By the time the hatter had finished doing all this, the mist had been completely absorbed by the broken shrine. Except for the endless fighting between the mist monsters and Su Miao, this place had never been so clear.

The shrine, which was more than ten meters high, had been completely broken, revealing the concentrated mist, mysterious tentacles, and a bunch of tissues that did not belong to human eyes.


The head of the broken statue in the shrine suddenly cracked into two cracks, from which a gray light shone, watching everything in front of him.


The wall shattered, and the huge strange mist walked out of the shrine, crushing the ground, as if to shatter the entire earth.

With his appearance, Su Miao's San value began to drop wildly, and he almost lost the will to raise the knife. His mind was completely filled with madness and various stupid thoughts.

He wanted to throw away the "Color of Stars" and smash the mist monster to death with a stone. He wanted to swallow the mist monster alive, or cut his throat and scald the monster to death with his own hot blood.

Although he didn't look directly at the "Mother of Mist", Su Miao's sanity still dropped madly and soon reached 3 points, which also meant that after reaching 3 points, he would never be able to break through 3 points of sanity.

[System prompt: Due to the advent of the "Mother of Mist", your San has been reduced to the critical value, 3/13 points. ]

[Note, you have been reduced to the critical value, your sanity will be permanently damaged, your maximum sanity is 3 points, it can only be reduced but not increased. ]


[System prompt: "God Slayer 1" has received the blessing from "?". ]

Along with this system prompt sound, Su Miao's clear brain came, and his previously astringent thoughts were completely opened up, and his eyes were clear again, and there were no more crazy and dull thoughts.

He quickly opened his personal panel and got the following content.

Name: Su Miao

Occupation: "God Slayer" (Level 1)

God Slayer·Level 1:

"Blessing of the God of Machinery": You are watched by an ancient being and will be able to avoid the spiritual pollution of the outer gods. Remember "Only coldness is the only rule against madness."

Attack power: 40-45 (10 strength)

Defense power: 25 (10 agility)

Health (HP): 486/550 (Shield value 7/100) (10 constitution)

Mana (MP): 25/37 (10 spirit)

In the "God Slayer" occupation column, Su Miao saw the blessing received from the "God of Machinery".

At this moment, Su Miao understood the meaning of the hatter's whispers before. Perhaps the "ultimate weapon" option could not appear in his reputation store.

Because some of his actions were watched by the "God of Machinery", he added the "Ultimate Weapon" to his reputation store. That is, the addition of the "Ultimate Weapon" made the Hatter sure that he was a member watched by the "God of Machinery".

With the awakening of the "Mother of Mist", the altar that had been silent in the ancient times also started to operate at this moment, and some devices were activated.

At the top of the underground space, the bright minerals like ghostly stars emitted light, illuminating the dark underground space and reflecting the huge and twisted figure of the "Mother of Mist".

He is about ten meters tall, and his whole body is made up of strange mist. In these thick mists, eyeballs rise and fall strangely, and painful souls roar and struggle in it.

The Mother of Mist has no fixed body shape. He is more than ten meters tall, sometimes like a human, and sometimes like some kind of dirty livestock.

The Hatter, who is more than two meters tall, slowly picked up the silk hat on the ground and placed it on his head covered by machinery.

At this moment, the Hatter revealed a hint of elegance in his madness.

He disassembled the cane sword and inserted it into the double-barreled shotgun, then took out two bright red bullets from the secret compartment of his clothes and stuffed them into the double-barreled shotgun.

The Hatter's life was rough and bumpy. Born in the City of Mist, he was always shrouded in weirdness and terror. He was born ugly and was regarded as a monster by many natives.

Until he met her, she introduced him to the "B&C" organization and gave him a silk hat to cover the ugliness on his face after becoming a formal employee.

Many years later, after he gave her a ring, he disappeared. He disappeared in the "City of Mist". It is likely that he was replaced by the Wandering People on the way to find the "Wandering People" and became a real monster.

Her disappearance is enough to show that the "great thing" has been found. In order to find her, the Hatter must track down the "great thing".

So the Hatter has been following the "B&C" doctrine, looking for "great things" and killing them.

As "B&C"As the last person in the organization, he must find other members of the organization before he can try to gamble his life to kill the "great thing".

This is a legacy, a legacy against madness.

The legacy cannot be broken.

Fortunately, the "God of Machinery" favors him, and the new member has great potential. The "ultimate weapon" in the store means that he has been watched by the "God of Machinery" and has gained powerful power.

Perhaps, he is the end of the "great thing".

The Hatter raised his shotgun high and aimed at the terrifying Mother of Mist. At this moment, he is a giant, fighting against the mad and terrifying giant with a mortal body.

He has the courage and belief to face the invincible outside God and the courage to die.

Then, the Hatter spoke in a plain but firm tone.

"The old gods are dead, and the outer gods are everywhere. The Broken God who awakened in the ancient times holds high the banner of order and drives out madness, death, and chaos one by one."

"Follow the Broken Dogma..."

"Outer Gods must die!"

As the last sentence fell, the Hatter also pulled the trigger, and the double-barreled shotgun burst into an unprecedented violent explosion, sending the slender cane sword into the body of the "Mother of Mist".


The chest of the Mother of Mist seemed to be hit hard by a giant hammer by the gods. His body paused, and he even took a step back. Countless eyes on his body suddenly stared at the Hatter.

The Hatter's muscles were tense, and his height of nearly three meters was like a ridiculous clay man in the eyes of the "Mother of Mist".

In the thick fog, he pulled out a slender tentacle and suddenly pulled it towards the Hatter.

He was not afraid at all, his fist flashed with silver light, and the mechanical creation was emitting a strong light, and instantly collided with the "Mother of Mist".


This blow was so terrifying that the Hatter's silver gloves were broken, and his entire body and fists were torn apart by the huge force, revealing a hideous broken wrist.

The Hatter had no expression, as if it was not his hand that was broken.

The Mother of Mist also paused for a second or two at this moment, and expressed her doubts in a tone that did not belong to humans.


He didn't understand why he didn't crush it, it was obviously just a very fragile insect.

He didn't understand why these insects always had to die?

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