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Chapter 142: ultimate power

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"A contingency plan for the Phantom?"

Chu Cheng sat at the dining table while eating the breakfast made for her on Friday, while watching the meeting at the Ninth Office last night.

Especially seeing that the plan Li Changcheng mentioned seemed to be known only to him and the old thief Miyazaki, Chu Cheng couldn't help feeling a little subtle.

Although Li Changcheng didn't say what it was, the tone of the atmosphere felt like a pretty powerful plan. He had a premonition that the madhouse seemed to be about to hold back a big move, and it might not be easy to know this part of the secret...

"I believe Chairman Li Changcheng is referring to the 'Ultimate Power' plan."

Commenting on Friday when the video comes up here.

Chu Cheng: "..."

Well, it looks like that's all for top secret.

"Ultimate power?"

Chu Cheng repeated the term, thinking that this group of people really didn't have much creativity in project naming. This kind of name that wanted to put words like "Strong Invincible" on his face somehow reminded him of words like Jushan Super Power Ba.

"Considering the limited role that ordinary special agents and conventional armed forces can play against phantom-level enemies, Professor Miyazaki proposed the establishment of a special emergency team to use the most elite forces to fight against opponents of the same level. ’ explained Friday.

Chu Cheng frowned in thought.

He seems to have heard similar words somewhere...

"The idea of ​​this plan is to gather talented agents and concentrate superior forces to deal with enemies that may be difficult for them to deal with individually." Friday said, raising his head, "It's described in the introduction."

Chu Cheng: "..."

Well, he has definitely heard this sentence.

So the lunatic asylum is going to pull up its own team of Avengers?

Chu Cheng's expression suddenly became a little weird.

Then this trick of braised eggs next door is even more familiar. It cannot be said to be a classic old way, but it can only be said to be a perfect replica.

Back then, when Braised Eggs faced the situation where superhumans and aliens were springing up everywhere like mushrooms after a spring rain, they might also have discovered that the high-tech equipment that Aegis is proud of performed so well in front of various extraordinary affairs. Then, as the saying goes, to defeat magic with magic, the best way to deal with superpowers is also a superpower team, so the prototype of the great Avenger was born.

But when the Avengers next door were established, there were gods and monsters, tanks, shooters, shooters, mages, mages. But Chu Cheng really couldn't think of any trump card that the madhouse could have.

When I opened the file from Friday's hack, there were only a few names on the list.

Chu Cheng took a closer look and saw the old acquaintance at first sight. Agent Luo Yajun, a special person with extreme physical strength and a simple mobile arsenal, has excellent fighting ability and weapon use skills... Well, honestly, Chu Cheng is not too impressed with the excellent skills part. For him, Agent Luo left him with the impression of Gordon the Madhouse.

And then there's Agent Fana of Secret Service Nine with the first controllable Phantom. Although her phantom can fight, she is still a young girl. In addition, Chu Cheng also suspects that she has some mental problems, and always feels that she is somewhat unreliable.

Of course, that seems a little unfair. After all, this place is known as a lunatic asylum, and it is embarrassing to say that it is in it without any mental problems. Anyway, it seems to Chu Cheng that many of the people in there are mentally ill, it's just a matter of difference.

The third place on the list is highlighted in red. This person's name was Liang Ye. When he clicked on the details page, the first thing he saw was a file photo with a firm face.

The one in the photo appeared to be a middle-aged man. He has brown hair and a short beard. It's not because of his eyes but his expression that he looks very energetic. His confident and contagious smile is fixed in the center of the camera.

"Liang Ye, the driver of the phantom. Ability assessment: extremely dangerous."


The pole star, another time zone, night.

The moon hung in the dark night sky, silvering the jungle and mountains. The cold wind blew through the forest, causing a soft rustling sound.

The night mist filled the valley, bringing a hint of coolness. The moon hung indifferently on the edge of the sky, and there was hardly any starlight other than that. The night was deep and cold, extending to the endless beyond.

The sound of motorcycles pierced the silence of the night, and a figure riding a bicycle appeared at the end of the road. The motorcycle stopped at the intersection with the roar of the engine, and the traces of the building could be vaguely seen in the dark shadows ahead.

He came to a village.

The interlacing of mist and darkness obscured the sight to the greatest extent, the black houses were scattered in a thin layer of shadow, and the air was filled with a rotten smell like something.

Liang Ye stopped the car and strode towards the village in the fog.

Soon the first figure appeared in the thick fog.

An old man fishing. He looked at least seventy or eighty years old, with wrinkles all over his face and empty and cloudy eyes.

He was sitting by the river at this time, as if staring at the river in a daze.

"Hey, old man, how is the harvest today?" Liang Ye greeted warmly with a smile.

The old man turned his head slowly, mechanically looking in the direction of the outsider.

"A question, is this Luoping Village?"

The old man still looked at him indifferently, like a silent sculpture.

"Really? Ha, it looks like I've found the right place." Liang Ye still smiled, "I want to borrow a night here tonight, is it okay?"

The old man was still sitting there quietly, watching him silently.

"Really? Hahaha that's great, then I'll bother you tonight."

Liang Ye waved at him, continued to walk inside, and left a last sentence.

"Thank you, I wish you a big fish!"

After speaking, he strode away. In the end, the old man just sat by the river, his head rigidly chasing after him until his back disappeared into the thick fog.

The old man: "..."

Except for the old man at the door, the whole village seemed very empty. The dark buildings stood one after the other, like ghosts standing quietly in the dark, sizing up the outside guests with malicious eyes.

There is no light source leaking from any of the buildings, and the whole place is like a ghost village, as if it has long since died.

Liang Ye walked to the door of one of the buildings and knocked on the door.

"Is anyone home?"

No reply.

"Then I'm going in."

As soon as he stretched his arms, the wooden door panel snapped open in front of him, accompanied by the sound of the bolt breaking and falling to the ground.

Liang Ye entered the door carelessly, and soon saw two figures inside the room. An old man and an old woman stood in the darkness like silent puppets, looking at him with gloomy eyes.

"Yo, hello grandpa and auntie."

Liang Ye showed a very contagious sunny smile.

"Sorry for breaking your door. Damn, I thought there was no one inside, why didn't you make a sound inside..."

The two old men still looked at him There seemed to be a faint twinkle in their eyes.

"Nothing else, just passing by, want to ask for something to eat, and stay overnight." Liang Ye patted his chest, "Don't worry, it's not short of money. I will pay for the door bolt."

The two old men remained silent, still looking at him gloomyly.

"Ha, thank you very much! I heard that people in mountain villages are more simple and easy to talk, and it is true."

As he spoke, he took off his backpack and sat down in a dark corner of the room. While exercising his muscles and bones, he chattered endlessly: "You don't know, I am exhausted from this journey. This thing looks good, but it is actually heavy. My shoulders are sore..."

The two old men kept their gloomy positions and looked at Liang Ye in the shadows. And Liang Ye didn't seem to care about their silence and stares, from how he had traveled a long distance to how the village was a treasure land of geomantic omen, and what interesting sights he saw and heard on the road just now.


"Hey, why are you both standing?" Liang Ye laughed, "Find a place to sit, don't be too polite. It's not appropriate to stand..."

As if he had completely forgotten that he was the guest...or the one who broke into the door.

The two old men were silent for a while, then their gloomy and dull eyeballs rolled, and they looked outside.

At some point, the villagers had already appeared outside the house.

All of them looked weird, their expressions were as stiff as dead people, and their murderous gazes were like countless spears circling and shooting at this small house.

There was another moment of silence.

The two old men in the shadow finally seemed to be unable to bear it anymore and started to move.

They are ready to cook.

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