Ning Yan communicated with his master with his divine thoughts.

This kind of big scene is too complicated, and he can't grasp it.

As a big man in the Central Region, his master has seen more of the world than he has eaten salt, so he can definitely grasp it.

Besides, since he started practicing, he has always liked to play the pig and eat the tiger.

This feeling is too good.

Whenever he sees the surprised expression of the enemy, he is satisfied.

"Yan'er, when you are undecided, you can ask your heart."

The old man said something mysteriously.

【The transfer station of the world-weary novel 一一 ㈦ 九 ㈨ 4 э 1 六 ④】

Everyone has their own ideas, and he doesn't want his apprentice to rely too much on him.


"Master, I understand."

"Yes, my purpose today is to use them as stepping stones."

"You must show enough weight, so that others can value him."

"I will push all the way!"

"Not bad, not bad, the invincible heart is formed."

The old man nodded with satisfaction.

Chapter 42: In the Qingyun Sect, the Nine Cauldrons Test Talent

"Fuck! Look at that man!"

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!"

What did they see?

That was a cloud ladder that was as difficult as climbing to the sky for them.

A man was walking briskly on it!

It was simply outrageous to open the door to outrageous things, outrageous to the extreme!

Even more outrageous than the man who was strolling leisurely on it.

It's really annoying to compare people!

Qin Han had already walked to more than 300 steps at this time, still calm and composed.

He noticed that someone was chasing him from behind, but he ignored it and continued to walk slowly step by step.

Ning Yan surpassed the man in front of him in one go, and then continued to run up.

He looked back when he surpassed Qin Han.

Qin Han just smiled faintly, as if he didn't mind someone surpassing him.

The emperor's character has been polished for tens of thousands of years, and it has long been as solid as a rock. He had experienced countless times when he was a teenager, such as competing for the first place, which children like to do.

There are a total of 999 steps in the Fantasy Ladder.

At this time, in addition to Ning Yan and Qin Han, there are hundreds of people struggling on more than 100 steps.

They are sweating and struggling, not as relaxed as Ning Yan and the others.

However, this is more than most people, and those who failed the trial are dejected.

They either retreated at the first step or persisted until the tenth step and were teleported down.

Of course, no one knows the result until the end, after all, failing one step is the same as failing 998 steps.

At the top.

The three elders looked at each other.

Not bad, there are still a few good seedlings.

Especially the two people at the front.

Look here.

Ning Yan rushed to the top of the ladder and came to the front of the sect.

The crowd below was boiling again.

The first person to complete the test came out!

This gave great encouragement to those who have not yet started the challenge.

With the first one, there will be the second, third, fourth...

Maybe if I try hard, I can climb up myself?

"Hello, elder, my name is Ning Yan."

"Wait a moment, the second test will be conducted soon."

Elder Ye Bai said with a smile.

Being able to rush up in such a short time shows that this person is extremely determined and has strong willpower. He will be a disciple of Qingyun Sect in the future.

Ning Yan stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. The one who climbed the highest now was the young man he looked back at.

Now he has climbed more than 800 steps, and his steps are still very steady. He even suspects that this person is deliberately walking so slowly!

Listening to the praises and admiration of the crowd below.

He has a feeling of.

Ten years of hard work and no one asks, once you become famous, the world knows!

Time passed slowly, and soon Qin Han also climbed up.

Half a day later.

At this time, half of the hundreds of millions of people have been eliminated.

At this time, a thousand people have gathered at the top of the mountain.

These thousand people are those who have fought out of the millions and successfully climbed to the top and passed the test.

Each of them talked to each other happily.

They were glad that they could reach the top. They all knew the difficulties along the way.

They all gritted their teeth and persevered. They encouraged themselves every time they took a step forward, and persevered a little more... and worked harder!

They climbed to the top step by step with perseverance.

"The number of people is about the same. Now we will conduct the second level talent test for you."

After Ye Bai finished speaking, he noticed that some people were sad and some were happy, so he spoke again.

"You are now considered disciples of my Qingyun Sect, so don't be sad if you can't pass the second level."

"Those who pass the first level will be menial disciples, and those who pass the second level will be outer disciples."

"There is a ranking list for menial disciples every two months. The top ten will be promoted to outer disciples. The same is true for outer disciples. The top ten will be promoted to inner disciples every two months."

"So as long as you work hard to practice, each of you has the opportunity to become an outer disciple, or even an inner disciple."

This rule was set by Feng Qingyang and the elders after consultation to motivate disciples.

No matter where there is competition, there is motivation.

The ranking of the list is determined purely by strength. Each list only includes the top 100, and any disciple can challenge the top of the list at any time.

In other words, if you are good enough, you can go up.

Everyone who passed the ladder looked forward to following the elders into the Qingyun Sect.

This day finally came, and they entered the holy land of cultivation they had dreamed of.

As soon as they entered the sect, the majestic spiritual energy rushed towards them. The spiritual energy turned into mist, and the pavilions and towers looked like a fairyland.


Shocking like never before!

They were in Lingzhou and had never come into contact with the holy land. When had they ever seen such a scene that was enough to crush the holy land?

When they thought that they were now disciples of Qingyun Sect, they would be able to practice and live here in the future.

They were even more excited. Before, they only knew that Qingyun Sect was very strong and was the top sect that dominated the entire Lingzhou.

Now they knew that Qingyun Sect had a strong foundation. How could such a sect not rise?

Qin Han also narrowed his eyes. This Qingyun Sect was not simple! The richness of spiritual energy far exceeded that of the Central Region!

He had discovered since he came to the Qingyun Mountains that the spiritual energy in the periphery was already comparable to that of the Central Region. He did not expect that the sect was several times better than that.

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