Start with Batman

Chapter 152: you better count again

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The situation in the lunatic asylum is certainly not optimistic. The sudden change in the ruins blinded them, and the only thing they could rely on to guide them was the radiation monitoring equipment. It is estimated that the team that Agent Luo is leading now should also meet halfway along the direction of radiation.

Today, the lunatic asylum team is also a bit difficult. Originally, there was one big daddy and one wild daddy in the team, but just after entering the door, the big daddy followed the wild daddy and got lost. The two were exchanging acting skills, while swiping their WeChat steps in the wild. After a while, Agent Luo had to bring a bunch of super soldiers to fight with others. What kind of suffering is this?

Soon, a small team was separated from the group of people in the pharmaceutical factory, and they set off on the road with their bags on their backs.

From the conversation just now, it is obvious that this group of people should have just discovered Agent Luo Yajun through their eyes, and this group of people rushed to dig a hole to ambush.

Detective Luo was called Little Gordon, and he was considered half of Chu Cheng's own people in the lunatic asylum if he rounded it up. So Batman followed the team quietly.

Master: Trailing.JPG.

When they arrived at the designated location, the team leader carefully studied the map in his hand, combined with the information on which road the nine agents would appear from and the environmental conditions shown on the dynamic map, he quickly finalized several points with a wave of his hand.

The team immediately dispersed. The team members scattered in groups of twos and threes and went to the designated points to set up concussion mines.

Chu Cheng first found the last team. Batman lowered his body, stepped forward silently, and got behind the two of them.

At this moment, one of them had just pulled out what they called a concussion mine from his backpack, and the other was surveying for a suitable place to place the mine.

Batman approached behind them, and directly pressed his head with a wave of his big hand. The two people's foreheads were shaken, and they fell to the ground without moving.

After finishing a group, Chu Cheng didn't stop for a moment, and immediately manipulated Batman to continue his actions.

After knocking out the two, Chu Cheng randomly selected one of them, scanned and obtained a full set of data from the person's face, uniform and weapons to height and body shape through Batman's perspective. The data information was quickly uploaded to the holographic camouflage module of the Batman armor. After the data was updated and the modeling was completed, he directly chose to restart the system.

The holographic module was activated quickly, and a light blue light effect rolled over. Within three seconds, Batman had changed from the shape of a dark knight to the soldier lying unconscious on the ground.

"His name is Dave Arden, sir." Friday identified the man just in case.

He changed into a new vest, which not only made it easier to mix in, but also made his actions more convenient.

In this way, the fault tolerance rate of the action becomes higher, and even if someone sees them suspicious, they will not be seen through immediately. So Batman wandered around, and the whole team was penetrated from the back row without anyone noticing.

Since the communication in the underground ruins was also disturbed, no one noticed that something was wrong until Chu Cheng finished his work.

In the end, only the leader of the mine-burying team barely set up the mines. After I got it done, I came back to take a look, and I was stunned, where are the labor and management teammates?

Realizing that something was wrong, the leader turned around again, only to see a black bat stuck to his face. He was taken aback, and hurriedly exclaimed: "Wait...wait a minute..."


Dizzy with one punch.

Finally, remove the mines set by the team leader, and it will be completely over.

A moment later, a certain soldier assigned to the frontline guard post hurried back from the front. Chu Cheng reckoned that he had observed the whereabouts of the nine teams and rushed back to report.

After all, if the modern communication equipment is down, everyone can only return to the most primitive way, human flesh communication.

The scout ran halfway when a figure flashed in front of him. Before he could even see clearly, he was punched, and packed up with other teammates to meet Duke Zhou.

Then Agent Luo Yajun arrived as scheduled with a team of nine agents.

They traveled unimpeded all the way, and no one even noticed that someone was trying to dig a hole for them.

Not only that, but Chu Cheng also took care of a few ghouls that spawned along the way. So Agent Luo literally drove straight in, and drove all the way to the previous cave without encountering any resistance.

The two teams met head-on, and each was taken aback when they saw each other.

The lunatic asylum was surprised that they ran so deep underground that they could still bump into others. Tomb robbers have been so wild these days, have they dug graves here?

The pharmaceutical factory was also taken aback. It’s okay that the teammate with the concussion mine just went around and hasn’t returned yet, and the scouts have all gone to fight StarCraft, right? Why is there no movement on everyone's face?

So the two sides immediately drew their guns and pointed at the opposite side like a conditioned reflex, and the atmosphere immediately became tense.

During this period, Chu Cheng was not idle.

Just after clearing the obstacles ahead, Batman has already circled back to the direction of the cave. He approached from the dark, and then the holographic simulation system was activated, and he transformed into the Dave he had copied before, and quietly blended into it.

The emergence of the Secret Service Lunatic Asylum caused brief chaos. Everyone present stopped what they were doing and took up their weapons and approached the nine agents.


In the chaos, as soon as Batman catches one, the high-voltage electricity on the glove will stun one if it catches one, and catch one accurately. Three times, five times and two times, he had already knocked down four in an instant.

"Calm down, all."

Siegel, who led the team from the pharmaceutical factory, walked out of the queue and gestured to his subordinates not to fire.

During the period, Batman stunned another one in the last row.

Siegel looked at Luo Yajun and said calmly: "Honestly speaking, you are starting to impress me, Agent Luo. I guess the mine squad and pre-sentry sent to meet you have already been discovered and eliminated by you." ?”

When Luo Yajun heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then after recollecting it, he was furious: "Damn, you actually dug mines for labor and management, right?"

While speaking, his hand has changed into the shape of a machine gun and pointed at the other party.

Siegel: ?

Wait a minute, didn't they kill the advance team?

Where did they go?

At this point Batman is still outputting. He covered his mouth and stunned one, and the classic sneak attack with a knife, and then approached the next target with small movements as if nothing had happened while facing Dave's face.

The smell of gunpowder between the lunatic asylum and the pharmaceutical factory is becoming more and more intense, and the arrow is on the string, and it may start at any time. Few people have the time to look behind them while they're being pointed at by a dozen black holes, which creates room for Batman to act.

Of course, the master's completely silent ninja-like action is also an essential part. His footsteps were lighter than a cat's, and he made no sound.

Batman is killing it.

"You have thirty seconds to explain who you are." Luo Yajun said bluntly Everyone seemed to be breathing heavily. Everyone's finger was on the trigger, waiting for a word from the leader or a gunshot before they would act immediately.

At this point Batman brought down another one.

Batman has dominated the game.

There was also a bit of an accident during the period. This time, the person Batman approached lightly and slowly turned his head around suddenly—Chu Cheng couldn't figure out how this person dared to distract himself and turn his head when the two sides were about to open fire if they disagreed.

But in any case, the man turned his head, and when he saw that his teammates had fallen in a mess behind him, he instantly showed a look of surprise and bewilderment.

But before he could make any sound, a batarang hit his body. Batman rolled forward with a step, caught his body just before he was about to fall, and put him on the ground soundlessly.

Batman is already super god.

"Don't get excited, Agent Luo, we shouldn't be enemies." Siegel said, "And I know you're definitely not in good shape all the way here.

We have more people than you, and more ammunition than you, so you can’t get any cheaper if you really do it..."

"There are more people than us?"

Luo Yajun's tense and serious expression seemed to have finally stopped, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Siegel showed a puzzled expression.

"Seriously?" Luo Yajun suppressed a smile, "You'd better count again."


Siegel turned his head and saw his teammates lying all over the ground behind him, and couldn't help but petrify instantly, his mouth gradually opened uncontrollably, and his whole body split in place.

Siegel: ? ? ?

Siegel: ? ? ? ? ? ?

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