Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$70 Lin Qianyu who makes perfect use of the rules

"This is a dragon's claw!"

Hearing Zhang Mingxuan's words, the teachers from the schools around him were a little shocked.

After all, using dragon claws on a painted turtle means one thing, that is, the painted turtle has dragon bloodline, and the blood concentration is definitely not low!

Taming beasts with dragon bloodline are rare, and dragon-based beasts are even rarer.

Every dragon-type beast has a sky-high price, even the kind that are priceless but have no market.

And together with it, the royal beasts who are confirmed to have dragon bloodline are also worth a lot of money.

After so many years, the power of the dragon system has been verified.

Not only is the dragon-type beast-controller powerful, but the most important thing is that there is no mediocrity in the dragon-type beast-controller. Even those with dragon-type beastmaster blood are extremely talented.

However, it still depends on the concentration of the bloodline. If there is only a trace, it will only be a little stronger than ordinary beast-controlling ones at most.

And since this turtle has a high concentration of dragon blood, its future is absolutely limitless.

"It's very interesting." Zhang Mingxuan stared at the monitor for a few seconds, "Although this painted turtle has dragon bloodline and is extremely talented, it can now be cultivated to the awakening state, and its physique and attack are also cultivated to An extremely high level, which is very rare for a junior imperial envoy."

Seeing this, Zhang Mingxuan almost wanted to meet Lin Qianyu.

In the examination room, there is an open space in front of the fifth supply point.

Among the eight beasts present, seven of them had fallen to the ground in pieces.

Except for the little mantis who still had some strength to stand up tremblingly, the rest of the beasts had simply lost their ability to fight.

And this Guigui solved the battle in an instant, which directly shocked seven people, including Liu Xiaohang.

"It turns out that there is really a gap between the awakened beasts."

One of the boys looked at his beast lying on the ground and lost the ability to fight, and murmured to himself subconsciously.

Liu Xiaohang, who had just gotten up, should have been furious when he heard this, but he couldn't get angry at this moment, because what he said was indeed true.

After all, he knows better than others how his strength comes from.

After seeing the battle end, Lin Qianyu came out from behind the tree.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, how do you feel? I failed in a sneak attack but got beaten up."

"Ahem, I admit defeat and give it to you."

"Oh, I'm still a little dissatisfied. But congratulations to you, you managed to survive. But since I defeated you the first time, isn't it logical to defeat you the second time?"

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Lin Qianyu's devilish words, not only Liu Xiaohang, but also the other boys looked at the smiling face in shock.

"Literally, now, I challenge you again!

And your beast masters have all lost their fighting ability, so you were defeated by me, and the remaining half is mine! "

What he said was very straightforward. Anyway, Lin Qianyu was dissatisfied with their sneak attack and was not satisfied with half the points. He wanted to take all the points from the seven people in front of him.

"You are violating the rules! Do you still have rules in your eyes?"

"Oh, don't put such a big hat on me. The rules don't say that you can't do a second challenge, and don't scream so cheerfully.

Although the rules do not explicitly say that illegal team formation is not allowed.

But if you, a junior envoy, ambushed here with a large group of people and acted as an old Yinbi, then our behavior can only be regarded as the difference between the boss and the second child!

Don't laugh at anyone, oh, no, you are more shameless than me. "


Hearing Lin Qianyu's words, Liu Xiaohang couldn't say anything to refute, as it seemed that his behavior was indeed a bit shameless.

"Okay, Snake, use the energy ball to knock that little mantis down."

As soon as Lin Qianyu finished speaking, Snake, which had already been in an attack stance, directly charged up its energy and spat out an energy ball, hitting the little mantis.

If the little mantis is still in a healthy state, this energy ball cannot take it away, but the little mantis is now disabled, and was directly hit by this energy ball and lost its ability to fight.

"This is the second time. You still have a quarter of your points left."

monitoring Center.

Hearing Lin Qianyu using the rules to increase scores like this, a large group of people watching the surveillance looked at each other in shock.

Can this be played like this?

But if you think about it carefully, this is indeed not a violation of the rules, but no one thought that Lin Qianyu could exploit loopholes in the rules like this.


Liu Xiaohang was so angry that he couldn't say anything, but his thinking was still very clear.

If he continued to stay here, there would probably be no points left until the last point. After being unable to fight again and again, and unable to run again, Liu Xiaohang took out the flare directly from his backpack, then fired it cleanly, and directly selected for elimination. Save yourself a quarter of the points left.

"Oh, you are quite brave, but if you had done this the first time I killed you, you would still have half the points left, instead of a quarter.

However, your leaders have surrendered, but what about you? "

Seeing Liu Xiaohang immediately taking out the flare and pressing it, Lin Qianyu was a little surprised, but it was just a little surprised.

After hearing Lin Qianyu's words, Liu Xiaohang's younger brothers looked at each other in bewilderment. They didn't have any points themselves, so they gave all their points to Liu Xiaohang at the beginning, thinking that they couldn't get into the top 100 anyway, so they could get some benefits. But who could have thought that things would turn out like this.

However, the boss had already chosen to be eliminated. If he didn't follow him to be eliminated, it would seem that it would be a bit embarrassing for him.

And if he was embarrassed this time, it would not be good for his future interests, so they took out flares from their backpacks and blew them to choose to be eliminated directly.

Soon, the soldiers of the 92nd Beast Taming Corps who had been in the primeval forest as referees came and took him away.

As Liu Xiaohang and others were taken away, their behavior just now also reminded Lin Qianyu.

Although he also defeated many wild beasts and candidates, he didn't know how many points he had, and he didn't know where he was now.

If there were still other people like Liu Xiaohang who ambushed people, then the score would really be hard to say.

And this sense of unknown made Lin Qianyu feel a little uneasy.

Lin Qianyu's goal is to be the first place. After all, the reward for the first place is completely different from the reward for the next place.

And Liu Xiaohang's behavior also gave Lin Qianyu an idea, but unlike Liu Xiaohang's shady approach, Lin Qianyu plans to be open.

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