Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$128 You are not a human! [Seeking monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~]

Longlong's breakthrough and evolution also gave Lin Qianyu a little security.

That afternoon, at the training hall.

"Longlong, fly quickly!"

"Bingmi! Bingmi: "Two-legged beast! Don't you know how much you weigh? It's good enough to take you flying! What else do you want!

Longlong flapped his wings vigorously, grabbed Lin Qianyu's shoulders with his claws, and flew up with Lin Qianyu.

However, Longlong could only fly with Lin Qianyu within a range of one meter above the ground. If the distance was higher, it would not work.

After hearing Longlong's words, Lin Qianyu still felt that Longlong's power was too weak. He couldn't even take her flying, so what kind of flying beast was he!

He didn't consider his own weight and Longlong's strength at all.

He flew with Lin Qianyu at a height of one meter above the ground for three minutes, and then Longlong couldn't do it anymore.

After putting Lin Qianyu on the ground, Longlong also collapsed directly to the ground, panting, and even the pair of dragon wings looked limp.

It can be said to be a true portrayal of exhaustion.

"Bingmi, bingmi!": Two-legged beast, you need to lose weight, you are too heavy!

"Nonsense, this is the standard weight, you should strengthen your exercise.

Look, as a flying beast, you can't even take me to fly, what kind of flying beast are you? You should reflect on yourself first!"

"Bingmi! Bingmi!": Two-legged beast, you are making up excuses!

Longlong was so angry that he wanted to get up from the ground and hit Lin Qianyu with a dragon tail, but it was a little difficult to get up again after falling down in a state of exhaustion.

So, after struggling for a few times, Longlong gave up directly, just like a carp lying dead on the ground, the dragon tail swung a few times, and then there was no more.

It fully highlights the plump image of wanting to resist but unable to do anything.

The next day.

After Longlong had a breakthrough evolution and passed the school's strength assessment, Lin Qianyu was already qualified to accept off-campus tasks, but only for D-level and C-level tasks.

In the task section of the special information network, Lin Qianyu directly screened the D-level and C-level tasks, and after finding the tasks that were suitable for her to complete and had high credit rewards, Lin Qianyu began to accept the tasks.

The first task was to deal with the wild gophers that ran down from the mountains next to the suburbs of the imperial capital.

This task took Lin Qianyu two days.

The key was that the gophers were too good at hiding. In the end, Lin Qianyu had no choice but to let the turtle spray water into the holes they dug to knock them out, and let the snake and dragon finish them off.

This made the turtle very tired. The high-intensity continuous spraying of water almost took half of its life.

"Turtle, try hard, just treat it as training your proficiency in spraying water!"

"Hey, hey!": Two-legged beast, you don't have back pain when you talk while standing, try spraying for a few hours continuously, and see if you will become a dried human being!


Lin Qianyu was almost crushed on the face by the wheel of the turtle.

Lin Qianyu was also very curious, where did the turtle learn this knowledge, and it was obviously not allowed to watch TV dramas~

The second task was to assist the Imperial Capital Beast Taming Association in arresting a thief.

This thief had no other abilities, but his speed of running was amazing, and no one knew what he was thinking. He was obviously detained for fifteen days after being caught, but he ran desperately, ran into the alleys, ran to the mountains in the suburbs, and in short, he showed a strong desire to survive.

This made Lin Qianyu suffer. She originally thought that catching a thief was not difficult, but because this guy could run, Lin Qianyu chased him for four days.

Having lived in the open air all the way, Lin Qianyu had the idea of ​​killing this man.

In the end, it was only with the help of Longlong's aerial reconnaissance and Sheshe's agility in the mountains and forests that they managed to stop him.

"Damn it, keep running!"

Looking at the thief who was thrown to the ground by Sheshe's tail, Lin Qianyu sneered from the soul.

"If my Moon Dog hadn't been exhausted, you, a ** kid, would still want to catch up with me!"

"Sai Linmu! Longlong, don't pull me, I want to make him pay!"

"Bingmi! Bingmi!": I didn't pull you, two-legged beast, don't slander me!

Lin Qianyu: . . . . . .

"Go, give him a few slaps."

"Bingmi? Bingmi?": Why me? Can't the big turtle do it?

"You are more cruel. I just wanted to beat him up, but you wanted to kill him!"

Longlong tilted his head to look at the claws of the turtle next to him, and then looked at his own claws. After comparing them, it seemed that it would be better to do it himself.

Then, Longlong went over and slapped the thief in the face.

"嘤Mi!嘤Mi!": It turns out that it feels so good to slap someone in the face! No, why don't you do it yourself, you biped!

"You don't understand, you little kid. I can't hit him. If I hit him, it will be abuse."

"嘤米!嘤米!": Then why can I hit him?

"It's very simple. You are not a human!"

"嘤米! 嘤米!": It seems to be like this!

Longlong, biting his claws, savored Lin Qianyu's words. It seemed that there was indeed no problem. After all, he himself was not a human.

After completing these two tasks, Lin Qianyu really couldn't think of taking the third task.

Too tired, two plus four days of continuous mission time, Lin Qianyu took the 147 credits and 60,000 yuan reward from the mission and went back to Imperial Capital University to make up for the lessons.

After all, the six days must have been the time Lin Qianyu took off.

However, when returning to Imperial Capital University, Lin Qianyu seemed to have forgotten something that was not too important, but since he couldn't remember it, Lin Qianyu didn't think about it, anyway, he felt it was not important.

However, Lin Qianyu couldn't remember it, but Longlong still remembered it.

When he was doing the mission outside, Longlong didn't mention it, but when he returned to Imperial Capital University, Lin Qianyu still didn't mention it, which made Longlong wonder if Lin Qianyu wanted to cheat.

Then, with Longlong's reminder, Lin Qianyu finally remembered what this not-so-important thing was.

It was the figurine he promised to buy for Longlong after he broke through to the awakening realm.

In an instant, half of the 60,000 yuan reward for the mission was removed and exchanged for a small figurine.

Although it was a bit painful, this was what Lin Qianyu had promised Longlong in advance, and Longlong had given in. Otherwise, the price of the other size figure that he had originally set his eyes on would have been so high that it would have made Lin Qianyu choke.


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