Start with the Beastmaster Contract

217 Who is right and who is wrong [Please subscribe, please recommend, please vote monthly! ]

"You also passed the four tests?"

"You too?"

The four looked at each other, full of surprise.

Originally, I thought the other party only had some ordinary resources and treasures, but I didn't expect that the other party would directly pull up the resources, which was a bit unexpected.

The stone book and the resources and treasures without the spiritual energy protection layer were put aside first. In the case of half of the room being filled with testing instruments and equipment and a large number of books, the resources and treasures with full spiritual energy protection layers were identified first.

After all, the resources and treasures obtained from the ruins may cause the energy inside the resources and treasures to be lost due to improper storage methods and the wrong method of breaking the spiritual energy protection layer, turning them into waste with only appearance.

The identification was very fast. The resources and treasures that this master breeder could recognize were placed aside, and those that could not be recognized for the time being were placed on the other side, and then they would be searched in the book according to the instrument detection results later.

Soon, all the resources and treasures were identified. Because of the long time, although there was a protective layer of spiritual energy to protect these resources and treasures, they could only be broken when they were used, otherwise the energy inside would all be lost and turned into waste.

And this master breeder also taught Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin how to break the spiritual energy protective layer.

Next, it was the identification of those resources and treasures that were not covered by the spiritual energy protective layer.

"This one is a spirit jade with the attribute of the dead spirit, which contains extremely strong spiritual energy of the dead spirit system. For some dead spirit beast cubs, long-term wearing will improve its foundation."


"This one, wait a moment, I'll check it."

As he said, looking at the bone horn that Lin Qianyu took out, this master breeder was a little puzzled and didn't dare to be sure.

So after inspection and reading various books, this master breeder determined what this bone horn was.

"This bone horn is the horn of the Netherworld White Dou, and according to the instrument inspection, it should be the horn left by the Netherworld White Dou at the Lord level, and the energy inside it is extremely intact. It is a good resource treasure for cultivating the Netherworld White Dou clan."

Hearing the appraisal of this master breeder, it is not much different from what Lin Qianyu guessed. After all, what was obtained in the ancient city must be used to cultivate beasts, but it is not known which beast it is left behind.

And then, a stone slab, two stone books, and two eggs, this is the highlight of this appraisal, even Dean Dongfang came to watch the fun.

However, this appraisal will not be over soon, because the ancient characters on the stone slab and stone book need to be translated, and it takes a lot of time to translate word by word according to the book.

So, these three things will be left here, and when the translation is completed, Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin will be notified.

So, these two eggs are the focus of the appraisal.

While this master breeder was carefully observing the two eggs, Lin Qianyu also used the system to scan the two eggs again.

Among them, Jiang Dunbin's egg did not have any information displayed on the system panel. If nothing unexpected happened, Jiang Dunbin's egg should be a dead egg!

It can be said that Jiang Dunbin's biggest gain this time has been wasted.

However, although he already knew the result, Lin Qianyu remained silent and let this master breeder continue to identify it, and then get the result from him, which is the best result.

One hour later.

After hearing the identification of this master breeder, Jiang Dunbin was a little regretful, but not too regretful.

After all, for him, a dragon master, this egg is bad, at most it is just a loss and less profit.

After all, for Jiang Dunbin, even if the egg was intact, it was impossible to contract this beast. Although he didn't know what kind of beast it was, it was definitely not a dragon beast. For Jiang Dunbin, who was preparing to recast the glory of the dragon beast, it was a bit difficult to accept non-dragon beasts.

So, even if this egg was intact and could hatch, it would be used to exchange for resources. It was basically impossible for Jiang Dunbin to contract it.

At the same time, this master breeder told Lin Qianyu that this egg was in an abnormal state. The shadow worm in the egg should have been able to break out of the shell long ago, but now it seemed to be sealed in the eggshell, so it was unlikely to wait for this shadow worm egg to hatch naturally, and at this time, external interference was needed, that is, dripping blood directly outside the eggshell to contract.

This is a very ancient contract method, which is very luck-testing. After all, no one knows what the talent of the beast cub in the eggshell is. Therefore, with the improvement of beast breeding technology, this ancient contract method is rarely used. However, this is now the way to hatch the shadow worm.

Although it is not the only way, it is the simplest and most practical way.

However, Lin Qianyu did not try it right away. After all, the turtle has not yet broken through to the leadership realm, and Lin Qianyu is not qualified to contract the fifth beast. Forcing the contract will only cause his mental power to explode and cause disability.

In addition to the stone tablet and stone book, today's appraisal has been completed, and the dead egg was asked by this master breeder to take it for research.

Since it was a dead egg, it was useless, so Jiang Dunbin gave it. It was also the fee for the appraisal of this master breeder today. Although it was not necessary to pay this fee for Dean Dongfang's sake, since he asked for it, he had to pay it.


Five days later, the contents on the stone slab and the two stone books were also translated. The contents on the stone slab were about the cultivation method of the shadow insects in the ancient country of Yundian.

The contents recorded in the two stone books were related to the birth of the two beast eggs.

In order to cultivate the most powerful beast, the last king of the ancient country of Yundian made an extremely evil and bloody sacrifice to cultivate the descendants of the four strongest beasts in the ancient country of Yundian at that time.

And this sacrifice was to wipe out the beasts and humans together, and use a special method to mix the blood and spiritual power together to cultivate the beast eggs.

So, what Lin Qianyu saw in the underground town was the scene after the sacrifice.

The stone book records such scenes, but one is about the Netherworld White Pouch, and the other is about the cultivation of ghost antelopes.

It can be said that the last king of the ancient Yundian Kingdom had a crazy idea, but he was successful.

However, according to historical records, the last king of the ancient Yundian Kingdom was a tyrant, making the people in the ancient Yundian Kingdom live in misery. It was also because of this that aroused public anger, launched riots, and pushed the last king of the ancient Yundian Kingdom off the throne.

Now, according to the records on the stone book, the records in the history book are a little different from what they record.

However, who can tell who is right and who is wrong in thousands of years of history? After all, history is written by the victors!

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