Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$279 Will this be the last battle? (12)

I was angry. The best way to divert domestic conflicts was to launch a war abroad, but that was basically impossible.

Having suffered decades of war, how could we launch a war of aggression abroad? That would be disrespectful to the martyrs who died in the war and contempt for life.

Moreover, the domestic conflicts were not as big as imagined, nor were they irreconcilable.

So, the diversion of conflicts changed from external wars to cleaning up some termites.

When we wiped out the three religions before, we didn't move the people on the list we got. We planned to fatten them up before killing them, but now, we can do it.

The diversion of public opinion is sometimes more useful than launching a war abroad.

So, a vigorous cleanup operation began.

However, all this has nothing to do with Lin Qianyu. Now, he is a firefighter in the 92nd Beast Taming Corps, and he is the firefighter who has to go to any small fire.

Since the last time when he slaughtered all the beastmen of the White Elephant Country soldiers in the border area, Lin Qianyu's reputation has spread like wildfire in the White Elephant Country.

Nicknames such as Butcher and Devil were directly poured into Lin Qianyu.

When he first learned about this, Lin Qianyu was a little surprised, because he didn't know that he could have such a variety of nicknames. Later, he just took it as a matter of course~

However, since that time, the border area has gradually stabilized, and the group of people in the White Elephant Country no longer jumped.

However, this is only on the surface. In secret, the White Elephant Country has mobilized a lot of heavy troops to stockpile in the border area. They thought they were doing it secretly enough, but under the satellite search, everything was directly exposed.

However, even in the face of this heavy deployment, the 92nd Beastmen Corps did not feel any pressure. After all, although the White Elephant Country had a heavy army, the gap in the strength of the two sides was not very large. Moreover, the gap in weapon level and the gap in the strength of the beastmen could completely make up for this small gap in strength.

In December of the same year, in the cold weather, the logistics department of the White Elephant Kingdom seemed to have disappeared, and even the logistics supply to the border areas of their country was cut off.

There were dozens of freezing deaths in the border areas of the White Elephant Kingdom, and the disease was also spreading in its camps.

And it was under this situation that the White Elephant Kingdom launched a war without thinking, and the defense war was also on the verge of breaking out.


"This time, it is a surprise attack. We need to conduct a surprise attack in the airport of the enemy camp and cause as many casualties as possible to them. It is possible to face hundreds, even thousands, tens of thousands of times our army. Now, if there are cowards, you can withdraw from this action, and no one will be held accountable!"ŴŴŴ.

After hearing Lin Qianyu's words, this can be said to be the most elite team in the 92nd Beast Taming Corps. No one squeaked, and silence spread among this group of steel-like soldiers.

This is a temporary team of only 30 people, but the lowest-level charioteer is also a master-level charioteer, and most of them are title-level charioteers.

This is the high-end combat force in the 92nd Beast Taming Corps that does not need to be in a command position.

This is their first joint mission.

And now, raiding the enemy camp airport is an extremely dangerous action. After all, the airport is extremely important to the significance of a war, and it must be heavily guarded. Such a raid is extremely dangerous.

Moreover, no matter how inadequate the logistics of the White Elephant Army camp is, no matter how simple their airport is, there is still a necessary protection system, not to mention that it is an airport that has to maintain the operation of more than 200,000 people. Once there is an accident in the operation, it is estimated that it will be submerged in the crowd.

Although the outbreak of this war was extremely sudden, the 92nd Beast Taming Corps was well prepared early and was not caught off guard.

Even when the White Elephant launched an attack in the early stage, the extremely perfect preparations caused the White Elephant to suffer extremely heavy losses.

Moreover, within a few days of the war, domestic supplies arrived continuously, and now they have even reached the point of using artillery fire to continuously cover the battle.

However, artillery fire does not necessarily work on all beasts. Some powerful beasts can break through the coverage of artillery fire and rush into the position of the 92nd Beast Corps, which also caused some considerable casualties in the 92nd Beast Corps.

