Start With a Fake University

Chapter 680: 200 billion pre-sales, creating miracles

  Chapter 681 Pre-sale of 200 billion yuan, creating miracles (seeking subscription)

   January 1, 2023.

New Year.

  Today, on the campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, there is no loud reading as usual, because today is a holiday.

The students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences must be very serious about studying when they should be studying, and when it is time for vacation, when it is time to play, these young people full of youth and vitality should also play. Play, by no means a nerd.

Of course.

  Some students may not want to play very much and want to continue to improve themselves, so they came to the school library early in the morning.

  Unconsciously, the bookship library is full again.

But fortunately, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences now has more than just the Bookship Library. There was a library on the old campus, as well as a library in the library. The total of the three libraries is basically enough. The students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences used it.

  In the early morning campus, couples enter and exit at the school gate.

The green area of ​​Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is very high, and there is also a park where the birds chirping constantly, and to the north of the school, there is a giant panda base. Where there are two giant pandas, it attracts many students every day. Let's go and see it, it's even passed early in the morning.

  This side of the apartment building.

  Ding Yue fell asleep and woke up naturally today.

  The new day of the new year, Ding Yue just wants to relax himself. After all, it is also a holiday day. As long as it is a holiday, sleep and wake up naturally, that is basically Ding Yue's standard configuration.

   "Principal, good morning."

After Ding Yue woke up, he heard Dabai say hello to him.

  Now Dabai has become more and more like a "person". Through continuous learning, it now communicates with its owner Ding Yue, and it has become acquainted with it to the point that it can no longer be acquainted with.

  For example, as soon as the owner wakes up, Dabai will report the weather conditions to the owner as soon as possible.

   "Principal, today is the first day of 2023, January 1st, the weather is fine, the temperature is 15 degrees Celsius, and it is cool. Please dress carefully to avoid catching a cold."

   Dabai reminded warmly.

   "Got it, Da Bai."

  Ding Yue smiled, and he felt warm in his heart when he heard such a warm reminder from Da Bai in bed together.

   "Unconsciously, this is another new year."

  Ding Yue got up, feeling that time has passed so fast, and then he came to the washing table and started to wash.

  "An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold is hard to buy an inch of time."

  Dabai came to the master Ding Yue and said such a poem.

  Ding Yue knew that because he was feeling that time was passing fast just now, Da Bai had just finished such a poem with himself.

  "Dabai, do you know what it means for an inch of time and an inch of gold, but an inch of gold is hard to buy an inch of time?"

  Ding Yue brushed his teeth, and looked at Da Bai with a dubious cry.

   "Principal, this poem means that an inch of time is as expensive as an inch of gold, but an inch of gold is difficult to buy an inch of time. It is a metaphor for time is very precious."

   answered Dabai.

After Ding Yue heard the words, he just smiled.

  For an artificial intelligence robot like Dabai, it is not too simple to understand what such a poem means.

  Because Dabai can obtain data and information from the Internet, it is natural to search for the meaning of such a poem.

  "Dabai, help me call Mr. An Yu Jia'an."

   After Ding Yue brushed his teeth and washed his face, he was about to go to the Five Canteen for breakfast.

  Accurately speaking, it should be lunch, because the morning time has passed, I hope there is still food in the cafeteria, otherwise, you can only wait for lunch.

   "Good principal."

  Dabai immediately called Mr. An Yu’s phone number.

  At this time, An Yujia was in the office. After seeing the phone call from Principal Ding, he immediately answered the call: "Hey, Principal Ding."

  Ding Yue, who was wearing clothes, said at the same time to An Yujia: "An, how about it. Last night, how did the traffic of our Feiyue home streaming media platform increase and how did the user increase?"

When   woke up, Ding Yue had two questions to ask.

  The first question is how the flow of users on this Feiyue home streaming media platform increased from 12 o’clock in the morning last night to today.

  As for the second question, it is Feiyue·Future sales of new energy vehicles.

  Ding Yue was not in a hurry, and asked one by one.

