When Lin Fan saw this, he immediately released his ghost power.

Repair his injuries.

As the ghost power poured into his body, the blood holes in Tanjiro's body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he felt this.

While Tanjiro was serious about confronting the enemy, he never forgot to thank him ,"Thank you for recuperating my injury, Arjuramaru!"

Lin Fan didn't refute anything, but chose to continue observing.

On the other hand, when the female ghost saw Tanjiro being hit by his vampire technique, a sickly smile finally appeared on her lips.

"It must be painful to be hit by my blood, but it doesn't matter, you won't feel the pain soon, after all, the blood has dried up!"

As he said that, he waved his arm again to spread a large amount of blood, activated the blood ghost technique, and struck at Tanjiro like a bullet in the air.

Perhaps he suffered a loss.

This time, Tanjiro immediately activated the sword technique without hesitation,"Water Breathe - land type - reverse the vortex!"

The blade burst out with water, spinning around the body and converging into a waterspout, blocking all the incoming blood and rotating with the water. It completely lost its original power.

Tanjiro stopped his movements and started holding the sword in one hand. Move quickly.

The female ghost's expression froze when she saw this.

Is this guy a monster?

His body has been punched with blood holes, but he can still use it so vigorously and without hindrance. Such an exaggerated move?!

Are you a ghost, or am I a ghost?

But with this kind of injury, he shouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Thinking of this, the female ghost raised her arms and crossed her hands. The fingertips of the claws embedded in the forearm, and then they suddenly tore outwards.

Tanjiro found his figure and released a cross slash made of blood.

Tanjiro immediately dodged and missed the slash. During this brief confrontation, Tanjiro has also discovered certain patterns, such as the female ghost's blood ghost technique.

After the blood leaves the body, it can release an accelerated impact, but the direction is fixed and cannot be changed. During this period, the blood is completely intact. Out of control.

Moreover, the amount of blood fired by this female ghost is extremely limited. The closer the distance is, the denser the blood is and the easier it is to dodge. What we need to do now is to close the distance between them! Seeing this , the female ghost rushed out with a knife in one hand, waving her arms wildly to release blood, and yelled angrily.

""Don't come near me, get out of my way!"

But Tanjiro's eyes were firm. As he moved, several blood holes appeared on his body again, but they were quickly healed by Lin Fan.

As the distance shortened

, the blood could not spread, and the attack range narrowed.

Tanjiro dodged more easily, and the female ghost gradually became terrified when facing Tanjiro who was getting closer and closer.

"Don't come any closer, I told you not to come any closer!"

While speaking, he waved his arms separately and sent out two blood slashes.

Tanjiro had also come closer.

He jumped to avoid one of the horizontal slashes. The moment he stopped in the air, the female ghost used the blood ghost technique again. He launched his second slash vertically.

"Hehe, go to hell!"

There is no way to gain leverage in the air, and the ghost girl knows that this move cannot be avoided no matter what.

But Tanjiro in the air gritted his teeth and suddenly turned his body, passing by the slash.

He held the knife in one hand and used his sword skills.

"Breath of Water - Shape of Seven - Shizuku's ripple strike!"

The hand holding the knife was charging up, and there was nothing fancy about it.

Instead, it was just a sudden stab of the knife, directly piercing the female ghost's throat, as if the knife entered the water without causing any ripples or obstacles.

Just when Tanjiro was about to cut off the head horizontally.

The female ghost also tried her best and raised her hands as if she was preparing to activate the blood ghost technique again.

At this point, Tanjiro had no way out, so he tried his best and raised his sword sideways.

It seemed that it was too late to activate the vampire technique again, but he still had no intention of stopping. However, Lin Fan noticed something was wrong when he saw the female ghost's throat moving slightly..immediately reminded

"Tanjiro, be careful of the blood on its neck!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the female ghost suddenly sneered.

"Go to hell, ghost hunters!"

Suddenly a large mouthful of blood gathered in the mouth, and it gathered together to activate the ability, and shot directly out of the mouth at high speed.

At this distance, it was almost difficult to avoid.

But fortunately, Lin Fan reminded him, and Tanjiro had already expected it. , and immediately tilted his head as soon as the blood came out.

The blood flew past the side of his face.

At the same time, Tanjiro cut off the female ghost's head and drew a semicircle in the air.

The female ghost's head fell to the ground , and her eyes could not hide the horror,"How is this possible... This is impossible.……"

He was wailing and screaming before he died, and his body and head began to gradually turn into ashes.

But suddenly there was a meow from beside Tanjiro, and when he turned around, he saw a calico cat appearing behind him.

It was looking at Tanjiro with a pair of big eyes, and there was a piece of talisman paper stuck under its neck. The pattern was clearly made by Yushiro.

Squatting down, I saw that the cat was carrying a small backpack behind it.

He reached in and found a piece of paper and a folded knife, and opened the piece of paper.

It was clearly written on it.

This cat will deliver blood to my hand for you in the future. As long as the folding knife is opened and inserted into the ghost's body, it will automatically absorb and store blood.

After collecting the blood, just put it back into the backpack.

See these writings.

Tanjiro opened the folding knife. It looked more like a test tube knife. Looking at the corpses of the three ghosts around him, only the female ghost still had part of her body left.

Without any time to think, he swung the knife forward.

The blade pierced the body, and due to the air pressure blood began to flow into the test tube of the blade quickly.

And just then.

Lin Fan also returned the favor once again.

Tanjiro once again felt an improvement in all aspects, and even the time he could maintain his breathing technique was also increasing rapidly.

This improvement can be said to be far greater than any previous one.

However, Lin Fan felt that this was normal. After all, this female ghost was indeed very strong, and at the same time she was also very scheming and had all kinds of calculations.

If you don't have yourself.

Tanjiro might really die in the hands of this guy. Even if he wins in the end, he will inevitably be seriously injured.

Fortunately, he won the battle in the end, and Tanjiro was once again encouraged to improve his strength, as if he had encountered a female ghost of this strength again.

It won't be as embarrassing as this time. on the other hand.

Lin Fan thought this was just fine, as long as the Twelve Ghost Moons didn't come.

These ghosts come and kill one by one.

As long as you endure, the more you fight, the stronger you will become!

It won't be easy to kill Wu Mei by then.

In other words, locking up Wuhan and maiming it, and then slashing it a few times to increase its mood value seems to be good...

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