Start with Batman

Chapter 175: Tis shield


Uncontrollable astonishment clearly flashed across Li Changcheng's face.

The aircraft carrier of Secret Service Nine is supposed to be the safest place in the world. As a result, this guy just came in and out casually, and actually ran directly into the captain's office—even when the captain himself was in it...and even against the infection with one of their highest levels. The face of an event specialist.

Even by Batman's standards, this is undoubtedly another refresh of his arrogance. If this ship is a flying tomb, then this wave of operations is definitely no different from a tomb, and it is almost arrogant to a certain level.


The electronic sound of the verification was passed, and the metal door slid open. The man walked in swaggeringly, and the automatic door closed behind him with a clatter.

Detective Luo Yajun, who had been snatched from the ship not long ago and was supposed to be wanted, was holding a shotgun in his hand at the moment, and the muzzle of the gun was locked on Li Changcheng's head.

Li Changcheng: "..."

All right, not only broke into the captain's room in front of the captain, but also brought a most wanted criminal, plus one star for the level of arrogance.

When the automatic door closed behind Luo Yajun, Li Changcheng's eyes stopped on the door for a moment, and then he said slowly: "Then I guess, the door lock system has been hacked by you, and so must the surveillance system.

Thank you for hacking in. The systems in this room operate completely independently, and I can barely imagine how you did it..."

"Need to say?" Luo Yajun grinned, "'Because he's Batman'."

Now Luo Yajun feels a bit like shaking his elder brother and leading the team, he has straightened up a lot, and he has more confidence in his speech.

Li Changcheng ignored him, his eyes were still on Batman.

"How did you notice it was mine?" he asked.

In fact, before this, Chu Cheng was not 100% sure that Li Changcheng was the person they were looking for, but now he was completely sure. And even more foolproof, they recorded video and audio as evidence.

Instead of answering his question, Batman threw another question back.

"What is the 'Pretti Project'?"

"Ah, so that's it. So you found my place, good. You slipped in without making a fuss - avoiding setting off the alarm, of course - and checked my private server.

I bet you found nine other places like everyone else, right? Like Minister Hercules' safe house, and old guy Miyazaki's laboratory? "

He guessed really well. It was the records in Miyazaki's old thief's laboratory that first made Chu Cheng discover the clues. The records showed that Professor Miyazaki was busy preparing an arrest plan for several of their super agents.

At first, this made Chu Cheng think that he was the mastermind behind the old thief's showdown, but it turned out that he was not. The old thief was only carrying out an order, and the person who ordered it was Li Changcheng.

Many of the following things, including the evidence of the falsification of Luo Yajun's shooting video, were also later discovered in a private server in a secret attic of Li Changcheng.

Luo Yajun looked at him coldly.

So it was him, it was always him.

No wonder they are always hitting a wall, and it is no wonder that they are always unable to come up with effective measures and establish an effective system in the face of continuously changing circumstances.

Because the thief ship of the lunatic asylum is real and abstract. Even if the winery next door is leaking like a sieve, at least it is leaking from the bottom, but the broken ship of the madhouse is even better, it leaks from the top.

No wonder the lunatic asylum eats jujube pills.

"I guess you must be recording, which is good." Li Changcheng said slowly, "Because then I will explain the ins and outs to you in front of the camera.

A story about how a person fell, how he accepted the bewitchment of an unknown existence, and got to where he is today. Oh by the way, don't forget to give you a detailed account of my evil think this is what's going to happen right? "

Luo Yajun couldn't bear to listen any longer, so he pulled the trigger directly—if the gun he conjured up in his hand could be regarded as having a trigger to pull.

Although he does have a lot to ask, there are still many things that need to be explained. But rather than expecting that the other party will answer every question, he still prefers to give it to someone before asking questions.

There are also skills in interrogating this thing, and one of the skills is that the fist is big enough. It will be much better to give a call first and then ask questions.

The shotgun was fired, like a miniature version of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart and flying towards Li Changcheng.

