Start with Batman

Chapter 177: Stuck by the neck! ?

The bat bomb exploded almost at zero distance on the face, and the damage was almost literally full.

Unscientific light and heat were released from the small bomb, and the scorching air wave quickly expanded into a burning fireball.

Li Changcheng, who was floating lightly on the Tis Shield, lost his balance in an instant. His whole body was blown out of the flames of the explosion exaggeratedly, his body was like a black dagger piercing the fireball, and then he fell headlong towards the square below.

The burning trajectory cut through the night, and Li Chang fell like a meteorite. The asphalt was smashed to pieces, leaving a burning hole in the middle of the road. A car on the way was caught off guard and hurriedly braked and turned. The whole body turned sideways and barely stopped the car in front of the huge pit, but unexpectedly, the car behind did not have time to dodge and rear-ended it. The door was deformed and the whole car turned over. On the ground, the roof of the car dragged a bright spark on the road.

And in the next second, a mass of pitch-black matter erupted from the pothole, flipping the poor car in the opposite direction again.

A hand stuck out, pawing at the edge of the pothole.

At this time Li Changcheng looked a little disheartened.

The Tis shield in his body also reacted immediately before the face-to-face detonation. The liquid-like substance seeped out, covering his skin that was directly exposed to the direction of the explosion as much as possible.

But the time was too short and the explosion distance was too short, even for his so-called invincible Tith Shield, which was too hasty. The Tith Shield was still in the process of hardening and deploying, and the bat bomb detonated before the defense was fully formed.

At this moment, his whole body was covered with paint, his clothes were ragged, and many bright red wounds all over his body were struggling to recover under the physique of a strange person.

Before he fell to the ground, another part of the Tis shield seeped out from his back and spread out quickly, but it was not completely hardened as before, but changed into a cushion-like shape, which absorbs the absorption while slowing down. Part shock. If it weren't for this, the scene would have been even more tragic, maybe he might not even be able to get up.

Li Changcheng coughed up two mouthfuls of blood and barely stood up straight. The colorful city streets dazzled him a little, and the unsatisfactory landing made him even have slight tinnitus.


He should have known. That bat is not only superior in strength, but also has a bunch of weird little props, but also has an endless stream of insidious and cunning tricks-in his opinion, this is the most important point. Leng Ji was once cheated by this guy and his mind exploded.

He should have been more careful.

But it's not a big problem. He still has absolute confidence in the Tis shield in his body, as long as he is more cautious, he can easily...

As he was thinking about it, his complexion changed slightly as if he had sensed something. The Tis shield was released from the body in an instant, turning into a mass of soft sand and covering his whole body, enveloping him and retreating quickly, quickly opening the distance to a few meters away.

Exactly the next second after he backed away, a group of human-shaped shadows descended from the sky, and smashed into the position where Li Changcheng was just now with a bang.

The road surface exploded again with the tendency of a road officer's blood pressure to be full, and a huge hole was smashed in the middle of the poor road again, and the shock wave spread with dust and gravel.

It's not any skill or move, but the impact of the fall caused by pure free fall. Something embraced the gravity of the earth from a very high place and fell vertically, like a physical impact caused by a meteorite hitting the ground from outside the sky.

After opening the distance, Li Changcheng squatted on the ground. The black substance lay across in front of him in time, and the automatic defense mechanism of the Tis shield blocked the impact and stones. Flying sand and rocks were flying in the arena, and the diffuse smoke reduced visibility to a minimum. Li Changcheng frowned and looked at the deep pit, with a vague premonition rising in his heart.

What is this? Human missiles?

Yes, he also saw it clearly, the shape of the falling thing clearly looked like a human figure.

But judging from the momentum of the fall just now, the impact of falling from that height, even the strange ones should be smashed to pieces, right? What suicide attack?

But apparently not.

The figure quickly crawled out of the deep pit, and walked out of the deep pit as if nothing had happened. Its movements were casual and careless, and there was no sign of injury or inconvenience at all.

It was a man.