It was under this situation that the raid plan was born.

This time, the raid plan was led by Lin Qianyu, who led this special operations team composed of at least master-level beast masters to carry out the operation, carrying a large number of bombs and long-range throwing weapons to attack the camp airport of the White Elephant Kingdom.

The task of Lin Qianyu and others is to let their own beasts rush into the camp airport of the White Elephant Kingdom and carry out unrestrained destruction. The more casualties caused, the better. After all, the greater the casualties of the White Elephant Kingdom, the smaller the casualties of the 92nd Beast Corps.


Dozens of figures were sneaking in the dark, carefully avoiding the sentries arranged by the White Elephant Kingdom on the front line, and groping towards their camp airport. Among them, they encountered several lone White Elephant Kingdom soldiers, and the fate waiting for them was to be killed by slitting their necks.

When they were a few kilometers away from the White Elephant Kingdom camp, looking at the very simple camp airport, everyone stopped, and the thirty people were divided into five groups, and they dispersed directly in different directions to prepare for a surprise attack.

"Remember, take the explosion as your signal. When you hear the explosion, throw out all the throwing items in the space bracelet. Then, summon the beasts to charge the camp. Remember, keep a flying beast by your side to prevent emergencies.

Also, you only have ten minutes to prepare. After ten minutes, I will start attacking regardless of whether you are in position or not!

And this time the action time is only ten minutes. When the time is up, no matter what the results are, retreat directly!"



Watching the other four groups rushing in four different directions, Lin Qianyu looked at the watch on his hand. After eight minutes, Netherworld, Longlong, and Lieyi Diao were all summoned by Lin Qianyu, and the five people around him also summoned their flying beasts.

After a round of instructions, all the flying beasts, carrying time bombs, flew towards the sky above the Baixiang Kingdom Camp Airport under the cover of the Netherworld. Although the lights in the Baixiang Kingdom Camp Airport were illuminated and the radar was scanning, under the cover of the Netherworld, no one could find them. This was something Lin Qianyu had verified after experiments, otherwise, he would not have become the leader.

After they were in the sky, they would immediately drop the explosive packs, and the remaining two minutes were enough for Longlong and the others to get in place.

When Longlong and the others returned and the ten minutes were up, Lin Qianyu and the others immediately pressed the remote control of the explosive packs in their hands.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With dozens of explosions, there were shouts, gunshots, and alarms from the Baixiang Kingdom Camp Airport.

The raid has begun!

In addition to the explosion of the bombs dropped by Longlong and his men, dozens of explosions also occurred from the other four directions. After the explosions, Lin Qianyu and others turned over and rode on the flying beasts, and began to fly to the airport of the White Elephant Country camp. At low altitude, they avoided attacks from the ground and summoned their own beasts.

The charge to the camp began, and the feast of killing began with the background music of the explosions.

All the beasts did not need to suppress the wildness in their hearts, and began to destroy recklessly and without rules, directly turning the airport of the White Elephant Country camp into a mess.

All these actions were progressing smoothly, but for some reason, Lin Qianyu had a bad feeling in his heart, which came from his sixth sense, which just came out inexplicably.

Looking at the explosion below, the flames and lights, everything was so smooth, Lin Qianyu couldn't figure out what went wrong.

However, soon, Lin Qianyu knew what went wrong.

Five minutes after the attack, a terrifying aura erupted directly from the White Elephant Army camp not far away, and rushed to the camp airport at the fastest speed.

"I'm Chao! Mythical Envoy! The people of White Elephant do not abide by the rules of war!"

Feeling this aura, Lin Qianyu knew that her feeling was correct.

Because the influence of mythical envoys on war is extremely huge, so in peacetime, countries in the world have signed an agreement that mythical envoys cannot arbitrarily take action in wars between countries.

Even now, the Su Xiong Alliance and the Bald Eagle Alliance, whose dog brains are about to burst, their mythical envoys are either commanding in the army of their respective countries, or sitting in their respective countries. They will not take action at will, even if they lose the battle.