But failed to hit.

At that moment, for a short moment that could not even be seen clearly by the human eye, a mass of pitch-black matter was released from Li Changcheng's body.

At first, it seemed that some kind of liquid seeped out from every pore of his body and every fabric fiber of his clothing, and flew out of his body in mid-air.

Then it solidified quickly, like shaped clay, kneaded into a shield-like arc shape. All the bullets hit the shield, and the deformed bullets bounced back.

Luo Yajun showed a look of astonishment.

What is this thing?

The second the shot was fired, Batman also moved.

The power armor provided him with superhuman physical strength, and the dark knight turned into an afterimage and flashed to the opponent's side.

In fact, Chu Cheng should be regarded as predicting Agent Luo's shooting, and he manipulated Batman to take action the moment before he pulled the trigger. The moment the bullet hit, Batman just fell into place, and he punched Li Changcheng sideways with his fist.

Although I don't know what kind of strange ability Li Changcheng used to resist the shotgun, but being attracted by the firepower is bound to distract him. Under such circumstances, there is also the effect of increasing the movement speed of the armor, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to respond to this punch in time.


It was like the muffled sound of metal armor.

Batman's punch was stopped.

It's that weird substance again. It penetrates the body like a liquid and comes out of the body, but it is as indestructible as steel. Batman's fist slammed firmly on the barrier, and the power structure of the gauntlet hissed and hummed, but it couldn't shake the defense at all.

In the next second, a lightning-like mark suddenly jumped out of the opponent's head. The eye-catching bright red means that you can't parry but can only defend, and even with Batman's six-fold accelerated reaction ability, there is still only a fleeting opportunity.

Chu Cheng's hand speed exploded, and Batman immediately retreated. The leg armor structure works, the power pours from the boots, and Batman pulls away and flies back.

Almost at the moment when he backed away, a pitch-black barb suddenly popped out from the pitch-black curved baffle. The moment the stab came out, there was a piercing gust of wind, and Batman avoided it in a thrilling manner.

At this time, Luo Yajun had changed his position again, and the gun in his hand had changed from a shotgun to a machine gun. Countless bullets burst out of the chamber at a super high rate of fire, and were stretched into an arc as Luo Yajun moved rapidly.

But with the movement of his position, UU Reading The defense line of the opponent is also changing accordingly.

I saw that the curved black baffle quickly changed from solid to liquid again, and in an instant that was so short that it was almost negligible, it was also quickly elongated along an arc as Luo Yajun moved.

Machine gun bullets splashed continuously along the arc-shaped baffle, and the stray bullets blew up the decorations on the desktop to pieces, and the glass shards of the monitor splashed everywhere. Warheads clanged and danced on the floor and walls, but only the pitch-black defense line could not even see a single scratch.

Li Changcheng stood calmly in the middle of the self-defense material, with his hands behind his back, as if he had a high-profile air, as if the dense rain of bullets had nothing to do with him.

"It has nothing to do with my will. No matter what kind of attack I receive, it will automatically respond. It is an impenetrable line of defense."

Li Changcheng said with a smile.

"It is the basic substance that constitutes the skin of some supreme ancient existence. I call it the 'Tis shield'. It is a substance that surpasses all materials in this world. Nothing in the world can harm it, even if it is ..."


Luo Yajun put his hands together and deformed again. A rocket bombarded with all its strength, taking advantage of the opening of the other party's speech, to hit the face head-on.

The sound of the explosion shook the sky, the floor was lifted, the desk was thrown to one side, and everything in the room was blown into a sieve by shrapnel.

However, when the impact swept past and the smoke dissipated, the wall made of black material lay in front of Li Changcheng, still unscathed.

Most of the rooms in front of the line of defense are riddled with holes, while everything in the rear is safe and sound. Li Changcheng didn't even mess up his hairstyle, and there wasn't even a speck of dust on his body.

"As I said." Li Changcheng smiled slightly, "Nothing in this world can hurt it."

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