At the moment when Zhang Tianqi copied successfully, he directly said to the clown:

"Clown, okay, don't rush forward, look for the next target."

The clown was stunned for a moment, not knowing why, but still turned around according to Zhang Tianqi's order and headed for the next target.

Under the leadership of the clown, Zhang Tianqi constantly looked for the Starry Sky Devouring Beast in the starry sky belt and copied it.

With more and more copies, Zhang Tianqi's strength has also steadily improved, but he has never been able to step into the realm of the Great Dao Saint.

"I said Lao Ji, what's the matter, I have copied more than ten of this Starry Sky Devouring Beasts so far, the weakest is also the early stage of the Law Saint Realm, such a huge amount of cultivation realm, how can I still not break through to the realm of the Great Dao Saint?"

System: "Little King Baegg, you have to know that reaching the realm of the saint with law and the realm of the saint without the law is the existence that can live with heaven and earth, and the sun and the moon shine together, and this Dao saint realm has completely entered another level."

When Zhang Tianqi heard Lao Ji's words, he asked suspiciously

, "Oh, could there be any huge changes after reaching the Great Dao Saint Realm?"

System: "That's right, after reaching the Great Dao Sage Realm, you will grasp the true meaning of time and space. "


System: "But you can travel between the past and the future, what I worry about the most, do you know?" "


System: "It's that Green Emperor who went back in time to kill you, then with his cultivation and understanding of the Avenue of Space and the Avenue of Time, you may disappear now because of the rules of heaven and earth!"


When Zhang Tianqi heard Lao Ji's words, the whole person couldn't help but gasp, go back to the past and kill himself, what a terrifying means!

But at this time, Zhang Tianqi suddenly thought of a question.

"You said that cultivation to the Great Dao Saint Realm can travel through the past and the future? Then like the king of the mountain, why did they reincarnate? Isn't it okay to go straight back to the future? System

: "Little bastard, you, ah, are still too young, do you think they don't have to pay a price to return to the past and the future?" Moreover, the power of the rules between heaven and earth is very restrained.

"Also, many of those people back then participated in competing for the Heart of Heaven's Dao in order to reach the realm of Heaven's Dao, do you think they will use their true bodies to return to the past and future to find the Heart of Heaven's Dao?"

"Besides, even if they fight to pay the price and go back to the past or the future, their strength will be weakened a lot because of the rules of heaven and earth!"

"You're making a brain show, aren't you?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tianqi probably understood that although the Great Dao Sage was powerful to the point of terror and could return to the past and future, he had never been able to surpass the Heavenly Dao and could not completely get rid of the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth.

"Lao Ji, you know so clearly, you are the Heart of Heavenly Dao that disappeared in the galaxy where the Ten Thousand Immortal Realm is located, now that the Ten Thousand Immortal Realm has stabilized, are you going to return to the position of Heavenly Dao?"

System: "Little Wang Baegg, I will tell you everything after you reach the Dao Saint Realm, it is useless to tell you now, and you don't have enough strength to change all this."

Zhang Tianqi smiled with a firm look in his eyes and said

, "Don't worry, I don't believe how difficult it is to break through this Great Dao Saint Realm."

"Joker, give me full firepower and continue to look for your kind, the more the better."


And at the same time, in the secret realm where the galaxy star and the mountain king were located, the power of the sky-rushing avenue erupted, and the entire secret realm was shaky and ready to collapse at any time.

I saw that the whole person of the mountain king was sitting in the void of the secret realm, and the qi of heaven and earth in the entire secret realm revolved around the mountain king, with the mountain king as the center, forming a huge funnel-shaped whirlpool.

The power of the avenue around him continued to roll, extremely terrifying, and after a long time, the power of the avenue in the sky strangely gathered towards one place, where there was a mighty figure of the Heavenly Emperor Mountain King.

"Finally returned to the peak state, who was involved in the events back then, I will definitely find out one by one, and none of you will want to run away!"

In another secret realm, the chess idiot also exuded a terrifying power of the avenue, his eyes opened, and the space in front of him instantly turned into chaos.

"So that's it? You are really ambitious, you actually want to kill two birds with one stone, but since this is the case, I don't have to hide it specifically! In

the secret realm where the dragon underworld was, unbridled laughter was coming from at this time.

"Hahahahaha, Lao Tzu has returned to his peak state, mountain cannon king, smelly chess basket, no matter what, I also want to get that thing."

At the same time that the three of them returned to their peak state, among several mysterious secret realms of the Galaxy Star, the three of the Heavenly Emperor Cui Wulife, the Immortal Heavenly Emperor Guangtianzun, and the Demon Venerable Heavenly Emperor An Daoyuan also returned to their peak state.

Unlike the previous three, the breath on these three people was more domineering because of their bloodthirsty aura.

Above a peerless place, the Broken Heavenly Emperor Cui Wumei looked up at the starry sky above his head and muttered,

"I didn't expect that the collision back then caused turmoil in the Heavenly Dao of this world?" Will there be a chance? As

soon as Cui Wumei's words fell, a person suddenly appeared beside him, it was the Immortal Heavenly Emperor Guangtianzun.

"Cui Wuji, what are you thinking?"

"Hey, isn't this not very hard * licking the emperor? How, do you want to compare twice? The

Immortal Heavenly Emperor Guangtianzun glanced at the Shattered Heavenly Emperor lightly, and said,

"I know what you are thinking? Do you want to move here?

As he spoke, Guang Tianzun pointed to the sky above his head.

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

"Hmph, don't pretend, some people are earlier than you think!"

Zhu Wuhen's eyes flashed, and he looked at Guang Tianzun in surprise: "

The Green Emperor is free?"

Immortal Heavenly Emperor Guangtianzun nodded slightly

, "What do you think he is not reincarnating like us for, we people have really wasted a lifetime, and have already opened some gaps!"

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