Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$238, Netherworld Counterattack [Please subscribe, recommend, and vote monthly! ]

"My Zhuo, his trump beast is not a beast of the extraordinary realm, right?"

"The Nether White Coat is indeed very rare, but the strength of the beast of the extraordinary realm and the beast of the command realm is too different. Either this is shot to consume the strength of the Mountain Moving Demon Ape, or this is his trump beast, a desperate fight."

"What a pity, I thought he was a very strong opponent."

Seeing Lin Qianyu summon the Nether to deal with the Mountain Moving Demon Ape, a group of spectators couldn't help but sighed in regret, but they said so, and the hidden corners of their mouths were all revealing their true thoughts.

"You are too happy too early, this should be the beast he sent out for training."

At this time, a dark voice sounded, instantly breaking the good mood of this group of people.

"Hmm? Brother, you seem to know some inside information, can you tell me in detail?"

"That's right, that's right, there is good news for everyone to share."

Hearing the words around him, the corner of the man sneered, but he didn't refuse.

"This person is Lin Qianyu, the ace player of the individual competition of Imperial Capital University, the champion team of the last college league. His ace beast is a Jiao Crocodile Turtle. A year ago, he had the strength of the eighth level of the extraordinary realm. What's more, now, he must have broken through to the command realm. Now this Nether White Coat is probably the beast he sent out for training. So, I say you are too happy too early."

Hearing this person's words, the people around him really felt that they were too happy too early.

The people on the stage can't hear what the people in the audience say, and now, Lin Qianyu is concentrating on commanding Nether to fight against this mountain-moving demon ape.

It's not the first time that Nether has faced a battle between the extraordinary realm and the command realm.

In addition to the turtle, when Nether was in the secret realm of Dean Dongfang's family, he often fought with the beasts who stepped into the command realm of Zhong Qianxin and Jiang Dunbin, and even fought with the beasts of the command realm in the ruins.

The relationship between them is naturally a win and a loss. Although there are more losses than wins, this also confirms the combat power of Youming from the side.

Therefore, facing this mountain-moving demon ape, Youming is also confident that he can win.

The mountain-moving demon ape, which is as tall as two or three floors, shook the ground slightly when it moved. Obviously, the material used to build the battle arena also felt the pressure from the beast of the commander realm.

As soon as the field of the mountain-moving demon ape was opened, sand and dust were quickly raised, covering the entire venue.

However, unlike the general yellow-brown sand and dust, the sand and dust raised by the mountain-moving demon ape was as black as ink, and it was this black sand and dust that made its black body quickly disappear in the sand and dust.

"Sand explosion! Sand and stone cannon!"

Perhaps he had noticed the strength of Youming, and the controller of the mountain-moving demon ape felt that the opportunity had come, and gave orders.

Suddenly, the sand and dust flying around Youming gathered directly into a series of sandstorms, hitting Youming.

Moreover, in the depths of the sand and dust, the ape's mouth was accumulating power. A huge beam of light with earth-attributed spiritual energy was accumulating power directly in its mouth. The power of this beam was extremely strong and could directly raze a small building to the ground.

After the ape finished accumulating power, a deep yellow beam of light directly hit a reflective figure that was faintly visible in the black sand and dust.

Facing this powerful attack, Lin Qianyu did not let Youming dodge, but met it with an equally powerful attack.

"Youming Destruction Slash!"

Youming leaned forward, and the wings behind him spread out, adding momentum to the attack of Youming Destruction Slash.

At the same time, the horn on Youming's head flashed with light, and the spiritual energy of the dead spirit attribute lingered on it. After a short period of accumulation, Youming's horn swung and turned into a strange black shadow blade light that directly attacked the sandstone cannon.




The blade light formed by the Netherworld Destruction Slash and the beam formed by the sand and stone cannon collided with each other, forming a series of huge spiritual energy explosion sounds.

And it triggered countless air waves, causing the sand and dust formed around to burst out countless sand particles, and under the push of the air waves, they shot towards the surroundings.

"Shadow sneak attack! Netherworld Destruction Slash!"

Under Lin Qianyu's command, Netherworld, who had swung the Netherworld Destruction Slash, disappeared on the spot, and when it appeared again, it was already behind the Mountain Moving Demon Ape.

Moreover, on the horn of Netherworld, a strong spirit of undead attributes had been condensed, wrapped on its horn, and after a short period of accumulation, it swung directly at the Mountain Moving Demon Ape.

However, the strength of the Mountain Moving Demon Ape was not to be underestimated. After all, it was a beast of the command realm, and it also felt the movement of Netherworld.

Stepping into its own domain, it was natural to treat it well.

The dark attribute aura also quietly wrapped around the right arm of the Mountain Moving Demon Ape, and it suddenly turned around and swung directly at the Netherworld.

Dark Fist!


There was another strong sound of aura explosion, and waves of air were lifted outward, and gravel was splashing everywhere at this moment.

No one knew the result of the collision between the Netherworld and the Mountain Moving Demon Ape. After all, the black sand and dust were still running.

However, after a while, the black sand and dust in the sky gradually dissipated, and what appeared in front of everyone was a Mountain Moving Demon Ape covered with scars, especially on its right arm, and sitting on the ground without the ability to fight.

And, an unscathed Netherworld White Pocket.

"I Zhuo, the Transcendent Realm defeated the Commander Realm!"

"This beast is going to be amazing!"

"It's over, it's over, we're in the same group with him, there's no way we'll qualify!"

A bunch of people off the field were wailing about their bad luck, and Netherworld on the field was also full of questions.

Because, it felt that this Mountain Moving Demon Ape was so... weak?

This is the Commander Realm?

This is different from the Commander Realm it fought with!

And Netherworld didn't think about it, the Commander Realm it fought with were almost all Dragon-type beasts, and they were considered the top beasts among the Dragon-type beasts.

Moreover, even so, Netherworld could still win a number of games, not to mention that this one had just entered the Commander Realm, and its domain control could only be considered an ordinary Mountain Moving Demon Ape.

Seeing this scene, the Mountain Moving Demon Ape's envoy couldn't believe it. A beast from the Commander Realm was defeated by a beast from the Transcendent Realm?

But the scene in front of him kept reminding him that it was indeed the case.

Therefore, the Master of the Mountain Moving Demon Ape decisively chose to give up.

After all, his fifth beast was an awakened beast.

Using this awakened beast to fight against this Transcendental Netherworld White Coat that obviously had no signs of injury was overestimating his own abilities.

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