Start with Construction Skills

Chapter five hundred and twenty second news from the north

After signing the contract, the two sides finally stopped fighting on the border, and the human side continued to receive a large number of people. However, with work, human hatred for werewolves has become more and more serious.

No way, these humans, who were raised by werewolves as livestock, were severely devastated.

Many people have even lost their humanity and can only live by instinct.

Some people who still maintain a certain degree of humanity seem to have suffered a huge blow to their spirits, and their whole people look like wood. These people, even if they want to teach them, can't do it.

People can only educate them in front of them, so that they can adapt to their current life and help them cultivate the land.

It seems that if you want to cultivate these people, you can only start with children.

After a long time of torment, the adults have long been unable to teach, but the children are fine.

These people have at least some level of education, the younger the easier it is. And being young is also a good time to practice. There is no way for totem sacrifice, after all, their hearts have also been traumatized to varying degrees.

But there is no problem with fighting Qi cultivation, this is only physical cultivation. The psychic influence doesn't matter much until you reach a certain height.

Forget it, wait until the next generation, and they will be able to fully integrate into us.

Jiang Hen didn't care much, but others couldn't. Because it has only been about ten years since Jiang Hen brought them out of the primitive tribe.

For them, they don't know how long it will take until the next generation is born and grown.

At the same time as receiving these people, the plan on the human side began to unfold. However, there were not many people they sent out, most of them were those stone statue warriors. Some people took a part of the stone statue soldiers and began to continuously open up the mountain forest area.

Often encounter some ghosts, and then there is a war.

The gargoyle warrior restrains the ghost, but it is not completely incomprehensible. As the battle progressed, the stone statue warriors began to wear out and were smashed into pieces one by one, all of which were known to the werewolf.

But what they didn't know was that Jiang Hen was quietly making stone warriors behind him.

Although it's not going all out now, there is more time now.

On this day, Jiang Hen just smashed a ball of light into a stone. As the debris fell from the stone, a stone warrior appeared. As soon as he stood up, Jiang Hen issued an order.

Then the stone warrior walked to a nearby hole and hid.

Even this underground hole was dug by the stone soldiers themselves. Even if the werewolf came over to scout, as long as they didn't enter the cave, they wouldn't know what happened here.

Suddenly, Heimu came over: Lord Jiang Hen, information from the north.

Jiang Hen stopped: Show it to me.

Generally speaking, if there are no special circumstances in the north, the battle report will not be delivered. After all, it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to pass it from there.

Now Jiang Hen has not built a teleportation array there, so people need to run and deliver things to come.

After taking over the thick information, Jiang Hen took a look and felt relieved. It turned out that it was not the information about the situation, but a long march. This time, a complete copy was sorted out and sent to him directly.

There are still some problems with the wording, but it's pretty good.

Being able to write such a long thing is really hard work. The reason why he knew that this was written by Heiyun was because Jiang Hen knew that other people were not at this level and could not write so many words.

What the north was talking about was the Northern Expeditionary Force, which set off at the same time as them, but headed towards the northern forest.

But the northern forest is not like the desert on their side. There is a kingdom in the desert, but there is no such large-scale group in the northern forest.

At most, there are some small tribes, and many people and ghosts who were driven out at the beginning went there.

Others, but there are many monsters. Now a large number of Warcraft crystal cores have been transported in the direction of the Black Dragon Empire, and it may not be long before a crystal core will be sent to him to help him improve his strength.

The offensive in the north was relatively smooth, similar to what Jiang Hen had imagined.

The army rushed all the way to the northern forest, and then with the gargoyle gargoyle warrior, easily resisted and attacked the enemies in the forest. Even the stone warriors turned into lumberjacks, carving out forests along the way, carving out a path through the middle.

The whole process was very easy and there were no problems at all.

Now they made their way through the forest, further north. Here, though, they had some trouble, but only trouble.

Because there are a group of kobolds living here, with the reproductive ability of kobolds, in the absence of natural enemies, there are naturally a large number of them. Crucially, these kobolds also like to burrow, leaving plenty of hiding places.

The result is that although the kobolds are not their opponents at all, they often hide in the burrows, and they can't catch up. After all, the cave dug by the kobold must be suitable for his body.

It would be very embarrassing for humans to walk around in it, and there was no way to fight.

If it is those stone warriors, with a height of up to three meters, it is impossible to even enter.

So now the black cloud can only lead people to look for the cave everywhere, and then dig it up to clean up the kobolds inside. This work may not be completed for a long time.

In order to be able to stay there for a long time, Heiyun has applied to build a new city there.

Fortunately, there are totems to reinforce buildings, and now there are primitive cements, otherwise such a city cannot be built at all. Even if it is forced to build, it will be digged and collapsed by kobolds.

Jiang Hen looked at Heiyun's description and thought a little in his heart. After all, there was once a world where kobolds were their main enemies, although only for a while.

After thinking about it, Jiang Hen picked up the pen and wrote quickly.

This is my record of some of the kobold's weaknesses and habits. If you send someone to Heiyun, it should have some effect on him. Jiang Hen has seen many kobolds, and there are many related descriptions.

So for Jiang Hen, this thing is still very familiar.

But the people of this world, where they used to live, didn't have kobolds, so they couldn't see them at all.

These things should be very helpful for Heiyun. Kuroki hurriedly bowed and left quickly with the letter. He also knows that this is for the sake of the overall situation of mankind, and there is no room for sloppiness.

Soon, a messenger left with a letter, and Jiang Hen was thoughtful: It seems that it is time to build a teleportation array.

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