Zhang Tianqi plus the remaining seven supreme powerhouses, fighting with all their strength, plus the moment when the Heavenly Dao suddenly stopped, it can be said that the Heavenly Dao was hit hard again.

It's a pity that the intensity of this attack caused everyone who had been fighting for a long time to be fatally shocked again.

Yin Yang Heavenly Emperor Dragon Underworld, Broken Heavenly Emperor Cui Wulife, Immortal Heavenly Emperor Guangtianzun, the three holy bodies suffered heavy damage, on the verge of collapse, the Yuan God began to be disillusioned, fortunately thanks to the strong strength of the three, and finally protected his Yuan Shen.

And the Green Emperor Xiaoyao, the Shocking Heavenly Emperor Mountain King, the Dragon Guardian Heavenly Emperor Dragon King, and the Kunlun Heavenly Emperor Su Yixian and several people are also weak in the holy power in the body, and the whole person's Dharma Heaven and Earth Great Divine Power was instantly shattered and restored to his original appearance.

"Ahem... Ahem ahem...! The

bodies of several people swayed in the starry sky, and no one returned to their previous demeanor.

However, although Zhang Tianqi was covered in injuries at this time, and the blood at the corners of his mouth continued to flow, he still rushed up again with a terrifying and powerful genetic ability, and kept attacking the Heavenly Dao.

"Preach with strength, fight the heavens with strength!"

No one could have imagined that a person who had been fighting for months and whose holy power was close to exhaustion could still have such terrifying attack power.

"Boom... Rumble......! Just

after Zhang Tianqi's fierce attack, a flash of brilliance suddenly flashed in the starry sky, and the rules of heaven and earth once again appeared strong fluctuations, and the blood-colored dark clouds gathered again, only a light appeared in the dark clouds, and kept moving away.

And the change of the rules of heaven and earth makes everyone feel that what is called the farthest distance in the world is that he is in front of your eyes, but you can't catch him!

"Heart of Heavenly Dao...!"

"Heaven's Dao can't hold up... He wants to escape, stop him...! "

The Green Emperor Xiaoyao had a fever in his eyes, and he wanted to use his great divine power to chase the heart of the Heavenly Dao, but as soon as he moved, he frowned, the holy power in his body was not good, and it was impossible to catch up with the Heavenly Dao.

"Did it just fail...!"

"Hahahahaha... Tu Tian...? Hahahahaha... Under the way of heaven are all ants, we are all too confident, the will of heaven cannot be violated...! "

The Shocking Heavenly Emperor Mountain King, the Dragon Protector Heavenly Emperor Dragon King, and the Kunlun Heavenly Emperor Su Yixian looked pale at the Heart of Heavenly Dao that illuminated the starry sky, and then looked at Zhang Tianqi, who stood in the void like a giant in the sky.


"We have lost, the result of waiting for all things is destruction, we have a negative life of ten thousand races...!"

"Hahahahaha... It's ridiculous... Actually defeated, this is the beginning of the disaster of ten thousand races...! "

Reflecting the miserable voice is the path of slaughtering the heavens paved with the blood and bones of thousands of saints in the starry sky!

This seemed to be a mockery, the bones paved the heavenly avenue, but at the end were a few heaven-slaughtering losers who were already dying and had little holy power left!

Just when everyone thought that the matter of slaughtering the sky had failed and could not be recovered, suddenly Zhang Tianqi's body emitted a brilliance, flashed extremely quickly, and instantly rushed into the blood-colored dark clouds that were far away.

Zhang Tianqi only felt that something was suddenly missing in his body, and when he saw the streamer rushing towards the Heavenly Dao, Zhang Tianqi understood.

"Lao Ji... Hope you succeed! "

At this time, among all the people, only Zhang Tianqi can still exert a strength comparable to the Great Dao Saint Realm, so at this moment, the Green Emperor is free, the Heavenly Emperor Cui Wu Life, the Immortal Heavenly Emperor Guang Tianzun, and the Yin Yang Heavenly Emperor Dragon and the Underworld are also staring at Zhang Tianqi closely.

They were afraid that Zhang Tianqi would turn back and kill them directly!

Looking at the distant starry sky where a large area of brilliance was released, and the roar came from time to time, Zhang Tianqi knew that the future of all the creatures in this galaxy was pressed on Lao Ji's body.

But Zhang Tianqi was sinking his mind into his own side of the world at this moment, feeling the power of faith that kept gathering in the world, and the perception of the rules of heaven and earth that this world brought to Zhang Tianqi like a creation god, Zhang Tianqi's strength vaguely fluctuated.

In fact, Zhang Tianqi was also extremely flustered in his heart at the moment, he didn't know if Lao Ji succeeded, would he return to himself, or whether he would make a move on these few strong people to eliminate the trouble!

After all, the success of the slaughtering of heavens is a potential threat to any new superior, and the person who has slaughtered the heavens is a potential threat.

Therefore, Zhang Tianqi had already secretly made plans for himself, and now under the strong fusion of the power of faith and human ideas in this world, a rudiment of the Heavenly Dao has been formed.

And this rudiment of the Heavenly Dao was in Zhang Tianqi's heart, where it had always existed, and even Lao Ji did not notice it in the slightest.

This is also since Lao Ji said some secret things, Zhang Tianqi began to secretly leave a way back for himself.

Feeling the power in the world, Zhang Tianqi muttered expectantly:

"It's still a little close, if Lao Ji succeeds and returns to me, then it is estimated that this matter cannot be hidden from him, if you know it, you will know it, and if he does not return to himself, this is the foundation of my life!"

A battle to slaughter the sky lasted for more than half a year, and the road to heaven composed of the flesh and blood of the saints in the starry sky was still there, and the remaining seven powerhouses and Zhang Tianqi stood quietly in the void, like statues, waiting for the final result.

I don't know when, the thunderous sound in the starry sky disappeared, and the full sky light disappeared, originally like the end of the world, the formation of a starry sky black hole vortex after swallowing tens of thousands of barren planets, dissipated in the starry sky!

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