"President Ding, the traffic of our Feiyue home streaming media platform was very good last night. The increase in new users has exceeded 500,000. I think the most important one is the new song "Big Fish" by Lin Zhirou. And Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles are pre-sold on the Feiyue home platform."

  An Yujia replied.

   "Another 500,000 users have been added, which is not bad."

  Ding Yue is still very satisfied with this data.

  After all, my own Feiyue home streaming media platform has just started, and the resources of the above resource library are not enough. It is already very good to have such a new user increase.

  "President Ding, don’t you want to ask, how many pre-sales of our Leap·Future new energy vehicles already have?"

  An Yujia asked suddenly.

Because An Yujia had already guessed what President Ding wanted to ask when he called herself. Now that he has asked about the new users of the Feiyue home streaming media platform, he must also ask about the future of Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles. Sales situation.

A week ago, after the release of Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles, it became a super-hot new energy vehicle in China and even in the world. It even forced the two companies of Rice Technology Group and Warwick Technology Group to urgently announce their withdrawal from new energy vehicles. field.

  And today, a week later, at 12 o'clock in the morning, Feiyue Group opened the Feiyue·Future pre-sale channel on the Feiyue home streaming media platform.

   "Hahahaha, Mr. An, how do you know that I want to ask this."

  Ding Yue smiled faintly and said.

"My guess."

  An Yujia replied.

   "Let's talk about it, so far, how many pre-sales of our leap, future new energy vehicles have been made?" Ding Yue asked.

  "Good Principal Ding, as of ten o'clock this morning, our Leap Forward·Future New Energy Vehicles pre-sales volume has exceeded 500,000 units, and the pre-sales volume has exceeded 200 billion!"

  An Yujia admitted to report seriously.

"How many?"

  Ding Yue thought he had heard it wrong.

Because Ding Yue first predicted that the 200,000 Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicle chips he prepared at the National Core Technology Group were almost enough for pre-sales. As a result, he never expected that this was far from enough. what.

  Because the pre-sale volume exceeds 500,000 units, and the official price of a Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicle is 460,000 yuan, the total pre-sale value is naturally more than 200 billion.

   "That's not right, our leap, future new energy vehicles, isn't the state subsidy of 100,000 yuan, so if you count this, the pre-sales are not 200 billion, right?"

  Ding Yue thought of this suddenly and asked.

  As the country vigorously promotes new energy vehicles, major manufacturers’ new energy vehicles will be subsidized to varying degrees according to their energy consumption standards.

   is generally tens of thousands of dollars.

  But Feiyue·The future of this new energy vehicle, due to its strong endurance and battery characteristics, has extremely high energy efficiency, which can be said to be a perfect interpretation of what is called new energy!

   Therefore, in the end, the state gave Feiyue. The subsidy price of this new energy vehicle in the future is 100,000 yuan!

"President Ding, the subsidy is 100,000 yuan, which is also the state subsidy to our Feiyue Group. Consumers can buy a Feiyue·Future for only 360,000 yuan, but every one of our cars is still sold. Four hundred and sixty thousand yuan, of which the difference of one hundred thousand yuan is subsidized by the state, so it is also included in the pre-sales. As a result, our pre-sales exceed 230 billion."

  An Yujia still replied seriously.


  What Ding Yue just thought about did not include the 100,000 state subsidy.

  "The pre-sales amounted to more than 200 billion yuan. Has this created a miracle in our auto industry?" Ding Yue said very happily.

  Looking at the global car companies, after a new car is released, the pre-sales can exceed more than 200 billion in less than half a day. I am afraid that there is only Feiyue Automobile.

   The pre-sales of more than 200 billion yuan, after the car is delivered at that time, after taking into account the cost and the like, the profit will exceed 100 billion.

  Yes, Feiyue Group’s leap forward, new energy vehicles in the future, are basically negligible in terms of R&D costs and technical costs.

  Unlike other car companies, they have invested huge amounts of money in design and R&D technology costs, resulting in not so high profits.

  Ding Yue’s leap·Most of the cost of future new energy vehicles is actually the construction of automobile factories, the manufacturing process, the cost of material parts processing, and assembly processes.

   "This new energy car really makes money."

