appeared in Lorraine’s heart, a subtle feeling emerged in Lorraine’s heart.

“It’s done!” Lorraine’s heart moved slightly.

He could feel that the conditions he had set were enough to add the rules he wanted.

“Sure enough, Bisiji is right, without gambling on the price of all his talents, he can’t complete this ability!”

Lorraine sighed slightly in her heart.

It seems that his stand-in rules are not so harsh, but in fact, this ability is extremely risky.

After all, if someone launched a lethal attack with all his mental power, I am afraid that it would directly consume all his mental ability.

However, as long as he develops the planned ability to store mental qi, this point is not a risk0….

The corners of Lorraine’s mouth slightly hooked: “Sure enough, the plan I discussed with Bisiji is feasible!” It’s not advisable to develop the perfect avatar ability with just one ability, so try a combined ability. ”

Combinatorial capabilities.

Usually from the team of mindful people, two or more people, develop a powerful but flawed ability, and then cooperate with each other to make up for the flaws, so as to achieve a powerful and flawless perfect ability.

And Lorraine, although he does not have a team, he alone is equivalent to a team.

He alone is a team of five with 190% talent, such as the Enhancement Department, the Release Department, the Change Department, the Embodiment Department, and the Operation Department.

Lorraine looked at the gradually improving rule settings, Lorraine pondered a little, and then modified some of the settings.

For example, the active and passive doubles are integrated, and once the passive avatar is completed, it continues to consume mental energy.

Making an active avatar is one of the abilities of a passive avatar.

It is used on the basis of consuming double the amount of mental energy.

At this point, Lorraine is to prevent himself from using the patch of ability after turning down the talent of the embodiment department.

“That’s almost done!”

Lorraine felt the stand-in who had already begun to work and nodded with satisfaction…

“What is this?”

Lorraine was stunned, looking at a strange object that suddenly appeared in the perspective after his stand-in worked.

It was a little round ball with flashing red dots.

Lorraine: “…”

“Mind power creation?” Lorraine’s face turned gloomy when 3.2.

Although he didn’t know what this thing was, he could be sure that this thing was a creation of the power of mind, and… It is the creation of mental power attached to him.

As for why he didn’t find out before…

This is not unusual, many covert surveillance type mental abilities will have an ability entry attached to it such as not being discovered.

Its principle, which is roughly the highest level of concealment, is almost impossible to be seen by those who have the ability to read.

As for now…

If Lorraine’s stand-in ability can’t even be discovered by someone using the mind ability, how can he transfer those mind abilities.

“Covert surveillance-type mental ability?” Lorraine’s face was ugly, and he kept thinking about who gave him this ability.

Then soon, a figure appeared in his mind.

“That smelly old man…” Lorraine’s face suddenly stinked.

Người mua: nampro, 04/04/2023 18:24

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