Start with Batman

Chapter 148: you again

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Chu Cheng was sure that he was not mistaken, it was indeed Leng Ji.

Even if the face can be mistaken, the body cannot. Especially his head-to-toe Tokyo foodie look is so recognizable that it is almost impossible to admit a mistake.

Immediately after he appeared, a QTE prompt popped up on the screen, reminding the player to click the left mouse button. Chu Cheng exerted all his strength, and Yiyang finger exploded with full power, and his finger almost left an afterimage.

But seeing that Batman reacted quickly with his connection points, his elbow joint slammed into Leng Ji's chest and abdomen behind him again and again.

"Shouldn't this guy have already been killed?" Chu Cheng was puzzled for a while.

"Facial recognition showed it was indeed Agent Leng Ji," Friday's response, "and the vital signs scan showed exactly the same."

This is unreasonable.

Leng Ji had already died, and Chu Cheng was there at that time... Well, that's not accurate, it should be said that his remote control character was there at that time.

He watched Leng Ji's tentacles penetrate the heart by itself, completing self-destruction. A detective mode scan confirmed that all his vital signs were zero, and that he was dead, whether he was an infected or a phantom.

But now he is clearly here, alive and kicking, and trying to strangle the neck of Chu Cheng's remote-controlled Batman—or to be precise, in the eyes of the other party, "Agent Snake".

But obviously, Leng Ji encountered some unexpected problems.


The image of Batman whose throat was strangled flickered briefly, and the holographic effect seemed to be affected by the close-to-body fight.

It's very detailed, but Leng Ji noticed it. At the same time, what he noticed was that the opponent's strength was also unexpected, and the elbow hit on his lower abdomen caused a lot of impact even with the armored skin cushioning it.

Caught off guard, he almost let go of his arm.

In fact, from Leng Ji's perspective, he completely regarded this little agent as a trash. According to the original plan, he should have instantly killed this trash fish with the momentum of a thunderbolt, and then immediately turned his head and flanked those black strange species to take down Liang Ye.

But he seems to have gnawed on a hard bone.

Another white shadow quickly flashed out of the darkness overhead. The slender and graceful figure descended from the sky, and two white silk threads stuck to Leng Ji's back with a snap. Taking advantage of the moment when he was hit by an elbow, he pulled hard, and immediately pulled him back a few steps.

Spider Gwen.

Now that the number of heroes in the team has expanded, of course Chu Cheng will not only arrange for Batman to go out alone for such a task. The substitutes in his team today include not only Gwen but also Spiderman. If the situation is not good or the situation seems to be out of control, he can immediately switch perspectives, and if necessary, he can even directly play doubles with the Spider duo.

Gwen and Spiderman's abilities are almost the same, and they are currently Chu Cheng's trump cards in individual combat alongside Spiderman.

Leng Ji let go of his arms, and the escaped Batman immediately turned back under the AI ​​control and swept his lower body down with a sweeping leg. Leng Ji tilted his body and lost his balance. At the same time, Gwen pulled hard, and Leng Ji fell halfway and was dragged away by the volley.

A tentacle suddenly popped up from behind Leng Ji, stabbing at Gwen like lightning. However, Chu Cheng had already pressed the defense button, and Gwen swung his upper body slightly to avoid the sharp tentacles, then kicked Leng Ji into the air with a flying kick, and then jumped up himself, flying in mid-air. Several white afterimages were drawn, fists and feet intersected in mid-air, with a graceful and swift figure, Leng Ji spattered blood and scattered debris.

Leng Ji, who had eaten a series of combos firmly, fell to the ground like a dead pig, rolling and hitting a stone wall. Gwen Yang's two webs of spider webs stuck to his left and right sides, and both arms exerted force at the same time, pulling the spider webs back violently.

The two spider silks were like stretched springs, and under the astonishing arm strength and the strong elasticity of the spider silks, they pulled her whole body flying out, and kicked her feet together on her chest.

Leng Ji opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of old blood, Kaihua's skin cracked, and fragments flew out. At the same time, the stone wall behind him cracked unbearably, Leng Ji flew out between countless gravel and soil clods, and fell towards the endless black cliff below.