  Ding Yue couldn't help sighing inwardly.

In just half a day, I have pre-sold more than 200 billion yuan, with a profit of more than 100 billion yuan. Looking at the industries involved in my Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group, the most profitable is probably Feiyue·Future New Energy. The car is out!

  Before this, Ding Yue’s Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group were able to touch the tens of billions in the industry.

  But now it’s different, and it’s going straight for hundreds of billions.

  In the future, with the delivery of Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles, the word-of-mouth of car owners after using it continues to rise. I believe that the sales of Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles will continue to rise.

Not only that.

This is only the domestic market. In the future, it will definitely launch its own leap forward to foreign markets. Future new energy vehicles. Such high-performance new energy vehicles will not only have a domestic market that can be used, but also foreign countries. Even if Teas used their trump card technology to build a car, it would not be possible to beat Ding Yue's leap forward, a new energy vehicle in the future.

  With more profitable funds, Ding Yue can continue to invest his money in the development and construction of his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and can even engage in more large projects.

  "Principal Ding, our leap, future new energy vehicles are so popular that even many celebrities have ordered this car."

  An Yujia said to Principal Ding excitedly.

   Such a new energy vehicle market of hundreds of billions, which may even break through trillions in the future, is still the largest project managed by An Yujia, can you not be excited!

  "Oh? Who are the celebrities who have ordered our Leap·Future?"

  Ding Yue asked with a smile.

"For example, Wang Sicheng of Wang's Group, several well-known actors, Lei Renlei of Rice Technology Group, Xiong Tianqi of Warwick Technology Group, etc., have all ordered our Leap Future New Energy Vehicle. ."

  An Yujia replied.

These people are indeed relatively well-known figures, such as the son of the richest man, Mr. Wang, and Mr. Lei of the Rice Technology Group, well-known entrepreneurs, and well-known actors. They all ordered their own Feiyue Group's Leap·Future New Energy Vehicles. .

  In this way, Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles basically form a dominant position in China, and no one can shake it.

  At this time, Ding Yue wanted to take a look at the face of Kwong Xuejin Kwong Dong who used to be a powerful Penguin car!

   "Chief An, let's leap forward. The pre-sale of future new energy vehicles exceeds 500,000 units, and the pre-sale value exceeds 230 billion. Has it been revealed?"

Ding Yue asked An Yujia again.

  "Not yet. I have just finished sorting out the data on my side. Then, Principal Ding, you called and reported to you. Then I will arrange it?"

  An Yujia seemed to understand the meaning of Principal Ding.

  The pre-sale of more than 200 billion has created a brand new miracle, and it is a miracle that others will never be able to break. Wouldn't it be a pity not to publicize such a result?

Principal Ding just asked if he revealed the pre-sale results. The meaning is obvious, that is, to take advantage of this wave of publicity, so that the entire automobile market can see the leap and the miracle of the future, and let the consumers See how popular this leap forward new energy vehicle is.


  Ding Yue agreed.

  It is indeed An Yujia. He understands his own mind very well. Ding Yue doesn't even need to say, An Yujia knows what he should do.

  So he cares.

After finishing the phone call with President Ding, An Yujia immediately arranged the public relations department of Feiyue Media and used the resources of the Propaganda Department of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to release the news about the pre-sale of Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles of 200 billion yuan. Going As soon as this news came out, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group were basically not needed to contribute to the flames. For a while, as long as it is a netizen online, almost everyone can see this heavyweight headline.

   "Fuck! Overnight, sold for 230 billion?"

  "Pre-sale of half a million units!"

   "So awesome?"

  "The best-selling car in China can't sell so many in a month, right?"

  "Flying·Future, eternal God!"

   "In the large project of more than 200 billion yuan, I have contributed 360,000 yuan, and the subsidy of 100,000 yuan is really cool!"

  "Isn’t it four hundred and sixty thousand?"

  "The state subsidy price for this Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicle is 100,000 yuan, and it only costs 360,000 yuan to buy it."

  On the first day of the new year, the Internet was dominated by this over 200 billion project overnight.

  (End of this chapter)

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