Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 424 Finally broke through the sixth order

As soon as the two elemental elves met, they flew together and played together.

Jiang Hen said angrily: These things are really simple enough. Contracting pets is not an easy task, and it is often a very long-term job.

But what I didn't expect was that in less than a day, He Zi had already completed it.

But thinking of the character of these little things, Jiang Hen understood. At least play with me for a while, and I don't have to fool around. This little thing is posted by myself. It's so deceiving.

But there is no way, after all, it is the element elves of this special world, and there are not many intelligent creatures that they can come into contact with.

Plus, that's how her character is originally, it's not pure or not. If it is in a place with a large number of intelligent creatures, no matter how simple these little things are, it is impossible to reach this level.

The two elves knew each other from the beginning, even if Jiang Hen had changed a bit, it had no effect at all.

Sunny is indeed very simple, but I will teach it well in the future.

Sunny? The name of this little thing. Jiang Hen was a little curious.

Yeah, don't you have a name for this little elf? He Zi was very surprised, shouldn't all his pets have names, otherwise, how would they usually be called.

Jiang Hen thought about it, it seemed that the name was very important, so he just thought about it.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Hen said: It can't be called a cloudy sky, I think about it, then it's better to call it a wind chime.

Originally, Jiang Hen wanted to talk about the wind spirit, which represented the wind attribute and soul ability. However, after speaking, I found that this homophonic sound is also very good, and it is more in line with the image of the mutant elves.

This name is very nice. But this image, I didn't expect you to like this.

As He Zi said that, he quickly lowered his head and glanced at it, his face was a little hot.

Jiang Hen said speechlessly: This is my own change, what does it have to do with me. Can't admit it, absolutely can't admit it, Jiang Hen thought to himself.

Then, the two returned to their previous rhythm. He Zi would still go out every day, hunting elemental creatures everywhere, and at the same time feeding his elf Sunny Day, so that Sunny Day could improve his strength as soon as possible.

As for ginger marks,

Research every day. Wind chimes as their own skills do not need feeding at all.

As long as one's own strength improves, the strength of wind chimes will naturally improve, so just study it. But it was a little more lively, and the character of the wind chimes was too active.

It also caused some trouble for Jiang Hen at first. But later, the wind chimes also know that something can't move, so they usually look at Jiang Hen to experiment with curiosity.

He often sits on Jiang Hen's shoulders, dangling his calves and wings, entertaining himself.

Jiang Hen didn't know the reason for contracting the elves, anyway, the research speed has been faster recently. Within a month, Jiang Hen parsed the Thunder God's Roar spell that he had obtained.

This spell has tons of weird ideas, it's just one big piece of stuff.

As Jiang Hen slowly unraveled it, it gradually formed a spell that he could condense. This time, it was a sixth-order spell, and Jiang Hen named it Tianlei Combo.

Finally, it's up to me to see if this skill can run completely. As long as it is successful, then I can take this opportunity to advance to Tier 6. Jiang Hen said to himself.

Even the ingredients, ginger marks are ready. This is not brought from outside, but a special product of this world.

A place where lightning elements gather, some lightning spar that Jiang Hen got back. It contains a powerful thunder and lightning power, and it is really suitable to use this as the material for his new spell.

With Jiang Hen's experiment, the pictures and texts portrayed slowly run, and finally unimpeded, without any problems at all.

Jiang Hen breathed a sigh of relief, although he was very confident in his talent. But now that it involves his own advancement, he can't be sloppy at all, so he still needs to be more cautious.

Now that there is no problem in running, Jiang Hen also starts to paint with confidence.

A huge array is depicted, and the sixth-order array is much more complicated than the fifth-order array. It took Jiang Hen half an hour just to describe the magic circle.

With Jiang Hen's current ability, it took half an hour to describe it, one can imagine the complexity of this spell.

As the spar gradually melted, the drawings burned, and the composition slowly formed a special rune, which was integrated into Jiang Hen's sea of ​​consciousness. In an instant, Jiang Hen felt his sea of ​​consciousness vibrate.

The originally thick barrier was suddenly broken, the sea of ​​consciousness continued to spread, and the spiritual power became more and more concentrated.

Even his own magic power has been tempered again, getting stronger and stronger.

With the expansion of the sea of ​​​​knowledge, Jiang Hen knew that his bottleneck had been broken, and at this time he had entered the sixth order from the fifth order. After breaking the bottleneck, just relying on the original spell, his own strength has improved a lot.

At the same time, with Jiang Hen's breakthrough, the wind chimes around him began to improve.

However, the wind chimes can only be used to fight within ten meters, which is basically not very useful.

But the arcane fire phoenix that has been promoted at the same time is different. This guy is a genuine sixth-order arcane creature. With the arcane fire phoenix, he now has a genuine sixth-order combat power.

The breakthrough of the arcane fire phoenix attracted a large number of fire elements to condense, and a huge fireball appeared in the air.

The fire phoenix, which was originally huge, is now even bigger in normal size.

He Zi, who had not returned yet, suddenly stopped and looked towards the direction of the station. No, that guy broke through. He didn't let me help guard the breakthrough, it's very hateful.

He Zi stomped his feet, and with a look of anger, hacked his target to death. Then turned around and ran towards the station, the master broke through, how could he not be by his side as a guardian.

What kind of master have you been looking for? Why don't you care about the guardian's mood at all?

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Hen opened his eyes and let out a breath. Successful, I finally broke through the sixth order. If I want, I can choose to graduate now.

Of course, Jiang Hen can't graduate now, at least he has to read all the books in the library again.

Not all of them are read, but the useful parts cannot be given up. And after reaching the sixth level, all the books in the library will be open to you.

As for higher-level books, not just anyone is qualified to read them.

Unless you completely join the academy and become a member of the academy, certain things are secrets that are not passed on inside.

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