Su Miao did not greet Liu Momo, and sat down and got straight to the point.

"Repair equipment, customize bullets, what can you do?"

Liu Momo heard Su Miao speak, and hurriedly said: "I can do everything, but my part-time job now is a blacksmith apprentice, and I can only repair equipment below blue quality."

She took a sip of milk tea before continuing: "I can help you repair blue equipment for free, but customizing bullets and repairing equipment above blue can only be accepted by my master, I will recommend my master friend to you first."

[System prompt: Player "Liu Momo" recommends player "Lu Ban No. 13" to you, yes/no. ]

Su Miao touched his chin and clicked "No".

"No need."

This made Liu Momo a little stunned, and the action of sipping milk tea paused for a while. She looked at Su Miao nervously, and the oil on her nose made her look a little funny.

"You can handle this aspect, I have other things to do."

As mentioned before, Su Miao would not spend too much time on interpersonal communication, he would rather spend a little more game coins.

The time for interpersonal communication can be used for sword practice, meditation, extreme training, etc.

There is no need to worry about these for a few hundred game coins. It is a waste of time. When the time comes, you can kill one more player or one more monster, and these expenses can be recovered.

Su Miao is a person who cherishes time very much. In addition to becoming stronger, other things are invalid socializing for Su Miao.

Su Miao took out the equipment card that needs to be repaired and put it on the table, saying: "As for the blue equipment you repaired, you can charge normally. After all, we have to keep cooperating. You can't always help me repair equipment for free."

"Besides, you will definitely not be able to keep up with my progress, so if I need it, you will need to hand over your master's contact information, or your master's master's contact information."

The 100 game coins that Su Miao invested before have shown great value at this moment, which has far exceeded the value of the game coins themselves.

He has an industrial chain of equipment repair, customization, and modification from low-level to high-level. As long as he is willing, basically, except for "Star Color", any quality of equipment has the opportunity to be repaired.

"Okay, I'll charge at cost price, after all, it can improve my proficiency." Liu Momo nodded, accepting Su Miao's suggestion, and then picked up the equipment card.

"Virtilite's Bloodthirsty Ring", "Steel Disaster's Thorn Wristguard", "Phantom's Broken Eggshell", "Hatter's Black Windbreaker"

There are three blue equipment and one lavender equipment, all of which have different degrees of equipment damage.

There is no specific value for the damage of equipment in the dungeon. You can only judge the damage with your eyes and then use special ores, cloth, etc. to use the blacksmith's exclusive skill "Equipment Repair" to restore the damage.

She can perfectly repair the blue equipment, but the lavender equipment requires her master to take action. However, with her eloquence, she should be able to negotiate the cost price, which can save about 150-200 game coins.

Liu Momo thought so, but when she got these pieces of equipment, she was stunned. It was a miracle that these equipment were worn out like this and didn't break directly.

Then, Su Miao took out three bullets from his backpack, one 12.7mm sniper bullet and two 7.62mm rifle bullets.

"These are three bullet samples. 50 12.7mm sniper bullets are needed, and about 200 7.62mm bullets are needed. If there are bullets with special properties, it's best. If not, it doesn't matter." Su Miao reminded.

Then, he took a sip of Peach Sijichun and said, "How much does it cost to repair equipment and forge bullets?"

Liu Momo looked at the bullets, checked the damaged equipment, and said with certainty: "It will cost about 800 game coins. If you need bullets with special properties, the cost may be a little higher..."


[System prompt: Player "God Slayer" trades you 1,000 game coins, do you accept it? ]

"Uh, is it a bit too much?" Liu Momo said cautiously.

Su Miao had no expression and said coldly: "Except the service fee, the remaining game coins will be kept here."

To be honest, the game coins consumed were much lower than expected. After all, the equipment was too damaged. If it weren't for the good attributes, especially the three blue equipment, which were dropped by the Queen's Guards, the attributes made Su Miao very satisfied. Otherwise, Su Miao might have sold them directly to buy new equipment.

After trading 1,000 game coins, he still had a little more than 18,000, which was enough to replenish consumables, food and other supplies.

"Oh, I see."

Then Liu Momo carefully clicked the receive button.

At this time, a red dot appeared in the friend channel,Su Miao clicked on it and found that it was He Zilong, the chatterbox.

After clicking on it, he saw that he had sent many dense chat messages, most of which were asking if he had come back.

The last message was 3 minutes ago.

Su Miao stood up, drank the last sip of Peach Sijichun, and said to Liu Momo.

"After the order is completed, send me a private message in the friend channel. I will stay in the main city for three days."

Then, Su Miao left without looking back, not treating Liu Momo as a girl at all.

Liu Momo looked at Su Miao's back as he left, took a sip of milk tea, and then puffed up her cheeks, full of complaints in her heart.

Although this guy was a little cold and silent in college, he was not as cold as he is now.

Is this really still my college classmate? Could he be possessed by the evil god hidden in the dungeon...

Thinking of this, Liu Momo lowered her head quickly, afraid that Su Miao would hear her thoughts, and began to sip her milk tea.

"Is Su Miao here? I have two days to enter the dungeon..."

"Is Su Miao here? I have one day..."

"Is Su Miao back? I have 30 minutes..."

The above is the message He Zilong sent to Su Miao. There are more than ten messages in total, and the last message was about five minutes ago.

"I'm back."

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds.

"Wow! You are worthy of being a big guy. You finished the dungeon in two days and came back."

"I guessed that you killed all the dungeons. Did you kill the hidden boss again? Wow, big guy is awesome..."

Su Miao's face was full of black lines. This guy is a chatterbox, but why is he deleting words so quickly?

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh, it's like this. There is an "Arena Ticket" in the treasure chest of Phantom. It will expire in about a month. Phantom and I are too bad to use it. It's a waste. I want to ask you if you want it, or exchange it for game coins of about 5,000. Well, this thing is still very precious."


Su Miao's scalp tingled when he saw He Zilong typing a long string of words. Typing is like this, won't he be annoyed to death when they meet?

He originally wanted to ask what the arena ticket is for and what are the benefits of participating in the arena, but when he saw these words, he slowly deleted the two words he just typed.


"Okay! Boss, I'll mail it to your mailbox directly. It will arrive soon. I'm about to participate in the dungeon here too. I won't say much. Goodbye, Boss!"


Su Miao resisted the urge to punch him a few times, suppressed a certain kind of evil fire in his heart, and calmed down before closing the chat box.

Then, he heard the system prompt sound.

[System prompt: Player "He Zilong" sent you an email. ]

Su Miao tapped his finger and opened the system mailbox, where an item card lay quietly.

"Arena Admission Ticket"

Quality: White

Item Description: After using it, the player will be qualified to enter the arena and can enter the arena to participate in the "Rookie King Challenge". There are only 15 days left before the end of the season.

Go to the arena to fight?

Su Miao raised his eyebrows. He was worried that there was no one to practice with him. He couldn't match his attributes well. The arena was just right for him to find someone to practice with.

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