As for the three mythical envoys dispatched in the last transnational operation, they took advantage of the loopholes in the rules, because it was not a war between countries, but the elimination of three evil organizations. Therefore, even if other countries objected, they could not find any point of opposition. Moreover, even if they objected, it would be useless. After all, the rice has been cooked. In addition to the influence of the country and the announcement of the news at that time, the Bald Eagle Alliance was already in a state of panic and could not take care of itself. How could they care about this matter?

And, if the biggest opposition voice did not come to object, what qualifications did other countries have to object?

But now, the White Elephant Country thought that an airport was raided, so it sent out a mythical envoy to take action. Isn’t this shameless!

Or, it must be anxious.

"Notify everyone! Retreat immediately after taking back the beasts! And ask for help from the country! Request to send a mythical beastmaster to support! I'll hold him off for a while, you guys hurry up!"

"Captain Lin, you..."

"Hurry up!"

Interrupting the words of the team members on the side, Lin Qianyu directly summoned the turtles back to her beast control space and rushed towards the mythical beastmaster of the White Elephant Country.

At this time, Lin Qianyu had only three thoughts in her mind. One was that she was extremely unlucky, one was to cover the retreat of the team members, and the last one was that her parents should be able to train another trumpet, right?

When facing the beast of the mythical beastmaster of the White Elephant Country, Lin Qianyu felt that he should be able to go back to the 92nd Beastmaster Corps to get the reward.

Because, the mythical beastmaster in front of him had obviously just broken through not long ago, and the ace beastmaster was at the first level of the mythical realm, and his aura was a little unstable, as if he had broken through in a hurry.

This made Lin Qianyu feel a lot more at ease.

However, even so, the pressure was huge.

Although Guigui and Youming had improved their strength to the tenth level of the immortal realm during this period of time, they were also one step away from entering the mythical realm, but they just couldn't enter the mythical realm. According to what they said, it seemed that there was something that was not clear.

And now, it was indeed a bit difficult for Guigui and the others to stop the mythical realm, two immortal realm beasts, and four legendary realm beasts in front of them. No, it was not difficult, it was very difficult, and there was even a risk of life.

However, in this case, Lin Qianyu had to take the lead herself, because the gap between the mythical beastmaster and the beastmasters of other levels was too large.

If Lin Qianyu's strength was not only one step away from the mythical level, and she could barely stop this mythical level beast, otherwise, it is estimated that none of them would be able to escape today.

In addition to the fact that Lin Qianyu is the strongest in terms of strength, the damn surging blood and sense of responsibility are also one of the reasons why Lin Qianyu chose to stay.

However, fortunately, the strength of this mythical level beast is not that strong, and Lin Qianyu can hold on for a while.

Two minutes later.

Seeing that everyone has evacuated and disappeared, Lin Qianyu also plans to evacuate. In these two minutes, Guigui, Youming, Sheshe, and Lie Yi Diao tried their best.

Guigui stopped the mythical beast, Youming stopped two immortal beasts, and Sheshe and Lie Yi Diao worked together to stop the four mythical beasts.

If they had not reached the peak of their current realm, it would really be a bit difficult.

However, when Lin Qianyu was about to evacuate, many White Elephant soldiers who had cleaned up the mess at the airport below also surrounded her.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Qianyu would definitely not even look at these master-level masters, but now, it seems that this is the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Now, it seems that Lin Qianyu, who is trapped in the encirclement, is also a little bit unable to escape.

All the beasts gathered together and surrounded Lin Qianyu in the center. Even Longlong, who was regarded as the last trump card, was ready to fight to the end.

Looking at the dark sky, Lin Qianyu felt that this might be the last night sky he would see. Although it was covered with dark clouds, it was also the last souvenir.

"Since we may not be able to leave, then, let's fight to the end. Even if we die, we must bite off a piece of their flesh!"

Hearing Lin Qianyu's words, the five beasts also responded to Lin Qianyu with their voices.

The battle is also imminent!

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