The man was quite strong in terms of physique. He was obviously not tall, but he had a ferocious face like a beast. With a full beard, a pair of eyes that are not easy to mess with, and wearing a white vest and dark blue jeans that are nothing more than ordinary, it doesn't look like there is anything special about it other than a bit fierce.


"The material the other party calls 'Tith Shield' is extremely hard, and the power provided by the Batman suit and the high temperature of the bat bomb explosion are not enough to penetrate it." Friday said.

"Very good." Chu Cheng smiled, "It's just right, let's try how hard it is."

Absolute defense? What we fight is absolute defense.

It's time to try out a new hero.


Li Changcheng saw the bearded man clenched his hands into fists, and two pairs of six sharp claws popped out between his knuckles.

Some kind of metal claws, as white as a piece of paper, shone with a metallic luster, reflecting the lights of the city.

Wolverine kicked his feet, and the whole person flew in the air like a beast of prey, and his sharp claws tore through the air and grabbed his head.

Although I don't know what the method is, but Li Changcheng has resumed the "moving half a centimeter and I lose" stance pose, with a confident demeanor of a master.

A hero I haven't seen, but it doesn't matter. The defense of the Tis shield is absolute. It is the material that constitutes the body of the ancient demon **** and does not belong to this world. It is an "absolute defense" in the true sense.

Sure enough, the Tis shield was activated and quickly solidified from a liquid state, lying in front of him like a shield. Li Changcheng put his hands behind his back, and looked at the pounced figure with playfulness in his eyes.

Then he saw...

...his "absolute defense" cracked.

The three steel-like sharp claws came down with the powerful arm of the man Kong Wu and touched the black Tis shield, but they were not blocked as Li Changcheng thought. On the contrary, the sharp blade sliced ​​through the pitch-black shield like a hot blade cutting butter, and with the beast-like roar of the bearded man, it penetrated the invincible Tis shield without any hindrance, and continued to move towards Li Changcheng unabated. Go face to face.

The playful smile on Li Changcheng's face froze within a few tenths of a second.

At the moment when he could hardly think, Li Changcheng hastily pulled away to dodge. The white light of the saber grazed his body and sliced ​​past, and blood flew out.

While he flew back, his face was still filled with astonishment and bewilderment.

The invincible Tis shield cracked?

How can it be! ?

That is the basis of the body composition of the ancient existence, the absolute defense beyond any creature or material in the world, whether it is high temperature or explosion, it can withstand the frontal bombing of heavy weapons.

The result is that such an invincible shield actually cracked?

By... paws? ? ?

Obviously, it is impossible for Director Li to have heard of the name of Edman alloy next But this thing is synonymous with toughness in the m house next door, even the physical body of the cosmic **** has no skills or divine power to protect the body also get hurt.

And the metal in Wolverine's body is the strongest grade among Adamantium alloys. Even the invincible horse gourd cover of the US team has been pierced by Wolverine's claws, and its sharpness can be seen.

Something is wrong!

Li Changcheng drew back quickly, and at the same time he opened his palm, a mass of darkness was immediately released from his body. The Tis Shield changed into a sword-like shape in an extremely short moment, held in Li Changcheng's hand, cut a dark arc and swept towards the neck of the oncoming Wolverine.

Youdao is one inch long and one inch strong. Although Wolverine makes the first move, his claws are limited in length. Li Changcheng's weapon had the advantage of the length of his hand, and his sword cut off the trajectory of Wolverine's attack. In this way, before Wolverine's sharp claws swung, the sword would definitely cut off his head first.

The Teth shield is the strongest material. When used as a shield, it is an invincible shield, but when used as a sword, it will cut iron like mud, and nothing can stop it.

However, I saw that Wolverine ignored it, still roaring like a wild beast, and swiping his sharp claws, as if it was a tactic of exchanging blood for blood that hurt both sides.

Li Changcheng was shocked.


No more heads?

The brief absence made him miss the opportunity to change his moves. The blade constructed by the Tis Shield accurately pierced through the neck, but after a short penetration, it ran into an unbreakable resistance with a "clang" sound of gold and iron.

Li Changcheng was shocked inwardly.

The invincible blade built by his Tis shield got stuck?

Used by... the neck? ? ?

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