But at the moment of snapping his fingers, a tentacle shoots out from behind him, covered by the darkness, dust and the crackling sound of the stone wall, wrapping around Batman's ankle very covertly. The impact caused by Gwen's kick on Leng Ji also indirectly affected Batman, dragging him down as well.

Liang Ye on the side seemed to want to save him, but was blocked by the last three strange monsters left in front of him. He couldn't break free from the fight with the three weirdos for a while, but it seemed that he still had no intention of summoning the phantom.

This made people start to wonder if this person was in a hurry to go out today, and only slapped his head when he reported on the scene. If it's broken, my phantom has forgotten home, so no one will find out if I paddle, right?

Of course, that's what Chu Cheng noticed later. He's busy fighting with people right now, so he doesn't have time to think about what's going on.

Batman was dragged down by Leng Ji, and punched Leng Ji with a volley. Leng Ji raised his hand to parry, and the moment his fists and palms intersected, the image on "Snake" appeared momentarily distorted, just like the image when the signal reception is poor.

Leng Ji frowned: "You are not an agent of the Ninth Office. You are... erh!"

The words were only halfway through, when a powerful high-voltage electricity came from the fist that was caught by him. The tingling feeling rushed straight to the top of the sky, and this familiar and wretched atmosphere of the underworld immediately made the figure of a certain old silver coin appear in his mind.

"Holographic mode is released."

The false illusion disappeared, revealing the gray-black tight armor and bat-shaped helmet. He punched Leng Ji in the palm of his hand, the current was raging, and the cloak fluttered.

Leng Ji Tong Kong shrank.'s you again! bat!

After he was killed in the spring, he still squatted down to guard the corpse. After he was done, he changed his vest and opened a trumpet, and he Nima still chased him.

Leng Ji feels like he's going to throw up now, wondering whether he ate his bat rice or killed his bat parents, is he chasing after him like this?

I don't know if it was because of the electric shock or because of other reasons, but now he is numb again.

And at the same second they fell, Gwen's movements from Chu Cheng's perspective didn't stop.

Gwen shot out, turning into a white afterimage, and the two spider threads caught up with the falling two as soon as they were pulled.

Leng Ji was dizzy with a high-pressure punch from Batman. He tilted his neck and tilted his head, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw a pair of long legs with tight curves flying towards him like a whip. Tons of strange force hit his body, and this kick almost didn't dry out his armored skin.

He swung his fist and tried to counterattack Batman, but the punch was only lightly pushed away by the opponent, and two more punches hit the face.

The tentacles behind him tried to fight back against Gwen, but Gwen shot out the spider silk and pulled it, and his figure swayed lightly in mid-air. An elegant somersault nimbly avoided the tentacles, and a spider silk hit Leng Ji again. The body, like an overwhelming huge arm, burst out along the spider dragged Leng Ji back to the front, and then kicked and flew back to Batman after three consecutive strikes, followed by another blow Send a high-pressure bat punch.

A set of free fall combos was completed, and then Gwen swung away with a spider thread, and Batman's cloak flew aside, leaving the thing to hit the ground upside down.

Batman and Gwen landed to one side, one left and one right.

I saw that Leng Ji, whose face was smashed to the ground, was still struggling. He twitched his fingers twice, and stood up again with great difficulty but tenaciously.

His legs and feet were trembling, his steel-like skin was peeling off, and there were large patches of blood red all over his body. His right leg joint and arm have been misplaced, and his neck seems to be twisted and unable to return, but he still climbed up tenaciously, staring in the direction of Batman fiercely.

"Uh...he seems to hate you." Gwen turned to Batman.

Batman remained expressionless, as if he hadn't heard.

The fragmented injuries made Leng Ji dull for half a second before he noticed the "Didi" indicator light flashing twice on his chest. He looked down and found that a small metal device had been pasted on his chest at some point, with a flashing indicator light on it, and a bat was drawn in the center.


The fire burst out instantly. It was an extra bat bomb in the arsenal after Batman's equipment was upgraded, and it was more powerful than the blasting bat darts in the past. Leng Ji was blown over on his back, and his whole body rolled like a ball far away, limp and motionless on the ground.


Gwen clapped her hands and stood up, extending a hand to Batman in a high five.

"A high five?"

Batman ignored her.

The spider girl withdrew her little hand resentfully: "It's so cold."

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