In a violent collision with evil thoughts, Zhang Tianqi's huge body retreated one after another, stepping on the starry sky to a large area with each step.

And the same evil thought was also under Zhang Tianqi's powerful power, and he was shocked to retreat several steps in a row, and at the same time, the breath that controlled Lao Ji was also dispersed.

Evil Nian's pair of scarlet eyes stared at Zhang Tianqi tightly:

"What a terrifying power, such a pure Yuan God power, the flesh body has actually been tempered with the origin of heaven and earth, boy, I have to admit that you have the qualifications to fight with me, and the others here don't even have the qualifications to die in my hands!"

Zhang Tianqi waved his arm to dispel the evil qi stained on his fist, and while guarding against evil thoughts, a voice came to Lao Ji.

"Lao Ji, how are you?"

"Tianqi, I...!"

But halfway through Lao Ji's words, the originally purple calamity cloud suddenly turned black.

The kind of aura that emanated made Zhang Tianqi's brows furrow tightly!

"Okay boy, don't bother, this Fang Heavenly Dao has been planted by me, it seems that you have a good relationship, do you want to kill the killer and destroy this Fang Heavenly Dao?"


"What do you want?"

"What do I think? I think...... I want my essence to be the king of this universe!

"Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other, you are just a wisp of evil thoughts, and you inevitably think too much!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Tianqi rushed up again, but this time he was not facing that Tang Zihao's evil thoughts, but the old foundation of the Heavenly Dao!

The black calamity cloud covered the sky and wrapped Zhang Tianqi inside, and the terrifying power of the Heavenly Dao conjured up various attacks around Zhang Tianqi's continuous attacks.

Although Lao Ji's strength now cannot be compared with Zhang Tianqi, even if he mobilizes the power of Heavenly Dao, he can't help Zhang Tianqi, but Zhang Tianqi did not hurt the killer to attack Lao Ji.

The starry sky kept collapsing, all the way away, and soon the fluctuations of the battle reached the edge of the starry sky belt.

A black chaotic belt appeared above the entire galactic galaxy, lying on the galactic galaxy like a huge scar!

Under the action of Lao Ji's heart demon, he could no longer control himself, but with the blessing of the will of heaven and earth, Lao Ji would have a short pause from time to time.

This made Zhang Tianqi see the opportunity, completely disregarding other things, and decisively shot.

Zhang Tianqi, who shot with all his strength, made Lao Ji's brief pause instantly become a fatal weakness, and the black calamity cloud was squeezed in his hand by Zhang Tianqi with the Great God Technique, and at the same time, he waved his hand to cut off the connection between Lao Ji and this heaven and earth with a wave of his hand and the Supreme Sword Dao.

"One sword breaks all eternity!"


The order in the galaxy instantly appeared chaotic, and various turbulence appeared, directly sweeping the entire starry sky, and many worlds were affected, and countless lives were killed and injured!

But Zhang Tianqi understands that if he doesn't hurt the killer now, that is, to make that evil thought become a reality, and the war between galaxies is most likely to rush straight to the galaxy where Tang Zihao is, and if he is really succeeded by the evil thought, it will be troublesome.

Holding Lao Ji, who was planted with heart demons, Zhang Tianqi did not hesitate and directly received Lao Ji into his sea of consciousness, because it was where Lao Ji had stayed for a hundred years!

At the same time, an identical Zhang Tianqi appeared in Zhang Tianqi's sea of consciousness, except that this was Zhang Tianqi's Buddha cultivation body, and his body exuded a huge Buddha gate aura, and the entire sea of consciousness resounded with the sound of Buddha Gate.


"Great mercy and compassion, no self!"

"All living beings are true Buddhas!"

Zhang Tianqi's Buddhist cultivation body directly turned into a huge bell that exuded the purification power of the Buddha Gate, and held Lao Ji inside!

And Zhang Tianqi found at this moment that countless strong people in the galaxy had been planted with heart demons, and this was because the Heavenly Dao was controlled.

"Give me death!"

Zhang Tianqi roared, and the whole person took a step and appeared in front of Tang Zihao's evil thoughts, his fist broke through the chaos, broke through the starry sky, and rushed straight over.

"Nine Fire Dragon Strength!"

"One punch shocks the ages!"


A strong collision made Zhang Tianqi feel a strong pressure, and the power of the Heavenly Dao in his body violently shook.

Suppressing the shock in the body, Zhang Tianqi shot out one after another, and the powerful magical technique was thrown towards Tang Zihao's evil thoughts like he didn't want money.

"Sword slashes heaven and earth!"

"Burning the sky!"

"Crush the gods and demons!"

And Tang Zihao's evil thoughts also had to be taken seriously, because Zhang Tianqi's strength was terrifying, his physical body was terrifyingly strong, and he had the blessing of his own Great World Origin Power, and his combat effectiveness could no longer be measured by the strength of the Heavenly Dao Realm!

"One sword opens the sky!"

"Yin and Yang in the palm!"

The battle between the two caused a huge disaster in the galaxy, and the starry sky was beaten into chaos, and the chaos was then impacted into a new starry sky by the power emanated.

And Tang Zihao's evil thoughts were getting more and more frightened at this moment, he did not expect that Zhang Tianqi did not have the support of the previous Heavenly Dao, and he actually had such a terrifying talent.

A sword transformed by black evil qi appeared in his hand, and he slashed a sword at Zhang Tianqi, and then the whole person disappeared.

And Zhang Tianqi faced the sword of evil thoughts, and a golden light bloomed above the huge body of the whole person, using his fingers as a sword, and the Supreme Sword Dao was used to the extreme, and a sword was cut out!

"Shhhh Airplanes......! The

sound of the sword sounded, and once again in the starry sky because of the collision of the sword path, an endless ravine appeared, extending all the way to the depths of the boundless starry sky!

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