Start with the Beastmaster Contract

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Being able to contract five beasts can only mean one thing, that is, one of the beasts has entered the realm of command.

For the young man of the Huangfu family whose strongest beast is only in the extraordinary realm, the gap is a bit outrageous.


"Five beasts? Beasts in the realm of command? Huangfu Nan, this bastard, is going to be in big trouble!"

"How can he improve so fast!"

"This kid is so terrifying!"

Many young people in the Huangfu family are quite capable. In China, they are basically students of major key schools, and abroad, they are also students of famous foreign schools.

However, these young people of the Huangfu family, who are already considered good geniuses in the eyes of others, are really not good enough in front of Lin Qianyu.

Facing Lin Qianyu's five beasts, Huangfu Nan could only bite the bullet and summon his four beasts.

At this time, he could only bite the bullet, otherwise, if he admitted defeat now, it would be really embarrassing.

At this time, he could still be said to be courageous.

However, Huangfu Nan thought so in his heart, but in the eyes of others, um, this guy is a bit stupid.

After all, he was the one who provoked, and it would probably be him who would be beaten up in a while. He still wants to be evaluated as courageous? Shit you!

Red sand stone scorpion, golden vine crazy battle, rock sand elf, red jade mantis.

Two extraordinary realms, two transformation realms.

This strength is indeed a bit arrogant, but compared with Lin Qianyu, who is all extraordinary realms and even has a turtle in the command realm, it is really not enough.

Seeing this scene, many people on the terrace have judged the outcome of Huangfu Nan's failure.

After all, the gap in strength is too big.

It is not that the weak has defeated the strong, but there are prerequisites.

Either the former's beast is too strong and can fight across levels, or the latter is not in good condition and was picked up.

And now, if we say that Huangfu Nan's beast is strong, it is hard to say. Is Lin Qianyu in good condition? Good!

Compared with the two, Huangfu Nan has a very high chance of failure.

After both beasts were summoned, the battle was about to begin.

However, the location of the game was not where Lin Qianyu was now. He and Huangfu Nan needed to reach the designated location before the battle officially began.

After all, the Huangfu family built such a large battle field, not for the two sides to fight face to face, otherwise, wouldn't it be better to build a ring?

As for now, Huangfu Nan wanted to give Lin Qianyu a head start, so that Lin Qianyu knew how strong he was, while Lin Qianyu didn't know that the entrance to the battle was not here, he just followed Huangfu Nan down.

But Huangfu Nan didn't expect that he failed to show off and was burned, so he could only return to the entrance of the battle field in shame, waiting for the start of this battle.

As the signal light at the entrance turned green, the game began.

The entrance on Lin Qianyu's side was a mountain forest. The trees in the mountain forest were not tall, but they were more than enough to block the view.

When they first entered the forest, Lie Yi Diao was moving between trees, exploring the way for Lin Qianyu.

Although Lin Qianyu rarely experienced this kind of battle in special terrain, he knew that this kind of battle was an information war. Sometimes he didn't know what was going on when he was attacked by someone, so reconnaissance was still very important.

However, Lin Qianyu was now completely stronger than Huangfu Nan, so he was eager for Huangfu Nan to attack him and then kill him.

The reason why Lin Qianyu asked Lie Yi Diao to explore the way was that he wanted to find Huangfu Nan as soon as possible and end this battle quickly.


Several stones were launched from one side and smashed towards Lie Yi Diao.

However, Lie Yi Diao was fearless in the face of these test blocks. The turbulent fire flow was turned on. During the rapid movement, several flame bombs were also ejected from the beak of Lie Yi Diao, colliding with these stones and destroying them one by one in the air.

Moreover, Lie Yi Diao spread its wings and glided and dived in the direction where the stone was thrown. Under the cover of the skill of the raging fire turbulence, it flew away like a dark red beam of light.

"I, Zhuo, look down on who!"

Originally, he wanted to rely on sneak attacks to see if he could get rid of a beast first, but after failing, he saw that only Lie Yi Diao was attacking him, and Huangfu Nan jumped up instantly.

Although he knew that there was a huge gap in strength between him and Lin Qianyu, at this moment there was only one beast, and it was not Lin Qianyu's strongest beast, attacking him.

Huangfu Nan immediately felt that he was absolutely despised by Lin Qianyu.

With the idea that I can't beat you, and I can't beat one of your beasts, Huangfu Nan bravely attacked.

Then, under the attack of fierce fire and poison, Jin Teng Kuang Zhan was seriously injured, and Hong Yu Mantis lost his combat ability and was eliminated directly.

Lie Yidiao only suffered some injuries and then managed to escape successfully, which made Huangfu Nan completely confused.

I knew there was a huge gap between me and Lin Qianyu, but I didn't expect the gap to be so big. Just one beast was almost as powerful as all my beasts. If it weren't for the fact that the earth-attributed beasts were immune to burns and poisoning, I would have died.

After the Lie Yi Diao made a noise, Lin Qianyu already knew where Huangfu Nan was.

Get out quickly, and then it's hunting time!

When Lin Qianyu and Huangfu Nan came into contact again, Huangfu Nan was completely defeated in just a short moment.

Lin Qianyu showed his strength naturally, but the person who was shown was a little miserable.

This battle made Lin Qianyu's strength recognized by most people in the Huangfu family, and then his next exchange journey seemed very easy.

After all, the strength has been demonstrated.

The people of the Huangfu family are still very strong. In addition to a group of young people, there are also several young people who have signed up for the inheritance battle.

They are already 28 or 29 years old. It can be said that this is their last inheritance battle.

Their strength is also very strong, and the ace beastmasters have all broken through to the commander level.

However, just like Lin Qianyu, only the ace beastmaster has broken through to the commander level, and the rest of the beastmasters are still in the extraordinary level.

However, even so, Lin Qianyu's exchange and competition with the Huangfu family this time was extremely successful.

It was so exciting to fight.

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