Su Miao's voice was very loud, and the words were heard by everyone. Many of the words touched many civilians.

"We, the Harmony Guards, only do three things in the city! Fair, fair! It's still damn fair!"

"Each of us has the right to let those high-ranking chaebol masters understand..."

"Who is the real master of the world?!"

Su Miao's voice was full of emotional appeal. Every word and every sentence touched everyone's heart, and almost everyone was in tears.


After a long period of silence, strong shouts suddenly broke out inside and outside the venue.

As the shouts became louder and louder, the originally noisy voices gradually condensed into two words.

"Fair... Fair... Fair..."

This grand speech reached its climax in Su Miao's words and the grand shouts. This was also the end of Su Miao's speech, and the real carnival for civilians and guards came.

According to the original arrangement, cart after cart of ginger beer was pushed up, and there was also a small cart for the children's favorite barley sprout candy.

Finally, under the arrangement of the logistics department, all the civilians' lunch was satisfied, and they all drank the coveted Losman barley soup.

After the celebration banquet, the recruitment office of the logistics department was full for the whole afternoon.

For this reason, Xiao Shouhou had to arrange relevant personnel to accept the willingness of ordinary civilians to join the army.

Su Miao's deeds were written into a long story for people to spread throughout the Harmonious City. Almost everyone knew that a young and handsome commander led the poor guards to kill the Jeff gang and eliminate harm for the people.

He was kind and upright. He was the object of admiration of all the girls in the Harmonious City and the object of admiration of all the boys.

He was compassionate and willing to forgive the thugs who turned back. He was extremely powerful, and it took him only a dozen seconds to kill the evil gangsters who disobeyed discipline.

This joyful celebration lasted until the evening. As for the conscription office, some people left reluctantly in the middle of the night, regretting that they did not get in line.

Guards gathered on the third floor of the villa.

This is Su Miao's office and where he currently lives.

Of course, there is also a guy who shamelessly slept on Su Miao's bed, Hill.

According to her description, she likes people with good smells, not stinky ones, so she must sleep here.

Su Miao sat in the study, looking at the inventory data and conscription list sent by the skinny monkey not long ago.

Su Miao looked at the slightly nervous skinny monkey, put down the data sheet, and then spoke to the skinny monkey.

"Report on the inventory and conscription."

As a leader, although Su Miao has the ability to analyze and count, he needs to let his subordinates do more.

One is to train his subordinates, and the other is to delegate power.

This is recognition of Xiao Shouhou's work, and also encourages him to develop better.

"Okay, commander!"

Xiao Shouhou stood up straight, saluted, and pushed his glasses.

"After the conscription, a total of 300 young and strong men joined the army, plus some logistics personnel, about 350."

"At present, the number of legions has expanded to 3. The first two are still led by the commander of the Moben Legion, and the third legion commander needs to be selected by you."

"The death squad of the one-armed uncle continues to follow the elite route. He selected about 80 civilians and expanded the death squad into the "Death Corps". He also manages the "Prisoner Corps" of about 100 people. "

"As for the logistics department, it has reached about 100 people, so it has been renamed the "Logistics Corps." "

"At present, our Harmony Guards already have 3 infantry corps, as well as the "Death Corps", "Prisoner Corps", and "Logistics Corps", a total of six corps. "

After saying the above, the little skinny monkey looked at Su Miao with admiration and said excitedly.

"Everything was completed according to your instructions and plan!"

Su Miao nodded, "Very good."

The next thing to report was a headache for the little skinny monkey.

"Commander, although we have a lot of food, it is estimated that we can only last for about half a month. The fine steel weapons and leather coats are also seriously insufficient with the addition of new recruits. Gold coins..."

"In terms of funds, we probably can't pay the military pay for next month..."

The little skinny monkey swallowed hard, he looked a little decadent, and his spirit was a little sluggish and collapsed.

Who would have thought that he was still a lively young man a few days ago?

It has to be said that the logistics department is really a good place to torture people.

Su Miao didn't seem to care much about the shortage of funds, weapons and leather coats. HeHe touched his chin and then opened the conscription list.

He pointed to an ordinary recruit file and spoke to the skinny monkey.

"Do you know the person in the sketch?"

The skinny monkey looked over and said with an uncertain tone: "Commander, this seems to be the bartender of the old friend tavern?"

"Yes, he will be the commander of the Third Legion in the future. You and Lao Moben will support him."

"Yes, commander!"

The skinny monkey spoke seriously.

Su Miao spread out the list of supplies, then smiled at the skinny monkey, and finally answered his previous doubts.

"Little skinny monkey, do you remember what we had a few days ago?"

The little skinny monkey shook his head at first, but thought for a while and said, "We seem to have only a few rusty iron knives."

"Yes, but what do we have now?"

The little skinny monkey spoke without thinking: "We now have a legion of 600 people, equipped with fine steel weapons, wearing leather coats, and a hundred people in logistics..."

Then, he seemed to suddenly realize, and with Su Miao's guidance, he finally understood Su Miao's overall decision.

"I understand, Commander. You mean to fight to support the war!"

"If there is no food, we will rob. If there is no leather coat, we will rob. If there is no money and no weapons, we will rob even more!"

"As long as we defeat the chaebol nobles, we will have almost endless wealth. One day, we will kill all the chaebols in Harmony City and rob all their supplies!"

"By then, your name will be publicized, and civilians in Harmony City and other cities will come to you for refuge, and then your strength will be strengthened. At that time..."

The little skinny monkey did not say what would happen at that time, but according to the general framework of the commander's plan, he had already thought of it.

That is, with Harmony City as the core, annexing the entire Losman royal family, which is the real purpose of Su Miao's offering Hill as the princess.

In order to completely control the Fei clan royal family of Losman, a reasonable identity must be obtained.

And the princess's guard, a warrior of peace and justice, is a good excuse.

"Yes, there is a great tactic somewhere..."

Su Miao stood up, a sneer appeared on his lips, and then he spoke to the skinny monkey word by word.

"Civilians surround the chaebols and seize power by force."

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